A/N: Alternate title: Because It's Not Like I Have Potentially Life-Changing Coursework To Do Or Anything.

But yeah, basically an Anti-Depressing Drabbles so that I can switch between angsting like a true fangirl and just doin' what I do, which is writing bad jokes, pasting them onto a page and calling it fanfiction. Anyways.

FUN FACT: I'm typing this with my left middle finger strapped to my ring finger because netball! Fun times(!) I can still tie my tie and plait my hair and type normally though, so I'm pretty chuffed :D

P.S.: I'll update pretty much whenever, but because I'm leaving a description of the latest chapter in the summary I'll try to wait for a couple of reviews between chapters if I happen to have two at once, just so people can have a look at the first new one. Savvy?

#1 - S4E5, rewrite of conversation between Arthur and Merlin right before Arthur kills Caerleon.

I Don't Think You've Really Thought This Through, Mate

"You've not slept?" Arthur shook his head.

"Been thinking."

"About what Agravaine said?" Arthur nodded. Merlin took it as permission to take a seat on the next log. "So... What are you going to do?"

"... My father was a great king, and I-I don't have his wisdom or his conviction, I can only... " Now Merlin was staring at him, the incredulity clear in his face. Arthur wasn't looking, though. "... Follow his example and do what he would've done."

"You must be joking." Arthur's head jerked round to look at his manservant, aghast.

"... What?" Merlin sighed.

"Arthur", he said slowly, "Your father was a sadistic tyrant, hated and feared across the Seven Kingdoms. Do you really want to set yourself up to be just like him?"

"HOW DARE YOU?! You are speaking of your king, Merlin!"

"Oh, no, I'm not, I'm looking right at him! Forgetting things already in your old age, sire?" Merlin mocked.

"Merlin", Arthur growled, "My father was a great and wise ruler, and you will never speak of him in that way again, do you hear me?" Merlin looked him straight in the eye.

"He was a deluded old crackpot with a phobia of magic tricks - but!", Merlin wagged his finger at Arthur, who looked about ready to run him through, "He did once have a decent understanding of politics, and even in his worst years he wouldn't've killed a head of state unless they were a proven sorcerer. " Deflating slightly, Arthur now wore a confused expression.

"Agravaine said -" Merlin waved him away loftily.

"'Agravaine said, Agravaine said' - if I had a copper for every time - never mind. If Agravaine told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?" Contrite, Arthur could only pout.

"... No..."

"Don't you think that setting you up to murder a head of state and start a war with Annis is actually a lot worse than that? He's clearly setting you up for a fall, Arthur! He's setting you up to ruin Camelot!" Arthur's brow furrowed in concentration.

"... But he's my uncle! He's just trying to help m-!"

"He wears black and he smirks. Case closed."

"... But-!"
