AN: okay so it's just a tiny little filler chapter. More plotty stuff will be up next chapter! Thank you all for continuing to support the story and please send in prompts for anything you would like to see. Thanks to pinksakura271 for this chapter's prompt, I hope you like it! Please leave a review for anything you have to say to me, about the story, or just anything in general. Happy reading!

Chapter 6: What an Asshole

As the two were walking back to the main body of the school, Jay's phone went off. The two boys looked at the device suspiciously, the only one that texted Jay was Carlos and they were right next to each other. The older boy opened the text to find it was from Ben.

Need backup, it read. Mal's about to deep fry Chad.

Carlos and Jay shared a look before tearing off in the direction of cafeteria. Whatever Mal had in store for Chad, Carlos prayed they got there in time. Or Chad would simply be a burn mark on the floor.


The cafeteria was strangely quiet when the two got there. Students were in hushed silence, watching the spectacle between Mal, Evie and Chad. Ben was currently between Mal and Chad, a fireball in the girl's hand. Doug had wrapped Evie in a protective hug, his eyes shooting daggers into Chad. Evie was close to tears, which shocked the reality of the situation for the villain kids. Evie never cried. None of them did. Sure there were a few sobs now and then, but never any tears. Carlos felt Jay's body tense up, and he had to hold the taller boy back. Jay struggled before giving in, but his body was still tense for a fight. Carlos tried not to think about the fact that he could feel Jay's taut muscles.

"You vile little cockroach!" Mal was shouting, fury controlled only by Ben pushing her back. "Apologize!"

"To whom?" Chad sneered. "Your pet harlot? Or to Doug, as she's brainwashed him?"

"Whoa! There's no need for that!" Ben pushed himself between the two.

Mal raised her fireball higher. "Apologize, Charming! Or I swear I'll blast you so hard-"

"You'll do what?" Chad laughed. "Try anything and I'll have it certain you're sent back to the island. You can't touch me."

Everyone stopped as Evie carefully walked over, heels clicking on the linoleum. The room went dead silent, everyone staring at the blue haired girl. She paused in front of Chad before decking the prince with a solid right hook. The boy went down clutching his jaw, groaning in pain. Evie simply smirked and whispered something in his ear that made the boy go pale.

"Jerk," she stated. "You all saw that, it was in self defense."

The other Auradon students couldn't help but nod in agreement. Slowly, Carlos released Jay when he felt the boy was no longer viable to break a few ribs. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mal's fireball fizzle out before she walked out of the lunchroom. Ben followed, grasping her hand and whispering something in her ear. Mal laughed at that. Carlos and Jay joined Evie, who was clutching onto Doug.

"What'd you tell him?" Jay prodded.

The girl just laughed. "Oh nothing. Just a reminder that I have picture proof of how tiny his dick is."