Rose POV

It didn't hit me until I was stepping on the Academy jet that the ski trip was here and happening. My brain had been running in circles because of what my Mother had told me about Dimitri and Tasha, the only thing that somewhat distracted me was packing and the excitement I felt from Lissa over the bond.

I felt a flare of excitement in the bond once Lissa stepped on the plane behind me. Behind her was Christian and she lead him on holding hands and being as cute and cuddly as ever. I let them pass me so they could figure out where they wanted to sit on our gorgeous plane.

Plane isn't the correct term, it was technically a private jet and it was defiantly something I had missed about the Academy. The private jets were complete with cushy chairs and tons of leg room which was great. They sat about 10 people including the pilots who is usually a Dahmpir from the Academy. I assumed it would probably be Alberta or Dimirti considering that Lissa was on this plane.

Lissa and Christian sat 2 rows back and I sat down one row behind them in the window seat. I pretended to be interested on what was happening on the runway to the side of me, but in actuality I was just looking at the entrance of the plane waiting to see who would be on our jet.

Mason and Eddie walked in and to my surprise I was actually surprised to noticed I felt a bit happier after seeing them, but more specifically Mason. Mason came back and sat next to me while Eddie sat down next to him on the other isle.

"Hey there beautiful," he said with the dorkiest smile ever.

"Beautiful is kind of a long shot today Mase," I replied. I figured that we would be traveling all day so I decided to wear cropped leggings, a huge Sweatshirt that I had gotten while Liss and I were on the run, and my hair was up just how Dimirti liked it. I looked anything but beautiful.

"Oh Rose you always look beautiful" Eddie said mimicking Masons tone.

"Yeah Rose Alwayyyyys" Christian joined in. Mason's Cheeks turned as red as his face and I just laughed.

"Shut up you guys," Lissa said while laughing.

"Yeah listen to her majesty won't you?" I replied.

I turned back to the window and started looking down the isle.

Then came in Alberta, Dimirti, and Tasha. Alberta looked over the cabin and met my eyes and smiled my way. It was hard to smile back because right next to her was Dimirti and Tasha holding hands. Alberta then turned to the cockpit to get ready for take off. Looks like she's piloting not Dimitri, great.

Dimirti and Tasha sat down in the row in front of Eddie, Tasha taking the window. I thought this was our entire group, but about 1minute before the doors were going to close, some Moroi guy who looked about 4 years older than me came in. He evaluated the jet and the people in it and locked his eyes on me. This wasn't the first time a guy had ever looked at me the way he did, with the hunger in his eyes, but there was in,y one guy on this plane who I wanted to look at me like that, and it defiantly wasn't him.

Dimitri POV

Adrian Ivashkov. We are destined for trouble now. Once I saw he boarded our plane I instantly tensed up. I have heard the rumors and new the Ivashkov name more than I like to admit. He looked over our tiny jet and I watched him do so. He barely payed attention to my side of the jet, but when he got to the back of the other side his eyes instantly changed from boredom to hunger. Rose. I felt the anger in myself grow and my hands turn into fists. I looked over at Rose and she noticed him looking at her in that way as well. I took that time to notice her, she wasn't wearing makeup today and her hair was, as always beautiful. Stay in control, I told myself. that just made me think back to our time in the gym a week ago when she figured out the part of myself that I hide from everyone. I then faced forward and thought of the kiss. I was so angry, but I had needed her. I needed my Roza. The thought of that moment made me tense up even more. I continued to watch Adrian, He then saw Vasilissa and a smile appeared on his face

"Cousin!" he exclaimed. He went up to the princess who was now standing on the isle to give him a hug.

"Adrian!" She exclaimed. "I didn't know you were coming with us!" That makes two of us.

"I heard that there was something going on at the resort and I was in the area and I couldn't resist"

"Of course." Vasilissa said suppressing a laugh as did I. She sat down as Alberta came out to close the door of the jet when she noticed Adrian and she seemed a little taken aback but not necessarily surprised.

Rose POV

"I didn't know that you were joining us"

"Yes I am, thank you ever so much for letting me aboard your aircraft." I just rolled my eyes and I caught Dimitri do the same. He was more tense then he was before, and a little bit more worked up. I wondered why and then I remember how the whole jet saw Adrian looking at me the way he did. But that shouldn't matter to him. He doesn't care about me in that way, I reminded myself.

My thoughts were interrupted by Alberta who was speaking over the loud speaker from the cockpit "Ladies and Gentlemen please keep your seat belts fastened until I turn off the fasten your seatbelt sign. This should be a fairly easy trip, but to avoid a storm in the direct path we will be flying over Nevada,If you could please keep your seats in the upward position for your safety that would be greatly appreciated. See you all soon"

And with that we were in the air.

Author's Note

Hey guys! This is my first Fan Fic so I hope you enjoy! If you have any comments let me know and if you liked it also PLEASE let me know! I would love to get to know you better so I am going to do a question of the week. This week is what is your name and where do you live? WOAH that sounds creepy, but i promise its not meant to be that way. Anyways, I'm Ali and I live in California!

I think I am going to upload every monday so talk to you all then.

peace out home slices