A/N – A super big hug and thank you to all of you who traveled this journey with me. Your reviews and messages were meaningful and very well received. I'm taking a break from Longmire and concentrating on my real life and real loves. I'll be here reading the works of others and enjoying your efforts. Remember, to keep the faith, stay positive, and at least in this little corner of the world Walt and Vic are still Walt and Vic, but better.

It never leaves her mind and when she sits down for tea with her mom before bed Lena pushes the familiar plain white envelope with the Durant return address toward her and she smiles.

"It's either the most romantic thing in the world or he's fucking psychotic." Lena says sipping her tea.

"He's pretty romantic, mom."

"So, when are we going to meet him?"

"I don't know. I don't want to fuck it up."

She looks over her cup.

"We're not that bad."

"Shit, mom. Yeah, you are, both of you are."

"It's serious?"

"It's serious."

She takes a sip of her tea.

"I should tell you that he wants to meet you and dad and the whole family, really."

"Oh really?"

"I think he wants to get married."

"You think"

"He asked me what I thought about it."

"What do you think about it?"

"I think I'm not any good at it, being married, and I want to start this next chapter of my life. I love being a cop mom and I think I'll make a really good Sheriff."

"You can't do both?"

"It's funny, but a year ago I would have killed for this."

"You're not the same woman and that's a good thing honey."

"He's not the same, either and that's a very good thing."

"Do you love him?"

She nods her head and her face lights up, "Yeah, mom, I really do."

"You will know if marrying him is right for you and you just have to trust yourself, Victoria. Always trust yourself."

She smiles, "Thanks, mom."

After a few more sips of tea Lena asks if he's good in bed.

"Mom, come on." She says but not surprised by her mother's inquiry.

"Look, it's important to test drive the equipment before you commit to it for a lifetime. If it doesn't work now while he's trying to please you, you can forget about it later."

Vic shakes her head and finishes her tea.

"On that note, I'm going to bed."

She picks up the letter and takes the stairs to her room two at a time and she calls him to tell him goodnight.

I got your letter

Were you surprised?

I was and it's romantic

Did you read it, yet?

No, I wanted to call you first so I can have your voice fresh in my head when I read it.

Oh, who's the romantic one now? His voice is deep and warm and she misses him but it doesn't hurt, not anymore, this is what it's supposed to feel like and she knows that now.

I guess I am

They listen to each other breathe and she's thankful for him and she's thankful for this place and this time.

My parents want to meet you.

I can take the first flight in the morning.

Walt, it wasn't an invitation.

I'm trying here. He laughs as he makes his plea.

But, what if it was?

I'll be there. I want to be there.

My dad will probably kick your ass.

I deserve it.

You did.

It's ok. I'm not afraid.

You should be.

He laughs.

I would expect nothing less, Vic.

If you fly on Christmas day it's cheaper and it gives me Christmas Eve with them and you will have Christmas Eve with your family.

You're my family.

She sits and pauses on his declaration.

We don't have to be married, Vic, but I am your man and I need to act like it. That's how I feel about it and it won't change.

Go to sleep. I want to read my letter.

Besides, I need to fucking touch you.

Look who's cursing she smiles through the phone acknowledging his twice in a decade f-bomb.

Good night, baby.

Good night, my love.

He was at the bottom of the escalator before he figured out who he was and he was bigger and thicker than how he appeared in her pictures. He extended his hand and puffed up his chest because that's what men do and they exchanged shakes and a serious visual assessment.

"I promised my daughter I wouldn't kick your ass in the middle of the airport."

"I told her I deserve it."

They separate hands and Walt offers a quick smile and puts his hand on his hip where his sidearm normally rests.

"I'm sure you're right about that."

"Things are much different now Mr. Moretti."

At that, his eyebrow raises, "Mr. Moretti."

"Well, yes, sir."

He smiles at him, "Call me Vic."

"Baggage claim?"

"Just my backpack."

They stride out of the airport and he says, "Don't think that ass whoopin' won't be held in abeyance."

They laugh together but the conversation turns serious and they speak candidly and openly because neither man can be bothered with anything other than the truth. They both know there's too much at stake and both love her too much to take part in anything but her happiness.

When she sees him every care, every concern, drains from her face and she smiles and it's wide and it matches his and she's in his arms and he's in hers and they are wrapped in each other.

"Hey" she whispers in his ear. "You made it in one piece."

"Yeah." He says back. "You feel so good."

He kisses the corner of her mouth and takes off his coat.

Lena introduces herself since everyone else has lost their manners and she hugs him and for years when he tells the story he swears she groped him.

It's late, the family is gone, so they eat in the kitchen. A small family enjoying each other, laughing and talking through the night and Vic and Walt exchange gifts and they aren't too private, they save those for later, and it becomes a tradition, spending Christmas night in Philadelphia.

Vic Senior and Walt were right; Vic made a cracker-jack of a Sheriff. She cleaned up the department and developed community strategies of trust and transparency. She ran unopposed for two terms and the third time was just so someone could be on the ballot opposite her name and now there's talk of her running for higher office and moving to the Capitol.

Walt continued adding to his legendary status with fights, arrests, and manhunts and because he was Sheriff Moretti's man. All of which made it easy for the Board of Supervisors of both Cumberland and Absaroka to change county code which assessed both of their parcels because the town folk didn't think it was fitting that they live in sin.

The Moretti's descended upon Wyoming and the church was standing room only and money exchanged hands later from those wagering that Walt wouldn't wear a suit. They lost.

At the reception, at the Red Pony, Vic sits in his lap and whispers and laughs in his ear and he nibbles at her neck and she shrieks and he loves it and her. She reminds him how sexy his grey sideburns are and he pulls her closer.

Cady spearheads a charity fundraiser for the right to name their new nicknames since having two Sheriff Longmire's will be too confusing for the entire state of Wyoming.

If you ask them they will tell you that they don't remember the bad times much and it's not because they choose not to remember them it is more like the pain they survived, the pain they caused each other, slowly faded away along with who they once were and gave birth to the steeled love they share between them and for themselves.

They spend their honeymoon in Chicago and they never leave their room. On the plane ride home they talk about the future while holding hands.

You wanna run for office in Cheyenne. We can move. I'll support ya babe if you do.


It's a good opportunity

I have everything to stay for at home. I'm wanted and loved there.

Written with love.