*3rd Person*

Charles Lee paces around a large room of his house, the nervous look on his face could be seen by other people. At this moment it was more fear than excitement. This should be the most exciting day of his life but in a way, it isn't. His wife Elizabeth had gone into labor and there were some complications scaring the man even more. He carries on pacing the room with his hands wiping down his face trying to calm himself down.

He wasn't allowed in with her, which he didn't like the idea of her being there on her own with no support of her family, her sister hasn't been able to come to the birth for more support due to her being away in London with her husband since he's a part of some kind of group called the Templars so he's gone to help the Templars in London so of course his wife would go with him.

Charles Lee is a part of the Templars himself, learning about the order sometime in his Military career, he worked as a soldier for the British Army serving under the General of the Army Edward Braddock, fighting in the French and Indian War. Where he met his now wife, her father was the general he worked under so he had the opportunity the met the fine lady who he never thought he'd loved to pieces.

It didn't take long for the two to click and get married, the two married a few years after the war had started, properly around 1757/1758 and the war itself is still going, no longer with the help of Charles who is now living in America Boston in fact, helping the Templars here, the one reason he's living here is not just for the Templars, it's for his wife, she told him some time while they were just acquaintances that she wants to move to Boston after always been told about it being a great place, so Charles decided once the two got married, they'd move to Boston where she wanted to be, so he left the Army to start a new life away from Britain.

Suddenly a small knock echoes through the large room, Charles quickly stops pacing and shouted for the person knocking to come in. The large wooden door opens revealing a young woman, a very attractive young lady, beautiful blonde locks with it tied up in a neat bun, pink skin, red lip and sparkling blue orbs. Even though her beauty to her face could be seen, the dress she wore wasn't anything amazing due to it looking old and dull but it's understandable since she had been in the room assisting the other women and doctor with the birth of his child.

She slowly walks in carefully closing the door behind her quietly making sure not to startle the bundle in her arms, a small white blanket could be seen, not only that there were small pale hands sticking out of the blanket, Charles gasp once he notices the small bundle in the woman's arms, he slowly making his way over to young lady, looking down in her arms to see a baby lying there, quietly sleeping away.

"It's a girl," The woman says, Lee couldn't help but smile at his daughter, she's truly beautiful, carrying both her looks from her parent but mostly from her father, inheriting his dark hair, pale skin and also his eyes which he noticed once the young girl woke from her sleep, staring at the man in wonder but knowing it's her father once she heard his voice.

"She's just beautiful," Charles says still staring down at his daughter before taking her out of the woman's arms so he could hold her, smiling down at the girl so happy that he has a daughter, throughout his wife's pregnancy he wanted to have a little girl even though he didn't mind having a son, a son would be an honor to have and he knew if he had a son he would have him everything he knew about the Military.

But he will teach his daughter how to protect herself, he wants his child to be a part of the order so his daughter would be the first woman a part of the order, which he will be completely proud of her when she joins. After Charles took in his daughter's appearance he remembers about his wife. "Is Elizabeth ok?" Charles questions looking away from the baby who is still staring at him.

A frown comes to the ladies face, a sad look showing something had happened this scared Charles even more, he watches the woman carefully as she starts to answer. "I'm sorry... you're wife passed after giving birth," Charles took a deep breath and looked back to his daughter as tears start to fill his eyes, he couldn't believe she's gone and she'll never see her again, never see her smile or never see her interact with their daughter. His daughter is all he has left of her and he's going to protect her with his life.

"Y-your dismissed," Charles gestures the woman to leave and the woman nods and left the room, making sure to close the door behind her so he could have some privacy with his daughter. A tear rolls down his face trying to forget that his wife has passed away, he needs to forget and just take care of his daughter. He takes a deep breath as he tries to think of a name for thr youngster, he knows the middle name for the girl is going to be his wifes name, trying to compare names so he could find the right one for his only child.

"I know," Charles says as he looks down at the girl, smiling once he finally figured out the name, remember the name his wife wanted to name their daughter.

"Sophronia, Sophronia Elizabeth Lee... Welcome to the world," He says as more tears floods his eyes as he leans down to kiss his daughters head, as a promise to always love her, even when things go wrong between them.