Just a heads up, I am writing this on my phone and will go through this one and future chapters an edit/update them at a later date so try to over look the errors for now.

This is mostly non canon and I own nothing but the plot.

For thos of you who are following me as an author and are waiting updates on other stories I have in progress I apologise. I just recently gave birth to my second daughter so time to sit around and write is scarce.

A battered and bruised brunette woke with a start only to find herself in startling blackness with a large warm wait pressed against her body. It was so dark the young brunette hand to blink several times before deciding she was in fact awake. Am I blind? She couldn't help the panic that was welling up.

It was a soft pained groan that startled the young woman from her impending panic attack. The warm mass on top of the brunette started to move slightly and groaned again. There was the soft sound of slim wood on stone and then a surprisingly familiar snarl.

"Why is it so fucking dark!" A shrill almost panicked voice cried out not really a question.

"B-Bellatrix?" The younger woman squeaked out in fear.

There was a pause and then a maniacal cackle that further chilled the young woman's blood the body, because that's what the brunette decided it was, shifted and sat up straddling the brunette. The warm weight that pressed down on the younger woman's stomach was lighter than she may have thought it would have been.

"Muddy, is that you my little mudpup?" Hermione grit her teeth at the derogatory term.

"What do you mean is it me? Do you manage to blind us both?" The brunette grit out harshly.

"Blind? Ah so you can't see anything either. Shame the only wand available is in two pieces beside you. Tell me where they sent us Mudpup." Bellatrix cooed in a childishly sweet tone that made Hermione grimace.

"Wait? You can't see either? I don't remember what was happening after you sliced open my arm." Hermione for a moment, in her ever confused state, forgot who she was talking to.

"You don't remember your precious little boys attempting to rescue you? Now tell me where they sent us!" Bellatrix was clearly getting annoyed, if the tone wasn't clue enough the hand blindly slithering up Hermiones body was enough to get the point across as it curled around her throat.

"I don't know! Heck all I can remember is pain thanks to you!" Hermione spoke loud and harsh but both women jumped startled when the sounded bounced back at them numerous times before tapering off back into pressing silence.

"Do you think we are in a cave?" Bellatrix surprising sounded the most sane Hermione had ever heard her.

"It sounds that way… Why would anyone send us into a cave?" Hermione queried mostly to herself.

"Don't ask me, it was your boyfriends. That foolish ginger blood-traitor in fact." Bellatrix sniffed disdainfully.

Hermione lay there for a moment taking a moment to try and remember but she really couldn't remember much, only her own pained screams and Bellatrixs incessant taunting. Had Ron truly sent them somewhere and if so was it on purpose? Truthfully probably an accident as Ron was not the greatest wizard, not even close.

"What happened exactly? When he cast… What ever he cast?" Hermiones tone had turned to her I-need-to-research-this tone.

There was a huff and then silence as the hand dropped away from the brunette's throat and the curly raven haired woman sat back further resting over Hermiones thighs instead of her stomach. Feeling the slight tug to the front of Hermiones shirt she took it as a queue to sit and so did so, the only indication of how truly close they were was the warm breath against each woman's cheeks.

"Let's see he came barging up from the basement saw me on top of you and told me to 'get the fuck off and go to hell' at which point the precious little lad waved his wand at us. Then you know the rest." Bellatrix explains with an exaggerated sigh and Hermione could feel her moving presumably gesticulating as she spoke.

"Merlins beard the idiot could have sent us anywhere!" Hermione burst out after only a slight silent pause but it was enough to startle the older woman.

"Well Id say we aren't in hell, though it's close being stuck in the dark with you, Mudpup." Bellatrix wrinkled her nose snidely, at least Hermione assumed her nose had wrinkled as she spoke.

"Well forgive me Lestrange, if you wasn't being a psycho we might not actually be here." Hermione grit out, her temper short as she was entirely fed up with the childish wish on her lap.

"If you had just told me where you got that sword!..." The dark witch screeched only to trail off as her voice bounced back at the duo.

Hermione for her part barked out an entirely too aggravated laugh that seemed to startle and annoy the darker witch as a hand found her hair and pulled hard jerking the younger witches head back cruelly.

"Don't laugh at me Mudblood!" Bellatrix snarled leaning into Hermiones ear before harshly biting into the brunettes neck causing her to cry out in pain.

Hermione grappled to find purchase on the older with one hand tangling in her hair and pulling hard only garnering an amused laugh as the teeth were pulled from her neck. The laugh furthered the young witches fury and she lunged her body forward using her weight as leverage to topple the dark witch backwards.

The duo scrabbled biting slapping punching and tearing at each other for a time until Hermione was thrown to the side. Hermione was instantly thankful she had such a firm grip on the dark witches wrist, for a moment that was as the open air she felt beneath her suddenly swallowed them both as they toppled over the edge of what was presumably a ledge.

Both women screamed as they fell only to be instantly silenced the moment they splashed into startling cold water. Vaguely Hermione felt fingers wrap around her own wrist as she refused to release the one in her hand as a strong current swept the witches along. The underground river was fed through a lava tube and Hermione quickly realised they would perhaps both die this day.

Endless the tube seemed as both sets of lungs began to burn with need for air. Hermiones eyes stung from the freezing water and she closed them. It felt like minutes, though was truly only seconds, later that more open air greeted the witches.

This time how ever, instead of screaming both witches gulped in air before finding themselves again submerged in freezing water. Though panic was the initial reaction in both women relief was the second emotion as there was no strong current forcing them along and suddenly they bobbed out of the water both breathing again before looking around.

"Merlins saggy balls..." Bellatrix gasped out neither of the women really taking in more than oxygen right now.

"I doubt they'd be too saggy if he was in water like this." Hermiones voice was shaky from the freezing water and Bellatrix snorted, amused.

"Know a lot about balls do you Mudpup?" Bellatrix enquired with a smirk though her tone for once held no true malice.

"Unwillingly. I spent the last several months with two teenage boys as my only company. Reading can only block out so much." Hermione chattered as she started to look around finally, she realised, she could see.

It was at this moment Bellatrix also realised she could see as well. As it turned out they had been spat from the deep bowels of the earth into a vast cavern mostly fully of water with a single barely Rock Island close towards the wall on one side. An opening about five meters in diameter at the top of the cavern, a natural chimney, was the source of the light being fed into the space.

Hermione had seen the island and realised she, and presumably Bellatrix also, needed to get out of the water. She started to paddle and drag the witch along with her as she headed for the small space that would relieve them of the frigid water they were treading.

Bellatrix seemed as reluctant as Hermione to release the witch she had hold of as they both made their way to the island. Later they would both put it down to fear of being left alone but for now neither witch questioned the need to retain contact.

Making it to the island was only a momentary relief as they climbed out of the water and into the equally frigid open air. With a groan Hermione came to the realisation that it was only going to get colder the darker it gets outside and neither knew when that would be.

"Merlin im going to die with my only company being a Mudblood." Bellatrix gripped as her teeth chartered and both women wrapped their arms around themselves in a hopes to stave off some of the chill.

"Sucks for you, I was getting the feeling I was going to die with you either way." Hermione snarked as she looked around again her eyes settling on the water they had arrived in.

The waterfall was high up on the cavern wall pressure of the water obvious as it was pushed from the tube out away from the wall before landing in towards the middle of the cavern. A slight frown marred the brunettes features as she took on a slightly more thoughtful look.

"What is it muddy? What's on your mind?" Bellatrix asked softly and Hermione didn't take offence to the term as she saw it for what it was, conversation to take the witches mind off the numbing cold.

"The water has to be going somewhere or the cavern would be filling up." Hermione mused out loud for the older witches sake.

"What good does that do us?! I don't know about you but I don't fancy getting sucked into another underground river. So far our choices are drowning or freezing and I don't like the sound of either of those!" Bellatrix sounded on the verge of hysteria and Hermione couldn't exactly blame her.

"Merlin Lestrange, calm down, im not ready to die today." Hermione bit out in frustration.

"Don't tell me to calm down Mudblood!" Bellatrix snarled and Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Well quit yelling at me. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all." Hermione barked out and Bellatrix looked slightly taken aback at the authoritative tone of the young woman.

Surprisingly the older woman stayed silent and Hermione huffed and sat down on the damp stone they were residing on. Both now violently shivering and entirely unwilling to acknowledge each other for the time being they remained in silence contemplating their situation.

It was only after several long moments when the shivering was getting too much did Bellatrix move. She surprised Hermione by moving the younger witches arms and plopping herself sideways in the brunettes lap leaning heavily into the young woman's chest like a small child might.

Hermione hesitated for only a moment before silently wrapping her arms around the older woman and resting her chin on the top of the older woman's head. It was clear to both that they had developed a truce though neither was stupid enough to realise it was anything more than a temporary staying of blades, or well, wands.

"I don't want to die like this. I'm the Dark Lords most trusted, faithful lieutenant." Bellatrix grumbled after what was close to an hour of silence but her tone had te younger woman frowning.

"I can't tell if you sound disappointed because it seems we are going to die or if it's something else." Hermione says after a moment of thinking about it.

"Both. Don't try to figure me out Mudpup, it's futile." The death eater says still shivering as violently as Hermione herself.

"No kidding." Hermione griped as she glared over Bellatrixs head at the dark water they came from.

Another long stretch of silence where neither woman was willing to verbally acknowledge their positions within one another's arms or voice their weakness by talking about how numb their extremities were becoming.

"God damnit, we have to get out of here, I refuse to die like this!" Hermione burst out suddenly again startling the older witch who flinched in the brunettes arms.

"What do you propose." Bellatrix spoke softly her tone that of defeat.

"I'm going to find a way out or die trying." Hermione stated the resolve in her voice almost inspiring.

Hermione lifted, surprisingly, the dark witch off her lap and sat her on the stone before standing up. The move startled Bellatrix and she looked up at the young witch a little stunned before Hermione moved towards the water. The older witch stood quickly and grabbed the brunettes wrist.

Turning towards the witch Hermione was about to yank her arm free before she noticed something shocking in the older witches eyes; fear. Her eyebrows lifting in shocked curiosity Hermione stilled and waited for what ever the death eater was about to say.

"Please… Please don't leave me here alone." Bellatrix pleaded softly looking away from Hermione as shame flashed in her dark charcoal eyes.

"Bellatrix… We can't stay here and freeze to death. I'm going to find the out let for this water and… And hope it sets us free." Hermione tone is gentle as she feels suddenly and surprisingly sympathetic towards the dark witch.

"Please… Puppy please… I don't want to die alone." Bellatrixs tone had again turned childish but this time it was thick with nothing but pleading.

"Bella, im going to get us out of here but there is no point both of us going right now. I'll find our way out and come back for you." Hermione hesitated for barely a split second before reaching out and tucking loose hair behind the older woman's ear.

"Promise me Puppy… Promise you will come back and die with me if this fails." Bellatrixs voice is now thick with tears and her eyes practically alight with fear like no other and Hermione has to wonder why she is so afraid of being alone.

"I promise Bella, that when I come back to you, it will only be to tell you how to escape this cavern. I'll get you out of here." Hermione is determined at this point to save the frightened older woman though if you asked her why she would not be able to tell you, Bellatrix was only Torturing her recently.

"If you don't, I will make it a point to find you in the afterlife and destroy you completely." The comment may have been funny if not for the entirely serious snarl that it was delivered with but either way it made the younger witch smile.

"I'll be back to get you Bella, promise." Hermione made a crossing motion over her heart before diving into the water and swimming down.