Here's chapter four! Some big changes are coming to the group and Ingun is determined to have Acidicus see the good in him. Will she succeed alone or will she accept the help of someone else who sees the good in Acidicus? Find out now!

Ingun POV

Acidicus hasn't been the same since what happen a few days ago. We returned to Whiterun to find Michael waiting for us with two living members of the Blades, they wished to reach Alduin's Wall to find a way to defeat Alduin, I find it astonishing that the Blades still existed. But when Michael asked what happened to us, he was met with a cold silence.

Me and Lydia took Michael aside and explained what happened and he merely hummed in surprise, apparently when you've been around for over four hundred years, not that much impresses you. We stocked up on supplies the next day while Aela took care of Skjor, once finished we started heading in the direction of Alduin's Wall, which was in the Reach.

Though Acidicus didn't say it he showed his distaste of the area and me being in that area, he tries so hard to protect me, but he knows he won't stop me from coming with him. We were heading towards the Reach, after a few days we reached Rorikstead, we decided to stop and rest. "Please father let me go out and explore the world" we heard as we entered the inn and made me smile at the memory of mother letting me go out into the world.

I gave Acidicus a look and he threw a large bag of gold on the counter, "let him explore the world, trust me you can't stop him" Acidicus said and I hit his arm playfully, "hey now" I said and he chuckled. I noticed a large figure sitting at one of the tables, they was wearing orcish armor and an orc battle axe on his back. "Thank you stranger for the coin" the inn keeper said taking the bag and Acidicus gave him and his son a small smile.

"Think nothing of it, now I'll take some mead if you don't mind" he said and the inn keeper nodded his head and grabbed a bottle from beneath the counter, "on the house" he said with a smile and Acidicus returned the smile and took the bottle. We took a seat while the rest of the group slowly came in and bought various items and the inn keeper looked very happy that business was booming today. I heard the door open and saw a little girl walk in.

Her dress was dirty and she looked partially small for her age, which I assumed was no older than ten. I frowned as she hesitantly went to the inn keeper, "Sissel is everything alright" he asked softly and the little girl just looked at him. She started to mummer something and the inn keeper got a sweet roll and handed it to her and Acidicus stood straight up and walked over to the girl, he approached her and kneeled down to her level.

"Who did this to you" he asked pointing to the small bumps on the girl's small arm and she just started rubbing them, she gestured for Acidicus to come closer and then whispered something in his ear. He stood up and drawled his greatsword and stomped out of the door and I immediately followed with Michael as well, Acidicus stomped over to some frowning man plowing his fields, "are you Lemkil" Acidicus said to the man and he grunted.

"Yeah what do you want argonian" Lemkil said not looking up and Acidicus thrusted his sword into the ground and picked Lemkil up by the collar. "How dare you treat your daughters like that" Acidicus said through gritted teeth, "that's none of your business argonian" Lemkil sneered and Acidicus punched him hard in the face, broke Lemkil's nose. "You are no father, if so much as touch a hair on those girls, I swear to Malacath I will BREAK YOU" Acidicus shouted at the man throwing him on the ground.

As Acidicus was pulling his sword out of the ground Lemkil pulled his dagger out and went to slice Acidicus, before either I or Michael could do anything Acidicus swung his sword, right into Lemkil's stomach, killing Lemkil. Acidicus than spat on the corpse of Lemkil and put his sword on his back and walked back to the inn. "I'll handle the guards, as the future Mrs. Acidicus go see what Acidicus is about to do" Michael said and I nodded not commenting at his remark.

We walked back into the inn and Acidicus scooped up Sissel, "Lemkil is gone little one, I hope you to find you a good home" Acidicus said softly and I walked next to him, Sissel mumbled something and Acidicus titled his head to listen, Sissel whispered something and Acidicus hummed. "What she say" I asked and Acidicus turned to me, "she asked me to be her father" he said frowning a little and I chuckled. "I think she's cute, why not" I said and he continued to frown.

"Protecting her is a problem, not to mention I don't own a house, Breezehome is a joint-ownership" he said but Sissel just nuzzled her head into Acidicus's shoulder, "I think she's taken a liking of you" I said softly and Acidicus sighed. "I lost this argument didn't I" he said and I smiled, "yep, now let's introduce her to her new uncles" I said and Acidicus slowly walked over to Saladin and Aela.

"Should I even ask" Saladin said looking at the little girl with a smile, "this is Sissel, she's my new daughter" Acidicus said smiling a little, "I am Saladin, and you are a very special girl, you helped prove the theory of Acidicus's huge heart underneath that somewhat cold exterior" Saladin said and Sissel chuckled with Acidicus growling lightly. "My name is Aela the Huntress, I hope to learn more about you later" Aela said kindly and Sissle nodded, "and my name is Ingun Black-Briar, Acidicus is my guardian of sorts, he convinced my mother to let me explore the world" I said sweetly and Sissel gave me a small smile.

Sissel then whispered something in Acidicus's ear and he hummed, "oy inn keeper, anyone in this town going to take care of Britte" he said to the inn keeper, "yeah, don't worry about her, you just worry about little Sissel" the inn keeper replied. "Good news is no trouble with the guards Acidicus, bad news Thalmor from the south, let's move" Michael said approaching us with Lydia and the Blades, "alright time to go" Saladin said getting up heading for the door, as we were leaving I saw the large figure start to move as well and I frowned a little.

We left the little village and Acidicus is still holding Sissel, she looks like she's napping and Acidicus has a warm smile, he's stopped thinking about his beast blood, Sissel seems like a sweet girl, she could be a big help with making sure Acidicus doesn't cut himself off from everyone I thought looking at the pair. "Guys, the large figure from the inn is following us" Michael said and everyone just kept walking, "should we confront him" Lydia whispered and Aela nodded, "indeed, but who" she asked.

"Allow the master" Michael said stopping in his tracks, "oy large figure, I can hear your armor clanking from here, come out now and we might let you live" Michael said and the figure came out from behind a rock. "Please, I only seek to deliver a letter to Acidicus from Kazhannar" the figure, clearly Khajiit from his accent said, he approached us and he had greyish fur and a black mustache, he handed the letter to Acidicus, he was looking at the letter curiously.

"Dearest nephew Acidicus, got wind that you were in Skyrim, don't ask how I know, I just do. This is my nephew Ares, he was raised by an orc and khajiit, and he's adventuring the world too. I was hoping that he could join you, watch him for me will yah, he a pretty brutal fighter like you. Also send a letter to your sister once you get this letter, she's pissed at you, and she wants you to send her your exact location so she can come over there and kick your ass. Well that's all, hope to hear from you soon, and see you at your funeral once your sister finds you. Uncle Kazhannar" Acidicus said reading the letter aloud, and Michael started to laugh.

"You have a sister, HA" Michael said trying to control his laughter while Acidicus gave the wood elf a death glare, "You are a hard man to find Acidicus, spent a whole year in Orsinium chasing leads there, your quite famous there" the Khajiit now known as Ares said. "An orc and Khajiit as parents, what was that like" Lydia asked curious, "birth father died when child, orc father at age of four, mother Khajiit, we live in Cheydinhal" Ares summarized his parents in that one sentence.

"He's coming, no argument, now tell me Ares, since when did Uncle Kaz have a sister" Acidicus said walking next to the Khajiit, "it is a funny way how I find out, it all started when Uncle Kaz was hunting a deer with one arrow" Ares started as the pair of warriors began walking ahead of the group. "Wow, two new members in one day, new record" Michael said walking again, I just smiled, more people close to Acidicus means he'll stay connected to the world.

Two days later, in the Reach

It's been a few day since Rorikstead and both Sissel and Ares are nice additions to the group, Sissle still only talks with Acidicus but she smiles warmly at me and Ares. Acidicus has made it his top priority that both me and Sissel is protected, he also having her carry an iron dagger he picked up for safety reasons, he's already a good father and Sissel just came into her life. Maybe he's a natural father and he doesn't realize it.

We were approaching the entrance to the Forsworn camp that lead to Sky Heaven Temple, and we're taking extra precautions for this attack, "alright we know for a fact that theirs a Briar Heart there, so who's killing him" Saladin said in our little camp. "I will" Michael said and we looked at him, "what, I know the ultimate weakness to those freaks" he said smugly, "and what's that" the old Blade, Esbern asked.

"They carry their hearts in a little pouch on them, take it out and they die instantly" Michael explained and we nodded, "you sneak into the camp and take out the briar heart, Aela and Ingun will be up here on the hill taking out Forsworn from afar, also protecting Sissel, and the rest of us will be fighting on the ground, since a small army is probably waiting for us" Saladin said and we all nodded. "Alright Michael go kill the briar heart and send us a signal to attack once he's dead" Saladin said and he nodded.

We waited a little bit before we heard a loud scream, "ATTACK THE ASSASSIN" the Forsworn shouted and we saw Michael holding some Forsworn at bay with his Eleven sword and dagger, "go now" Saladin said heading down the slope with nearly everyone following, "protect her" Acidicus said heading down as Sissel went behind my legs, "don't worry Acidicus is a hard lizard to kill, if anything the Forsworn should be worried" Aela reassured Sissel taking aim at some Forsworn.

Sissel merely gripped my leg a bit harder, "take it from me Sissel, no one can stop Acidicus when he wants to protect someone" I said taking aim as well, and her grip lessened, I started firing arrows at the Forsworn and I watched Acidicus and Ares on the ground. They were cutting down the Forsworn left and right, and the Forsworn kept trying to take them out and were met with two powerful warriors slicing them down, "that Khajiit is strong" Aela remarked as Ares ran his sword through another Forsworn, "indeed, but he's nothing compared to Acidicus" I replied as I watched swing his sword taking three Forsworn down.

"Your father is one of a kind Sissel" Aela remarked again and Sissel didn't responded since she was hiding behind my leg, "your safe here Sissel, Acidicus would fight the Daedra before he let either of us get hurt" I said kindly and Sissel looked up to me with a small smile. "He protects us" she said in a soft voice, "Yes Sissel, he's your father and my protector, he cares for us, he will fight until he can no more before he lets us get hurt in any way, that's what a real father is, a guardian" I said going down to her level and she gave me a small smile.

"No more Forsworn, they're all gone, looks as though Acidicus and Ares chased the stragglers down into a cave and everyone is going after them" Aela said making her way down the slope, I picked up Sissel and slowly went down. We all made it deeper into the cave and saw Acidicus and Ares resting on a bed the Forsworn had, "hey you okay, you guys were fighting hard" I said approaching them and they just laughed it off, "we are fine, he was just like Uncle Kaz said, fiercer than a bear in battle" Ares said.

"Papa" Sissel whispered as I handed her to Acidicus, "your smelly" Sissel remarked with a small smile, "That's what happens when you fight a long time" he remarked smiling as well. "Come on the Temple is further into the Cave" the Blade, Delphin said and we followed the Blades, after solving a few puzzles we approached a large stone face blocking our path, "the great seal, only someone with the blood of the dragon can open it" Esbern said looking at the seal.

Michael bent down and cut a little bit of his hand and some blood dripped down onto the seal and the stone face rose into the celling behind it, "well let's look at that wall" Michael said heading deeper into the Temple.

TIME SKIP, TWO DAYS. I find that explaining the whole Alduin's Wall is boring, it's important for the main quest but not for my story. So now in Markarth, we go to Ingun once again.

After the Blades decided to stay at their Temple and start rebuilding, the rest of our group went to Markarth to restock and move on from there back to Whiterun and then Ivarstead. Sissel started to open up more and started talking more as well, she rarely leaves Acidicus's or my sight. Ares has been a nice addition as well, he's helping as much as he can.

We entered Markarth and Saladin stopped a man from killing a woman in the market and we found ourselves in the inn enjoying the relative peace, then a courier came. "Letter for either Saladin, Michael, or Acidicus" the courier said and Michael took the letter, "it's from Hecate" he said opening the letter, "what kind of trouble could she have possibly gotten into in about three weeks" Saladin said and Michael shrugged.

"It says dear fellow Dragonborns, the College of Winterhold is awesome. I've learned so much since I arrived here and it turns out I have an Aunt! My mother had a sister and didn't tell me about it, but my new Aunt Faralda is the Master of the Destruction School, and she's very happy to know my mother is doing well. Having a niece like me, not so much. Anyways, found a Word Wall in an old tomb near Winterhold, and I'm now working on finding the Staff of Magnus because we fear an ancient magical artifact could destroy the world. So I and my fellow apprentices are heading to a Dwarven ruin, and I want some extra protection, we'll be waiting in Shor's Stone until you arrive. See you soon" Michael said and Acidicus sighed.

"Of course, we Dragonborns always have trouble following us" he said and Sissel looked at him strangely, "you're Dragonborn" she asked softly and Acidicus nodded. "Not only me but Saladin, Michael, and our mage friend Hecate, you'll meet her one day" Acidicus said and Sissel looked very happy, "I vote that papa Acidicus, Ares, little Sissel and Ingun go help Hecate while the rest of us go and see the Greybeards" Michael said and Acidicus growled.

"No" he simply said and Michael chuckled, "too late, good luck in the dwarven ruin" Michael said running out of the inn before Acidicus could attack him, Sissel looked curious. "I've never seen a dwarven ruin" she said and Acidicus grunted, "It is a dangerous place, filled with Dwemer traps and machines, not a place for a child" he said but Sissel just looked more curious.

"But your friend needs help, and if it's as dangerous as you say then the strongest should go and help her" Sissel said and I smiled at her, Acidicus mulled it over a bit, "I've lost this argument haven't I" he asked, "yes you have" me and Sissel said at the same time and we giggled. "I have not been in a dwarven ruin in a while" Ares said surprising us, "you've been in one before" I asked and he nodded, "indeed up in the north, I found this glass sword when I was there" he said retrieving a sword from his pack, magic is amazing.

"That's a fine blade" Acidicus said and Ares nodded putting the blade back in the pack, "well we'll learn more about this one once we're in Shor's Stone, with the right coin we should be able to hire a carriage straight there" Acidicus said and pulled a small piece of paper from his pack. "Now Ingun watch Sissel while I get the letter to a courier and then start making my will out once my sister finds where I am" he said and we chuckled.

Once Acidicus left Sissel came over to me and I smiled, "are you and dad close" she asked catching me off guard, "excuse me Sissel" I said flustered while I felt the heat reach my face, "indeed I too would like to know the relationship between you two" Ares said smiling. "There is no relationship between us" I said trying not to stutter, great more people involved in my love life, "your face betrays you Lady Ingun" Ares retorted and Sissel giggled as I tried to hide my face.

"Like I told Lydia, can we please not talk about my love life" I asked hopefully and Ares chuckled, "I will stop but I don't think Sissel will, she has taken a liking of you" he said pointing to the little girl looking at me will a small smile. "Maybe in time a relationship will form Sissel, these things need time" I said and she nodded, "now, let's read a book" I said and she looked saddened, "I don't know how to" she said and I gave her a warm smile.

"Don't worry Acidicus and I will teach you" I said and she smiled, Acidicus returned and Sissel jumped straight into his lap surprising the argonian, "tell me a story" she said and Acidicus chuckled. "Alright, long ago when Michael was a rude two hundred year old teenager, there was a hero known as the Eternal Champion" Acidicus started and Sissel eagerly listened to his story.

"He's going to be an amazing father" I said to myself and I watch the little scene a bit longer before heading out to check out the Alchemy shop with Ares accompanying me, we passed two men talking about a house, other than that not much was happing in the City of Stone. "I have a question Ares" I said to the Khajiit as we were walking back to the inn, "you don't talk like other Khajiit's, why is that" I asked and he gave me small smile, "my mother and father were both well-educated merchants in the Imperial City, so I learned all the secrets of speech and bartering from them" he explained and I nodded.

"So you grew up in the Imperial City, that must have been interesting" I said and he chuckled, "it was a nice place to grow up, almost became a Gladiator in the Arena, my father talked me out of it and then I met my Uncle Kaz, and then I went on the follow the trail Acidicus left" he explained once again and I was curious. "What's Acidicus's connection to your Uncle" I asked and he chuckled again, "best if he tells you, it is not my place to tell another man's life story" he said simply and I nodded.

Later that night we discussed what everyone will be doing now and Aela was a bit concerned about Sissel going into a dwarven ruin but with both Acidicus and Ares going with us her concerns went down, "alright but write us once your there" Saladin said and we all nodded. The next day we hired a carriage driver to take us to Shor's Stone, it would take about two to three days depending on if we ran into any bandits or other dangers in Skyrim.

Two Days later. Man I just keep time skipping.

We arrived in Shor's Stone in only two days, I felt a bit uneasy for being so close to Riften but having Acidicus near me helped, "no need to worry we're just heading into a dwarven ruin not Riften, almost the same place" he said jokingly and I chuckled at his attempt of a joke. We looked around the small mining town and saw a small camp not far from the blacksmiths home, and I saw the tall elf we were looking for.

"Hecate" Acidicus said gaining the elf attention and we walked over to her and she looked surprised, "I leave the group for a while and you have a kid and a pet when I see you again, you guys certainly move fast" she said and I blushed. "I am no one's pet" Ares said simply crossing his arms and three other people walked over to us, "are these your friends Hecate" a girl, dark elf, clearly said.

"Indeed, group met Brelyna, the cute dark elf, Onmund, the nord, and J'zargo, the cuddly cat" Hecate said with Brelyna blushing, Onmund nodding politely, and J'zargo grumbled, "J'zargo is not cuddly" he said. "I am Acidicus, this is Sissel" Acidicus said while gesturing to the little girl hiding behind his leg, "I am Ares" Ares said simply, "and I am Ingun Black-Briar" I said and Onmund looked scared. "Black-Briar, as in Maven Black-Briar" he said with some fear and I sighed.

"Yes, she is my mother, and no you do not have to worry about anything" I said and Onmund looked less fearful, "when was the last time you wrote a letter to your mother" Ares asked, "back in Markarth, not to mention Acidicus's reports to mother also counts, being my technical body guard" I said and he nodded. "Before we head to the ruin, mind explaining what happened and where is everyone else" Hecate asked and we sat down and explained the events that transpired only a few days ago.

Hecate then explained her situation and I found it astonishing that the Thalmor were even in the College of Winterhold, "they shouldn't be there, the College has so much history, the Thalmor only destroy others history" I said fiercely and took everyone by surprise. "How would you know" Brelyna asked curiously and I sighed, "let's just say some of the parties I went to with mother with Thalmor there were, informative" I said and they all nodded.

We started heading towards the Dwarven Ruin and I was amazed by the sheer size of the ruin from the outside, the inside is even larger I imagine. The first thing we see in the ruin is a dead mage, "I think he was a member of the Synod, and he has a journal" Hecate said pulling a somewhat bloody journal and key from the hand of the dead mage, "he was sent by the Synod council to deliver some crystal, which he doesn't have" Hecate said skimming the journal. "Alright Sissel stay behind Ingun, I am not taking any chances with these dwarven machines" Acidicus said as Sissel came to me.

We started to head down into the ruin, Brelyna stopped Hecate from stepping on a pressure plate, "thanks Brelyna" Hecate said as the two mages both got a large blush on their faces, they seem cute. We continued further and fought a few dwarven spiders and then we came to a bright rest area where a creature was feasting on the body of some poor mage, I made sure Sissel didn't look at the creature and body.

The mages of the group sent a fury of fireballs at the disgusting creature and it burned quickly, Ares went forward to ensure the creature was dead, "this is very ugly up close" Ares said as we slowly approached the corpse. "What is it" Sissel said getting only a peek at the bug-like creature, "a chaurus, pets so to speak to the Falmer, my pa told me about them" Onmund answered as we walked past the chaurus.

We saw two more chaurus ahead and J'zargo sent off a trap killing both with boulders from above, "J'zargo meant to do that" the Khajiit said and we all laughed it off. We slowly went forward waiting for other traps and creatures, a single dwarven sphere attacked us and Ares smashed it with his battle ax, "I despise those machines" he said kicking the scraps of the machine.

"I find these dwarven contraptions fascinating, if only there were some dwemer alive, imagine the knowledge we would gain" Hecate said mesmerized by the machine, picking through the scraps. "The dwarves were an interesting race, but they're better off dead" Acidicus said and Hecate seemed to take offense to his statement, "they made advancements in machines centuries before we could even think about such concepts, we're still struggling to understand them, how are they better off dead" she demanded and Acidicus sighed.

"The Snow Elf's went to the dwemer for help when the Nords were killing them off, the dwarves took them in and feed them poised mushrooms and blinded them, they then enslaved their brethren and now we have to deal with the Falmer because of the dwarves, also all the conflict the dwarves had with every other race caused a lot of death, that's why Hecate, slavers, betrayers, conquerors, history has had its fair share of darkness but not as much as the dwemer" Acidicus said and everyone went silent.

"I understand where you're coming from Acidicus, enslaving their brethren elf's, blinding them, turning them into the Falmer, finishing off a dying race, its unforgivable" Brelyna said humbly and truthfully and we continued further into the ruin. We ran into another dwarven spider and we had to slowly pass a trap that could send us flying across the room, we continued deeper and fought another Falmer and Onmund mulled over the corpse.

"What would the world be like if the Night of Tears never happened, what if the Snow Elf's didn't attack the Nords in Saarthal, what if they continued to live alongside one another" he said looking at the corpse sadly, "an interesting world, no Falmer, I live there" Ares said smiling and everyone chuckled. We continued deeper into the ruin, fighting various Falmer and eventually we came to a hallway and looked farther and saw a small encampment of Falmer.

"Mages come behind me and Ares, Ingun you stay here with Sissel and fire some arrows" Acidicus said drawing his sword and we all nodded and attacked the Falmer, Acidicus battled the head Falmer, who was trying to kill him with their staff. Ares fought the heavily armored Falmer, while the mages and I took care of any other Falmer that were coming out of their little huts, "hey this one is holding something" Acidicus said as we walked over and Hecate picked up the object from the Falmer's grasp.

"It's the focusing crystal" Hecate said happily and we went for the door and found it locked, "Me, Hecate, and the two Khajiit's will go look for the key down the hallway, everyone else stay here" Acidicus said and we nodded. Once they were gone Brelyna turned to me, "is there something between you and Acidicus" she asked and I sighed as Sissel giggled.

"Everyone keeps saying that, look I don't want to talk about it unless you want to talk about you and Hecate" I said and Brelyna blushed and Onmund chuckled, "thank you, someone else sees it, J'zargo says it's only a matter of time before they kiss, we even bet on it" he said still chuckling and Brelyna started to frown. "You and J'zargo bet on my love life" she said and Onmund seemed fearful, "uh, so you do have a love life with Hecate" he said trying to save himself.

"I should burn you and that cat alive" she said with some flames sparking in her hands and Onmund started to back away, "we have returned victorious, found it with some tough sphere" Hecate said happily making the fire disappear from Brelyna's hand. "Hecate, did you know Onmund and J'zargo made a bet on when we're going to kiss" Brelyna said and J'zargo slapped Onmund.

"You told them, now J'zargo will never win the bet" the Khajiit mage said and the Nord chuckled nervously and Hecate simply chuckled, "well I was waiting for the right moment but what the hell" the High Elf said and before anyone could react she kissed Brelyna right on the lips. Sissel was giggling and I felt a large blush come to my face seeing the mages kissing, Hecate pulled away and was smirking at the speechless Brelyna.

"I win, pay up cat" Onmund said happily and the Khajiit grumbled as he handed Onmund a bag of gold, "enough of this, can we just head further and get out of this place" Acidicus said and I elbowed him, "don't ruin this moment, this is a huge step in the relationship" I scorned him and Sissel was still giggling. We did continued further and ran into another Synod mage, we gave him the crystal and Hecate solved the dwemer machine and figured out where the Staff of Magnus is. In the deadly ruin of the Labyrinthian.

We left the ruins after Hecate had a run in with the Psijic Order, and were resting in Shor's Stone, "thanks again for coming Acidicus" Hecate said as we were sitting down near the small fire we lit. "Course, but I can't just let the four of you go to the Labyrinthian, but I don't want Ingun or Sissel anywhere near there" Acidicus said frowning a bit, "please old Nord ruins are nothing compared to Dwarven ruin, even a place like the Labyrinthian" Hecate said dismissively.

"No it isn't Hecate, Frost Trolls surround the actual ruins and the rumors, the legends of that place during the Dragon Wars are not good, we need a solid team of warriors to survive there" Onmund said and I started to frown, "that is true, even in Riften we heard tales of that ruin, maybe it's better if Sissel doesn't go" I said and Acidicus growled lowly. "Sissel will have to stay with Saladin then, I trust him more, and I am not going to argue with you if you're coming or not, which you are" Acidicus said looking at the sleeping form of little Sissel, I smiled.

"I'll wait for Saladin's letter and explain the situation, until then we should head to Riften, better to be in an actual city then here in this small town, if that is okay with you Ingun" Acidicus said and I nodded, "of course, I can talk to mother while I'm there, I'll be fine" I said and he nodded and we all procced to head to bed.

I thought about the events that have recently transpired and smiled, Acidicus, I just keep falling more and more for you, why do you see only darkness when bad things happen, hopefully Sissel and I will keep you seeing the light, and people will stop asking if there something between us, I thought all this as I looked at the sleeping form of Acidicus, with Sissel clinging on to him. I slowly fell asleep and dreamed of the future and what mother was going to say about Sissel.

Damn, long chapter for me, but it makes up for not updating in a while. Ares is my newest play through of Skyrim, couldn't resist putting him in, but he won't be Dragonborn, just a cool warrior friend. And little Sissel, I was playing as Ares when I went to Whiterun and ran into my old friend Sam, you know what happens. But I was in Rorikstead and saw Sissel running from her brat sister, I then put Glenda on hold, killed Lemkil, fast traveled to Riften and adopted her.

I adore little Sissel, so she will be a part of the story from now on, I didn't originally plan Sissel, but playing Skyrim to refresh my memory of the Mages quest and taking Sam's challenge changed that. But I have some new better plans now with little Sissel involved, and the romance between Brelyna and Hecate is coming in later chapters, cause soon Hecate will be Arch-Mage, even though she joined not too long ago.

Enough wasting your time, hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for not having better detailing. Also does anyone else wonder what the world of the Elder Scrolls be like if the Night of Tears never happened? I'm just wondering. Anyway see you next time!