It was just another summer in Gravity Falls, Oregon. But, like all things that thrive, there had been change through eight years. Dipper and Mabel Pines now ran the Mystery Shack and Dipper became a successful paranormal investigator.

"Dippeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr!" Mabel groaned. Currently the situation was 'Annoy or Be Annoyed' and Dipper was the one being annoyed. "Dipping Sauce, get your head out of those books and do something that 'aint related to the paranormal!"

"Mabel this was a mystery unsolved for decades. This could be a big break in my career!" said Dipper

"Why can't you be like a normal twenty year old for once?!" asked Mabel

"I could ask you the same thing Mabes." retorted Dipper

Mabel was intent on getting her brother to take a break from this new case, but she knew her efforts will be fruitless. "What is this thing even about, Dip?"

"Well," replied Dipper " from what I gather, it's this little pizzeria at the edge of town that's supposedly haunted or something."

"That's just wierd," retorted the girl. Dipper replied,"And every night guard they hired didn't even last five nights."

"What!? What happened to them?" Mabel was freaking out. "Nobody knows, Mabes. All they found the next morning was the body of which ever night guard they had, lying in a pool of their own blood. They go through two or three night guards in a week!"

Mabel was right royaly freaked out! "Why are you even doing this?! If it hasn't been solved for decades, then it probaby means that you should leave it alone!" Dipper was unfazed,"Mabel please stop this. I'm going to work as the night guard there next week to conduct obsevations." Mabel flipped out at her brothers way of solving this case,"Dipper, I forbid you to work there! Why can't you work as the night guard at Greasys Diner? Seriously Dip, you could get hurt!"

"Who else will do this Mabel?"

"Anyone but you."


"Who gave you this information? It can't be the owner if it's still in business." asked Mabel and Dipper replied,"Actually, it was the owner. He was desperate and came to me for an answer. He couldn't shut the place down as it was the last in the franchise and the only place he gets his income from. He couldn't throw the anamatronics out as they were harmless during the day and the kids loved them."

"Why can't you just stream the security camera footage?" asked his sister. "I tried that and it was useless. 90% of it was audio." Dipper played the recorded sound from his laptop, nothing but scuffling in the background was heard. Mabel scrolled though the playlist and asked,"Hey have you played this last one? Seems longer than the others." Dipper was perplexed and looked at the LED screen,"Strange, I could've sworn it wasn't there two days ago." The twenty year old female hit the play button and a male voice played through.

'This is the worst job ever. Babysitting useless robots...' was what was heard but it wasn't over yet, there was still an hour left

'Wait... How is the rabbit missing? I thought they were deactivated.'

Fifteen minutes passed.

'Oh crap the fox is gone! Should I shut the door?' a metallic bang and a sigh of relief was heard

Thirty minutes passed

'Shit they're all gone! And my power is low! Could this night get any crappyer?'

The audio was almost over and metallic cranking was heard.

'Dammit! Used all the power now the doors open!'

Fast, heavy, metallic footsteps was heard.


A robotic screech and a scream was heard and the recording ended. The twins looked at eachother with the same exspression on their faces.
