Of course, Irv Ravitz lived here. Miranda mumbled out that Irving just bought it, it came with a golden key and a 30 million dollar price tag.

Irving was rather crass at bragging about how much he spent on it, in Miranda's opinion.

Andy was first mistaken to be an overly friendly Latter Day Saint missionary by her perky smile to Irv's maid who'd answered the door.

Mentioning Miranda's name allowed her entry as Andy lied quickly with Miranda telling her to do so, how she had a message from Miranda Priestly for Irving.

Told to wait by Irv's maid, in the parquet foyer hall as Andy just talked away to the inside of her bag.

Miranda wouldn't do that.


Squirming out of and hopping down from Andrea's bag, and onto the George III side table from Sotheby's that's estimate at auction could feed five large city dwelling families for a few years, Andy tried to grab her.

Miranda landed on her feet righted. Pleased at how she was getting the hang of these paws.

Andy began lowly calling after her. "Miranda come back here." Motioning at her with a wave, to get back here and hop back into her bag.

Right now.

Miranda wasn't going to do that.

Andy's eyes narrowed on Miranda who was just ignoring her calls after her, lowly whispering but being firm. "Miranda. Come back . . . Now."

Eyeing the stairs, waiting for Irv to appear at any second.

Prancing along, paying no mind to Andy's frantic calls after her, Miranda had only been here once, that one time to a dinner party she had attended and had met and she'd endured Mitzi.

Mitzi Ravitz.

Mitzi was Irv's wife, Miranda had been invited for a dinner, which she was pathologically bored and trapped in once a few years ago.

Mitzi was the sole reason she never stayed at functions past ten minutes ever.

Mitzi was Irv's third wife, meant well but she ruminated on Botox, it was a wonder she didn't overdose on it, and her only hobby spending Irv's money.

And her unfortunate Jersey Shore, George Hamilton spray on tan. Miranda had never seen that particular shade of orange on anybody before meeting Mitzi.

"Miranda, get back here. Right Now." Her voice throbbed firm in a command to her to obey, only seeing her swishing tail turn a corner completely oblivious to her command.

Miranda was intent on tsuris.

Andy called out again but no Miranda came rushing back, glancing at the stairs minus Irv.

Letting out a loud cry of alarm and a startled meow.

"Miranda!" Andy's heart was in her throat. Did a dog get her? Did the Ravitz's even own one, Andy couldn't recall off the top of her head, if they did.

She knew nearly everything else about anyone around Miranda.

Honestly, Andy had no clue if Irv owned a standard poodle named Fefe or a Rottweiler named Bully.

Andy made after her, rushing deeper into Irv Ravitz's home, charging forward to rescue her always, she was coming, for her, calling out lowly for Miranda, starting to get really worried with no answer back to her.

Was Miranda really hurt?

Mauled? Bleeding out?

Andy only had a few band aids on her.

Oh god. She hadn't bothered to ever take up that Red Cross course in first aid offered at work.

Why hadn't she?

Turning a corner.

Letting out an exhale of relief at seeing Miranda who looked fine and unharmed, and perfectly alive and completely unmauled perched regally on the plush carpet in front of the ugliest piece of art, Andy had ever seen.

It was why Mitzi should never be allowed to interior decorate, staring visibly disturbed at the rooster sculpture.

"Miranda!" Andy panted. "Don't do that to me ever again." Andy warned out but relieved Miranda wasn't hurt in anyway. Ruffling Miranda's fur with her fingers, letting out her breath.

"Andrea lighten up." Miranda furry face smirked, moving by Andy, she was pawing and opened a door.

Lighten up?

Andy pressed her lips together. Lighten up, Miranda was trespassing as a cat around Irv Ravitz's home.

That and also having just discovered this morning from a Sea Witch who gave her a severed tongue as a gift how Miranda's mother was the Evil Queen in fairy tales and also, her dad was now asleep for the next two — three decades or longer.

"Miranda." Andy tried again. Not turning her furry head back to look even at her.

"Don't. Do not do that. Do not enter that room. Miranda. No! Bad girl."

Andy meant it, being firm to the up to something fluffy white feline, "Miranda are you even listening to me?"

Seeing that no Miranda wasn't at all, listening to her. "Not one word," Andy grumbled that out to herself, at seeing her lady, entering the room, as if she belonged here.

Following hesitantly after her furry determined derriere.

Pouncing up onto a modern desk, Miranda padded across it, passing modern frames of Irving with the Mayor, and the Governor and the President, another of Irving with Bono, hissing at the next one of that golfing buddy of his, grimacing at him, scrunching her face up like she drank something curdled and sour, muttering to herself, "Ivana, Ivana, money does not make your ex, less orange."

Andy stared around at the photos on the walls of Irv, he sure liked pictures of himself doing things, fishing, hunting, golfing at St Andrews and then she stopped on the large aquarium in the room, he had quite a collection of exotic fish, studying them behind the glass.

"Miranda, let's leave. We shouldn't be in here." Andy glanced over at the door, they were trespassing.

This was Mr. Ravitz's office.

"Andrea how often would I be able to go through Irving's briefs."

Andy gave a look at that.

Miranda's fingers . . . her a paws were curious at what Irv was up to.

Huge brown eyes glanced at the door and came back to watch Miranda pawing one folder open, beginning to read it, even doing so with that slight purse of her mouth that Andy truly loved.

And that adorable little frown in between her brows.

Squinting as she usually read with her glasses on, blue eyes went to slits.

Commenting on what she read with incredulity. "Irving, this is very inaccurate. I most certainly do not spend over budget every month and I do not abuse my company credit card for my personal use." Commenting on this one memo outraged, making her claws coming out.

Scratching the glass of the desk with every number she had not at all spent on herself inaccurately logged.

She did not abuse her company credit card ever.

"What are you doing in here…that new maid, I've told Mitzi how she's not trained yet, she can prepare and serve Petrossian caviar but she can't speak American right yet."

Irv Ravitz took in the tall lanky brunette standing in his office.

Not at all Miranda's typical assistant type, Irv sort of could recall her, her, the one with the legs, she was the one who took his attention off Stephen that night at the Benefit.

"So Miranda sent you to see me, did she?" Looking Andy up and down dismissively. "Her little errand girl."

Miranda started to just stare at Irving still sitting on his desk. Perched regally.

Her hair rising up at how he looked at her Andrea.

Andrea was not some little errand girl. Irv was not allowed to speak like that about her, especially to what was hers.

Miranda gazed at him, seeing his beady eyes raking over Andy's assets in her jeans.

He was not allowed to ogle Andrea either.

Andy only nodded at Irv Ravitz, attempting a small smile that didn't quite reach her lovely eyes, giving Miranda the eye to just let it go.

She was used to it.

Andy knew she was inferior to him and sometimes well most times around Miranda at Runway but maybe not these last few days being together and snuggling and eating Chinese takeout, to Miranda also.

Even Miranda didn't think she was important enough to know what it was exactly that she needed to free herself with.

"Uh. Yes, she did send me, Mr. Ravitz, she's told me to tell you that she's not being replaced. Not ever."

Digging through her bag and holding out the folded newspaper. "She's livid about this."

"Good." Irv smirked at Miranda's little helper, so this one of many Miranda girls was bringing him a La Priestly warning.

Irv knew they were discarded often fired for petty things, not one able to be fulfill perfectly errands and duties for The Snow Queen.

It was a standing HR joke.

Not one assistant stayed by the dragon lady's side. Never

Within a year and any and every assistant was elated to move on. To escape Miranda Priestly.

"Oh she's not to be replaced is she?" Irv mused out. "You tell her that she is replaceable as I told her before, in Paris?" as he stopped suddenly, "W-what in hell is that?"

Pointing at it, as if he smelled something rotten at his desk.

"Oh, she's… well see she's, Miranda's cat." Miranda just stared imperiously at Irv and just flexed her claws digging deeper into his modern glass desk.

She wanted to look at him eye to eye.

Trying to dare to oust her, which made her grey blue eyes stormy on him.

Miranda mouthed out losing her temper icily. Only heard by Andy though. "Irving, if you continue to persist with this. I will finally use my list. I once warned you, I would do so and I will."

Irv only hearing hisses from that thing. Miranda's pet.

"Mir-Miriam cut that out. Stop making those noises." Andy commanded. She couldn't very well say, Miranda put your claws in and stop hissing at Irv.

"So where is Miranda anyway?" Irv asked after her curiously.

Andy stared.

She couldn't say right here on his desk. Scratching the glass, Andy noticed Miranda's rage.

"Is she off to a spa? Is she eating kale and descaling to be youthfully beautiful. She needs it." Irv opened a small can of fish food to sprinkle into the tank as he talked away.

Miranda's back stiffened at Irv's words. Mouthing to Andrea what she could say.

"Miranda's taken a few days off, she's gone out of town." Andy was told waspishly to share this with him.

Irv bristled.

"Off?" Irv repeated.

Miranda Priestly did not take time off on a whim. Just like that.

Were her demon spawns sick?

Was she? He could only hope.

She was looking a bit under the weather the last time he'd glimpsed her coming back from Paris.

Miranda Priestly needed to know he was in charge. "You tell Miranda this, I run Elias Clarke. I am the Chairman. She can and she will be replaced very easily and soon."

Irv meant it. Jacqueline despite what happened in Paris, could acclimated into the role of EIC at Runway in less than one week.

"Miranda's nothing rare, now these, these are special and rare, see my fish here. See I paid ten grand for that one. This one, it's a beauty she's worth half a million now."

Andy saw it. That tiny fish was worth a down payment on a few multiple luxury cars.

Irv pointed out another, a Juvenile Emperor Angelfish, one of his other favourites.

Great he was a fish nerd.

"If she wants to keep her job she will have to come see me on Monday."

"Mr. Ravitz, Miranda is unable to come to you just yet . . . she's in a yoga commune. No phones. It's really strict. Upstate."

Irv's smug smile grew on those words.

"You make sure to tell Miranda, word for word, she had better be in my office, this Monday morning at nine or you can tell her she's been replaced by Jacqueline as of 9:30 Monday morning."

Another hiss.

That cat was staring at him again intently. Big blue eyes held his coldly, he blinked first finally, as it had outstared him.

That feline gave him the creeps. Like cat, like owner.

"Jacqueline!" Andy repeated out. " Jacqueline Follet. Mr Ravitz you can't do that. Miranda is Runway. She brings in millions in advertising for you. She turned Runway into the success it is with her hard work, her dedication and her vision." Andy's jaw was set, she'd always admired Miranda's mind not just her allure.

Or her body.

She was an exceptional woman. Brilliant at her job. Amazing to observe as she created issue after issue, everything in it was seen and approved by her.

Andy stood her ground against Irv.

"Miranda Priestly is Runway and Runway is Miranda. Miranda overseeing Runway is what holds Elias Clarke publishing portfolio together. You simply can't do this to her,"

Irv cut her off rudely. "Miss ah …"

"Sachs. Andy Sachs is my name."

"Andy. Well Andy, some advice to you, Miranda Priestly had better be across from me, this Monday morning or you will be also as unemployed as she will be. Now show yourself out and take that thing of hers with you."

Andy bristled, not backing down. "Mr Ravitz, I took law and I am sure that Miranda's contract wouldn't allow you to just do this to her."

Irv Ravitz face spread into a slow smirk. "Miranda's employment contract is up this Monday and without Mr. Clark's signature, she is in a bit of employment limbo. Taking time off, without my written permission, and with her many assistant terminations over the years, her inability to ever bother to attend employee training programs and she is older now. Early retirement does have its benefits, she'll receive a very good package offer from us. She could take that time to write her memoirs. Raise her kids. Be a mother to them perhaps since she'll have the free time."

Miranda's fur raised.

Andy had and was defending her loyally. Miranda saw and heard Andy try to.


Her retire.

Miranda's tail flicked with building silent seething irritation.

"Now Miss Sachs show yourself out."

How dare he, Irv had no right to speak to Andrea like that ever, Andrea was hers to speak down to, not his, she was watching them floating behind the glass. Hopping up, Miranda only had one thought. Think of it like wiggly live sushi.

God she hated sushi.

Brown eyes scanned and fell on Miranda. Out of the corner of her mouth, Andy silently mouthed to her, Miranda. Don't even think about it.

Too late, there goes Irv's priceless Peppermint Angelfish as Miranda scooped it into her mouth with a savage glint.

Irv didn't see. Engrossed on Andy all legs towering over him.

"Mr. Ravitz, Miranda will be there Monday. Eight o'clock." Andy vowed. Not knowing how she'd accomplish that at this moment.

Somehow she would find a way to.

"As long as she is talking to me Monday morning, Miranda might keep Runway." Irv wondered if Miranda would grovel, beg him for it or perhaps finally do what he fantasized, her get on her knees.

He simply smirked at Andy. "Ms. Sachs. I look forward to Miranda on Monday. Goodbye."

Miranda just trotted out with her tail held high with Andrea following behind her.

Out on the sidewalk, Andy knelt down to Miranda's eye level, absolutely livid. "That jackass. He can't just fire you!"

Miranda only remained quiet to Andy's surprise.

She was not, she would not yield to Irv Ravitz. Not ever. First she needed to be able to fill her Prada's again and then she'd deal with him.


First she needed Andrea to pay attention. She pawed her.


Andy's dark brows raised as she ignored Miranda pawing her again. "You have nothing to say for yourself. Miranda. Really?"

Andy pulled at her long hair. "What are we going to do, you cannot be there, on Monday morning as yourself. He's firing you and replacing you with her, that Jacqueline Follett." Wiping her long hair behind her ear letting out a noise of frustration.

Jacqueline Follet would ruin Runway.

Andy didn't care for her in Paris.

That woman was a human reptile.

"Miranda why aren't you saying anything about this? He's taking Runway away from you! Instead you ate his fish. I thought you don't even like seafood?"

Miranda didn't.

Miranda just pawed at Andy's water bottle thermos impatiently, Andy was getting more and more annoyed at a still very quiet Miranda as she simply unscrewed it to open for her.

Setting the thermos down on the sidewalk.

"Aren't you even going to say something for yourself?"

Andy was still met with her closed full mouth. Not saying a word, her grey limpid blue eyes went big and quite sparkling up at Andy.

Leaning her white head down. Miranda expectorated, looking very pleased with herself and up at Andy who grimaced.

Ewww. Was Miranda now having fur balls?

Miranda was able to speak now. "Andrea. Look."

Andy's brown eyes widened as she was looking down at both fish alive in her water bottle thermos.

"I didn't eat his fish. I took his fish." Miranda explained out, quite proud of herself.

"Miranda why did you take…why did you steal Irv's fishes?"

"Andrea keep up, the reason is, and we're giving them as my sorry and token of sincere apology to Brenda Lowell."

"Brenda Lowell?"

Repeating out this name. Andy nodded. "Okay, who's Brenda Lowell, and why are we giving her these fish?"

Miranda looked up to Andy impatiently. "Brenda was my first assistant, I made her find two fish just like these for me. I may have been a slightly bit more demanding than I was to you when I made you get me the Harry Potter book."

Andy swallowed. More demanding then getting her the Harry Potter manuscript? Was that even possible to be?

Poor Brenda Lowell.

"Brenda went to a few stores for them."

Andy gave a look to her.

Miranda slunk down a little, her eyes lowered to the sidewalk. "A few were ten stores. I gave them to Irv as a gift. A gift that Irv never thanked me properly for them. They were very hard to find. Quite expensive. I also that day, found myself rashly relieving Brenda of her duties as my assistant."

Oh. Miranda fired her.

Andy went about trying to find Brenda Lowell. Expecting maybe a few by that name in the city.

Discovering that this Brenda Lowell was one hard ex assistant of Miranda's to find.

She did not live at the address in the HR file they'd stolen.

Andy felt bad. She —they were criminals. First with stealing HR files for Miranda and now taking rare tropical fish worth a lot of money. What next?

As they walked together, actually Andy carried Miranda in her large suede bag, and tried to ask the mirror for its help in finding Miss. Brenda Lowell, but it wouldn't even work with her.

She was getting annoyed with the magic mirror now, stuffing it back in her bag, then recalling that it responded and answered back only when questions were put to it asked in rhyme.

She'd tried her best. Andy wasn't much of a rhymer though. She could rap far better.

She gave it a shot. Looking into it dubiously. "Brenda Lowell is hard to find. Where can she be, tell me this you magic mirror is she near or far for us to come and see?"

It barely answered her back. It got on with her mother, so much better.

Andy got more and more frustrated with it.

Trying to have a conversation with it was making her clench the gold edges.

Trying this again. "Does she dwell in this city that we're walking in or is she in Poughkeepsie or Hoboken?" Sounding out the Hoboken longer. Met with just more silence. Okay she wasn't a good rhymer. Losing it at the glass mirror she stared into.

Andy rarely lost her temper. Not ever with spills of coffee or at Miranda but this mirror was trying her. "Where the hell in the boroughs can she be?"

Grumbling to herself as Miranda softly chided out. "Andrea don't be crass and swear at it." Peering over Andy's shoulder in her bag, she'd corrected Andy's rhyming grammar as Andy almost dropped the mirror down at what she now saw.

Both gasped, Miranda could see herself in it. Herself, as in her human self.

Realizing in apt gaping horror, she wasn't wearing any clothes and her face, her flawless makeup was off.

It started to glimmer and glitter as Andy clasped it, holding it up to Miranda's face. Staring transfixed into it.

Miranda stared at herself, her frumpy reflection, she was sans makeup and Andrea must think she was so old and so hideous.

"Blood of my Queen, I loyally serve. Brenda Lowell you seek to speak to my new Queen, near she is, she dwells in a pizzeria on . . . ."

"A pizzeria on . . . where?" Andy cut in.

It was a piece of useless crap, Andy concluded, it was really like using Shazam for a song you had stuck in your head from a movie trailer or relying on public Wi-Fi.

It just wouldn't talk again.

Shoving it back into her bag, seeing Miranda shiver, Andy scooped her close to her.

"Come on, let's go home Mir. I'll find this Brenda Lowell myself for you."

"You will?"

"I got you that Harry Potter didn't I?" Andy's eyes twinkled. Still smug about that feat she'd done. She had done it, instead of losing her sanity that afternoon.

Placing the stolen fish down on the kitchen counter in the clear thermos.

Andy plucked the note left on the fridge up, reading it, her Mom was off to search for a frozen wishing well near Wollman Rink with Caroline and Cassidy. On the note she reminded Andy there was loads of turkey leftovers in the fridge.

Out, trying to find a frozen wishing well with the twins?

Andy glanced out at the snow.

That sounded like a relatively normal outing considering her week with Miranda by her side, hoping Cass and Car wore gloves and scarves.

Andy told Miranda this, as she bent and lifted white paws up in her hand and she looked over for any salt in them caringly. Miranda licked her hands. Especially where Mami had cut her.

Tipping the priceless two fish into a crystal salad bowl that was Andy's Great Aunt Ceil's, filling it up with cold kitchen tap water.

Andy found it.

A paper phone book. She knew she had one somewhere, she never used it before, hoping this Brenda Lowell was listed. Since Brenda Lowell was not on any social media or even on LinkedIn.

Rummaging through the fridge, Andy got a bowl of this, a bottle of that out for herself and what Miranda liked eating as she grabbed up the yellow NY telephone book as Miranda got up on the couch, and began nestling into Andy's lap.

Reaching for the remote.

Settling into Andy, Miranda watched her flick a channel on after uncapping her bottle.

"Andrea do you think me, truly apologizing to Brenda Lowell will help free me from this?"

Andy's dark eyes slid down to hers. Nestled in her lap. Looking so unsure right now. Blue eyes pierced up at her brown.

"I hope so, Miranda."

Miranda really hoped so too. Her paws kneaded into Andrea's lap.

Andy rubbed her ears. "Can you tell me what it is you need to find?" Waiting for Miranda to speak, to tell her what it was.

Miranda stiffened as Andrea stammered on. "What is it that you need? Won't you just tell me? I can more than likely find it for you. Miranda please tell me, what is it you need?"

Just ignored by her.

Fine. Andy decided, she'd just focus her attention on finishing her sandwich and what was on television.

Deciding against the Disney channel lest Miranda take offense to it.

Pushing her furry white head into Andy's slouchy hoodie. Mumbling against its soft folds, not heard by Andrea as she spoke into the cotton of it. "I need? You. What I want is you. But your Emily's."

Miranda sniffled, her eyes grew wet, saying it. Resting her head to near Andrea's heart. Feeling closer to her.

Andy looked down at her. Nuzzled with her face hidden in her old hoodie.

If she chewed on her hoodie strings. Smirking at that thought, Miranda was too well behaved and dignified to chew on Andy's old hoodie strings.

Miranda once again wouldn't tell her anything about how to even try to break this enchantment on her.

Andy wished silently, if only she'd just talk to her, didn't she know yet, how Andy would do anything for her. Anything. Instead Miranda being Miranda only gave her the usual silent treatment.

Figures. Why did Miranda not trust in her and just tell her.

Without thinking, Andy reached out and grabbed Miranda's tail before she could retrieve it.

She held the tail in her lap, twisting her long fingers in the tuft of white fur with one hand while she drank her beer with the other.

It took all of Miranda's self-control not to melt into the sofa as Andy played with her tail.

She played with it herself often enough, these last few days.

Miranda had never had a tail before this.

It was hers.

It swished.

She had never noticed one way or another about whether the fluffy appendage was particularly sensitive— but she had proof that it was spectacularly sensitive now that it was in Andy's hands.

It felt so instantly good that she didn't pull it away— but the attention was sending shivers down her spine.

And more than that, after a moment, she flushed, realizing that the strokes of Andy's fingertips against the tip of her tail and running up her spine now were making her heart race— and rapidly race.

Sure enough, Andy was looking intently at the TV, a placid smile on her face. She had no idea. Miranda could barely draw a breath for fear that it might shudder out or be followed by a low moan.

Or a few moans.

Then the worst-case scenario unfurled before her. Miranda started purring.


She didn't even notice it was happening at first. She'd been so wrapped up in the feeling of Andy's fingertips on her as they traced shapes into the skin of her tail and sides that she'd lost all sense of self awareness.

Andrea's fingers were caressing her as she almost urged her on.

If only it was her pale skin Andrea was touching. Stroking her.

Rubbing herself more against the soft cotton of Andrea's top that held her scent in her nostrils.

But when the tail stroking came to a halt, Miranda looked up and saw that she'd become the unwanted center of attention.

Big brown eyes were on her. "What?" she asked— and even as she said the word, it was apparent why Andy had all of her attention turned to her because Miranda could hear the purr distorting her own voice.

"Oh God," she said, immediately embarrassed. Wishing she had the ability to clap her hands over her mouth as if she could block the sound somehow.

It took a few seconds of horror and concentration for her to stop.

"Were you . . .?" Andy asked, looking down affectionately at her in her lap.

"Purring," Miranda supplied. Mortified. There was a collective good natured "oh my God" from Andy— and thankfully, Andy's hands stilled and had stopped stroking her tail long enough for Miranda to get her wits back.

"You purr loud?" Andy said. "Since when?"

"It's a new development," Miranda said, curtly.

"Oh." Andy's gentle brown eyes held hers. "So you do like me doing that to you, do you Mira?" Andy's eyes sparkled brightly holding hers.

Teasing her.

Relieved that Miranda had stopped glaring at her like earlier at Mami Wati's shop.

Andy was still digesting that they were enemies, well sort of. She didn't want Miranda to see her like that. Not ever. They were, well to Andy they were friends. Always.

Hoping Miranda knew that.

Despite being from the seed of White and Charming.

Like it? She did like that. Very much so. Miranda went silent, if cats could blush.

"Do you," Andy tried again, smiling a little shyly at the unblinking focused blue. "Miranda do you like that?"

Wanting to say. God yes. Miranda muttered out instead a vague disinterested. "I guess."

"You guess?" Andy repeated out dully by this said to her.

"I don't dislike it, Andrea. I was purring. Wasn't I?" Miranda coolly stated. Becoming irritated at her beautiful brunette.

What was Miranda's problem with her now? Andy wondered. Frowning at Miranda in her lap but still continuing in stroking her.

Absentmindedly she'd flopped angrily more into Andy's lap. Feeling herself stroked, her fur was caressed with those lovely fingers running through her soft white hair.

Oh yesss . . . that feels so good. Miranda almost voiced this. Olga's hands never was this good at getting stress out of her.

Miranda's sleek body just shuddered in Andrea's gentle wonderful hands.

Moving with Andrea's strokes.

Miranda went suddenly rigid at what was happening, feeling it through her just from Andrea's touch.

This had never happened to her. Not ever with Stephen or James the twins father. She usually faked it.


This was not faking it.

Squirming around in Andrea's lap and trying to quickly but failing to get herself away from Andrea.

Embarrassment throbbed through her. What would Andrea think of her?

She really was what others like that security guard said, the shrew in need of a screw.

Andrea still held her to her. Oblivious to her moments ago pleasure and now her growing humiliation, opening her mouth, Miranda pressed her face to Andrea's bare arm.

She'd make her let her go.

"Hey . . . Oww, Miranda!"

She bit her. Miranda bit her.

Staring at it. Andy's arm throbbed. "What did you do that for?" Andy asked out.

Hissing out coldly with slitted lucid blue eyes on Andy's larger oblivious ones. "Enough. Enough of you petting me. I am not your little pet Andrea." Miranda stiffened, she knew she'd come on Andrea being nestled in her lap.

This was Andrea her last assistant, who was kind and was her friend now. And also was the blood descendent of her mother's torturers' made her purr and oh god she'd also made her orgas. . .

Jumping down to rush right to the bathroom.

Someone was knocking on her door.

Andy got up, holding her bit arm. Rubbing at it. Seeing Miranda's teeth mark in it. Still bewildered at this occurrence, Miranda bit her.

It hurt. Stinging on her skin. Hardly a love bite, Andy mused on this, pained.

Knowing her Mom had a spare key, always. So who was it knocking on her door now?

Getting it. Letting out a surprised. "Hi." to who was standing there in her apartment doorway.

Bill from security at Elias Clarke was here for that date she'd forgotten she'd even agreed to.

Author's Note:) Thanks to all reviewers and a big thank you to Krisi, for making me return to this with your encouraging words. Hope you liked this chapter. I promise there will be more . . .