"Haha that was awesome." Gon beams as he walks into his hotel room, a deep chuckle leaving his lips as the eighteen year old closes the door behind him. He's covering his upper arm with this other hand, pressing on the wound that's bleeding but he doesn't care much about that. As Gon takes in the empty hotel room, his lips twitch slightly but his smile doesn't fall as he makes his way over to the bed, flopping down and letting out a sigh.
Today was a long day. He finally found his target in an old abandoned warehouse. His employer hired him as a hunter to send a man named James William to jail. It was the first job Gon has gotten that involves sending someone to the slammer and he thought it would have been boring. But it wasn't. It took him a couple of days to find this guy and when he did find him...damn. He put up a fight. He was a nen user that could crystallize his nen and use the crystals as weapons. Gon was so excited.
It's been four years since he's truly faced a nen user. It was time to test Gon's training and gamble. Gon lost his nen around the same time he lost Killua. He gave up his nen in order to kill Pitou and the consequences of that day still linger. Four years Gon has been training to get his nen back, he's been traveling the world, and completing hunter jobs even with his lack of nen. All his searching and training hasn't done him too much good. He still can barely use his nen. He's able to force some out to surround his fist but he can't do his Jajanken attack anymore. He can barely protect himself with his nen, it tires him out quickly to use it but at least he's gotten some of it back.
With the little nen that Gon had, he was able to defeat James and finish his mission by dodging the crystals and hitting him dead on in the chest with a nen attack that was weaker then his jajanken but was just enough to break this man's crystals and to knock him out. James wasn't that strong but the fight gave him a thrill. He ended up getting wounded when he tried to take what one would call a selfie while fighting James, trying to capture his ability and what he's doing.
Gon has a problem with taking pictures now. Whenever he goes on a mission or if he just sees something cool, he'll take a picture of it and send it to Killua. Everything that he does, he wants to share it with Killua and when he sends the pictures, Gon feels like they're still connected some way. It's like Killua Is still here with him, seeing the same sights as him and experiencing these things with him...
But he's not. Killua isn't here.
Gon's bright face dulls a little at his thoughts but he doesn't linger on it. He takes off his shirt before walking into his bathroom, opening up the cabinet to take out the first aid kit he has in it. Gon opens up the kit, taking out the bandages before looking at himself in the mirror. He's really grown since when he was twelve, at a young age Gon had abs and muscles but now that he's an adult, he's much bigger and toned.
Gon isn't as tall as he would like, only 5'6. The raven haired male is sure Killua is still taller than him, he was taller when they were 12 and Gon can just picture him being a giant now. Gon drank all the milk he could, he swears, but it didn't help. Gon's use to be smooth face has a bit of black stubble on his jaw line and chin, his amber eyes are still bright and childlike but they've gotten wiser. His hair is spiky as always, sticking up on top of his head, looking like it could impale someone.
Gon has grown up in these four years. He's seen things and done things that most would never do in their life time. There's more knowledge with him now and with the knowledge, with growing up, Gon's heart has also become a bit heavier.
Of course Gon doesn't dwell on it much.
Gon's biceps muscles shift as he washes the wound in his arm off on the sink, watching as the blood runs down his arm till the wound runs clear. He pats the cut dry before he gets an idea. Gon grins as he takes out his phone and takes a picture of the wound, before sending it to Killua "Got that while trying to take a selfie for you." Gon chuckles before putting his phone in his pocket, getting to work on wrapping his wound up.
It's like he can hear Killua's voice in his head. 'idiot.' 'hurry up and wrap that wound up, you're so reckless' 'what am I going to do with you?'
Gon hums to himself as he finishes up wrapping his wound, grinning to himself in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom. He takes out his phone and throws it on the bed. He takes out the money he just made and puts it in his wallet that he leaves in the night stand. No one will steal it. Since it's known that Gon was one of the hunters in the chimera ant attack, he's gotten a lot of respect and jobs. He's also gotten some fear and awe from the people and he doesn't like it too much when someone comes up to him for an autograph. They look at him like a hero. Gon doesn't feel like a hero.
Gon takes off his pants before putting on some comfortable boxers before he lays down in bed, reaching over for the light switch to turn off the lights. Gon grabs his phone, his heart picking up speed when he sees he has a couple of messages. His heart that lifts soon sinks when he sees that the messages are from Leorio and Kite. No Killua. Of course no Killua. Gon sort of saw it coming.
Killua hasn't been returning his messages. When they parted ways, Killua would text him back and they would talk on the phone every once in a while. When Gon turned sixteen, Killua sent him a happy birthday text and then...he never sent him another one. Gon became worried. He thought something had happen to Killua, maybe Illumi caught up with him, maybe he's in trouble or his sister is. He found out By Leorio that Killua is fine when he told him he saw Killua and his sister, they had stopped by to visit him.
Gon was happy that Killua was okay but...what was left was this hurt, this confusion. Why won't Killua message him back? It's been two years now. Gon has been busy but he always finds time to send Killua a message at least once a day. He likes keeping Killua in the loop even if the other male isn't reading his texts. Gon has tried to call Killua but he doesn't answer. Gon keeps sending him pictures to show what he's doing because...if he doesn't do that, it's like Killua really is gone. Like he doesn't have him at all.
Gon's chest clenches and he throws his phone to the side, turning on his stomach, burying his face in the pillow. Gon can't help to feel it's because Killua is angry with him. Ever since Killua stopped texting him, Gon just can't stop thinking about that day and the things he said. He wonders if Killua doesn't forgive him. Maybe Killua thought Gon was too much trouble and he didn't want anything to do with him.
Gon grips his pillow. He tries not to let his thoughts linger on that. It doesn't do him any good. Especially not right now when there's nothing to distract him. It's hard during the day time, doing all these wonderful things and then turning as if to talk to Killua, just to realize he's not there anymore. It's not that Gon minds being alone, he just minds Killua not being with him anymore.
He misses him. Terribly. During the day he has work and he can distract himself but at night, when he's laying in his bed all by himself, he can't help to think of how it was like to have Killua laying right next to him, keeping him company through the night. He thinks of how Killua looked asleep, his small body curled into himself, his white locks in his face and his mouth slightly open. His expression peaceful. He only looked like that sleeping with Gon.
Gon starts to turn in the bed, feeling restless with his thoughts. He just really misses Killua. Gon almost thinks it's driving him crazy. He thinks about Killua all the time and it's like he can hear Killua talking to him when he does something, like he knows what he would say. Everything time he sees something cool his first thought is 'wow cool! I bet Killua would like this'. When he sees the clouds and the sky he sees Killua's hair and his eyes. Killua is everywhere to him yet...he's not. He's not with him anymore.
Gon ignores the sting in his chest and how his stomach twists and how he just wants to...talk to Killua. He wants to hear his voice, wants to hear his laughter. Gon wonders how different he looks. Killua didn't send him any pictures even when they were texting. He wonders what he's been doing with Alluka. He wonders if Killua has restless nights like this. He wonders if Killua thinks about him like Gon thinks about him. He wonders how strong Killua has gotten. He wonders if he's taken any hunters jobs.
There's a lot of things Gon wishes he knew.
Gon closes his eyes, knowing it won't do him any good to stay up or his mind will keep running wild. He has to leave this town tomorrow anyway. He's going to meet up with Leorio to see him. That's reminds Gon of another person he hasn't had any contact with, Kurapika. Gon sighs, pulling the blanket up to cover half of his face. After he sees Leorio he's going to go back to Mito to visit. It will make Gon feel better. He misses her too.
Gon better get his rest and as he lays in bed, letting the cool night lead him away, Gon finally lets his weary eyes close and sleep is right behind.
There's a moaning in the air, a low groan that travels by the wind that hits Gon's ears like a drum. He frowns, following the moaning and sobbing even though he doesn't want to. He's in a forest and there's so many ways he could go but instead he keeps taking this path as if he has no other choice. His steps are already planned out.
Gon tenses when he walks into a clearing, his eyes widen when he sees Killua. The thirteen year old ex- assassin has his back turned to him, his shoulders shaking, sobs escaping his lips. Gon takes a step closer, wanting to comfort his friend, wanting to touch him but when he steps forward he's no longer eighteen, he's thirteen again and Killua is once again taller than him.
"Killua?" Gon questions, moving closer to the other male, reaching out to touch Killua's shoulder-
"Why'd you do it?" Killua turns around slowly, tears running down his face, those blue eyes watching him with red rimmed eyes. "I wanted to die with you. You're always so selfish." Killua looks down, Gon following his eyes. He tenses when he sees a boy laying on the ground, his long black hair in his face, his arm missing, his body so small and frail. Gon swallows, knowing immediately who it is.
"K-Killua I didn't-" Gon starts only for Killua to turn on him, those dark eyes locking with his.
"You left me that day, so why should I stay with you?" Killua's nails get longer and sharper. Those blue eyes become darker and empty. "You're alive but you're dead." Killua points to Gon's dead body that is slowly wilting away. "Dead things should stay dead."
"Killua i'm alive. I made it, I didn't die. I...I want to stay with you Killua. I'm sorry-" Gon starts, his eyes widen when his dead body gets up suddenly, those weak bones breaking as it walks towards him, grabbing a hold of him. That long black hair reveals a face, his face, his flesh peeling off showing the skull. Gon can see all his own teeth through his cheeks, the flesh ripping as his jaw opens wider.
"Dead things should stay dead." He hears this boy gurgle, his mouth opening as large as it can before it leans in to bite his face off, to make Gon look like him, to make Gon become him.
Killua is sobbing again.
Gon wakes up with a start, hand over his heart as it beats rapidly against his chest, panting. He touches his face, feeling his flesh and not just the bone. Gon looks around his room, taking in the hotel room before sighing in relief. Just another one of those dreams. Those nightmares. Gon runs his hands through his hair, trying to calm his racing heart. He can't get away from those nightmares. He has one almost every night. He can't get away from his own image haunting him and the sobs from Killua, the guilt making him feel sick every time he wakes up.
Gon grabs his phone, wanting to talk to Killua, wanting to hear his voice, wanting to be reassured that Killua doesn't hate him. He always wants to call him after these nightmares. Gon glances at the clock. It's 3 in the morning. He's sure Killua is asleep but...he might not be. If he's asleep, Gon will probably wake him up. Gon picks up his phone and starts to dial Killua's number, something he has memorized. Even if Gon wakes Killua up and he yells at him, it's better than not talking to Killua at all.
Gon holds his breath as he listens to the phone ring, waiting for Killua to pick up, waiting for him to hear his voice and he can't help to wonder how will he sound.
Gon's heart sinks when it goes to voice mail once again. Gon doesn't understand why he always gets his hopes up every time he calls Killua. Gon hangs up the phone before getting out of bed. He's wide awake. He doesn't want to go back to sleep. He doesn't want to go back to that forest or see that broken boy anymore, the one with the long hair who has taken his image but at the same time, has not. The boy is warped and sickly frail. He's disgusting.
Gon throws on a shirt and some pajama pants with leafs on them before he walks out of the hotel room. He stuffs his hands into his pockets as he walks down the stairs and out of his hotel, not caring it's so early in the morning. Gon shivers when the cold air tickles his exposed skin, giving him goosebumps. Gon closes his eyes as he walks down the street, the only light he has is from the moon in the sky, shinning down at him. Gon looks around, it's so dark and despite the cold, it feels kind of nice. He's already starting to feel better.
Gon keeps walking and despite the dream he just had, his mind is pretty blank right now. Gon stops walking when he comes across a fountain. The moon is shinning right on this fountain, making the crystal mermaid sparkle as it shoots out water from a shell she's holding into the water around her.
"Wow." Gon smiles at the pretty sight, immediately taking out his phone and taking a picture. It's become a reflex now. He sends the picture to Killua before he can enjoy the sight himself. Not thinking if Killua will even see it or not. Gon sits at the edge of the fountain, closing his eyes as he listens to the water run. It's a quiet night. No one is out and Gon doesn't mind that. It's one of those rare moments that he feels like being alone.
Gon feels him before he hears him speak. "Hello there." Gon opens his eyes and looks over to his left, spotting a man walking towards him. He looks like he could be about Gon's age, wearing a black coat with his hands in his pockets. Gon is more distracted by this man's hair. His bangs are a bright blue while the back of his hair is black. It looks cool and it makes his ocean blue eyes pop.
"Hi." Gon smiles. He doesn't feel like anything Is bad with this guy but it does set him on edge that he was using zestu to hide his presence. "I really like your hair." Gon grins as he stands up from the fountain.
"Thank you sweetie." The man licks his lips, Gon catching a glimpse of his tongue ring. "The name is Micky." Micky does a mock bow before he grins at Gon, those blue eyes watching him intently. "And you are Gon freecss correct?"
"Yup! That's me!" Gon keeps walking till he's right in front of Micky, his amber eyes bright. There's something exciting about Micky. Maybe it's the fact he's a man his own age and a nen user. "is there a reason you've been following me?" Gon questions, no anger or accusing. He's just curious. Micky approaching him wasn't a chance encounter.
Micky grins widely, pleased with this. "So you knew! That's what I would expect from the man who fought with the ants. You're one of the most widely known hunters in the world you, know that? I've been tracking you for some time. If I was a hunter It would have been easier to find you through the hunter's website but I don't have time for that." Micky waves his hand, Gon noticing that he has two rings in his lips, more piercings.
"Why did you want to find me?" Gon's smile dulls a bit. Again, hearing the ants and how he's famous for it makes his stomach twist. Gon grew up fighting the ants but he doesn't want to be known for it. He has conflicting emotions about it. Maybe he wouldn't mind it if he's not reminded of how he treated Killua during that time.
"To offer you a job and to give you hope." Micky takes his hands out of his pockets, looking at Gon. "I was watching your fight with James." Gon's eyes widen slightly. "You're still having trouble with your nen. A may not be a hunter but i've heard things. I heard how you beat the ants at age 13 by forcing yourself to grow. Doing something like that, Your nen ports are all messed up. I saw how you were struggling. You burned your own hand with your nen."Gon puts his hand in his pocket, his eyebrows furrowing.
"I can use my nen it's just...hard to-"
"You don't have the power you use to."
"No I don't. I don't have the nen control I use to have." Gon nods his head, rubbing his arms when he starts to feel cold. "But i'm slowly gaining control-"
"What if I told you I could help you? That I could get you back to your old self?" Micky walks closer, those blue eyes get half lidded as he looks into those amber eyes that look at him with a growing fascination, a growing hope.
"How?" Gon tilts his head at this man who's smile gets larger.
"Take my job, all I need you to do for me is to arrest a few men. If you accept, I can help you right now. I'll rework your nen network. I'll make it so your life force can move more smoothly. I'm a special nen user with a strange power. But my strange power can help you."
"It could really help me with my nen?" Gon takes a step closer, as he looks into these blue eyes, Gon's heart starts to lift up in this feeling. Hope. Something is defiantly special about this man. "what is your special power?"
"I'm not going to say." Micky purrs as he holds out his hand. "Will you work for me Gon? And do you accept gaining your nen back by completing my job?"
Gon thinks about it for a moment, staring at his hand. Gon doesn't know anything about this guy except that he's been following him for a while and that he has really cool hair. How is Gon sure he could even help him? But there's a feeling in his gut telling him to take this man's hand, to trust him, to take the risk.
"I'll take the job." Gon grabs Micky's hand, gripping it tightly and shaking it, giving him this determined look. "Anything you can do to help me get my nen back is a appreciated. I was going to leave tomorrow..." Sorry Leorio. "But i'll stay in town to take this job."
"My job requires you to travel. We have a few targets that need to be taken care of. Our first one is in Yorknew city."
"Oh!" Gon's eyes light up at the mention of that city he had explored with Killua so long ago. It brings back good memories and some not so good ones. "Okay i'm fine with traveling."
"Good i'm glad to hear it. I will pay you handsomely for your work..." Micky lets go of Gon's hand, his fingers lingering on Gon's palm before he pulls his hand away. "We leave as soon as i'm done with you. I'm going to do my power now. Follow me." Micky turns on his heel and starts to walk towards this building that's covered in paintings. It doesn't look like it's been used in years.
"I have a few things I need to get and I have to pay the hotel room-" Gon starts but he follows after him, curiosity and this growing excitement making him follow when most would be questioning this. He doesn't have a bad feeling in his gut. If he did he would be hesitant but he feels nothing.
"We'll take care of that after." Micky waves his hand as he kicks open the door before walking in. Gon walks behind him, narrowing his eyes as he tries to take in more light to see. It's pitch black in here. Micky takes out a flash light, turning it on and showing how empty this building really is. "Just take a seat on the floor and then we can get started."
"How does your power work?" Gon gets in front of Micky and sits down like he's told, staring up at Micky with those big amber eyes full of curiosity. Micky's blue eyes stick out in the darkness and they seem to gleam.
"It works by spilling some blood." Micky takes out a pocket knife from his jacket. "Don't worry, it's not lot. Just enough. Let me see your arm."
Gon holds out his arm, watching as Micky slices from his palm up to the top of his shoulder. Gon winces as he does the same to his other arm, his blood oozing out and his flesh stinging but it's not the worst Gon has felt. "Take off your shirt and pants." Micky pulls the knife back, staring at his handy work with the flash light pointed at Gon. It sort of hurts his eyes but he's not going to say anything as he takes his shirt off. He stands to take off his pants, staying in just his boxers as he sits back down.
Gon watches closely as Micky gets closer, kneeling in front of him so he can press the knife against his chest. Gon doesn't show his pain as Micky slices his chest, feeling his skin separating to let the blood flow out. Only when Micky suddenly cuts a line from his left nipple to his right, does Gon wince and grind his teeth in pain.
"I know, I know i'm sorry. It's almost over." Micky's voice is soft. There's a trace of guilt that gets Gon to calm down. The knife runs down his stomach before Micky quickly slices the top of his thighs, getting Gon to take a sharp in take of air. He's not cutting deeply. Gon doesn't fear he will bleed out but this is painful. "You're doing wonderful. You're a man who's been through pain." Micky pulls the knife away before he looks at Gon's boxers. "...I'm going to pull these down." Micky locks eyes with Gon. "...There's one more thing I have to cut."
"H-Huh?" Gon's eyes widen and he feels himself start to sweat. The only thing Gon can think about that he's talking about is his manhood and any man would cringe at the thought of getting that cut.
"I know, I know. Just two cuts and then you're done." Micky grabs the end of his boxers, getting Gon to blink at feeling the man's soft hands on his hips. "Can I?"
"And this will get me my nen back?" Gon's eyebrows furrow. Micky nods his head, those blue eyes not looking away from him. There's nothing in Micky's eyes that would make Gon suspect him. Gon doesn't like the idea of what's about to happen but... "Okay."
Micky smiles and it's sort of lopsided. "You're a brave man." He chuckles as he pulls down Gon's boxers, Gon wincing from being exposed to the cold. Gon flushes from this stranger staring down at his intimate parts, those blue eyes don't change as he reaches out and grabs Gon's limp member getting him to tense, and his face to get hotter.
It's strange having someone else touch him there. Especially someone he just met but Gon has to wonder why he feels a bit warm, that tongue ring that's poking out of Micky's lips as he licks his lips in concentration is becoming more interesting.
"You're going to feel some stinging." Micky warns, Gon looks down just in time to feel the blade pressed right under the tip of his penis. Gon closes his eyes when Micky cuts him, biting his lip from the pain. "One more..." Micky sounds apologetic as he grabs a hold of his balls- Gon's eyes snap open.
"Y-You have to cut those too?" Gon frowns, not really sure why he's feeling hotter and the pain is starting to feel not as bad.
"Just real quick." Micky slices the flesh holding his balls, Gon's toes curl and he grips his fists tightly from feeling such a pain. Nothing sharp should be around that area. "There it's over." Micky says smoothly as he grabs Gon's face and cuts two small lines on his jaw. "You're all done."
"O-Okay." Gon's body is cold but his blood is running. "How are these cuts going to help me? And...why did you have to cut my stuff?" Gon flushes when he realizes he's become sort of hard. Why is he reacting to another man cutting him up? It's not sure if that's normal.
Micky touches his cheek and leans closer. "You'll see. You know it's a shame I have to change you. You're a gorgeous man with a wonderful package." Micky licks his lips. "But I have to if you want your nen back. Don't worry...it won't be like this forever."
"Change me?" Gon questions only to tense when Micky grabs him by the face and kisses him. The kiss is rough and his lips are chapped. Gon's eyes widen, his body going stiff as he feels Micky's tongue licking at his lips, trying to get in. Gon has been kissed before. He was kissed when he was young by those older women and he was kissed by a few girls he's taken on dates since he separated with Killua but he's never kissed another man...or...wait maybe he did...
There's a memory in the back of his mind...when he was half awake he remembers feeling lips on his own, it was such a soft kiss and those lips were so nice...Killua....His white locks were brushing over his face.
Gon's body gets hot thinking about that, thinking about his best friend kissing him and soon he closes his eyes, Micky's tongue able to worm its way into his mouth, rubbing his tongue with his. Killua... Gon thinks of those inexperienced lips on his own, sneaking a kiss at night without him knowing, thinks about those blue eyes and pale flesh. Thinks about that shy sort of kiss that Gon felt was so wonderful even as a child that be believed it was a dream.
Gon wants to-
The raven haired male screams, his thoughts being broken when something shoots down his throat, getting his insides to burn. Micky pulls away, leaving Gon seizing on the floor. It feels like all the cuts Micky made are ripping open, his blood is oozing out and Gon can't think of anything. Gon feels his bones change, he feels like his muscles are being ripped from his bones only to be shoved back on.
Gon can't stop screaming. This pain...it reminds him of another time, a time that's been haunting him and that only makes him scream more, a fear over taking him. What if he's turning into that boy. What if that's what he's changing into. He can feel his hair grow longer on top of his head and his face get smaller. He's getting smaller and his chest is stretching. Gon is sweating bullets, trying to get up, trying to stop this pain but he can't even speak.
"It will be over soon." Micky speaks quietly, trying to sooth Gon but it's not helping. "It's all going to be worth it."
Everything is fading away from Gon. He can no longer hear his own scream, it's like it's so far away. Everything is white and the searing pain has become dull, as if he's out of his own body. Gon can feel his consciousness slipping. His last thought is of Killua's smile, the way he would grin with those sharp canines showing, those blue eyes staring at him in that way that they use to.
I can't die here...Gon reaches out to the boy he's been thinking about all this time, that he misses terribly. Killua only smiles, still so far away, still out of reach.
Gon goes limp, darkness over taking him and now he can't feel anything. Micky stares at Gon for a moment before he smiles.
"The change is complete."
Second idea! Give it some love if you want this to be the story that gets finished! Thanks for your support and I am working on the next chapter of Guard dog.