
After the police left the restaurant, life returned to normal. The everyday routine overwrote the shock and grief they felt.

Nights were quiet. The animatronics band stood on the stage, waiting for midnight, when the built-in algorythms will take them to a walk. Pirate Cove was under renewal again – Fazbear's wanted it to shine in it's former glory. But they hadn't done anything so far, they closed the curtains and placed the „Out of order" sign before them. Foxy stood right behind the curtains, his eye half opened, staring into nothingness.

But as midnight arrived, a small breeze had risen, moving the muggy air, making the half-asleep night guard shiver before his monitors. It gently touched the curtains of Pirate Cove, and, as it was done by the breeze, Foxy's mechanical ears moved. His whole shape trembled like his circuits suddenly came to life. His eyelid and pirate eyeband rose, and his hook cut violently into the purple curtain. It was only a second, the slumbering night guard didn't even notice it. The hook lowered. Foxy stood behind the curtain as lifeless as before.

In the same time, the three robots on the stage – the bear, the bunny and the chicken – also twitched, their eyes violently rolling, their jaws opening and closing, their limbs shaking. It also only lasts for a few seconds, then they turned frozen again.

In the storage, back of the restaurant, the succumbed yellow bearsuit slowly rolled it's head, it's jaw was gaping like a corpse's, and then it's head started twisting and turning, so wildly that the whole animatronics was trembling from it. It slowed down after a short time, and it's head turned back to it's original position again.

On the stage, behind the curtain, back in the storage, all the robots were as immobile as they were before, but something changed. The air was chiller than before. And then Bonnie slowly moved, starting his usual night walk. He was first, like he was first every night. The other's head turned after hm and they moved too.

If somebody was there and would lean very close to them, could see a tiny, silvery light deep in their eyes.