A/N: This is my first attempt at fan fiction. I'm terrified I will not be able to keep the characters in character which is one of the reasons I've never really written fan fiction before. I'm really obsessed with this movie though and this idea has been stewing in my head for several weeks now, dying to come out so I figured I'd give it a try. Here goes.

Forged through Fire

The Campus was unnaturally quiet, even for an early Saturday morning. Pale sunlight illuminated clean concrete, glass and steel softening the sharp precise lines of the high tech buildings. Nothing appeared to be amiss. Everything was clean, whole and precisely placed. A place for everything and everything in its place. Just the way he liked it. Except...

"Woah! Dude! Classic plot twist! We've traveled back in time!" A giant blue lizard leapt up into the air arm raised up above his head. "We're developing super powers. It was only a matter of time. It was bound to happen you know, what with us being super heroes and everything. I wonder whose power this is. Probably yours. You can use your laser sharp blades to slice through time. Hi-yah!" The lizard chopped his hands doing a bad job of emulating karate moves.

A green suited figure raised a hand to his forehead suffering through the others antics. "We have not traveled back in time, Fred." He said with a sigh. "We're investigating rumors of objects from the past appearing in the present, remember?"

"Yes but that's the old showcase building!" Fred exclaimed bouncing up and down in small movements. "How do you make an entire building appear out of nowhere without travelling through time!"

"Hiro and Baymax have gone to Krei Tech to investigate a rumor that his Micro-bots have returned and Honey and Gogo have gone to the bay to see if there really is a World War 2 submarine docked there. I think an entire building is not all that far fetched at this stage. I'm sure there is a scientific explanation for this" Wasabi said marching forward with a scowl.

"How is time travel not a scientific explanation?" * Fred demanded following after.

"The plaque to Tadashi's memorial is still there" Wasabi said pointing to a silver plaque planted among the Sakura trees in front of the showcase building.

Fred glanced at the plaque, shoulders drooping just a touch. Wasabi lifted a small electronic device as they approached the building, turning it on. The little box was designed to measure fluctuations in electromagnetic pulses and was calibrated to seek out traces of inter-dimensional space. The readings showing up on the screen were erratically shifting up and down, only getting more erratic as Wasabi and Fred approached the building.

Wasabi frowned at the numbers heading towards the entrance to the building before stopping. Fred paused beside him. He pushed back the top of his suit to stare up at the building. "It's almost like it never burnt down." He commented.

"But it did." Wasabi said shortly lowering the recording device he held. "This doesn't make sense."

"I told you... Its, Tiiiime... Traaaavel." Fred insisted still staring at the building. A slight breeze filtered through the air drawing his attention to a dark blue banner shifting lightly to match the movement of the air. He was right! Fred began to bounce up and down on his feet once more physically unable to contain his building excitement. He turned to Wasabi insistently tapping him on the shoulder in an attempt to gain his attention. "Look! Look!" He was now actually jumping and flailing about as Wasabi turned to face him. "That banner! It's the one they used during the showcase! You know! The one where Tadashi... " Fred hesitated a moment as the touch subject of Tadashi's death reared its ugly head but continued on anyway to excited to be down for long. "It traveled through time."

"Let's not jump to conclusions, Fred." Wasabi said ignoring the voice inside his head that was agreeing with Fred's hypothesis. Fred was a comic book nut not a scientist. "Its not scie..." Wasabi's response was cut off, his attention drawn once more to the device in his hands as it began to beep insistently. He lifted it staring at the numbers as they spiked off the chart, an ominous 999999999999 blinking up at him in time with the beeping.

Fred peered over his shoulder to also take a look when a flash of flickering orange drew their attention back to the building. The showcase building was burning. Pale ghostly flames danced along the buildings surface, seeming to leave the building untouched even as the ferocity of the fire grew. Leaping into action Fred pulled his mask back down, grabbed hold of Wasabi and ran.

The beeping of the device in Wasabi's hands grew ever more insistent, drowning out their loud pants as they fled eminent danger and that's when it happened. The building exploded. A sudden gust of explosive force lifted them high up into the air before dissipating completely leaving them to fall hard onto the ground.

"Oof!' Fred hit the ground, his head bouncing off the concrete. His suit absorbed most of the impact but did not prevent the pain that coursed through his skull as he saw stars. Wasabi landed on top of him with a dull thud, the device in his hands now eerily silent.

Wasabi lifted himself off of Fred and turned to face the building, expecting to see flames and debris. The showcase building was still standing, blue banner drifting innocuously in the early morning breeze. The fire; along with any traces of the ensuing explosion; was gone.

A lone figure was running across the immaculate lawn heading towards them.

Ignoring his bumps, bruises, aches and pains, Wasabi got up, gingerly placing himself between Fred and the potential threat heading towards them.

Broad shoulders.

A lean waist.

Neatly trimmed black hair.

Large warm brown eyes.

Wasabi's jaw dropped open in shock as the details began to filter into his mind. It couldn't be. It wasn't scientifically possible. Plausible. Maybe. Possible. Definitely not. He shut his eyes and shook his head trying to clear his vision. Concussion, his logical mind supplied. He'd been violently propelled through the air and now his mind was playing tricks on him. It was the only logical explanation. There wasn't anyone here when they arrived. There couldn't be anyone here now. He cautiously opened his eyes convinced things would once more be as they should but what he saw continued to defy all reason.

Wasabi passed out.