The house is close to Karen's.

Zach would be suspicious if he didn't already know why the house was so close to his mother's- to them.

Gray enthusiastically hops out of the car and is all bounce as he trots up to the house. Zach trails behind more slowly, knowing that prolonging anything is not an option.

What would he know about options?

All he now knows is that adults decide everything for you and he can no longer be sure he likes that.

Especially when all decisions are with fists and bruises, broken bones- and none of those are good.

His father opens the door, grinning down at his youngest son, and steps back to let Gray shoot through the open space. Zach doesn't bother to move, watching his father listening to the fading footsteps as Gray scouts the house. Scott then turns to his eldest, and any pretence of delighted father is gone.

"I thought we spoke about this."

"Spoke about what?" Zach plays dumb.

His father scoffs.

"Believe it or not, you're smarter than that. You are my son, after all. Zach, I thought it was clear that you weren't going to say anything to anyone. Your mother- or him." Scott stumbles and spits over the last word- over Owen, and Zach wants to cringe and laugh at the same time.

He somehow does both, an undignified little noise that makes Scott raise an eyebrow.

"Owen. His name is Owen."

Zach finds it almost fascinating as the vein in his father's jaw throbs out a warning that he know should be heeded - but, can't seem to.

"What have you said?" His father's voice is loud, and Gray must hear it or wonder why they aren't coming in and has returned to investigate.

"What's going on?" Gray's voice is timid, and Zach watches carefully as their father slowly turns to his young son.

But Zach is not careful enough, or maybe it happens too quickly- or possibly that he cannot believe what he is witnessing- when his father slams Gray against the wall.

It is the squeal from Gray that unfreezes him, and activates big brother mode, because he is suddenly moving and his dad's shoulder is surrounded in his clenched hand and he is yanking him away from Gray and pushing him- and no amount of space is far enough as he stands in front of his brother, breathing heavily. From extortion or from the hot rage he feels pulsing through every vein, he doesn't know. Perhaps it is both. It consumes him, and he can barely see straight, but still manages to fix a glare on his father that shocks Scott into place.

"Don't ever touch him again. You got a problem, then you take it up with me. Not him." Zach is speaking in Owen's voice, and it seems to work as whatever fire was left in his father's eyes has disappeared. Zach can feel his brother trembling against his back, and knows that he's scared and confused. Zach wants to turn around and comfort him, but he knows what happens when you turn your back on animals.

His father finally speaks.

"Gray. Go to your room."

"No." Gray says quietly, but firmly. Zach's eyes slip close at the defiance.

"Go to your room, now."

"No dad. If you've got a problem with Zach or with Owen-"

"Right now I've got a problem with my child being disobedient."

Zach's eyes snap open, but he bites his tongue and instead turns half way to his brother, who's eyes are now shimming with tears.

"It's okay buddy. Dad just wants to talk to me. Are you okay?"

Gray is looking at him in disbelief. Knows that whatever his dad wants, it isn't just to talk.

"My head hurts, but I'm fine. But you won't be if-"

"Enough of this!" Their father snarls, and starts forward. But Zach is ready this time, and he turns back to meet his father. Scott attempts to push past, to reach Gray himself to hurl the boy to his room.

He doesn't make it past Zach.

And this time, all bets are off. He lifts his fist up and smashes it into his father's face.

Scott falls to the ground with a strangled, pained cry, and Zach wonders how he can deal blow after blow on him, but cant' take a single hit.

Zach turns to a gaping Gray, and says calmly and seriously,

"Go." It is an order, and Gray has never been able to disobey the older brother he adores. The older brother who has always had his best interests at heart.

Zach gives him a gentle nudge towards the door, and Gray only goes because he knows he will be more useful out of the way, and he doesn't want to be a distraction that could result in Zach being hurt.

"How dare you hit me?" Zach's eyes are torn away from Grey's retreating figure, and they widen slightly as Scott stands up, holding a hand to a dripping nose.

Zach smiles, but it is twisted, and ugly.

"I told you. I told you what would happen if you touched him."

"You made a big mistake," His father promises, stepping forwards again.

"Not as big as the one you are making." The voice is quiet in tone, but there is no mistaking the force behind it that carry and deliver the words strongly.

Scott stops, and blinks at Owen, and then at Zach, and then at Owen again.

Zach, too, is staring at Owen, who flicks his eyes once to his, and holds his gaze. Zach swallows, and sees everything in that exchange.

I am here. You are safe.

He sags, and Owen steps in front of him.

And then the relief is gone by the gravity that Owen is here- which means, he knows, which means-

He will never let this go. There will be more questioning, more prying, until Owen dredges and digs it back up, no matter how much Zach may try to bury it.

Which is what he does now, as all his focus is now on the scene unfolding before him.

"Zach, come on. Gray and Claire are waiting outside." Owen's head jerks towards the door, and Zach understands that he is to go forth under Owen's careful guard. He starts slowly, and Owen half turns and reaches out to grab his arm.

Zach flinches.

Owen stops. Looks at him. His face hardens, his eyes narrow and his teeth clench under the strain of holding back the words he wants to spew to Scott, and the action he wants to take. But he keeps still, and keeps his focus on Zach.

Zach sees this, and holds out his arm. Owen slowly reaches out again and takes it gently-like he does with one of the newborns.

Scott takes a step forward, and Owen moves, and Zach is suddenly back behind him, staring between his neck and shoulder and only just seeing his father.

"I was having a conversation with my son."

"Were you?" Owen deadpans and his dad sputters.

"Yes. So if you don't mind-"

"I do mind. And a conversation? Hardly." Owen moves Zach again and nudges him gently out the door. Zach sees Claire and Gray in the car, and then turns back as he realises Owen is not behind him. He moves back to the front door, ignoring the sound of a car door opening.

Owen and Scott are looking at each other, as if seizing the other up. Zach wonders what Owen sees.

He doesn't have to think about his father's thoughts, because he sees the hate and fear, how intoxicated he is by it.

"I'm not going to get into this now. I've got my kids to think about."

"Yours? They aren't yours and this is the problem- I wouldn't have to-" Scott stops suddenly, and Owen takes one menacing step forward. Scott scuttles back under it, and Owen smiles one of his dangerous smiles.

A charming one that invites you to tell the truth, that lulls you into the safety of spilling your secrets.

Only for Owen to suddenly turn on them, and they find themselves stuck as if a fly in a web, about to be devoured by the spider.

It's calculated, and precise.

And effective.

"You wouldn't have to what?"

There is a silence, and Scott locks eyes onto his oldest. Zach hears footsteps, and turns slightly as his aunt comes to stand beside him. He looks at her quickly, but she is too busy to notice him as she narrows her eyes at Scott. It is a look to make grown men quaver.

His father looks away.

"I'm quite interested in what you were going to say. What wouldn't you have to... do?" Owen cocks his head as he waits, and Zach feels as if he's going to sick up. Wonders why he hasn't. Perhaps because the weight in his stomach is too great for it to move anywhere but remain where it is?

He's sure Scott won't tell, and is proved right when Owen finally grows weary of the silence.

"You're lucky your sons and my wife are here. But make no mistake. This is not over. I'll return. Expect me." And then he turns, and Claire grabs Zach by the wrist and tugs him along with her as they hurry to the car. Owen comes beside Claire and puts a hand on her back, pushing her to move even faster.

Zach lets out a surprised gasp as someone latches onto his arm, and there is a flash of movement before the fingers that were gripping him have disappeared. There's a sound of flesh hitting flesh, and another grunt of pain from Scott similar to the one he had made earlier when Zach himself had punched him.

Owen says nothing, but stays behind Claire and Zach until they are in the car.

When the last door slams, the locks pop close, and the car jerks forward and screeches out of the drive way.

The silence lasts for seconds.

"So, what now?"