I want to play.

It was a calm day in Titans Tower. Raven sat relaxed on the sofa, calmly reading her book while the changeling played his play-station, his head resting on her lap. The position the pair had was quite common as of late and they both would be lying if they said they didn't enjoy it.

Beast Boy sighed as he lost the game and the big red 'GAME OVER' flashed over the screen, now he was bored. He put the controller down on the floor, which went unnoticed by Raven as he looked to her for entertainment. He stared up at the back of her book, slowly tracing the cover with his finger before speaking. "Raven… I'm bored." He pouted.

"I'm sorry." She told him unsympathetically. He continued to pout before smiling and reaching a hand up just to tap the tip of her nose. "Gar…" She said in annoyance.

"Play with me." He said sweetly and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm reading." She told him.

"You're always reading, come on, I want to play." He whined.

"Play your video game." She told him.

"I got tired." He huffed, before smiling and tapping her nose again. She rolled her eyes again and got up, closing her book and completely knocking him to the ground with a thud. "Oh come on Rae." He complained from the floor.

"What exactly do you want to play?" She asked putting her book down on the coffee table.

He got up and smiled. "How about… damsel in distress?" He asked cheekily.

"Do I dare ask how you play that?" She asked questionably. He grinned before walking towards her and grabbing her hips, quickly dipping her. "Gar!" She gasped.

"Well hello my damsel in distress." He sneered before leaning in to kiss her. But before he could a rope of black energy fell from the ceiling and wrapped around his ankle, swiftly pulling him up. "Really?" He huffed as he bounce awkwardly upside-down from the ceiling. Raven crossed her arms and smirked, before walking over to him and tapping his nose playfully.

"Hello my damsel in distress." She smiled.

"Rae." He whined.

"What, you're the one who wanted to play." She said cutely.

"Okay, okay, can you put me down now." He huffed.

She continued to smile as she slowly met him face to face. "I don't think I will." She told him.

"Well can I at least get a kiss." He whined.

"Of course, the damsel in distress always gets a kiss." She told him. He smiled and closed his eyes as she closed the distance between them, just to kiss the tip of his nose.

"Rae." He huffed in disappointment. "Come on, this isn't funny anymore."

"I disagree, I find this quite amusing." She smiled.

"Come on, I just want a kiss." He whined.

"Say please." She taunted.

"Rae, please kiss me." He pleaded. She smiled and tapped his nose again, causing him to wrinkle it in annoyance before she slowly leaned in and kissed him. He smiled happily against her lips as the common doors swiftly opened. Always quick Raven abruptly transported herself through the floor, this of course left Beast Boy alone, still hanging upside-down, but as she left so did her magic and Robin walked in just to see Beast Boy hanging from a black energy rope that suddenly disappeared, dropping Beast Boy onto the ground. "I hate it when she does that."