Title: Clan Heir: Places Places

Notes: I have since retaken an IQ test because I'm older now, and was curious and the score given by the character in this fic is now incorrect because hey. I've grown a bit, improved with age. My actual IQ is apparently now 131(as of the 18th of May 2017), considering the test referenced within the story was taken September 6th 2014.

My brain has stopped braining.

I cannot process anymore of this. It's too much. Too many politics and rules, and hell even all the traditions are too much. At least today is a break day, for what it's worth. Considering it's just another day to spend with my team and I just... I don't particularly want to go on any mission today. By the way Kakashi settles himself down on the grass beside me, and just lets out a breath, I think he's in much the same mind.

Too much politics. Too much information all at once.

Which is curious really. Because it's unexpected. From the genius of our Generation, the true genius... Although, to be fair, and completely honest my IQ score in my previous life was nothing to sneeze at, an IQ of 110. I mean that's probably average, or just a bit above but hey, it impressed me. Especially considering that I had never encountered such a test previously.

I mean, the number sequences were similar to mathematics, the word scramble, picture patterns... and all that. But I was curious why there wasn't more to do with sound recognition... and correlation but well... I guess that it was what it was. I mean there was a list of something and identify the one with the least amount of relation to the others but well... It's not like the score really matters. Because it's not measuring your level of logic, or street smarts. Or anything that really matters. Since intelligence itself is something incredibly hard to define. Simply by the fact that as I am aware from the perspective of a person with ASD it takes a lot of brain power to understand a special interest. To be able to quantify and store that information. Who cares if it's useless information, or something nonsensical. The fact that we can hyperfocus on it and just know in a snap. Well, I would like to say that makes us genii as well. Just of a completely different sort, in a different place.

I mean, I could talk(well, sign) your ear off about theoretical science, dimensions, fuinjutsu, mythology(though it would come out a bit muddled) and well yeah. Also certain periods of history that I just buried myself in, lynxes, fennec foxes, fox legends, jackals... Animals in general maybe? And like that takes a serious amount of brain power but nobody would call me a genius for knowing that stuff, aside the Fuinjutsu here and now. Instead it would be enthusiast. Or possibly delusional considering the history that I know never happened in this world...

Or maybe it did, but so long ago that the cycle has since stopped and begun anew.

Who knows?

Fact is though, my brain has just switched off for the moment. Unless it's something I am already familiar with or something that I actually like. No more new things please! Especially not Clan Politics and Policies. If I have to hear yet more about curtesy and manners I will scream. Not even mentioning all how you're supposed to talk and greet foreign shinobi, kunoichi and Daimyo(also other important Civilians with Political power). But honestly that's stuff I already know, give to each the honor they're due.

It might be hard sometimes but hell if it won't turn out for the better for you if you respect them and regard them with the honor of their positon... Barring a few positions that are just not really ones deserving of honor despite the culture surrounding them. In which case, respect them as a person but nothing more... Celebrities, I'm looking at you. Also interestingly enough, this is also why I don't consider the Sannin as much more than high ranked Jonin, because that's more of what they are. Celebrities... also all ninja in the Bingo Book and well, it gets messy. Although, that's weird... because well, positional respect.


Nukenin are rogue and off the record, but still deserve respect as people, if only so they don't kill you instantly. I mean hey, if you're polite to your kidnapper or opponent you get respect in return and they might cool off a bit. Words do have power, and while anger stirs up more anger, calm words can be a healing balm...

Maybe that's why Naruto's therapy no Jutsu worked so well... Nah. It was more of a weird 'Chosen One' thing, possibly with some kind of Ninshu background bullshit.

Still everyone deserves at least some respect, and I can understand that. This mindset is also probably partially why my brain has decided to just quit. Because there's the expectation to interact with certain clans and people around me in a certain way. In a way that I just can't because it doesn't connect in my head.

Especially because there's certain roles. Certain perceptions that I'm supposed to match. Especially regarding civilians(backbone of society) and merchants(Clan merchants or not), Romani Clans, and other Shinobi Clans. Particularly the Hyuga Clan, who we're supposed to be 'better' than. Considering our dojutsu. And rivalry. But also there's the sort of dismissal to clans like the Inuzuka(what? why?) and the Aburame(recipe for disaster, they are still a fellow Noble Clan isolated or not) and it's just awkward. Because the roles that those clans fill just confuse me as to how anyone could consider them lesser.

Also the 'newer' shinobi clans, the ones who're only a few generations in. Like the Maito Clan, which well fair enough, but I know Gai, and looking down on him just sounds like a mistake. But honestly, looking down on anyone seems like a mistake to me. It's pretty much begging to get your ass kicked. Just, I am not willing to match that part of the expectation. Just, giving respect is a better idea. Especially when there's a reason that people have the skills that they do. Also looking down on civilians is moronic because outside of the shinobi villages well... Minorities and all that.

I mean, I don't know the exact percentages but well... It's something like 30% of people are shinobi but I don't know. It's weird. Also, I'm pretty sure that the judging and looking down thing is the Elders being well... the Elders. Nosy and stuck in the past.

Back in my day!

Bleh. Time is always marching on you know. And those old views are going to end in disaster. I mean I've already seen one path that could be taken. One path, from canon, and that definitely didn't end well and happily.

I close my eyes and let out a breath. Lying down on the grass with the wind swaying my hair, and curling my fingers just enough in the grass. It's nice, relaxing and eases some things. I can feel Kushina-shishou close by, standing with Rin-chan and Kakashi is right beside me. He's not quite lying down in relief, but is probably pretty close. Because it's just exhausting to deal with expectation constantly, along with all the lessons.

And I thought that table manners were hard to remember. A spoon, fork and knife for everything.

I can almost miss the simplicity of table manners now...


Not really. I mean, as simple as it seems in hindsight it was just as hard, if not harder to learn all of that stuff.

Another deep breath, and I open my eyes to stare up at the sky. Until Kushina-shishou blocks it out standing over me with a far, far too amused grin on her upside down face. I certainly do not pout, even as I push myself up and give her an unamused look of my own. Stretching out and up, before easily springing to my feet and looking over to where Kakashi has rolled over and commenced what I like to call, futile screaming at the ground.

It's a familiar position.

Although normally I take it when I can't string together enough words to defeat the blank page...

Or when someone's been unfairly mean calling my writing stupid, without giving me anything to improve it.

It's cathartic.


"Kaa... 'nuff!" I poke him, and only get grumbles in response. "Spar..." because we're not learning anything new that's for sure, and last I checked we didn't have any new D-Ranks to do... Which I also figured some things out about, looking in hindsight with a clearer head. And some explaining from the Elders.

Apparently most D-Ranks work on a week to two week long contract basis... explains why we kept getting sent to clean up the sewers... A two week long job according to the sheets... which means for a months-worth, we do around three D-Ranks, and yeah. It clears things up, because otherwise really. If they were that simple to do... and well, the Gardening ones kind of are if you're paying attention. But the contract doesn't void until it's completely over and done with.

Also explains why we weren't doing multiple a day like I thought that we could... It still evens out with the money given though, and explains the high reward much better as well.

The remaining time is covered with training. Team Building exercises, identification exercises and stealth.

It's interesting to realize really.

Honestly I'm just glad that we're out of septic duty hell. And now neck deep in the hell that is clan politics instead... The sewer is probably the lesser of two evils honestly.

"Kaa~" I poke Kakashi again, almost singing out his little call. "Kaa c'mon!" I pout before tugging him up much to his floppy attempt at refusal. Now is not the time for him to play deadweight though. "Kaa!" He mutters something intelligible into the ground and I basically let his drop. Not that he's got far to go.

I'm too short.

I cross my arms and basically puff up before stalking over to Rin-chan so much like an insulted kitten. I am not playing this game today. And when Rin-chan looks far to amused I allow myself to actually hiss before turning my nose up. Yes... I can do dramatics. Besides this, I yelp, a lot. Animals and their responses are so much better to use sometimes than humans, even if it only ends up with people around me being amused.

Kushina-shishou claps her hands together, amused, before she pulls Kakashi up. He crosses his arms unimpressed, while I simply watch.

"Alright then 'ttebane!" Kushina-shishou grins while Kakashi continues to grump. "I guess that means that you two will spar first 'ttebane!"


"Alright sensei!"

We both stand up, taking our positions from across one another. The seal of confrontation, ready, aim.

"Taijutsu only!" I nod my head as Kushina-shishou drops her arm down. No ninjutsu, no genjutsu, no fuinjutsu. Just pure movement. In, out, ducking and jumping, forwards and back. Redirecting, and flowing through the movement. It's a deadly dance.

Rin-chan has improved so much.

Much, better than what she was originally, simply support. And now, I pull myself back and bend over to avoid pokes. Pressure points, and the follow through with a sort of backwards flip. Hands on the ground and spinning. It's so weird how the experience I have with circles and spinning is helping here. I mean, I would expect to be more dizzy.

But no, I'm moving just as fast as usual. Moving easily around Rin-chan's movements as she flows around, and redirects my own. I'd be more annoyed, but this is fun, it's safe, and I'm not really needing to learn anything more than what I know to do it. It's practice. Especially as I spin and twist, moving in ways that would seem so weird to those who aren't familiar with ninja flexibility. I have no idea how fast we're moving, or anything, I just know that it feels good.

Because Rin-chan's improving, and catching up. There's no way that our Rin-chan is useless. She's the best medic, and hell, with Kushina-shishou teaching her... well she's not lagging behind. She's not forgotten or neglected.

And then I slip, Rin-chan's quick to take advantage, moving to slam her hand forwards. Pushing the air out and sending me backwards simultaneously. I grit my teeth, barely managing to catch myself and flip back up, sucking in a breath, ignoring the sting, and instead blocking with my left arm to turn her follow up around. Narrow eyes, and a vicious grin as I sweep my leg out, and she jumps.

And wow...

This is familiar.

Although the players are different. She's being blocked by my arms and jumping up high over me to finish. In the anime that happened with Kakashi...

She lands, and I shake my head. Shake away the memories, and dart forwards. Only to stop when I see Kushina-shishou bring her hand down.

Ending the session. Ending the spar.

The seal of reconciliation.

And I beam at Rin-chan. Because it feels good that we're all improving, reaching this point. Finding our places. Kakashi stands up from his position and kind of stalks forwards onto the battlefield. I move to the side, sitting down crossing my legs beneath me, and resting one hand on my cheek. Ready to watch.

I do grab my flask of water though, gulping down several mouthfuls. And before they spar even Rin-chan gets a moment to have a quick drink.

Until it starts again.

Rin-chan versus Kakashi...

The result's obvious before it even begins. Kushina-shishou's hand drops...

I dangle my hand and fingers just within Itachi's reach. Letting my tiny juutei laugh, reaching and grasping them with his tiny hands. Curling his own small stubby fingers around them and smiling a dopy baby grin up at me. And I laugh along with him, being gentle as I possibly can.

"Obito-chan!" I look up, to see Mikoto-hakubo standing in the doorway, Fugaku-shukufu right beside her. Her expression is soft, but there's something there, and I gently pull my hand back, leaving Itachi and walking over to my hakubo and shukufu. Putting my hands behind my back and peering up at them expectantly.

"Why aren't you in lessons right now with Isamu-san?"

"~He sent me away...~" I sign honestly. Rolling my eyes just a touch. Mythology lessons with Isamu are... well they're something. Mostly talking about the relation of said mythology to the Sharingan though. It's a bit of a headache. I mean I like mythology but there is a point where it needs to take a back seat. Especially when it's constantly been related back to the same thing.

Amaterasu is the black fire that burns, and I know that, related to the sun and burning, something, something judgement.

Tsukuyomi, the strongest genjutsu, and how it's related to the moon kami by the same name. Well illusions always did fit with the moon.

Susanoo still doesn't make much sense though. Even with Isamu explaining it to me, I don't get what storms and seas has to do with summoning a giant battle aura and avatar to fight for you...

"~I don't think I'm learning much...~" not from him anyway. He might be learning more from me really. Considering side mythology. Oni and Kappa, the various types of Shiryō, which includes the more western versions of them, talking about dragons... Phoenixes and yeah. "~know too much already~"

Fugaku-shukufu takes a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose while Mikoto-hakubo smiles, bringing one hand up in an attempt to hide her amusement just slightly. Not that it really works. I tilt my head curious about his reaction before he kind of sweeps out of the room, frustrated. Did... did I do something wrong. Mikoto shakes her head, before walking across the room quickly, and lifting Itachi out of his crib.

I hesitate for a handful of moments before following after Fugaku-shukufu. I find him in the scroll room.

Carefully I walk over and seat myself down beside him. It's seiza of course. But there's something interesting about this, because in front of us, a small little thing. A familiar thing, even if I've never really visited one before. A personal shrine. It's not open, not yet, but I can recognise it... a little worship box. Wonder which kami it's for, or if it's a generalized one... or maybe it's for our Sosou, to pay our respects to them...

I don't know.

I keep quiet either way, sitting by Fugaku-shukufu until he opens his eyes back up and finally seems to notice my presence.

"Fuu?" I venture and he takes a deep breath, before reaching out to the small shrine and opening it. I tilt my head curious, before widening my eyes, because that's... Izanagi-no-Okami, and his sister kami Izanami-no-kami, the two who created... and who are related to the clan's kinjutsu. The ones that our eyes have access to in the Mangekyo state.

Izanagi, the ability to rewrite reality and time just by believing it.

Izanami, the ability to loop time around to teach a lesson, forcing understanding.

Both are kinjutsu, not just because of the price to pay, but because of how they work. How much damage each could do. And yet, they're only ever whispered about, as if merely talking of them may bring disaster. And yet here Fugaku-shukufu has a personal shrine to the two kami that they're named for. The two they're related to. I give him a sideways questioning look and he merely shakes his head.

Indicating that I should remain silent.

So I do, even as the incense is lit up and he clasps his hands, bowing his head.

There's a strange tingling, racing up and down my back. And there's an impulse to get up and leave. But I take a deep breath instead, closing my eyes, bowing my head, hands moving to clasp themselves together. Ignoring the tingling, the feeling and instead holding myself there.

And the feeling leaves. But at the same time.

I don't open my eyes.

I can't, because I can't feel Fugaku-shukufu anymore. I can't sense Mikoto-hakubo and Itachi... I can't even really feel the ground that I was kneeling in the seiza on anymore. There's nothing around me, and I keep breathing. Keep my eyes closed, because I don't know what will happen if I open them.

Can't know what will happen.

Around me a whispering begins. In a language that I don't know, I'm not familiar with it. Except that the words clearly have power, and there is something... faintly recognisable about it. Except that I can't name it. It's clearly not latin, for all that some of it sounds distantly familiar in that odd way that latin is.

No, this language gives off the sense of being older.

Being stronger.

And the tingling is back, up over my arms, across my back, in my head and my entire body. But now it's less, watching and more investigating. As though it's looking for something in me. And I continue to breath, keeping my head bowed and my eyes closed. Until the whispering settles just a little bit, and I get the sense of someone, or something else being there with me. It's not Fugaku-shukufu.

But it doesn't feel dangerous.

It feels old, and powerful, and... Like an old friend. Comforting and safe, familiar. Family.

I open my eyes.