Disclaimer blah blah, I don't own fairy tail etc.

Word of fair warning this chapter doesn't really have much in the way of NaLi action if you're here for that but is rather a collection of my other OTPs in the Colourscape reality. I've marked each of them so if you don't like it just skip it

GaLe, Gajeel X Levy

Levy had been interested in colours since her research with Natsu all those years ago, she had always imagined it would be a gradual process, her perfect man would appear and they would slowly fall in love, the world becoming brighter and brilliant, as Natsu surprisingly put it

Or she and her idiot team would get in a scrape and she would be saved and in that instant the world would be different, she would understand and she and her Prince Charming would live happily ever after… What she didn't expect was for it to come in the way it did...

Red… Red was the first colour Levy Mcgarden ever saw, it was a dark night, the white lights of the magic lamps barely illuminating the atrocity happening right beneath the citizens of magnolia's noses

She was beaten and bloody, everything hurt, it had been a beautiful evening even if it was still quite grey, she and her team: shadow gear, were returning from a successful job late in the evening before they heard a malicious cackling

Before they knew what hit them, Droy had a broken leg and was lying unconscious in a slight crater; Jet was imprinted in a nearby wall with his mouth open in shock and pain, his eyes unseeing

And Levy had fought valiantly against an enemy she couldn't see, unfortunately nothing worked and she was swiftly thrown into darkness, in her semi-conscious state, she felt her small body being lifted and her arms being pinned above her head

She groggily opened her eyes and she saw something she didn't expect, there was a man with extraordinary long hair, in dark clothing that looked like it had a dark wing on one side, the man was staring at his hands in shock, he quickly looked up, straight at Levy and the last thing she remembers before the world went darker than it had ever been before…

Were a pair of bright red eyes, staring right back at her.

Gajeel had never heard about colours, phantom lord mages had no time for such sentimental crap and his father had never seen the need to explain why he could see the world differently to his human son

Master Jose had sent him on a simple mission: rile up fairy tail, unfortunately his first attempt had only annoyed them more than piss them off, his second try wouldn't fail

He had watched those weaklings while they were on their mission, the two men were morons of the highest degree and would be no challenge, the girl also wasn't a threat but he did feel the slightest stirrings of guilt for what he was going to do to them

He quickly squashed the feeling, weak emotions like compassion would get him nowhere but dead in a world like this one, it was every man for himself and he was top dog. He thought about what he was going to do to those measly fairies, imagining the looks on their faces he began to quietly chuckle

His attack was quick and painful, they each barely had time to let out a scream, with a wicked smirk he had an idea, roughly picking up the two beaten males he carried them over to a nearby thick oak tree and pinned them up crucifix style with a large space in between them

With the evil smile still on his face he returned to the girl, it was then he noticed how small she was compared to him, she was also the only one of the three who had put up even a semblance of a fight, carrying her under his arm her pinned her up in between her teammates in the same fashion

Having another stroke of genius he then used the dark grey liquid on his hands to trace the phantom lord guild mark on the small woman's stomach, he took a step back to admire his work with a victorious grin

The look was quickly wiped away when he noticed something strange, the mark he had traced on the girl's stomach was supposed to be a dark grey but instead it was a crimson red…

Wonder what was going on, Gajeel Redfox looked down at his hands and saw that they too were covered in the red liquid, he also felt his hands shaking and he experienced a felling he hadn't had in a long time. Fear.

Hearing the girl grunt he quickly looked up, desperate to look at something other than his hands, covered in the blood… oh God. It's blood. But he was taken back once again; the three fairies he had pinned to a tree in the centre of magnolia were now covered in the same Crimson that coated his hands

His eyes drew to those of the small girl pinned up before him and he saw the still grey orbs dilate and widen as they made eye contact before her head slumped and she passed out, fighting the urge to scream or throw up, Gajeel ran, he ran like the devil was on his tail

Gruvia, Gray X Juvia

Juvia knew the world was grey, it had always been grey, she'd never seen the sun, she had been born with a magic abnormality which, while making her incredible good at water manipulation, meant that the sky above her constantly poured with rain

She had heard Gajeel describe the clear sky on occasion, while it was said that he was an insensitive bastard, she was perhaps the only one who knew he truth, neither she nor Gajeel were 'evil' just misunderstood, she was in constant state of depression and Gajeel had a surprising inferiority complex

He adamantly believed that his father had deemed him too weak and so had left; as a result the iron dragon slayer had joined her in phantom lord believing that if he became the undisputed strongest, his father would return or at least, life would become worthwhile

she was the only other human being he even attempted to interact with, she figured it was mostly out of pity, yes pity, she knew that the iron dragon's natural temperance was towards compassion, even if he did everything he could to squash it and leave it behind, he simply couldn't

Jose's unnatural grudge with fairy tail had affected them all slowly and now he had a trigger, something their deranged master had been wanting for a long time, they had a job request: retrieve Lucy Heartfilia

Jose's master plan was to rile fairy tail up into the war he had always dreamed of and use the distraction to kidnap the escaped heiress, he had sent Gajeel to complete the first step, but Juvia knew something had gone wrong

Gajeel completed his mission with seemingly no issues, but Juvia knew something was off; he had kept his iron scales on his hands almost the entire time, actually seemed disgusted when a fight broke out and she could swear she saw him visibly flinch when he saw his reflection

She was sent off on her mission before she could question the unusually jumpy dragon slayer, it had gone smoothly, she had easily subdued the targeted girl and brought her in, only for her to then be rescued from their hall by and unknown party

Everything had come together to what it was now, she was guarding one of the four lacrima that kept the frankly stupid guild hall turned magic powered mech running while it drew a destruction circle that was taking frankly far too long

She didn't agree with Jose's method of holding the entire of magnolia hostage and she knew Gajeel wasn't a particular fan of it either but why would she care about anything? And if this made Gajeel strong who was she to stop them?

Suddenly she was affronted with a man, he was as grey as all the others had been, he introduced himself as Gray, how ironic… and said he was an ice mage, she didn't figure it would make much difference, she had beaten ice mages in the past and she would do it again

The fight was short but not for the reason she expected, the man had used his magic to trap her in a solid pillar of ice with his hand in a *cough* inappropriate place, something which mortified him to no end, but Juvia honestly didn't care, she was too busy staring at the sky

The clouds that had plagued her since forever were gone and she could see the sky and it was a brilliant blue, she looked around at her surroundings and saw that she could see in full Colourscape, it was amazing; she looked down at the man who caused this, who was still apologising for what happened

He had spiky black hair and dark blue eyes, his skin was fairly tan with his guild stamp, in dark blue and was on his right pectoral, and to top it all off the blush on his cheeks was adorable. She simply smiled, for the first time in a very long period. She told him she surrendered and released the body link she had with the lacrima.

She didn't need phantom lord anymore, the world had been grey, but with Gray the world wasn't anymore

Jerza, Jellal X Erza

Erza Scarlet, scarlet, the colour of her hair, a colour she could no longer see. Ever since they were introduced at that dreadful tower the two of them had developed and shared the Colourscape, they never told their captors and they were never told about colour and so thought nothing of it

Life had been –forgive my French- utter shit but as she reminisced at least they had each other. When the world went back to being grey she had feared the worst but now that she thought about it she didn't know if it were better or not that she was wrong

He had changed, something had happened to him, he no longer cared about her, about anything and so the world reverted to as it was for most people, he exiled her and trapped their friends and she made her way to fairy tail

It really wasn't as long as she wanted before she met him again, he called himself Seigrain and had lead the magic council to believe he was his brother but she knew the truth, even though she could no longer see it, she knew it was his blue hair, his burgundy tattoo. She knew without a doubt it was Jellal.

They had fought at the tower of heaven, he had lied, led her to believe he still held feelings for her, it was really only thanks to Natsu that any of them survived, but he had promised and explosion to wipe out the continent and while the detonation was impressive, it wasn't earth shattering

He's dead. He's really dead this time. Erza thought, distraught, she knew, she just knew he had sacrificed himself to prevent the R-system's full activation; he had come to his senses far too late and had saved them all. She pushed that to the back her mind and said farewell to her childhood friends

She never expected to see him again, but once again she was wrong, and this time she was glad for it. After the little sky dragon slayer saved her life from the poison invading her body from her brief fight with Cobra she was stunned silent to see the hair of her small saviour was a dark blue, she knew that colour, it was his colour.

Hearing the news of his apparent survival she shot off, she knew exactly where he would be, she found him standing in front of a pillar of white light, nirvana has been activated! She thought beginning to fear that the oracion seis may have gotten what they wanted

"Why have you done this!?" Erza called to the man whose hair had once again returned to being the blue she unfortunately loved

"I don't know" was his small reply; he turned to her, his back facing the pillar

"Please, I don't know anything, it don't remember anything, no that's not right I do remember something, Erza Scarlet…" He said in a quiet, seemingly terrified voice

"Who is Erza Scarlet, who am I?" He asked hopefully

"I am Erza Scarlet and you are Jellal Fernandes" Erza replied wary of any moves he may make, she was not so gullible to fall for the same trick he pulled in the tower

"Of course you are… Your hair's scarlet after all" he said pointing at her

"Saying that, why is everything else so grey? Actually nevermind, tell me Erza, who am I?" He asked, and so she told him, secretly overjoyed he apparently could see the colour of her hair but saddened that she would have to tell him of all the atrocities he committed

In the wake of the knowledge of his past he had tried to commit suicide and destroy nirvana with self-destruction magic but, luckily for her heart had survived and together they had ultimately defeated midnight and eventually the rest of the oracion seis

And he was taken away, to serve life behind bars for his crimes against the council. And while she cried once again for her loss, the sunset was stunning. In full Colourscape

Sort of NaLu but not really. (It has Natsu in it so is NaLi)

She loved fairy tail, she had been here for almost three months now, and man, the adventures she'd had, first daybreak then eisenwald then Galuna Island then phantom lord and now Fantasia was just mere days away, she was so excited, the first adventure with the guild that won't involve violence

"Hey Lucy!" Mira called, breaking her out of her thoughtful stupor

"yes Mira?", I wonder what the parade will be like, I wonder what I'll have to do, I hope nothing bad happens, then again knowing this guild I expect at least something will get broken, she thought before remembering she had answered Mira

"Sorry Mira, could you repeat that." Lucy asked with a sheepish expression

"Oh, got something on your mind?" The barmaid said extremely suggestively

"Uhh no?" Lucy said questioningly, wondering why Mira was acting weird

"Ok!" She exclaimed, her usual bright smile back in place

"Back on topic! I was just wondering… What's going on with you and Natsu?" Aaaand there we go the suggestive tone's back

"I don't know what you mean. There's nothing going on with Natsu" Lucy exclaimed, beginning to get flustered at what the older woman was implying

"Really? I haven't seen Natsu this excited for Fantasia since… Uhh for a while… And besides you only go on missions with him and the rest of team Natsu, is there really nothing going on?" Mira said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively

"Yes! No! No! There's nothing going on, I have no idea what you're talking about!" Lucy said loudly, barely keeping herself from yelling

"Can we talk about something else please?" She said in a quieter voice

Mira then got a frightening look in her eyes, if Lucy had to describe it; she would probably say it looked like the ex-demoness was plotting to destroy the world

"You may say nothing's going on… But Natsu told me otherwise…" She said conspiratorially,

"Uhh… What do you mean?…" Lucy asked cautiously

"Natsu told me… That he was seeing colours!" Mira said and Lucy's eyes widened but had she been looking she would have seen Cana shake her head as if disappointed

Fantasia was tomorrow, it would be the second year without… her… Natsu quickly cut the thought at the stem, he didn't need the extra baggage right now besides he had slightly more important things he needed to be doing other than getting depressed; he was out of food at his their house and Lucy was acting weird

"So Natsuuuuu" Lucy cooed in a way that reminded Natsu eerily of a pigeon

"Yes Lucy?" He asked with a small sweat drop forming on the back of his head, she had ambushed him during his grocery shopping and seemed to be standing far too close to him for his liking

"You wanna go do something else?" She said in the same voice she had used at Everlu's gates; a strained overly sweet tone

"Uhh no. I'm running out of food at home and kinda need to get this done before tomorrow" he said scratching the back of his neck

"Ohh come on!" She said in the same sweet tone and abruptly grabbed his arm, now Natsu while being quite clueless in many aspects, wasn't so oblivious when it came to relationships, after all he had been in a long term dedicated one since basically he was fourteen

And while Lisanna had never been one to cling to him in public, he knew what this looked like, and he didn't like it. He sharply pulled back, wrenching his arm free and turning to stare at the surprised looking girl in shock

"Lucy! What the hell!?" He asked loudly

"What do you mean what the hell?" The girl in question

"You're acting like that creepy rain chick when she's around Gray!" He exclaimed

"What do you mean? I'm not acting like Juvia! And besides Juvia's a nice person" Lucy exclaimed her normal tone

"You are acting like her, all doey eyed and clingy! It's creepy and weird! What's got into you?" He asked, beginning to fear that he might have to turn his friend down if she said what he thought she was going to say

"I thought you liked it." She said

"Liked it? No! What made you think that?" Natsu said beginning to sweat slightly

"So you don't like me?" She said, cutting straight to the point, Natsu let out a sigh

"Sure I like you! We're friends, you're basically family now, all of us in fairy tail are!" He exclaimed feigning cluelessness hoping it would get his teammate off his back. Lucy then let out a relieved sigh

"oh good, I thought you liked me in the other way" she said with a slight laugh

"What? Me not liking you in that way is a good thing?" Natsu asked now thoroughly confused

"Well yea, I thought… Well after Mira said… That I …" Lucy stammered, not really knowing what she thought. She'd just got caught up in the grandeur of the possibility of love but also worried she would make it weird between her and Natsu

"What did Mira say?" Natsu said in a clipped tone and with a dark look on his face, Lucy was snapped out of her embarrassed state and was honestly frightened by her dragon slaying friend's dark look

"Well uhh… She said that you could see colours and that I had caused it." She explained

"MIRA! WHAT THE FUCK!?" Natsu yelled from the guild halls doors, he was looking absolutely livid and the throngs of people wisely got out his way

"What do you mean Natsu?" Mira asked with the slightest of flinches under the pissed dragon slayer's glare


"Oh that? That was just a little white lie to get the two of you going." She said sweetly with a genuine looking smile on her face

"Get us going? GET US GOING? MIRA! IVE KNOWN HER FOR LIKE TWO MONTHS! ARE YOU NUTS!" He yelled with fire beginning to froth from his mouth

"Well I just didn't like seeing you so depressed all the time and you always whinge about not being able to see colours so I figured I'd help you get them back" she explained, her smile not faltering even once


"What do you mean!? You're always going on about them and how great it was! Thought you'd be happy I'm trying to help you get them back!" The barmaid said begging to raise her voice


"What do you mean that's not how it works! How would you know how it works! It works that way for Juvia and Gray!" She exclaimed staring to gesture with her hands

"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT IT TO WORK THAT WAY! THE COLOURS MEAN LITTLE TO ME!" Natsu yelled with tears beginning to pool in his eyes

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE COLOURS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU!? WHAT DO YOU WANT THEN!?" Mira yelled back, finally losing her cool. Many members of the guild were cowering behind tables for fear of inciting either's wrath

"FOR FUCK SAKE MIRA! I WANT LISANNA BACK!" Natsu screamed as loud as he could roar, total silence ensued and Natsu let his tears fall

"I … Uh… I…" Mira stuttered trying to find a way to console Natsu, the dragon slayer looked to the guild's ceiling with tears running down his cheeks and began to chuckle quietly

"What do you know…" He muttered quietly

"It is possible to win an argument with a Strauss woman." He said

And that's that, woo the penultimate chapter! I basically just wanted to make this for the GaLe section and the argument but I think the rest of it went well