A/N: So in honour of Pokémon Go, I felt the need to write this. Because you know this is going to be the new OTP trope. I'm so grateful I can drive, I'm going to be roaming around everywhere for Pokémon once I get the app...ANYWAY. This fic can remain a one shot OR, if you'd like, this can end up like One Missed Call and I can continue it. It's up to you.


"Trade relations in..." stormy blue eyes squinted at the barely discernable notes before him, trying to identify the last squiggle in the sentence. "Alcatraz? What the fuck, Bacchus?"

Laxus Dreyer groaned loudly, dropping his pen on the rickety desk in his room and tilting his chair back. It figured that the alcoholic he had taken the notes from to copy would be incapable of writing coherently, what with him being in a semi-permanent drunk state. Laxus gave the notes up as a lost cause, stuffing the papers into his thick textbook and opening up his email to ask the professor to send him a copy.

A quick glance at the clock revealed it to be close to one, a time where most sane people were well into their REM cycles and dreaming blissfully of tomorrow. Then again, this was university. There was not one soul on campus who slept before three. He picked up his agenda, a gift from Wendy to help keep him more organized, and felt relief run through his exhausted body as he saw he had finished all his work. If he went to bed now, he would get nearly double the sleep he usually got and be awake refreshed for his eight AM class.

He pulled off his glasses and placed them in his drawer, making sure to lock it and hide the key under his rug. If any of his friends found out the great Laxus Dreyer wore glasses for reading, he would never hear the end of it. Worst of all would be Bacchus. The man had known him nearly twelve years, most of which was spent in a competitive martial arts environment, and would take every opportunity to tease him relentlessly with all the ammunition he had gathered over the course of a decade.


Laxus jolted out of his musings, startled. What on Earth...? He glanced down at his phone to make sure his music was off, and stared at his laptop. If it wasn't YouTube, then perhaps it was one of those pop-up ads that played on the bottom of websites. When he found nothing, he furrowed his brows and concentrated harder.

"Oh, I know you're here somewhere..."

Now he was concerned. The blond stood up and crossed the short distance to his door, opening it quickly and staring down the hall. His section of the floor was occupied by his fellow third-years and they knew better than to make loud noises at this unholy hour. One of them, probably Jackal, the nasty fuck, had likely brought some hapless first year up and was the source of the commotion.

Another yell sounded, more muffled this time, and it was then that Laxus realized the noise wasn't from the hall, but closer to his room. Moving back, he flicked his gaze around the room warily. Who could possibly be making such a ruckus-?

"You're all mine!"

Blue eyes fixated on the window. It was coming from outside. Throwing open the double panes, he stuck his head out and glanced around the dark courtyard. Pale moonlight illuminated the field marginally, providing only enough luminescence to tell apart grass from sidewalk. Then, out of the corner of his eye, light caught his attention.

A bright white glow hovered above the grass. It was a smartphone. Cursing, he squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness faster. Had somebody left their phone out on the grass and was now trying to call it? Although the ring-tone was awfully disturbing...

"You're all mine now, Giratina!" a female's voice shrieked, and that was when the business major finally saw it.

Or rather, saw her.

A voluptuous woman dressed in bright pink lingerie was perched on her knees on the grass, her blonde hair falling in gentle waves down her back. Her hands were held high above her head, phone firmly in her grasp, and she was muttering at the device as she tapped away, oblivious to the baffled man three storeys above her.

Laxus had had his fair share of odd campus stories. Catching Mira and Professor Geer kissing under a mistletoe, walking in on Sting and Rogue bumping uglies in the parking lot, witnessing the unparalleled horror that was Bixlow and Freed acting as Evergreen's mannequins for the day, and being an unfortunate bystander in the Laptop Incident of 2014 were the most notable events, but this...this was the craziest thing he had seen in his three years in Crocus University.

"Hey!" he cupped his hands around his mouth to amplify his already booming voice. "What the hell are you doing, lady?"

She snapped her head up, a ferocious snarl pulling at her lips. "Catching a fucking Giratina, what do you think?"

He blinked slowly. "...a what?"

"Giratina!" she yelled, turning her attention back to her phone. "You know, the Renegade Pokémon?"

Pokémon? The last time he had played had been way back when Emerald had come out. His Gameboy had gone missing soon after and he had lost all interest in the franchise. From what he could remember, catching the pocket monsters involved the game and a device itself, not a phone and being half naked.

"Why are you in the courtyard?" he asked. "You can catch it in your dorm."

"No, you stupid blond! It's Pokémon Go! The interactive game! The Giratina is right here, right now!"

Affronted, Laxus shouted back, "You're blonde, too!"

Pulling in the window before he could hear her reply, the behemoth of a man plopped down on his bed, ready to turn in for the night. It was far too late (or early, depending on how one looked at it) to be dealing with this crap now. If the girl caught pneumonia, it was her own damn fault.

With that reassurance in mind, Laxus closed his eyes.

"Why do I choose now of all times to develop a fucking conscious?"

Grumbling, he opened the dorm doors, wincing as a blast of November air hit him. How he loathed the winter season and all that came with it.

Jogging now, he made his way to the girl, who was still hissing at her phone. Now that he was closer, he could see her in more detail. She was very beautiful, and looked no older than himself. Her body was sinfully curvy, and her taut belly and thighs spoke of years of exercise, most likely track and field. He could make out a tattoo on her wrist of a purple snake, and a small ruby piercing adorned her belly button.

"Hey! Psycho blonde!" he called. "Wait up!"

"You're blond, too!" she snapped back, freezing in place immediately after. "Wow, I just got the weirdest sense of deja vu..."

He held out a thick grey sweater, raising a scarred eyebrow at her attire-or lack thereof. "You're gonna get sick."

"Oh," she smiled sheepishly, taking the bundle gratefully and slipping it on. The hemline fell well into her midthigh, and the sleeves had to be rolled up several times to rest on her dainty wrists. "I kind of forgot in my excitement."

Laxus had to restrain a smirk. She was easily dwarfed by his sweater, and he couldn't help but note how adorable she looked in it, with an embarrassed smile and red face, shuffling her feet and peering up at him through her eyelashes.

"I'm Laxus," he held out his hand. "Third year. Business major."

"Lucy," she slipped her tiny hand into his, and he flinched as he felt how cold it was. "Second year. Psychology major."

"So what the fuck are you doing out here this late?"

She held out her phone proudly, displaying a terrifying looking beast on the screen. "I was alerted to the presence of Giratina in the courtyard and had to come out and get it! It's so rare to find them out of their environments, you know?"

"It's a ghost...dragon," he said. "It's night, ghosts come out at night. Besides, what kind of habitat could the Renegade Pokémon occupy?"

"Hell," she said matter-of-factly. "It's basically the Satan of the Pokémon universe, after all. I'm just as surprised as you are. The last time I caught a legendary was when I was near the volcanos in Desierto."

"So what you're telling me is that we're basically standing on a portal to hell right now?" Lucy burst into laughter, doubling over with the force. Soon, Laxus joined her, his deep chuckle a nice contrast to her high peals. It was such a ridiculous thought, but it made so much sense to their sleep-deprived brains. Something warm bloomed in his chest as he watched her laugh merrily. Her eyes, a sultry brown, shone brightly in her mirth, and her plump lips pulled back in a smile that lit up her whole face. He had never seen something quite so beautiful, if he had to be honest.

"I guess so!" Lucy wiped tears out of the corners of her eyes, sighing loudly. "Well, I got what I was looking for. Sorry for waking you up!"

"I was already awake, it's fine," struck by a sudden need to stay and talk with her a little longer, Laxus blurted, "Can I walk you back to your dorm? If you want, that is."

A shy smile graced her lovely features. "That would be nice, thank you."

Laxus gave her a tentative smile back.

He wanted to get to know her better. After all, not many people managed to make him stay awake staring at a wall for fifteen minutes worrying for their health.

He wondered if asking her out for breakfast in a few hours would be too sudden.

Judging by the twinkle in her eye...

Well, breakfast sounded like a great idea.

A/N: Every AU I write takes place in university or shortly thereafter. What even. This is the best title I could come up with, tbh...

Tell me what you think?
