Summary: Sometimes it's great having an arch-enemy hanging around you, because they're great at helping you calm down when you're paranoid and thinking someone is stalking you.
Alec pressed the button to the elevator and the doors opened. He pressed the button for the fourth floor; the doors looked slid close a few inches, and then opened up again. The doors stayed open.
Alec frowned and stepped out of the elevator. Maybe someone was pressing the elevator button to keep the doors opened to mess with him. He stepped back in the elevator and waited another minute.
Something crept up his spin, like someone was watching him. He pressed the twelfth floor button, below the floor he was on. The doors stayed open.
He looked through the doors, someone was messing with him. The doors just don't stay open for five to six minutes after you press a button. He pressed the eleventh floor button. Alec pressed his back against the wall and slid to the corner. The doors stayed open.
Alec took out his phone and texted Hattie.
What the fuck are you doing?
Hell is your problem?
What the hell are you doing to keep the elevators doors open and why are you creeping on me through the fucking cameras?
Why do you always assume it's me?
You creep on me all the time.
Try the other elevator, ass-town.
I'm so stupid. Alec thought and stepped out of the elevator. The doors stayed open.
Alec pressed a button to the other elevator, which the doors stayed closed.
He wasn't going to walk down nine floors. He got back in the other elevator and pressed the eleventh floor button.
The fucking elevators are malfunctioning. What the hell?
What do you want me to do? I'll check the cameras and see what's up.
Alec wasn't sure what the cameras have to do with anything. They're not making the elevator doors malfunction. He shivered; something did not sit right with him. Someone was watching him and it wasn't Hattie. Sure the girl did stalk him through video cameras, but it always made him feel safe because he knew she was watching him.
He heard footsteps coming near the elevators. He took out a pocketknife and flipped it open. He was ready to cut a bitch or bastard.
The footsteps sounded closer to the elevator and he jumped out, ready to stab someone. The person grabbed his arm and twisted it.
Hattie didn't look amused. "Are you that paranoid?"
"Yes," Alec replied. He pressed the blade back into the handle and stuck it into his pocket. "I almost gouged out your eye."
"I wonder what eyes taste like. I never saved them," Hattie replied.
Alec wasn't sure how they went to the topic of Hattie's cannibalism and he didn't want to know, "I don't want to know."
Hattie shrugged and adjusted her purple hat headband. "That's all you."
Alec sighed, "Is someone stalking me or something?"
Hattie shrugged again, "I don't know. I only checked the cameras in the hotel and saw you on this floor."
Alec didn't want to take the freaking stairs; he deserved to be lazy. "So, you took the stairs, or did you teleport or something?"
Hattie gave Alec a weird look, "No, I just walked through the walls. What do you think?"
"You took the stairs from the fourth floor? You must be some type of stair goddess," Alec replied, looking surprised. Hattie rolled her eyes, grabbed Alec's hand and took him to the stairwell. "I don't want to use the stairs."
"To bad, you're going to use the stairs," Hattie said.
"I don't want to," Alec said.
"To fucking bad," Hattie said.
The elevator door closed and the other elevator door opened.
"Fuck you elevators!" Alec shouted at the elevators and flipped it off.
Hattie looked at Alec, "Come on. I need to show you something." She led him upstairs and to the fire escape.
"Aren't there alarms on that thing?" Alec asked, looking confused.
Hattie shook her head, "Let's go." She opened the door and got onto the fire escape.
"Where are we going?" Alec asked, following after her anyway.
Hattie rolled her eyes, "You'll find out. It'll be interesting."
"Please don't be a dead body," Alec muttered to himself. Hattie led him to the roof of the hotel. She led him to a red ladder and climbed up.
Alec followed after. Another shiver ran up his spin and goose bumps formed. "I just got the chills."
"Of course you did," Hattie said. She looked over at the fog riddled town. The stars were out and the fog rolled over the town.
The fog was so thick that the lights in the windows were blocked out, except a few.
"Is this that you want to show me?" Alec asked, looking over the town. The lake was black, almost like a black hole, with a light blue tinge to it.
"Yes," Hattie said. "It's fucking beautiful."
"It almost reminds me of a town that invades my nightmares," Alec said.
Hattie nodded, "I would love to live in that nightmare town of yours."
Alec just shrugged and sat down on the roof, near the rusted water tanks. Another chill went up his spin. Someone was stalking him or watching him. He looked over his shoulder and then in front of him again.
A purple, pink, and light green light flashed up in a small spot. It started revolving and Alec could've sworn he heard faint carnival music.
The carousel, Alec thought. The carnival lights reflected off the fog and even the lake. "You're right. It's beautiful. I love it."
Hattie nodded, "If I could, I would shed a tear."
A few falling stars streaked across the sky and Alec smiled. It felt genuine, like he was happy.
"Even though this looks like something straight out of my nightmares," Alec said. "It's beautiful."
Alec smiled; the streetlights kicked on and gave the fog a glow along with the carousel lights.
A few more falling stars streaked across the sky.
"I like it here," Alec said.
"Me too," Hattie said.
"Thank you for showing me this," Alec replied.
Hattie smiled, "You're welcome."
A/N: I got the whole elevator idea from a real-life video called Elisa Lam Video with her being in an elevator, before she mysteriously drowned in a water-tank. I feel bad for using that video as an idea now.