Author's note: Here it is! The final Chapter of Stranded! I want to thank everyone for their love and support throughout the story, it means a lot so this chapter is to all the fans out there!

Chapter 15: Epilogue.

Three days had passed since Gajeel and Levy officially returned to Magnolia. The moment they returned, life seemed to return to normal. Levy returned to her home at Fairy Hills and continued her daily life in Fairy Tail. Jet, Droy and Lily were released from the hospital sometime after Levy's return but Lily gave the vetrinary clinic a scare since it seemed he was suddenly relapsing. But after quick care, the Exceed managed to return to full strength and was able to leave the Clinic.

Fairy Tail was in it's usual atmosphere the moment. Gray and Natsu fighting, the girls rolling their eyes to the fight, Cana drinking herself until her liver decides to move out of her. Yes, things were back to normal. But the question on Levy's mind was once simple question; where's Gajeel? Levy knew he took the destruction of Redfox Island pretty badly but immediately after that, he started acting like a king around the guild. Declaring this, declaring that, and Levy was always pulled into everything because he was his Queen.

Sighing internally, Levy stirred her lemonade and tried to read a book Lucy got her as a welcome back gift.

"Levy?" Mira asked "Are you alright?"

"Hey Mira." Levy sighed.

"Is everything ok?"

"Well, I haven't seen Gajeel in two days, I was wondering if he's sick or something?"

"Oh, well you might want to ask Lily about your husband." She pointed at the Exceed who was playing poker with Happy, Macao and Wakaba. Noticing him, Levy made her way over to the Exceed to ask her question.

"Ha!" Macao shouted "Three of a kind! Read'em and weep boys!" he laid the cards on the table, earning a few surprised looks.

"Nah uh!" Happy smiled deviously "Tell that to my Straight!" Happy laid his cards on the table.

"I wouldn't be so smug." Wakaba replied "Here's my full house!" He put his hand onto the table.

"Don't think you've won." Lily smirked deviously. He then placed each card on the table one by one; a straight flush.

"Damn cat!" Macao screamed.

"My fish money!" Happy cried. The three mages sat there and watched Pantherlily rake in all the poker chips.

"Heheheh." Lily smirked "Lily's eating Kiwis tonight!"

"Congrats Lily!" Levy smiled.

"Levy!" Lily smirked happily "Thank you!"

"How are your kidneys doing?"

"Better, thank you for asking! I'm taking medicine still and some cranberry juice to help; but the doctor said if anything changes, call immediately."

"Glad to hear you're a lot better! Have you seen Gajeel lately?" Lily paled at Levy's question.

"I had been meaning to look for you." Lily admitted "But I got distracted. You need to see this." He activated his Area, picked up Levy and flew to his and Gajeel's home.

Gajeel was in his once cluttered backyard and cleared out a good portion of his yard. He dug a out his entire backyard into a pool and created a large island in the center of the pool he made. A large tree was in the center of the manmade island and was now getting the finishing touches of the treehouse he added onto the tree.

"Finally." Gajeel sighed after two days of work "Now it's time to live like a king." He walked over to the lounge chair he had on the miniature beach, stripped to his swim trunks, sat down on the lounge chair, placed on his head the iron crown he made for himself, put on his sunglasses and began to drink an alcoholic beach drink that had some iron in it "Ah! This is the life."

"Gajeel!" Levy called out as her and Lily flew to where the new island was now.

"Shrimp!" Gajeel smiled "Come join me!" Levy looked around the new backyard of the Iron Dragon slayer.

"What's all this?"

"Our new country Shrimp!" He handed his wife an alcoholic beverage for her to enjoy "Like it?"

"You really went all out." She took a sip of the drink, noticing the strength in the alcohol.

"Gajeel," Lily said in a serious tone "How much did this cost us?"

"Nothing." Gajeel admitted "I used the shit that was all over the yard."

"And you did all of this in the span of two days?"



"Damn straight. And the shrimp hasn't even seen the best part."

"Best part?" Levy asked. A smirk appeared on Gajeel's face when he heard her say that.

"Come with me Shrimp." he snickered. He got up from his chair and took Levy to the treehouse. Although it wasn't as big as the old one, it was enough for two people to sleep in. She, Gajeel and Lily looked into the tiny treehouse and noticed a small Japanese style cot lying in the center of the room and until candles surrounding it, which lit up when Gajeel clapped his hands and romantic music began to play from God knows where. Realizing Gajeel's plan, Lily hopped down from the ladder and flew off from the area using Max Speed.

"So, wanna do some 'catching up' my beloved wife?" Gajeel smirked.

"I think that sounds wonderful." Levy admitted. And for the rest of the night, they did just that.

The End.

Author's note: That's the end of Stranded! Thank you all so much for the support! I always appreciate it! Keep and eye out for my next series'!