A/N: I hope you enjoy this short story, please leave a review 3

Rachel stood by her locker, reading a note she'd just found in it. Come to the auditorium. Now! It said. When she came there it was dark, she didn't see anybody (or anything at all for that matter). When she stood on the stage, suddenly a spotlight got turned on, almost blinding her. She blinked a few times and suddenly saw a him. On the stage, across from her, stood Finn. The tall quarterback looked like an angel with the light surrounding him like this. "Why did you want me to come over here?" Rachel asked. "I like you, Rachel." He came closer to her. "No, it's more than that…I love you." Rachel looked into his eyes. "But what about Quinn? I thought you loved her." "I broke up with her, yesterday." He stroked Rachel's hair. "I want to be with you, Rachel, more than with anyone else. When I was with Quinn I just couldn't stop thinking about you. And, to be honest, my relationship with Quinn has always been more of a popularity-thing. What we have is real." There was a long silence. Rachel stared at the ground, not really knowing what to say. "Please say something," Finn finally said, a little bit of desperation in his voice. "I don't know…first you reject me all the time and now you suddenly dump your hot and popular girlfriend for me? I just never seem to understand your true feelings for-" Suddenly, Finn kissed her. The kiss was really sweet and tender, yet very passionate. Finally, Finn freed himself. "Do you understand them now?" he stared in her dark brown eyes. "Yes, I…I do." They kissed again, this time even more passionately, and for the first time in their short lives, they understood what true love was.