Wow. Ya I'm way new at this and don't know how to work this system very well yet, but I had this idea and it would not leave me alone. So I decided to try it out. My first and probably last Spiderman Fiction, but I thought it was worth exploring. Im sorry i keep changing the name, but the others just didn't fit well with me, but now I have found THE ONE and it will forever stay the same! Please read and Fav, also constructive criticism is nice. Have a good day :)

I don't own anything in Ultimate Spiderman, But I do own my OC, so please ask before using.

Lia's POV

The sensation of flying and falling are two very different things.

Flying is a sensation of freedom, exhilaration, and joy all rolled into one. You choose where you are going, and how fast you are getting there.

While falling is the exact opposite.

There is no grace or beauty in falling. Just flailing limbs trying to regain what little sense of control they have on their momentum and speed before hitting the ground.

And while most of my life I have always been flying, today was surprisingly different.

I was falling.

Although to be fair, I was close to unconsciousness at this time and do not remember much more than the feeling of weightlessness, yet not being able to breath.

I do remember why I was falling though. I was running. Running from a fate that I did not want, but then subsequently running from all of those I knew and loved. But it was the price I had to pay.

I had opened a small wormhole so that I could jump from my galaxy into the next, thinking that the others wouldn't follow me.

I was wrong.

They tried to give chase, but I had already had a head start, and I knew more about the mystic arts of our people than almost anyone on my planet, so I was able to make it through first, send my pursuers back to Jep'sial, and close the portal, but not without it seriously depleting my magic and energy.

That is how I come to be here, plummeting towards an alien planet that I have only ever heard of, hoping beyond hope that I would survive this fall, but knowing deep down that the chances were almost nonexistent.

I decided that this was for the best. Life would be better without me on my planet, and I would never have to live with the guilt of leaving everything I knew behind.

Just as I had excepted that I was going to die, I felt something around my waist, stopping me spinning in the air. Then, it pulled me up with incredible force, and stopped my downward plummet that would've killed me if I had fallen just a few hundred feet more.

Too weak from my journey and using most of my powers, I did not have the energy to look up at my rescuer, but in my mind I thanked him. It came as a surprisingly huge relief that I was not going to die this day, and with that as my last thought, I fell into unconsciousness, hoping that I would wake up in a safer place then I had only hours before.