Sorry I took so long! I bring you chapter 5 of "Harry Potter: Dimensional Traveler". In this chapter, you will all be able to see BlackAgumon's second digivolution line!


"Digimon attack/Ranger morph"




The group was currently on a cliff beside the ocean, where the waves splashed against the rock wall.

"Yo, Agumon!" Tai said, calling out to his partner.

"What's up Tai?" Agumon asked.

"I like it when you're Greymon. No offense, but why don't you just stay that way?" Tai asked.

"I can't." Agumon said. "Even superheroes need a rest."

Hearing this made Tai fall forwards, so Agumon grabbed him by his shorts so he wouldn't fall into the ocean.

Everyone laughed at the sight, until a large digimon burst through some rocks nearby.

He resembled the dinosaur Monoclonius. He has a grey body with black armor on his back and head, and a large black blade for a horn. He has a frill on his head with red horizontal stripes.

"Who's that digimon?" Izzy asked.

"It's a Monochromon, but don't worry about him. He's a laid back digimon." Tentomon said.

Monochromon roared at the digidestined.

"Although it is wise to be a bit cautious with the Monochromon, they do tend to get a bit miffed when they're hungry." Tentomon advised.

"Then he must be starving because he looks really mad." Tai said worriedly.

"And I think he wants to eat us!" Mimi exclaimed.

Harry readied the Omnitrix, until another Monochromon appeared behind them.

"There are 2 of them!" Joe exclaimed.

"We're caught between a rock and 2 sets of teeth!" Matt exclaimed.

"Not for long." Harry said. He slammed down on the Omnitrix, and became an alien he hadn't used in a while.

"RHINOCRAB!" The newly transformed Crabdozer bellowed.

Rhinocrab stood his ground against the two Monochromon. The two dinosaurs charged Rhinocrab, but he held his ground, and pushed them back. He roared at them, and his roar was much louder than the two champion level digimon's roars.

While the three rhino like creatures fought, the rest of the group retreated behind the rock they were standing against.

"Harry looks really cool as… What did he say this guy was?" Tai asked.

"Rhinocrab." Izzy replied.

"Well, at least we know why he called it that." Matt said.

Rhinocrab roared again, and the Monochromon left him alone, and turned on each other. Rhinocrab tapped the Omnitrix symbol on his collar, and turned back into Harry. He rushed to join the others.

"Everyone okay?" Harry asked.

"We're fine." Sora said.

The second Monochromon smashed his tail on some loose rocks, sending one into the first one's face.

"Something must have set those Monochromon off." Tai said.

"They're fighting over territory." Tentomon said.

"They can just have it then." Palmon said, and ran away from the battle.

"Hey! Don't leave without me!" Mimi shouted to Palmon.

The rest of the group took off as well.

"They definitely don't need us hanging around." Tai said.

"No, really? And here I was ready with the popcorn and soda!" Harry said sarcastically.

TK tripped and fell, but Diego scooped him up onto his back.

"TK, come on!" Matt said.

"Better hurry up you guys!" Tai exclaimed.

"Okay, we're coming!" TK said, as he got into a more comfortable position on Diego's back. The Panuncian ran as fast as his paws could carry him, the rest of the group not far behind.

Later on, the sun was going down, and the group was getting tired. Whether it was of walking or Mimi's complaining, no one could say.

"I don't walk this much unless I'm at a mall, and as you can see, we're nowhere near one." Mimi complained.

"Yeah, but Mimi, aren't you usually carrying a ton of bags with you about halfway through?" Harry said teasingly.

"Well yeah, but I only have the one." Mimi answered.

"Mimi, stop whining." Tai said as he walked past her.

"No! My feet hurt!" Mimi objected.

"Maybe if you'd take off your boots and socks, you'd feel better Mimi." Agumon suggested. "It's much more practical, I think."

"I'm not walking in dirt in my bare feet!" Mimi said, appalled at the idea.

"I love the feel of dirt under my feet, especially between my toes." Palmon said cheerfully.

"GROSS!" Mimi yelled.

"It appears that we may be losing our light source." Izzy said as he watched the sunset.

"What a weird sunset." Sora said.

"This whole island is weird, and who knows what will come out at night?" Izzy pondered.

"Wait!" Tentomon said. "I detect water! Stay here while I check it out."

He then flew to the top of the nearest tree, and looked over the landscape.

"Yes, as usual, I'm right!" Tentomon exclaimed which Harry scoffed at. "It's a lake with fresh, clean water, and a variety of tasty fish. It's a perfect campsite."

"Maybe I can finally soak my poor, achy feet." Mimi said wistfully.

"Or, you could soak your head if you keep complaining?" Harry suggested, which Mimi pouted at.

"Yay, we get to swim!" Gomamon cheered as he ran forward, only for Diego to step on his tail, making Gomamon fall on his stomach. Joe was next to Diego.

"Gomamon, you better wait and make sure it's safe first!" Joe scolded.

"That's why I think we should keep walking and stop all the complaining." Matt said.

"He's talking to you!" Harry sang at Mimi, making her whack him on the shoulder.

"I get it already!" she said annoyed.

"You know I'm just kidding with you." Harry said, lifting Mimi up bridal style.

"Harry!" Mimi laughed. "Put me down!"

"As you wish." Harry said, and he walked over to Diego and plopped Mimi on his back. Diego gave Harry a look that said "You son of a bitch."

"Everybody's hungry, we have to find some food." Tai said.

"That is a good plan. I like that plan a lot." Joe said.

It wasn't long until the kids and their digimon got to the lake.

"It should be safe to rest here tonight." Biyomon said.

"Yeah, I love camping outside." Sora said.

"If I won't walk in dirt, what makes you think I'll sleep in it?" Mimi asked incredulously.

"Mimi, do you see a hotel here?" Harry asked.

Mimi gasped and pointed behind Harry. Everyone turned around to see a trolley car.

"What's that?" Tai asked.

"It looks like a trolley car." TK observed.

"That's odd. The lights just came on." Izzy said.

"Well maybe there are some real people in there." Sora suggested.

"Let's check it out!" Tai exclaimed, as he and Agumon ran past the group.

'This is how ALL the horror movies start, some guys doing something they're not supposed to be doing.' Harry thought to himself.

Everyone else soon followed Tai and Agumon.

"Maybe they can take us back home in air-conditioned comfort!" Mimi said happily, as she and Palmon leaped into the trolley.

"Mimi, wait up!" Tai said.

Tai and Agumon followed Mimi and Palmon onto the trolley.

"Bummer! It's empty!" Tai said.

"Totally empty." Sora said as she and Izzy climbed on.

"No trolley car's this clean." Izzy said as he got on his hands and knees and looked at the floor.

Harry then stuck his head in.

"Am I the only one who finds it weird that we're upset that we have a nice clean and empty trolley all to ourselves?" he asked.

Tai looked like he was about to say something, but then he realized Harry had a point.

"He's got us there." Sora said sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Oh goody, there cushions are comfy!" Mimi said happily as she bounced on one of them.

"That's more like it." Harry said, talking about Mimi.

"Something's wrong." Tai said worriedly. "Remember those weird phone booths we saw at the beach?"

"I remember spilling my guts out to you guys, but yeah." Harry said.

"Something just as freaky could happen here!" Tai said, getting to the point.

"Yeah, like this thing suddenly moving by itself." Joe said from his seat up front.

"Possibly, but then again, maybe that's how we're going to get home." Tai said with his arms crossed.

(A.N. If that's not foreshadowing, I don't know what is.)

"So we have nothing to lose by staying here." Sora said.

"Can we eat now?" BlackAgumon and Tentomon groaned.

"That's right. I forgot." Tai said.

The group then set out to get some dinner. Izzy and TK were by the lake trying to catch some fish, but they had a little problem named "Gomamon".

"Gomamon, stop playing in the water!" Izzy reprimanded. "I can't catch any fish if you keep warning them away!"

In the forest, the digimon were collecting fruit, and Joe and Sora were gathering firewood.

"Yum yum! You can't get too many berries down the hatch." Tentomon said.

Patamon used his Boom Bubble to knock some bananas out of the tree, but they landed on Gabumon's horn. Said digimon grabbed his head in pain.

"Oh boy, that killer breath of yours, Patamon." Biyomon laughed as she flew away.

"Honestly you guys." BlackAgumon muttered, as she removed the fruit from the digimon's horn.

Biyomon then struggled to remove a pear shaped fruit from a tree.

"Those are bad mushrooms." Palmon said to Mimi. "You shouldn't pick 'em. They'll make you sick."

"I'd be a big mess without you Palmon, you're the best." Mimi said as she stepped away from the mushrooms.

"Oh stop!" Palmon said.

"We're all set to cook dinner." Matt said. "Now all we need is the grub."

"Great, but how are we supposed to light the fire?" Sora asked.

"You wouldn't happen to have any fire aliens, would you?" Matt asked Harry as the latter walked up with BlackAgumon and Agumon.

"Sort of, but he's more about nuclear energy and making pools of lava." Harry said.

"How about this?" BlackAgumon said, as she and Agumon used their Pepper Breath attacks to light the fire.

"That's my girl!" Harry said as he patted BlackAgumon on the back.

TK and Izzy then ran up with a ton of fish.

"Hey lookit." TK said.

"We caught a bunch of fish!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Awesome Izzy, let's eat em!" Tai cheered.

"Thanks squirt." Matt said to TK as he grabbed a fish.

Tai was holding his fish over the fire.

"Tai, what in the name of everything good and holy are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Cooking a fish, what does it look like?" Tai asked.

"That you have no idea what you're doing." Harry quipped.

"And you're about to lose your fingers." Matt said to the goggle head. "Why don't you use a stick?"

"How did you come up with that Matt?" Tai asked.

"Because I'm the man!" Matt said.

It was nightfall, and everyone was enjoying dinner. Diego, however, was getting ready to catch his. He was by the water's edge, and he jumped into the lake. He swam all the way to the bottom, and emerged with a lobster in his mouth. He hadn't noticed that the lake had another occupant.

Diego then walked onto shore, sat next to Harry, and feasted on his catch.

"This is surprisingly good!" Tentomon said as he and Biyomon shared a large piece of fruit.

"Delicious!" Izzy said as he and Harry chowed down on their fish.

"Matt, mom only lets me eat fish sticks." TK said to his brother.

"It's fish ON a stick." Harry said.

"I won't tell." Matt said to his brother.

"And I should never eat with my fingers." TK continued.

"TK it's alright!" Matt said exasperated.

"Come on TK, what would you tell her anyway?" Harry asked, before doing a fairly goo impersonation of TK. "But mom, we were in another world!"

"Ok." TK said, and he bit into his fish.

Tai then walked up to Sora, who was filling up a container with water.

"Hey Sora." Tai said.

"What?" Sora asked.

"Matt doesn't treat TK like a brother, only like he's a bother." Tai said, noticing the interaction from earlier. "Is it just me or have you noticed that too?"

"Yeah." Sora replied.

"I wonder…" Tai said.

"Matt's still learning to be a big brother." Sora said, defending her friend's actions.

"Maybe." Tai said in agreement.

Joe walked up, and was looking at the sky.

"Hey Joe, watcha lookin' at?" Sora asked.

"I'm trying to figure out which direction we've been going, but the stars seem to be all mixed up." Joe answered. "I haven't been able to find the North Star anywhere."

"I know." Sora replied. "I don't recognize any of these constellations."

"You're forgetting your astronomy." Tai said. "If you can't see the North Star, then it must be on the other side of the world."

"Do you think we could be in the southern hemisphere?" Sora asked.

"Yes, I guess it's possible." Joe answered. "That is if we're still on earth."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tai asked.

"Look, Patamon's tired." TK said, watching his partner lie down on his stomach. Palmon and Gomamon were already catching some shut eye.

"I'm getting really tired myself." Tai said with a yawn.

"Wait a second." Izzy said as he walked up. "I think we should take turns standing guard."

"All right, who wants to go first?" Joe asked the group.

"How about if each of us stands guard for about an hour?" Tai suggested.

"Not TK!" Matt said immediately.

"Awe come on. Me too Matt!" TK pleaded.

"No! You're too young and you need your rest!" Matt said firmly.

"I'm getting cold. I need a warm blanket to help me sleep." Mimi said.

Harry looked at Diego, and nodded his head towards Mimi. Diego took the hint and walked over to Mimi.

"Hey Gabumon, watch it Mimi might sneak up on you and steal you fur." Tai teased. "So if you feel a little tug, it might be her about to cut your tail off!" Tai then tugged on Gabumon's fur, freaking the poor digimon out.

"Stop Tai! That's not funny!" Gabumon exclaimed, and hid behind Harry.

"Quit it!" Matt exclaimed, and shoved Tai.

"What are you buggin' about?" Tai questioned.

'Time to go to work.' Harry thought to himself as he got up.

"Gabumon told you to stop, so knock it off!" Matt demanded.

"Hey, you can't tell me what to do." Tai argued. The two boys then grabbed each other by their shirts; only for Harry to lift them both up by the backs their shirts.

"But I can, SO KNOCK IT OFF!" Harry yelled.

"Yeah you guys, stop fighting!" TK begged.

Harry then dropped both boys unceremoniously on their asses.

"You'd both make great guards. Who goes first?" Joe said, trying to play peace keeper.

"I will!" Tai said.

"I'm next!" Matt said.

"How about if Harry takes over after that, then Izzy, and then I finish up the night?" Joe offered. "I propose that rest of us trek back to the bus and get some shut eye."

The kids were now attempting to go to sleep.

"I can't sleep with all of you here, or with Diego on my lap." Mimi complained.

"It's either that or no blanket at all." Harry said. "Now go to sleep."

"So it's not perfect. Just be glad we have a place to sleep." Sora pointed out.

"That's right Mimi!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Don't make me come over there!" Harry threatened.

"Good night." Joe said.

"Don't let the Monochromon bite." TK said.

'Thanks for reminding me TK.' Sora thought to herself.

'My feet still hurt.' Mimi thought in her sleep.

'Why is there a trolley here?' Izzy thought in his sleep. 'Maybe it's the same aliens in Harry's Omnitrix. Maybe they knew we needed it.'

'I hope I don't get any monster cooties.' Joe thought to himself.

'I wonder what else is in the Omnitrix? And I wonder how Dobby, Hedwig, and Skurd are doing?" Harry thought as BlackAgumon used him as a bed.

"Gabumon?" Matt said.

"Yeah?" Gabumon asked.

"Go over and lay down with my brother." Matt said.

"Why Matt?" Gabumon asked.

"Because your fur's making me sweat." Matt answered. "Now go!"

"Because you want me to keep TK warm." Gabumon said, voicing his opinion for why Matt didn't want to sleep next to him.

"Hey, I didn't say that!" Matt said.

"You just don't want to admit it." Gabumon said as he did what Matt said.

"Whatever." Matt muttered.

Soon, Gabumon was resting next to TK, providing body heat.

TK noticed the sudden warmth on his side, and he opened his sleepy eyes to see Gabumon by his side.

"Thanks Matt." TK said sleepily, making Matt blush.

The trolley lights shut down for the night.

Tai yawned as he and Agumon sat next to the fire.

"Tai, you don't wanna fall asleep on your first night watch." Agumon said.

"My eyes won't stay open." Tai grumbled sleepily. "I'm going to the lake and splash some water on my face."

Tai walked over to the lake, and stepped on what looked like a giant red leaf, which shook after Tai stepped off of it.

Tai splashed some water on his face, until he felt that he wasn't alone.

"Who's there?" Tai asked, only to realize it was Matt. "Oh, Matt. Don't you think I can handle this?"

"I couldn't sleep." Matt explained.

"Oh? And why not?" Tai asked as he ran over.

"Look I'm sorry about earlier." Matt apologized. "I didn't mean to get so mad, or to get Harry mad at the both of us. It's just being here and having to watch TK."

"Do you guys even live in the same house?" Tai asked curiously.

"Not anymore." Matt answered. "We're half-brothers and we don't get to see each other much.

"Well that explains a lot." Tai said.

Matt then took off running, and Tai just walked back to the fire.

"Matt's a little strange." Tai said.

The two then heard a harmonica and a guitar.

They both turned around to see Matt playing a harmonica, and Harry playing a guitar.


Like Matt, Harry also had trouble getting to sleep. His past was the only thing coming up in his mind. So, he gently moved BlackAgumon to the side, and saw his bag glow a little bit. He opened it to find a guitar in it. Attached was a note.

Dear Hadrian, I thought you could use this to play some music if you ever feel the need to. Signed, Paradox.

Harry smirked at the thought of the time walker's antics.

He saw Matt sneak in and grab something, and rushed back out, Harry followed him to the lake. He saw him play his harmonica, so Harry sat down and played his guitar. He was a natural!



Well I won't back down, no I won't back down

You can stand me up at the gates of hell

But I won't back down

Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around

And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down

Gonna stand my ground and I won't back down

After he had finished singing, he and Matt bumped fists.

"You're pretty good." Harry said.

"Yeah, you're okay too. For an Englishmen." Matt teased.

"Oh I'll show ya what we Englishmen are capable of!" Harry exclaimed. He then pulled Matt into a noogie. "Come here you!"

"Come on Harry! You're messing up my hair!" Matt said, trying to escape the wizard's arms. Harry smirked and let him go.

"What a wonderful song."

Harry and Matt turned and saw their partners walking up to them, and played their music.

"Maybe to a saint Bernard with a horn on his forehead or a black miniature t-rex." Tai muttered.

Matt and Harry continued to play, and their music reached everyone's ears, making it easier for the kids that were asleep to sleep easy.

Tai tended to the fire, only for a burning stick to jump out.

"Watch out for the fire sparks!" Tai warned Agumon.

Said spark fell on the leaf thing, and it shook up the whole island. And out of the water came a giant sea serpent.

It had a yellow face with two fins where it's ears would be. It's body was blue, and had red stripes on it.

The serpent roared at Tai and Agumon.

"What's that horrible sound?" Sora asked.

"It's an earthquake!" Mimi screamed.

"The trolley's starting to move, and I don't think it's taking us home!" Joe exclaimed.

"It's taking us toward that sea dragon!" Izzy exclaimed, watching the events transpire from the window.

"Oh no!" Tentomon wailed. "SEADRAMON!"

"We're gonna get eaten for sure!" Mimi exclaimed.

The land bridge was destroyed, leaving Harry, Matt, BlackAgumon and Gabumon on the shore.

"The island's moving!" Matt exclaimed.

"Hold on tight, we're going for a ride!" Agumon exclaimed, as everyone held on for dear life.

"It's like we're on a monster long board." Tai said.

"He's pulling us along by his tail." Izzy said. "I don't think he even realizes we're here."

"Perhaps not." Tentomon said. "He's a bit dense. As long as he doesn't see us, we should be safe."

"Don't be too sure." Agumon said.

"You jinxed us! Now he knows we're here!" Tentomon exclaimed, jumping onto Seadramon's tail unknowingly.

"What? I didn't do anything!" Tai and Agumon said in unison.

Seadramon then yanked his tail out of the island, knocking Tentomon off of it.

"I guess he does know we're here!" Izzy exclaimed.

"That big red thing was his tail!" Tai exclaimed in realization.

"It wasn't my fault!" Tentomon said.

Seadramon slammed his tail against the island, causing it to shake. He then dove under the surface of the water, and sped towards the island.

"He's coming back, and he's not happy!" Tai warned the others.

Seadramon then head-butted the island from underneath, sending it towards the shore.



"TK!" Matt yelled, as he jumped into the water.

"Matt, I'm just letting you know that my fur's gonna get wet and I'm gonna stink!" Gabumon said as he jumped in after Matt.

Harry scrolled through his aliens, and selected the one he wanted. "IT'S HERO TIME!" he yelled, and he slammed down on the core.

"JETRAY!" he yelled after he transformed.

Jetray and BlackAgumon then dove in after Matt and Gabumon.

Matt swam as fast as he could, only for Jetray to lift him onto his back.

"Hang on!" Jetray said, as he sped towards Seadramon, Matt, Gabumon, and BlackAgumon hanging on tight.

The island stopped where it was before.

"Great, he left us in the middle of the lake." Tai moaned.

"I don't suppose we could trick him into taking us back." Izzy wondered.

Seadramon burst through the surf, and roared at the kids.

"Get ready, he's attacking!" Tai said.

"Come on you guys." Agumon said to the digimon. "Let's send him back to the fishies!"

"Spiral Twister!"

"Boom Bubble!"

The two attacks struck Seadramon in the face.

"Poison Ivy!"

Palmon's attack couldn't reach Seadramon. Tentomon flew up to Seadramon.

"Super Shocker!"

Tentomon's attack hit Seadramon in the chest.

"Pepper Breath!"

Agumon's attack hit Seadramon in the snout, but it didn't do much. Come to think of it, NONE of the attacks did much.

"Agumon, digivolve!" Tai said.

"I've been tryin', but I can't seem to do it this time Tai." Agumon said sadly.

"You have to!" Tai replied.

"Maybe my body hasn't recovered from the last fight." Agumon said.

"But if you can't help us, how are we gonna stop Seadramon?" Tai asked.

"TK, over here!"

Everyone turned to see Matt, Jetray, Gabumon, and BlackAgumon racing to the rescue.

"Matt!" TK exclaimed, as he and Gomamon rushed to the water. "Matt be careful or the monster will get ya-AAH!"

Seadramon attacked the island again, and TK fell into the water. Gomamon dove in after him.

"TK!" Matt exclaimed in fear.

Gomamon resurfaced with TK on his back.

"Gomamon go!" Joe cheered.

"Hurry up guys!" Tai exclaimed.

"Get out fast, it's Seadramon! He's back!" Tentomon exclaimed.

"Gomamon, you can do it." Matt said to the seal.

"Right." Gomamon said, as he swam to shore.

"Hey!" Jetray exclaimed. "Over here! You're momma was a moray eel!"

Seadramon hissed at the Aerophibian, but was interrupted.

"Blue Blaster!"

"Pepper Breath!"

Jetray fired beams fomr his eyes at Seadramon.

The attacks hit their mark, but Seadramon was not pleased. He used his tail to knock Gabumon and BlackAgumon onto the island.

"I HATE THIS!" Gabumon yelled, while BlackAgumon just went "WHOA!"

Seadramon then dragged Matt and Jetray underwater, crushing them.

"It's all my fault." TK said guiltily. "Matt and Harry were only trying to save me. I'll never forgive myself."

"Oh no!" Tai exclaimed.

Seadramon lifted Matt and Jetray out of the water. He squeezed so hard, that Jetray turned back into Harry.

"This is not good! May be a bubble brain, but once he finds his prey he won't let go." Tentomon said.

"Matt, Harry, hang on!" TK begged with tears in his eyes.

Diego leaped into action. He roared at Seadramon. Seadramon, seeing the other predator in his territory, went to head-butt him into submission. Diego then dodged in an unbelievable way, he made another copy of himself.

"Whoa!" Izzy said surprised.

"Did you know he could do that?" Joe asked. The group shook their heads no.

The two Panuncians jumped onto Seadramon's head, each one biting what appeared to be his ears. Seadramon shook his head trying to dislodge them, but it was no good. He then dunked his head underwater, and that was where Diego absorbed his copy, due to running out of air. He swam back to shore, looking sad that he couldn't save his human.

"Patamon please help them! Hit him with a Boom Bubble." TK begged.

"Seadramon's way too big. I just don't have enough power now." Patamon said dejectedly. He then turned to Gabumon and BlackAgumon. "Gabumon and BlackAgumon you two are stronger, how about you?"

"You're right. Matt and Harry are in trouble and we must help." Gabumon said, with BlackAgumon nodding in agreement.



The group turned to see the two boys in much more pain.

"Don't give up!" TK exclaimed. "I'll find a way to save you if it's the last thing I do!"

"Matt, Harry, hold on!" Gabumon shouted.

"I don't understand any of this, but I have to save Matt. What's a little stinky fur compared to a friend like him?" Gabumon said to himself.

BlackAgumon had a look of pure rage on her face. If there was anything she hated more than anything else, it was seeing Harry getting hurt.

"PUT. HIM. DOWN!" She roared, before Harry and Matt's devices began to glow.





Gabumon and BlackAgumon began to glow as well.


Garurumon was a giant white wolf with blue markings all over his body.


Youkomon looked like a gigantic blue fox that grew nine tails. She also had a green scarf with white stripes with bells at the end. She had the yin yang symbol on her forehead and front and back legs.

The two canine digimon charged into battle. They leaped at Seadramon with a mighty roar, and knocked Matt and Harry out of his grip. Both boys fell into the water.

Garurumon sank his teeth into Seadramon's side, while Youkomon picked up where Diego left off, and tried to yank his ears off. Seadramon knocked both of them off, and slammed them into the water.

Matt and Harry had just gotten back to shore.

"Are you alright guys?" TK asked worriedly.

"Yeah, but where's Gabumon?" Matt asked.

"And where's BlackAgumon?" Harry asked.

Garurumon and Youkomon resurfaced, and hit Seadramon in the face with their tails.

Seadramon struck back, but Garurumon took his attack head on, while Youkomon jumped out of the way.

"Garurumon's fur is legendary. It's strong as steel. He's like a growling torpedo! And it's said that Youkomon is a bewitching beast that races through the heavens with her red, blazing feet. " Tentomon explained.

"That's astonishing, then they must be invincible!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Well that's what I've heard, anyway. We'll soon find out." Tentomon said.

"I hope you're not exaggerating Tentomon, with another one of your wild fish tales again." Tai said as he watched the fight.

"He could be." Agumon said.

"But I heard about it!" Tentomon argued.

Seadramon then breathed ice onto the two digimon, encasing them in ice.

"Whoa! Seadramon's using his lethal Ice Blast!" Tentomon exclaimed.

The two digimon then broke free, and went to end this fight.

"Howling Blaster!" Garurumon intoned, and he spewed blue, high-temperature flames from his mouth at Seadramon.

"Blazing Spheres!" Youkomon intoned, and she manifested nine scorching hot fireballs from her tails, and fired them at Seadramon.

The attacks hit Seadramon in the face, and he fell into the lake, defeated.

Garurumon and Youkomon then dedigiolved into Gabumon and BlackAgumon.

Soon, the sun rose high into the sky. It was morning once more. Gabumon and BlackAgumon swam to shore.

"Gabumon!" Matt exclaimed.

"Flying's sure a good way to keep my fur dry." Gabumon said.

"BlackAgumon!" Harry cheered.

BlackAgumon ran forward, but instead of hugging Harry, she started throttling Tentomon.

"A perfect campsite huh?! I'll show ya perfect!" BlackAgumon said as she shook the poor bug.

"BlackAgumon, easy!" Harry chided the dinosaur, pulling her and Tentomon apart.

"You guys digivolved into Garurumon and Youkomon just in time." Harry said to the two rookies. He then gained a thoughtful look on his face. "But how DID you digivolve into Youkomon?"

"It's a pretty rare event." Tentomon said. "Sometimes a digimon can have TWO digiolvutions. They can go between them in a process called "Slide Evolution".

"Interesting." Harry said in response.

"Aw Gabumon, thanks for saving my brother." TK said as he hugged Gabumon.

"Anytime little friend." Gabumon said bashfully.

"Matt, you and Harry were so awesome against that monster." TK said to the two older boys.

"Ya think so?" Harry said skeptically. "I was a little to busy trying not to have my bones crushed into dust to notice."

"You know, you two are the man!" Gabumon said.

"And you're the "Wolf Man"." Harry and Matt quipped in unison, making everyone else laugh.

"Ok very funny. But how are we supposed to get back? I don't think Jetray could drag the island back to shore." Joe said.

"Just watch!" Gomamon said as he jumped into the water. "Fish Power!"

The same kind of fish Gomamon summoned yesterday arrived, and began to push the island back to shore.

Later on, the kids were now away from the trolley car.

"Gabumon, may I use you for a pillow?" Mimi asked politely. "I promise I won't take your fur."

"Actually there seems to be a pattern here." Izzy said. "This time only Gabumon and BlackAgumon could digivolve."

"Yeah, Izzy's right." Sora said. "Agumon and BlackAgumon were the only ones who could do it before."

Tai looked back to the day before when he and Harry were getting crushed by Shellmon. BlackAgumon and Agumon digivolved into DarkTyrannomon and Greymon to save them from certain death.

"You're right. It's all beginning to make sense. Agumon and BlackAgumon digivolved when Harry and I were in danger." Tai said in realization.

"That has to be the answer." Izzy said in agreement. "Our digimon digivolve when we're in trouble."

"Whoa, that must be it." Sora said.

"In that case, I never want to digivolve again!" BlackAgumon exclaimed, shocking everyone.

"How come?" Biyomon asked.

"Yeah, why don't you want to digivolve anymore?" Palmon asked.

"I don't to see Harry get hurt." BlackAgumon said firmly.

"Sorry BlackAgumon, but trouble seems to find me wherever I go." Harry said softly. "If I get in trouble trying to help my friends, then it's worth it."

BlackAgumon smiled proudly at her partner. She was happy to have such a noble person for a partner.

"Okay fine." BlackAgumon sighed. "I guess I can digivolve."

"That's what I like to here." Harry said, rubbing the top of her head, until Mimi fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Hey, watch it." Harry said, and pushed Mimi off of him.

"Is it time to go to the mall?" Mimi asked sleepily.

"We've been here one day, and I think she's put some muscle on her." Sora said.

"Yeah. Maybe if she puts in some effort, she'll become a hard bodied machine like I am." Agumon said.

"I hope she grows pink wings just like my wings." Biyomon said.

"You must be kidding." Mimi said in her sleep.

Soon, the rest of the gang fell asleep, except for Tai, Matt, and Harry. Matt had gone over to a different spot not too far from the others, and Harry jogged over, his guitar in his hand, and BlackAgumon and Diego not far behind. The two then spent the rest of the morning making beautiful music together.

Tai snuck over, and ended up with a front row seat.

"Big bro, you're the best." TK said in his sleep.

BlackAgumon then yawned and fell asleep on Harry's side.

"I'll protect you Harry, I promise." BlackAgumon said in her sleep.

Harry smiled at his partner. Diego stretched like the cat he was, and snoozed with his head in Harry's lap like a dog.

Every living thing in the area heard the melodious tune of Harry's guitar, and Matt's harmonica.

Hello my friends! That was chapter five. If anyone can guess what movie the song above was played in, you get a shout out in the next chapter.

I gave Harry a guitar, because he's going to gain a little sister later on in the story, and let's just say she's going to have a sad backstory.

A new poll is up if anyone is interested. Feel free to use all of your votes.