Hellllooo people! It's me Dragonfromheaven coming to you with a new story, already?! So what I'm on a crazed fanfiction spree right now and I can't stop, this should get really interesting what me Sora, and the pals are doing this time! So stick around. We will also hold off the bashing until we really get a feel of the characters and who's an extremist douche
Betas/Collaborators: HaretaSora, Jebest4781, DragonPony022, and Phoenixlord42
Uzumaki's Adventure!
Summary: Different twist on my Total Drama Uzumaki story. Now it starts in Revenge of the Island. Different kind of Naruto, different order of girls, all new drama!
Naruto x Harem (you already know)
Betas/Consultants: Jebest4781, HaretaSora
"We've been to the movies. We've been around the world. But this season we're going right back where it all started, At Camp Wawanakwa! I'm Chris McLean, and as you can see, things have changed since we've been away." The host identified as Chris said gesturing to the camp sign which broke down in a heap looking like it hasn't been fixed in years.
"By change, I mean it got really really dangerous here." Chris said taking a smoothly from a decent looking intern before a giant Octopus arm came out of the water and smashed the dock, drowning the intern while only leaving Chris slightly wet.
"BUT the rules of the game remain the same: A handful of unsuspecting teens will bunk with complete strangers, airing their dirty laundry in our outhouse confessional. They will also compete in life-threatening challenges all over the island if they fail they risk being voted off, they don't come back... ever, last person standing wins one... million... dollars! Speaking of our cast, here they come now!" Chris said waving towards the last season contestants before the boat completely missed them making him laugh.
"Um no, not them. Due to some stuff in the legal department, we are forced to give the cast of Seasons 1-3 a break with them finally being able to relax at Playa De Losers, all expensed paid. 'Especially with Courtney's lawyers' breathing down my neck.' So for this season, we got all new players fighting for the million, and here they come now for real this time!" Chris said pointing in said direction where they would show up. "Here we have all 20 contestants. That's right we have 20, we were supposed to only have 13-14 but the producers agreed that it was too short." Chris said starting to name off every person on the boat.
"Meet Jo!" Chris said as the first camper walked off the boat.
She had short dark blonde hair and blue eyes as she wore blue sweatpants and a dark grey sweater. Due to her choice in clothing you couldn't really make out her figure that much but if you looked close you could make out a bit of her bust.
"So what do you think of the island?" Chris said with a smirk as Jo raised an eyebrow at it.
"It's a dump but if I really have to stay here then no matter since I'm going to win this game!" Jo said with a smirk as Chris chuckled before the next camper walked off the boat.
"Scott, nice to meet you" Chris said as he looked over the underdressed boy. He had orange hair that was greased back as he only wore a dingy tank-top and baggy blue jeans.
"Yeah whatever just get me off this damn boat and could someone please give me some aspirin for this splitting headache?" Scott said as he rubbed his temples due to having been stuck talking to a talkative camper almost the entire boat ride.
Chris merely shrugged it off as he moved onto the next campers who had fallen off the boat together "Zoey and Mike, welcome to the game!" he said as the two campers stood up from the dock.
Mike had brown hair that was spiked up in the front with brown eyes. He had tan skin and wore a teal shirt and light blue jeans. He looked a bit nervous and disheveled as he looked around as if he was looking for someone or something.
Zoey on the other hand was what you could describe as almost a natural beauty due to the lack of makeup on her. She light brown eyes and vibrant red hair that was done in two pigtails with a pink flower clipped in it. Her figure was another reason for her natural beauty as her bust seemed to almost burst out of her red strapless shirt that almost looked like a corset while her pants seemed to be stretched a bit to hold in her rather large rear.
"Thanks for having me on! Hopefully everyone else is friendly" Zoey said with a smile as she jumped a bit, making her chest bounce a bit unintentionally.
"Y-Yeah, glad to be here" Mike said nervously with a chuckle before they moved to where the other contestants were.
"Next we have is Lightning!" Chris said as a boy jumped off the boat with a victory cry.
"Shabam! Lightning is here to win this game!" he yelled as he flexed his muscles and kissed his biceps before Chris got a clear look at him.
Lightning had dark brown skin with darker brown short hair as he wore a blue football jersey that had a bright yellow '1' on the front of it as he had dark grey cargo shorts.
"Well, go join the others and wait until we are done" Chris said as he pushed the jock away from the camera as he was hogging his time.
"And now we have Cadet Brick." Chris said as a boy walked off the boat and gave him a salute. The boy had black hair in a military style buzz cut as he wore a dark green shirt and jean shorts.
"Sir! I am glad to be on the show sir!" Brick said as Chris rose an eyebrow at him.
"Um, you're relieved?" Chris said unsure before Brick marched off towards the others.
'Don't know if I should keep him away from Chef or not.' Chris thought since he knows that Chef was honorably discharged from the army but still don't know how that will affect this one contestant.
"And here comes B and Dawn." Chris said shaking off the strange cadet as he saw the large boy come off the boat.
He had teal colored eyes and was easily as big as the former camper Owen with dark skin as he wore a dull red sweatshirt, a black jacket and blue shorts as his brown hair was kept inside a red hat that was turned back, with his eyes dulled as if he didn't want to be here.
"Wait where is Dawn?" Chris asked as he accidently interrupted B while he looked around for Dawn as she was just next to B a second ago before almost disappearing.
"I'm right here" a soft voice spoke out next to Chris as he jumped in shock to see Dawn standing right next to him.
Dawn was rather short with light blonde long hair and teal eyes that stared at him. She wore a dark green sweater with a teal collar of a shirt poking out it as she wore a black skirt and indigo stockings. Her skin was rather pale and her figure was petite due to her height.
"How did you get there?" he asked as Dawn looked at him confusedly.
"What do you mean? I've been here after I walked off with B" Dawn said as Chris shuddered but waved her off.
"J-Just go stand with the other campers" Chris said before he looked over to see Dawn already standing with him.
"L-Let's…Let's move onto Dakota!" he said still freaked out, before he smiled brightly and pointing towards the next contestant.
"Hi everyone! Nice to meet you" Dakota said with a smile as she took off her orange shaded glasses to reveal her green eyes.
Dakota had long almost golden blonde hair as she wore a light pink tight fitting spaghetti strapped shirt that exposed some of her cleavage and make her modest bust appear bigger as her darker pink skinny jeans made her rear look bigger.
"Nice to meet you to-" Chris started to say before Dakota hushed him.
"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the cameras" Dakota said with a huff as Chris turned around to see numerous paparazzi were behind him taking a multitude of pictures of her, before Chris frowned and threw a customized C4 towards them which detonated a part of the dock, sending them flying off the island.
"Why'd you have to do that!?" Dakota whined as Chris rolled his eyes.
"Just go stand with the other campers." Chris said with a strained smile as Dakota frowned but walked off towards the other.
"Yeah didn't want to deal with them if anyone was wondering. They are just too annoying if brought up too much." Chris said as he turned his attention back to the next contestant.
"Anyways now meet Anne Maria!" Chris said as he moved the camera back towards him and out of Dakota's hands before they moved towards the new camper.
Anne Maria had the looks of someone you would see in New Jersey with dark eyeliner that accented her dark eyes as she had dark pink lipstick on as well. Her skin had a dark tan as her black long hair was held up by hair-spray, which she was using at the moment. Her figure was the most endowed so far as her large bust was nearly bursting out of her tight pink tube top as her rear, which was larger than Zoey's, was barely held in her light blue jeans, just begging for some type of release from the restrictions.
"Hey Everybody~! Hope you can handle all of me~" Anne Maria said with a smile as she waved to the others before Chris cleared his throat with a cough as the hairspray she was spraying had drifted downwind towards him.
"P-Please g-go join the others" Chris said, barely able to get it out his lungs as the hairspray was making it difficult.
"N-Now meet Staci." Chris said as he continued to cough, not noticing the groan from the current campers.
"Hi, did you know my great-great-great grandfather invented docks. Before that people had to crash their boats into land. And before my great-great-great-great grandfather invented boats people just kind of floated on logs from one place to another. And before-" Staci said before Chris pulled out a roll of duct-tape to cover her mouth.
"Oh god I can finally hear my thoughts again" Chris said with a groan as he pushed her towards the other campers. "If any of you take that off I am going to throw you into the ocean" Chris threatened as the campers nodded along agreeing with his method as Staci was extremely annoying.
"Now where was I? Oh right Cameron." Chris said as the short boy walked off the boat. He had dark brown skin and was a tad shorter than Dawn with very short hair as he wore a red sweatshirt and yellow shorts as he inched up his glasses.
"How does it feel to be out of that bubble?" Chris asked as Cameron nervously rubbed his arm.
"I-It's nice, I just hope I don't get too injured" Cameron muttered quietly before he walked off towards the others.
Chris let out a light chuckle as he turned back towards the boat "Out next is Sam!" he said as the next camper walked out with his head down as he seemed to be playing on some handheld video game.
"Yes, jump! Jump!" Sam yelled before Chris pulled the game out of his hand and threw it behind him getting the contestant to pout.
"Eyes on me kid" Chris said with a glare as he got a look at the kid.
Sam had glasses on his face with frizzy auburn hair with a slight patchy goatee growing on his chin as he wore a light tan and dark orange sweater with blue jean shorts as he frowned at the loss of his game.
"Fine, sorry I was just finishing off a boss" Sam said with a frown before he let out a sigh of relief as his game system wasn't broken.
"Whatever just don't play when I am talking" Chris said as Sam nodded with a frown.
"Next we have from the Australian outback is Jasmine!" Chris said as a tall girl walked out of the boat, having to lean down to avoid hitting her head on the roof of the boat.
"Finally, it really was tiring to have to crouch the entire ride here" she said exposing her rich Australian accent.
Chris widened his eyes at the immense height of the girl. She was easily over six and a half feet tall with dark skin and her dark black hair done in a ponytail. Her outfit consisted of a tan hat, a white shirt that was tight on her, exposing her moderate bust, that she tried to cover it with a tan vest, as she also wore a pair of tan short-shorts that barely covered her rather large rear and exposed all of her long toned legs.
"Sorry, we didn't know you were this tall!" Chris said with a nervous chuckle as he looked up at her, pulling at his collar slightly to relieve some of his nervousness.
"It's fine mate, a lot of people say that. Though a little discomfort isn't anything new to me" Jasmine said with a chuckle as she walked off towards the other campers.
Chris shook his head as he had to stop himself from staring at the tall woman. "Uh, sorry about that folks. N-Next is Sky" he said as the next camper walked out.
"Whoa, it really is a summer camp" Sky said as she chuckled at the camp behind him.
Sky had the look of someone of Cree descent if he recognized it correctly, with had short black hair and dark eyes. She wore a sleeveless shirt that was skin tight and squeezed in her medium bust as her tight pants showed off her toned legs and rear as they seemed to be the type of clothing he had seen in gymnastics.
"Yes it is. This is where you will be staying until you either win or get voted off" Chris said as Sky nodded and smiled as she walked off towards the others.
Chris let out a mental sigh at the seemingly normal camper, which to him was very rare, since the last few were all either weird or not normal. "Our next camper is Ella" he said as let out a sigh as he saw the camper come off the boat singing and twirling as birds and squirrels followed her.
Ella had black hair done up in a princess sort of style as her dress screamed 'princess' as it was light pink and ended just above her knee, showing off no cleavage but seemed to push up her bust. She even had the above the elbow pink gloves.
Chris sighed as he held up an air-horn to stop Ella from singing anymore since he knew from previous seasons that singing did not help the ratings. "Please no singing. If you want to sing, then do it on your own time" Chris said with a frown as Ella pouted but nodded as she walked off while the birds and squirrels went after Chris to attack him since they were mad that he interrupted the lady's angelic voice.
It took Chris around five minutes to get the animals to leave him alone as he fixed his clothes and cleared his throat. "Sorry for that interruption, the next camper to join the game is Dave!" Chris said as the next camper came off the boat furiously scrubbing his hands with disinfectant.
"Nice to meet you Dave" Chris said a bit weirded out as he held out his hand for the boy to shake.
"No! It's not nice! This place is covered with germs and everybody is so weird!" Dave yelled before going off on a rant until it was ended by the sound of duct-tape ripping as Chris silenced him.
Dave had tan skin with dark black hair and brown eyes as he wore a white shirt and a blue sweater vest over it with tan slacks finishing his outfit.
"Now would you please go with the others and shut it or you'll be getting more duct tape only next time I'll superglue it." Chris said as Dave soon walked over to the group but went a tad too close for Sky's comfort.
"Good, now let's give meet the twins, Amy and Samey!" Chris said as two identical girls walked off the boat. They both had light blonde hair that ended just past their shoulders with teal eyes. The both even wore the same outfit of a red sweater, which accented their busts, with short red skirts and calf high boots. The only way one could visually tell them apart is the small beauty mark underneath one of the twin's right eye
"It's Sammy, not Samey." one of the twins, Sammy said, as she held up her hand nervously.
"Oh don't be such a baby Samey." Amy said as she shoved her twin, nearly sending her falling into the water but just as she was about to go over a hand shot out and caught her.
"Hey you alright?" The male said as they looked up to see a hooded teen holding Sammy before setting her back on the dock. The teen was wearing a long sleeve red shirt with a black hooded vest on that hid his face and head. He also wore long black jeans and black sandals as all Sammy could see was a fanged smile of the man with what looked like to be whiskers on his cheeks.
"A-Ah yeah. Thanks for saving me from that fall." Sammy said as he kept close to her to see if she was still okay.
"It's no problem Sammy." The hooded teen said flashing a smile that seemed bright underneath the dark hood.
"And that would be our last contestant for this season, Naruto! Hood down so the audience can see you" Chris said as the teen nodded with a sign and waved it off.
"Yeah yeah hold your horses Chris. Just had it up during the ride over when taking my nap." Naruto said as he brought a hand up to pull his hood down.
The girls of the island nearly lost their breath as the hood fell down and long red hair fell out of the hood, reaching his lower back that was tied in a ponytail but it wasn't an ordinary ponytail seeing as this was also spiky. The man's top of the man's hair was spiked, almost defying gravity. While his eyes were a beautiful shade of purple which gave him a laid back look and pronounced whisker like tattoos? They thought but where actually birthmarks that they would see on foxes mostly.
"There is that better?" Naruto asked with a scoff showing that he had a deep voice to back up, as he walked past Sammy before flashing the twin a warm smile, which got her heart beating faster and her cheeks reddened profusely, before he walked towards the other campers before standing next to Anne Maria who was drooling slightly at him and next to Jasmine who was surprised because he was the second tallest there, her being the first but only being about 2-3 inches taller than him.
"Yup it's our roughest, toughest, most explosive season ever!" Chris said pulling out a remote control and pushing it hoping to explode the boat, but by time it exploded everyone was by now already off it, giving him glares for almost playing a dirty trick on them.
"Ahem anyone campers, for your first challenge here I want you to run from here all the way to the finish line, which is in the forest, and to give you a little encouragement I'll do this." Chris said whistling loudly before a bunch of trees get knocked over, making almost everyone scream in fright and run into the forest where it had a trail leading towards the finish line.
"Woo! This is going to be interesting!" Naruto yelled with a chuckle as he and the other campers, the thing everyone noticed after his outburst was that his eyes were still dulled which gave him a funny look while shouting which made him look 2x cuter in the girls' perspectives.
"W-Wait up!" Sammy yelled nervously as she tripped on a tree root while her sister left her behind as she grew afraid of being attacked by whatever was in the forest.
"Easy there, I got you" Naruto's voice said to her in a caring tone as he picked her up before running back towards the others as he carried her in a bridal carry.
"T-Thanks Naruto." Sammy said as she smiled and her blush returned with vengeance. She felt really lucky on her current position that she was feeling quite comfortable and from feeling some of Naruto's tight compacted muscles.
"It's all good Sammy, wouldn't want anyone to get hurt this soon" he said with a chuckle. "Though I might have to keep an eye on you if you keep tripping" he joked as it made her blush turn darker.
"I-I wouldn't mind at all." Sammy said as a part of her mind was screaming in joy on this great opportunity.
Unknown to the two, several girls were glaring at their retreating forms with them feeling jealous and wanting to be in Sammy's position while the other girls felt confused for the unknown feeling they were experiencing for the first time.
After about a five minute run, with campers trying to strike up conversations here and there they finally saw the white finish line that they had to pass to win.
Jasmine smiled as she was in the lead of the pack due to her long legs before Naruto and Samey passed her at the last minute, with Naruto carrying Samey.
"Y-You didn't have to carry me the entire way" Samey said with an atomic dark blush even though she had loved being carried by him.
"It was no problem, I was fun as you were so small and easy to carry" he said with a smile as he set her down.
Once she was gently placed onto the ground, she immediately missed the feeling of being in his arms and started to yearn that feeling again.
'What's the matter with you? You just met him today and falling for him all too easily. You don't know if that is all an act or not.' Sammy thought as she tried to shake off the feeling from earlier, unfortunately it was still there. 'Maybe it's not an act maybe he's really genuine.
Her thoughts stopped as Chris made a screeching noise from his megaphone to gather their attention.
"Naruto you're in Team A! Samey you're in Team B! As I point to you, you all will count off in ones and twos. Ones will be with Naruto, twos will be with Samey" Chris said as the rest of the campers crossed the finish line.
'What?! No. I want to be in the same team as Naruto!' Samey yelled in her head.
"Jasmine, you are a one!" Chris said pointing toward Naruto's direction unknowingly making her very happy.
It took a while to officially start assigning everyone into teams as people were slow on the run. "Okay where is Dawn?" Chris asked with a frown as he couldn't find her anywhere.
"Ah Chris, she's been behind you for like a while now. She showed up after Scott." Naruto said as Chris looked back and jumped a bit and making the hairs on his neck stand up seeing Dawn showing up out of nowhere.
"Jesus! Dawn, do not do that!" he yelled as Dawn looked at him confused.
"What does that mean?" Dawn asked confused as she looked to the redhead that had seen her before the boy shrugged his shoulders.
"Ok well Dawn just go to the other 'one' people." Chris send trying to crack a joke and just getting cricket sounds. "Just go stand with Naruto's group" he said in a deadpan as she walked over to the redhead's group who smiled at her warmly.
"Scott you got team two" Chris said pointing toward the twin making him grumble but walk away nonetheless.
As Chris started counting off more people that arrived the final teams were Naruto with Jasmine, Dawn, Dave, Sky, Amy, Anne Maria, Mike, Zoey and Cameron.
Samey's team ended up consisting of Samey, Scott, Lightning, Sam, Jo, Ella, B, Dakota and Brick as the final person had yet to show up.
"Okay, seriously who is an hour late to a five minute run!?" Chris yelled as he glared into the forest.
"Want me to go look for her Chris?" Naruto said suggestively raising his hand while Jasmine unintentionally did the same thing making her blush.
"Nope, I don't want anyone else being lost and wait any longer than needed." Chris said before he heard panting coming closer to their position and saw the last contestant arriving who was Staci.
"Finally! Ok you go to Samey's team and hurry as thanks to you we are an hour behind schedule!" Chris said as Staci wobbled over to her team.
"You know my great-great-great-great grandfather invited schedules?" Staci said regaining her energy instantly.
"We don't care!" the whole camp, minus a few, yelled in frustration before Chris cleared his throat.
"Ok so just wondering but what was that in the forest?" Scott said pointing out the obvious question from earlier that was everyone else's mind.
"I'm pretty sure that cry doesn't belong to any animal species." Cameron said as he started shivering in fright.
"Relax. It'll all make sense eventually." Chris said uncaringly before he started maniacally laughing.
"You done?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow after Chris stopped laughing.
"Yeah I'm done." the host said as he wiped away a tear from laughing too hard. "Now, this season of Total Drama will be a tad different. For example in every episode, someone will be eliminated with a very rare chance of there being no elimination at all depending on my mood. Also unlike last season you'll at least get a few days of rest in between challenges" he said with a smirk. 'Thanks again to Courtney's lawyers on the last bit' he thought in his head before he watched the camper's reactions.
This got the cast to have mixed feelings on what was revealed. They were essentially left at Chris's mercy of when challenges were or what kind they were. The campers shared the same thought that Chris would've been a sadist and had an elimination challenge every day until the end of the season. They were thankful that they didn't have the version of him from the last three seasons.
"Anyways since you all are first timers, I'm going to cut you a break and hide this bad boy somewhere in the campgrounds." Chris said as he pulled out a miniature wooden head of himself. "A genuine MacLean brand Chris Head, your free ticket back into the game even if your teammates vote you off. Whoever finds this will figuratively become the most powerful player in the show's history." he said with a smirk before he brought the Chris Head closer to inspect it better. "Is the cleft on my chin really that big?" Chris innocently asked.
"Yup and it looks like an ass." Scott said getting several players to laugh on the double innuendo there. This got Chris to deadpan stare at Scott with a twitching eyebrow.
"Moving on. I think it's time for the teams to get their names. And before anyone of you thinks of suggesting names, I already thought of them." Chris said as he pointed to Naruto's team. "For the A's, they will be named the Mutant Maggots! And for the B's, they will be the Toxic Rats!" he finished as his interns brought in a green and red flag, the green being for the Rats and red being for the Maggots.
"Um, what's up with the references to chemical waste?" Mike innocently asked voicing everyone else's thoughts since that seemed very odd on what Chris was bringing up.
Their train of thoughts were interrupted with a roar that was heard throughout the entire island and the contestants recognized it from earlier before they did their run.
"It's the monster!" Cameron yelled as he pointed to the distance as he saw several trees fall down indicating that the monster was coming closer to their position. This got several cast mates feeling uneasy like with Zoey and Mike hugging each other for no reason at all, Cameron crouching down to protect himself, while Sammy, Ella, Jasmine and Anna Marie latched onto Naruto making him raise an eyebrow in surprise, as he wasn't the least bit afraid of what was coming.
With the girls that hugged Naruto they were having varying thoughts that were running through their heads.
'Wait, why did I do that? I'm not scared at all. Must be some instincts or something. Why did I even latch onto Naruto?' Jasmine thought as she soon let go of Naruto with a slight blush on what she did.
'Mmmm, me likes. I could enjoy this all day.' Anna Marie thought with her form hugging onto Naruto's back and her hands felt Naruto's washboard abs. The feeling alone was turning Anna Marie on a bit.
Samey and Ella's thoughts though were quickly interrupted, which were mostly embarrassed stuttering like of how defined Naruto's muscles were and with Ella thinking of how courageous Naruto was being
The contestants were soon greeted with the site of a hairless squirrel with slitted eyes after it came out of the bushes.
"Hey, it's just a stupid squirrel!" Jo said as Dakota couldn't help but squeal in joy on how cute the animal was while Dawn seemed weary.
"Cool." Naruto said simply before walking up to it and picking it up before it nuzzled into his hand. Unknowingly making him score points with Dawn with his connection with nature.
Though Dakota's squeal quickly turned to a minor scream as she watched the hairless squirrel blink in an unnatural way with two sets of eyelids making it look reptilian.
"Oh my gosh, what's wrong with it?" Dawn asked seeing the animal kept on blinking before it crawled down off Naruto and started digging into the ground to pull out a worm and ate it. After that, it saw a butterfly and stuck its tongue out like a frog and pulled it into its mouth to eat it.
"While we were gone, I rented out the island to a nice, family-oriented bio-hazardous waste disposal company. Sweet people, but the waste is having a teensy bit of an impact on the flora and fauna." Chris said before Dakota walked up and crouched down to be closer to the naked squirrel.
"Weird, I want one." She said before the squirrel hissed before it became a monstrous roar and what seemed like lasers shot out of its eyes. The beams barely missed her as she jumped up and landed in a pair of arms to see Naruto smiling down at her, getting Dakota to blush on the action.
'Oh my god! Oh my god! The super hottie holding me! Oh I think I'm going to die happily now!' Dakota yelled in a squeal in her head as she was very close Naruto at the moment as she could feel his muscles against her back before he brought her back down and making her pout on missing the position.
After that, the naked squirrel blew a raspberry at the contestants before it jumped back into the bushes.
"Might want to be careful there Dakota, these animals are probably a bit testy" he said as Dakota's blush grew darker as she felt him rub her arms comfortingly before he stood up.
"Now before we start our very first challenge of the season, let's give out some rewards. Since Naruto got here first you'll be earning your team with a trampoline while Samey earned her team a hacksaw." Chris said as Chef appeared out of nowhere jumping on a trampoline holding up a hacksaw before the same naked squirrel from earlier appeared above it and threw several nuts at him. This got Chef to lose his concentration and fall off of the trampoline getting Lightning and Jo to laugh at him before Chef threw the hacksaw at the two.
"What do these items have to do with this challenge? Well follow me to find out." Chris said as he led the contestants a bit of ways away from their current position. They soon ended up near a river with two totems carved out in their team mascots hanged up by rope and tied to the trees above. The contestants were soon placed several yards away from the totems as Chris stood in front of them to do his announcement.
"Those are your team totems. You'll need to cut 'em down and get 'em in the river and ride 'em back to the campground. First team there gets their pick of the cabins while the losing team will be on the chopping block tonight. But you guys better hurry, the totems are rigged with bombs," Getting the contestants to gasp, "that will explode if you don't plant 'em in front of a cabin in seven minutes or less….starting...now." Chris said as he pulled out a kill switch and pressed the button to start the countdown.
Naruto frowned as he turned to his team and smiled as he picked up the trampoline. "Come on everyone" he said as they nodded and rushed off as Dawn appeared next to him.
"May I get a carry? I don't believe I am fast enough to keep up" Dawn asked without any embarrassment as the few girls behind somewhat glared at her before Naruto chuckled.
"Fine, come on" Naruto said gesturing towards his back with a chuckle as he leaned down, letting her climb onto his back before he stood up. He blushed a bit as he felt her wrap her arms around his neck and press herself up against him as she looked around in amazement.
"You can see so much more of nature up here" Dawn muttered out as they ran through the forest as he couldn't help but laugh making her frown a bit. "What? Is something I said funny?" she asked confused as he turned his head and smiled at her.
"No I'm just glad you're enjoying the view, considering I'm a very tall person and you're kind of short" he said as she nodded understandingly. "Well let's focus on the challenge" he said as Dawn nodded and continued to look around from her new viewpoint.
They were making good time as they were nearly at the totems as they paused at a small mud patch as he frowned at Dave who paced nervously at it.
"What's wrong Dave? Just walk through it" Naruto said as Dave gasped like Naruto had just told him he had killed his mother.
"I can't! Dirty mud, so much germs!" Dave said nervously while shielding his eyes from it.
Naruto rolled his eyes at the germaphobe before he quickly grabbed Dave by the back of his shirt. "Well then you're coming with me I guess" he said as he held the shorter boy up off the ground and ran across the mud, not caring for his now dirty shoes.
"Let me go! Your hands have germs!" Dave yelled as he squirmed around in Naruto's grasp as they were nearly halfway through it.
"Hey Dave right? It's going to be alright it's nothing to fear, I know you can do this!" The inspired Olympian Sky said with a smile.
The redhead chuckled as he saw Dave instantly relax in his grasp and gain a small blush as he turned to Sky "Thanks for calming the kid down, I was real close to dropping him" he said with a chuckle as Sky blushed and nodded.
Sky quickly had to cover her mouth as she nearly let out a belch before she quickly ran ahead of the redhead. 'Ugh, why do I always have to burp when I talk to boys I like!?' she yelled in her head mentally as she left behind the confused redhead before he shrugged it off.
It wasn't long until Naruto reached the totems and smiled as he saw most of his team either already there or shortly behind him. "Okay who here is good with a trampoline?" he asked as Sky, Amy and Dawn, who was still on his back, raised their hands.
"Good, you three try and jump onto the totem while I try and find an axe or something to cut it" Naruto said as Jasmine raised her hand.
"I have a few knives that we can use" she said as she pulled out a couple pocket knife from some of her vest pockets.
"Good! Once you three grab onto the totem we'll carefully toss the closed knife up to you all. Take your time and go at your own pace as the other team can't get up to the totem as we can. Don't worry about the timer as we should be able to do it in time" he said reassuringly as his team nodded before Amy jumped on the trampoline first while he lowered Dawn back onto the ground, not noticing the frown on the girl's face.
He was impressed as Amy, most likely due to her cheerleading background, was able to jump up to the totem and grab onto it on her first try. "Good job Amy, now be careful, we are tossing up the knife" he said as he nodded to Jasmine who then tossed up the first knife while Dawn was the next to try and jump up to the totem.
"You expect me to cut through this tree with a knife!?" Amy yelled as she flicked out the pocket knife's blade.
"No, just make it weak and I think I should be able to make it fall!" Naruto yelled back up to the beauty-marked twin who frowned and got to work as she jumped a bit, nearly falling as Dawn suddenly appeared next to her on the totem.
"Do you need help?" Dawn asked as Amy frowned but shook her head.
"No! Go help on another part so we can go faster" Amy said as she didn't know how the pale blonde haired girl had got on the totem without her feeling it.
"Hurry up guys, the other team is fully here now!" Naruto yelled as Sky landed on the totem and caught the third knife.
"Aw man! The other team is already getting started!" Lightning said with a frown before he glared at the totem. "You are going down you weird tiki!" Lightning yelled as he ran at the totem and jumped up before face planting into the base of it.
"Can it Lightning! We still have a challenge to win if one of us can climb up it!" Jo said glaring at him
"Yes sir!" Lightning said attempting to climb the tree.
"I'm a girl!" Jo growled
"Don't joke around! Lightning needs to focus!" Lightning yelled back before he fell off the totem and back onto the ground.
"Nearly there Naruto!" Sky yelled back as they had nearly got half way through it before the knives couldn't go any deeper due to their lack of length.
"Okay, carefully fall off one at a time so I can catch you carefully!" he yelled up as Amy and Sky blushed as Dawn just let herself fall off of the totem.
Naruto chuckled as he easily caught Dawn "Next time give me a warning will you" he said as Dawn looked up at him from in his arms and nodded, not affected by the fall before he set her down.
"Sky you go next!" he yelled as she looked down at him while his hands were out to catch her.
Sky blushed and nearly burped again before she let herself fall off the totem, clenching her eyes shut before she felt herself land in a pair of strong and warm arms. "See wasn't so bad" she heard Naruto say as she opened her eyes to see the redhead staring down at her with a fanged grin.
The Cree girl had to quickly move her head to the side as she let out a small burp while her blush grew into one of embarrassment. "S-Sorry, I d-didn't mean to-" Sky started to say before Naruto set her down with a smile still on his face.
"Don't worry, the nerves of falling and into a stranger's arms no less is bound to be weird" he said with a chuckle as he ruffled her hair.
"Don't worry Sky, I understand how your stomach must upset itself from being in someone's arms. All the germs must upset you like they do with me" Dave said as Sky rose an eyebrow and rubbed her arm nervously.
"S-Sure, oh Jasmine here's your knife back" Sky said as she quickly walked off towards the taller woman and frowned as she saw Scott leaning against a tree next to her teammate.
"Oh thanks Sky, Dawn already gave me mine back" Jasmine said as she rolled her eyes at Scott before the slicked back farmer grabbed the knife from Sky's hand.
"Hmmm, a nice knife but it's too small unlike mine" Scott said as he pulled out a larger knife from it's sheathe that was in his back pocket.
"I'm sorry mate but size doesn't matter for these fellas. These are used for simple jobs like cutting down twigs. That one you have there is for gutting animals so it's apples and oranges. Now can ya give me back my knife" Jasmine said in a calculated tone as Scott flinched a bit at his failed attempt at impressing the Australian beauty.
"Thank you, now come on Sky, our team is nearly done" Jasmine said as she put her hand on the Cree girl's shoulder and guided her back to her team and chuckled as they saw Amy clinging to the totem and glaring down at Naruto.
"Amy! I told you I will catch you!" Naruto yelled in minor frustration as Amy repeatedly refused to fall into his arms as she didn't trust him and wasn't a part of her cheer team.
"No! I don't want to fall and hit the ground when you drop me!" she yelled as Naruto groaned and rolled his eyes as he quickly saw the other team catching up to them.
"We don't have enough time for this!" Naruto groaned out as he decided to act on his own.
"Well just have my sister catch m-?" she said before she found herself frozen as somehow the redhead had appeared next to her with his arm around her waist.
"Let go so we can go back down" he said to her as her face was inches away from his.
Amy's brain shut down as she blushed before her grip loosened and she found herself and Naruto falling off the totem before she watched him land effortlessly on the ground with nothing more than a low grunt.
"Okay everyone back up while I make it fall!" he yelled to his team as they backed away from the totem and Cameron helped move the limp Amy away from the totem.
"How are you going to knock it over? It's only half cut into and still standing strong?" Jasmine asked curiously as he moved the trampoline to where he wanted it to.
"Don't worry, I have a plan" he said as he gave it a few good test hops, before getting off it and backing up a good distance.
"I have always wanted to do this since my teacher taught me how to do it" Naruto said with a smirk as he took a running start towards the trampoline.
Everybody watched in shock as Naruto jumped off the trampoline at such a speed that sent him flying towards the totem as he corrected himself in midair so his legs were pointing towards the totem.
"Dynamic Entry!" Naruto yelled out with a large smile as a very loud audible crack sounded out from the base of the totem.
"No way!" Scott yelled out in shock as they watched as the totem slowly tilt as Naruto quickly landed on the ground below it.
"Move out of the way!" Mike yelled as the totem tilted back towards Naruto who merely smirked and raised his hands up to catch the totem as it fell down on him.
Everyone quickly shut their eyes, expecting a scream of pain of some kind before they opened their eyes to see Naruto holding the totem on his shoulder with a smirk like it weighed nothing.
"No way! That totem has to at least be two-tons!" Jasmine said in shock
"What can I say? I'm really strong" Naruto said with a smirk as he turned to his team. "Now as much as I love carrying a totem with a bomb strapped to it but shouldn't we hurry?" he said as he snapped them out of their stupor.
"Hurry up! Get ours cut!" Jo yelled as she watched Naruto and his team run back down towards the cabins.
"Are you sure you can handle this?" Jasmine asked as she offered to at least try and shoulder some of the weight.
"Of course he can! Just look at those muscles!" Anne Maria said drooling at Naruto's strength while she fanned herself with a smile. "He could carry me around any day" she purred out as Naruto chuckled.
"Trust me Jasmine, my teacher and job require a lot of heavy lifting, heavier then boulders, so I'm use to this" he said as they reached the mud pit again but thankfully, not for Dave though, Amy had chosen to drag the germ fearing boy through the mud against his will.
"Come on, we're nearly there" Zoey said with a smile as she could start to see the cabins.
"Move out of the way slowpokes!" Jo yelled out as her team shot down past them, nearly running over Zoey before Naruto pulled her out of the way, before Mike could making her smile in happiness.
"Damn it! Lean forward everyone, use ALL your weight." Naruto said he tossed the totem down on the ground before pulling everyone on before they quickly caught up with them.
"Whoa, not cool dude, stealing our idea!" Lightning yelled at Naruto who chuckled and threw out his leg, hitting their totem and slowly making them turn away from the cabins. Making them aim for a clearing that led to the water.
"Sorry, all's fair in love and war. And right now we are in a challenge so sorry but not sorry as this is war." Naruto said with an evil smirk before giving them a two finger salute before they crashed into the clearing almost landing into the water.
His smirk grew as he slowly used his heel to slow themselves down, coming to a complete halt in front of Chris. "I believe we win this" Naruto said as he quickly grabbed the totem and slammed it into the ground in front of the nicer looking cabin.
"Excellent job Mutant Maggots! You win the challenge!" Chris said as the bomb's timer blinked off as an explosion rang out behind them as a cloud of pink paint rose into the sky. "Not only do you win not being covered in pink paint but you also chose the new cabin that has a hot tub, free TV, and snack fridges" he said as the host watched the other team shuffle towards the cabins.
"Wow Chris that was evil but hilarious." Naruto admitted while his team also agreed somewhat, glad not to be the losing team.
"Sadly Toxic Rats, you not only have to scrub that paint off but you also have to vote a member off your team" Chris said as Staci pulled the duct tape off her mouth which her team had put back on.
"Oh did I tell you about how my great-great-great-great-great grandfather invented voting and before that everyo-" Staci started to say before everyone groaned in annoyance.
"Oh my god shut up!" Everyone groaned out in annoyance.
"If anyone needs me I'll be in my new room." Naruto said giving everyone the peace sign before his team followed him closely.
"Make sure you be at the elimination tonight, so your team can watch who gets voted off." Chris shouted out also leaving not wanting to deal with Staci rumblings any longer.
-A Few Minutes before the Campfire Ceremony-
Naruto sighed in content with a smile as he dried his hair with a towel as he exited the bathroom. He didn't care about going to the campfire ceremony that much since his team had won and was safe. His smile froze a bit as he saw nearly his entire team sitting in the main room of the cabin as he stood in front of them in just a towel.
"Oh dear god cover up!" Amy yelled with a blush that matched her outfit's color before she covered her eyes, even though she peeked out through her fingers.
"Whoa! I bet you could grate cheese off those!" Anne Maria gushed out with a blush as Naruto blushed a bit and covered his chest with the towel he had been using to dry his hair.
"Sorry? I thought you were all at the Ceremony!" Naruto said as he quickly went back to his room to change into normal clothing.
"Did you see his towel!? I swear I thought I saw him hiding a third leg underneath there!" Anne Maria yelled out as the girls of his team blushed darkly, even Dawn, as Naruto groaned in his room.
"M-Maybe w-we should check out the Campfire Ceremony after all" Jasmine stuttered out as she stood up from the table and rushed towards the door.
"No way! I'm staying here. Maybe I can get lucky with the hunk and maybe get a strip tease" Anne Maria said before Jasmine came back and dragged her away and out of the cabin.
"No let me go! I want to stay! I need to see more of smexy mchottie!" Maria said kicking and screaming while the rest of the team followed either blushing up storms or green from seeing another guy's junk.
-Campfire Ceremony-
"Welcome to the first campfire ceremony of the new season. This season we added it where the other team can watch you get voted out, adding to the embarrassment of it all" Chris said with a smirk before he noticed someone missing.
"Um where's Naruto?" Chris said curiously as Sky raised her hand.
"He still at the cab-" Sky tried to say before being interrupted.
"Right here" Naruto said with a cough, only wearing a black tank top and some orange and black shorts and sandals. From what Sky could see he was still a bit wet from his shower.
"Oh good, wouldn't want anyone to miss the first one" Chris said as he cleared his throat.
"So this ceremony is simple. One by one your teammates video votes will be tallied as they were cast shortly before this, but the watchers get to personally see who votes for who. The camper with the most votes will be eliminated from the game and sent off the island by…" Chris said before he pulled a tarp off of the large thing that was behind him.
"The Hurl of Shame! Patent pending" Chris said as a massive catapult was revealed behind him. "With only a 20% injury ratio it has been deemed safe by the lawyers of this show!"
"A-Are you sure that it still counts as safe?" Brick asked nervously as Chris chuckled.
"One by one I will play the votes and the marshmallows will be passed out" Chris said ignoring the cadet's question. "Oh and my, a stroke of luck it's all for the same person!" the host said as a screen rose from the ground before it turned on to show the videos of nine of the campers on the screen.
"You all voted out…" Chris said as he pressed play on the screen.
"Staci!" everyone's voices said in unison as the talkative girl frowned.
"Staci, you have been voted off and get the Marshmallow of Toxic Loserdom" Chris said as Chef in a radioactive suit tossed the glowing green marshmallow into Staci's hands making all the hair in her head fall out, except for a few strands.
"Wait 'til my grandfather who invented the marshmallow hears about this!" Staci yelled out as she was thrown onto the Catapult and flung off the island.
"Did it seem quieter all of a sudden, or is it just me?" Mike asked as the others agreed with his question.
"Well you are all free now so go back to your cabin or something" Chris said before he looked to the Toxic Rats with a chuckle. "And you all clean off or something" he said as the team was still covered in pink.
"A-Amy can I maybe use your shower in your cabin? The showers near our cabin weren't working earlier" Samey asked as the other twin laughed.
"Uh no, you wish little sister!" Amy said rejecting the idea immediately.
"Don't worry you can use mine Sammy. Anybody who needs a shower can use mine but let the girls go first as this pain is probably not good for their skin" Naruto said as Sammy, Ella and Dakota smiled at him.
"Out of my way, I'm showering first!" Jo yelled as she ran past the others so she take her time enjoying what she will probably not have for the rest of the season.
"Wait… why is Jo showering first? He isn't a girl." Lightning said in bewilderment as the others went back to their cabin to grab their showering materials and wait for their turn to use the opposing team's shower.
"Thanks Naruto" Sammy said with a soft smile as he led the three girls towards his cabin, not caring that Jo had run off.
"We can wait until Jo gets out and then you all can take turns" Naruto said as the girls nodded.
"This is like really nice of you Naruto. You didn't have to offer but you still did" Dakota said as he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.
"I like to help, what can I say, it doesn't really matter for me so feel free to visit our cabin whenever. That's fine with your guys right?" he asked his team as the nodded.
"Sounds fine with us. Just only come over when we are there" Jasmine said as she could read the orange haired boy name Scott as trouble and didn't feel right for him to be in their cabin alone.
"Thankfully though the doors to all our rooms were able to lock for added privacy." Naruto said but out of the corner of his eye he saw Scott frown at the news. "It also helps since the cabin is unisex and helps give everyone their privacy" he said as they reached the cabin.
"Personally I wouldn't mind having an open door when it comes to a certain redhead" Anne Maria said with a purr as she walked up and trailed her finger down Naruto's arm as he leaned forward to give him a peek down her shirt.
Naruto chuckled at Anne Maria's words before opening the door. 'Now I know I really need to lock my door' he thought with a laugh as he let everyone into their cabin.
"Whoa this place is huge" Lightning said as he looked around. "This should have been Lightning's cabin!" the jock said as Naruto chuckled.
"Yeah we figured as much with how popular the show was in past seasons that Chris must have had to put something useful in the budget." Cameron said as he quickly did the mental math of how much this would have costed.
"Well this is the fourth season. I'm betting even with the cost of this he still had a lot of money left over for himself" Naruto said as he quickly showed everyone around as they could hear the shower in his room running.
"Whoa! You guys have video games!?" Sam yelled in shock as Naruto rose his hand with a smirk
"Uh yeah these are mine dude" Naruto admitted since he loved video games but didn't make it his addition. "You guys can play some, we can make a night of it" he said as everyone nodded and smiled.
"I'll get some drinks and snacks. Apparently we get refills on all this stuff every week or so" Naruto said as Anne Maria quickly stood up and followed after him before she grabbed onto his arm, burying it between her bust.
"I'll come with you" she said as he chuckled while they walked into the kitchen.
"So Naruto, are you seeing anyone right now back home?" Anne Maria asked as she leaned on the island counter in front of him, giving him another clear view of her cleavage.
"Actually I am not but you know what they say," he said as he leaned closer to her, trailing his fingers down her cheek "relationships can happen so quickly in games like this" he whispered with a smirk.
Anne Maria could only let out a squeak as she found herself mesmerized by the redhead's purple eyes that she swore were turning darker and darker until they became a color that reminded her of precious gems by the way they twinkled.
Naruto smiled as he leaned back, just as Anne Maria started to lean forward and before she could react, left the kitchen with the two liter of soda, cups and chips. He started to chuckle as he heard a frustrated groan come from the kitchen.
'Can't be too easy now can I.' he thought to himself as he sat down in a chair the living room as everyone was sitting on the couches that surrounded the coffee table, putting on a horror movie.
"Oh good, Jo you're done" Naruto said as the jockette walked out of his room. "Whoever wants to go next can go" he said as he saw Dakota walk off into his room.
"What are you all doing?" Jo asked confused as Cameron smiled at her.
"We're watching a movie, come on and join us" the use-to-be bubble boy said as Jo scoffed.
"I don't care for movies, I'm going back to my cabin" Jo said before Jasmine laughed and pulled her towards the couch.
"Come on, just enjoy the movie. After this you can go back to being cold. Think of this as a party celebrating us entering the Total Drama game scene" Mike said as he scooted slowly closer to Zoey.
"Whatever, I guess I'll stay" Jo said as she squeezed onto the couch. "Make some room, there is not enough space for everyone!" Jo yelled as Dawn stood up from the couch and walked over to Naruto.
Naruto rose an eyebrow at the small girl as he took a sip of his soda. "You need something Dawn?" he asked as she nodded.
"May I sit on your lap to watch the movie?" Dawn asked as he coughed up his soda while other people in the room did a spit take.
"W-What? Dawn that's a bold claim." Naruto said coughing on his soda.
"Please?" Dawn said showing her rare emotion, the puppy dog eyes.
'Ugh' Naruto groaned mentally as he doubled over from the power of her puppy dog eyes. "F-Fine just be careful" he said as he set down his cup of soda as Dawn nodded and moved onto his lap.
The other campers tried not to laugh at how small Dawn looked compared to Naruto and how she looked like a lap dog of sorts which was fitting given the puppy dog eyes she had just used on him.
As the movie was going, several girls were slowly moving their way towards Naruto's spot. Ella scooted towards his left side and ended up laying her head on his shoulder while Dakota mirrored the same on his other side. Sky ended up laying her head back against Naruto's legs that they were surprisingly comfortable.
Dawn however had to scoot back a bit further into his lap so Sky didn't have to feel her legs and unknowingly started grinding against Naruto's pelvis that started giving him a reaction making him blush hard and trying not to groan, while she wrapped her petite arms around his arms.
"Dawn, please be careful" he whispered to her as she turned to him confused.
"Careful about what?" she asked as he was stricken by her purity and 'innocence' while he waved it off. "N-Never mind just try not to move too much" he said quietly as she nodded softly before turning back to the movie. She soon leaned her head back and rested it against his chest as she started hearing the strong beatings of his heart.
The movie for Naruto seemed to go on forever as he struggled to keep calm. As the movie finished he groaned as he noticed the all of the girls that were leaning against him were all fast asleep.
"Can someone help" he whispered as Jasmine laughed at him with a smile. She couldn't resist it as she pulled out a camera from one of her pouches and quickly took a picture.
"I got you Naruto" Jasmine said as she carefully picked up Dawn from his lap but blushed as she felt something hard press up against her hand as she reached under Dawn. "I-I'll be back for the others in a second."
Naruto let out a sigh of relief as not only had Jasmine freed his legs but everyone else had either fallen asleep or left so no one saw his predicament before he picked up Dakota and Ella at the same time, which wasn't difficult with how his long arm span. He eventually reached the Rats' cabin and looked for their designated beds which thankfully Jo had told him as he entered.
"No daddy, don't ignore me. I just want us to be a family" Dakota mumbled in her sleep as she clung to him tightly as he frowned and quickly but gently laid Ella down in her bed.
"Dakota you have to let go" he whispered to the blonde girl as she frowned and clung to him tighter before he calmed her down by petting her head with his free hand. He smiled as he saw Dakota's grip lessen before he was able to snake his arm out of her grasp, replacing it with a spare pillow of hers.
'Exhausting first day' he thought as he exited the Rat's cabin and headed back to his cabin. 'Hopefully this game will continue to be this interesting' he thought as he could feel it would live up to its name of 'Total Drama'.
-Chapter End-
Mutant Maggots: Naruto, Jasmine, Dawn, Dave (more drama), Sky, Amy, Anne Maria, Mike, Zoey, Cameron
Toxic Rats: Sammy, Scott, Lightning, Jo, Ella, Sam, B, Dakota, Brick
Pairings: Anna Maria, Dawn, Dakota (possibly), Jasmine, Samey, Amy, Sky, Ella, Zoey (later in All-Stars)
Eliminated: Staci
As you readers can see, teams are switched up from canon so that we can experiment on how things could proceed in story events with some elimination challenges ending up either the same with canon contestants being eliminated in same challenge or could be someone else depending on how things roll and how we feel.
Also word of warning. I AM NOT abandoning any stories of mine by creating this new one. I chose to write this as I had a strong craving to make a new Naruto x Total Drama story. All my other stories will eventually get more updates. Especially American Kitsune.
We hope you all liked this first chapter of this story. Until next time
HaretaSora: Buh-Bye!
Dragonfromheaven: Peace :P
Phoenixlord42: see you all next time