The ownership of all characters related to and involving the novels of The Vampire Academy and Bloodlines Series remain the sole property of Richelle Mead, the Penguin Group and any affiliates.

No copyrights have been infringed on maliciously.

Siberian Persuasion – Part Three

Shaking my head as I sighed at her suggestion, I lowered my head and rubbed at the back of my neck as my hair parted to fall on either side of my face. "As much as I would love to marry you, Rose, I would prefer that it was because you actually wanted to and not just to spite my grandmother."

Looking up at her as I cocked a brow, Rose had the good grace to actually look sheepish at my sardonic comment.

"Fine," she grumbled. "So maybe it's not the best idea…but she makes me so damn angry all the time." Turning away, Rose crossed to the window overlooking the back garden and played with the simple, linen curtain as she twisted it between her fidgety fingers.

"I know she does, but she's an old woman set in her ways. Don't let her get to you." Knowing that she would never be able to sleep whilst she was this agitated, I got off the bed and tugged the woollen jumper over my head.

Hanging it over the back of the chair at my old study desk, I walked back to the bed and climbed onto it again, resting my back against the old oak headboard as I stretched my legs out and crossed them at the ankle as my hands rested in my lap.

"Come to bed, Roza." I coaxed, knowing that my bare chest should provide enough of a distraction to calm her down…or fire her up, but in a different way. "It's been a long day for everyone."

Turning around from the window, Rose's eyes were already narrowed dangerously at my very obvious attempts to placate her, but as she took in my calm demeanour and naked chest, the hunger that she could not hide from her eyes made me smile.

"No," she grumbled throatily as her eyes traced over every inch of my bare chest. "I'm too wound up to sleep."

Patting the pale blue comforter next to me, I smirked lazily. "I know a very effective way to unwind you."

Eyeing me now a touch more warily than before, Rose shook her head as she moved away from the window, but would not approach the bed. "Sex is not the answer to everything, Comrade…and do you really think I want to sleep with you when all I can think about is strangling your grandmother?"

Resting her hands on her hips, Rose looked at the door before she started for it. "I need to get this off my chest now, Dimitri. I won't be able to do anything else until I do." Striding quickly, she was almost at the door before I realised it, but I was faster.

Springing upright, I leapt of the bed and was at the door before her hand could touch the handle. Grasping her shoulders, I turned her away from it and steered her towards the bed. "No. Leave it alone for tonight; you're tired. You and my grandmother can continue your argument tomorrow. Just let it go for the time being."

"Fine," Rose groused as she felt my hard grip on her shoulders. "I'll fight with the old witch tomorrow."

Grinning, I kissed the top of her head as I released my hold on her. "Good." I agreed, turning my back to her as I bent to pull off my socks. "You need to learn to turn the other cheek, Roza." I added twisting at the waist to watch that she didn't make a break for the door again whilst my back was turned. "Especially with Yeva."

"You taught me to never turn anything when facing off, Comrade."

"True," I mumbled as I smothered a yawn and straightened. Raising my arms above my head, I stretched before my fingers moved to undo the buckle of my belt. "But turning your cheek isn't the same as turning your back and my grandmother isn't a Strigoi." I reminded her as I began to undo the buttons of my jeans.

"Turning your back, you say?"

Maybe it was the after effects of the vodka still running through my system or the fact that I was tired that made my brain more sluggish and my reflexes slower, but I didn't hear the dangerous inflection in Rose's voice until it was too late and she had already leapt into the air to attack me.

Feeling her impact against my back with barely more force than if a pillow had hit me, Rose wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck as she clung tightly to me in what was supposed to be a strangle hold. Standing perfectly still, I sighed as I easily shouldered her weight.

"And now what, Roza?" I asked quietly as I tried…and failed to keep the amusement from my voice.

"I don't know, Comrade," she murmured in my ear as she rested her chin on my right shoulder. "I really didn't think this far ahead."

"What a surprise."

Latching gently onto her arms, I arched my back as I slung her around quickly over my shoulder and followed her down onto the bed, cradling her to me as I cushioned the fall and we bounced together.

Levering herself upwards as she used my shoulders for a springboard, Rose drew her legs up from beneath mine and pushing her knees into my chest, rolled me over onto my back so that she straddled my waist.

"And now what, Dimitri?" she taunted, turning my words around on me as she rested her hands on my chest and leaned towards me. It reminded me strongly of when we had fought during the field-testing. I hadn't been able to do what I had wanted to then, but I could now.

Smirking, I laced my fingers together behind my head and stretched out beneath her as I felt my cock begin to swell painfully within the confines of my jeans. "Anything you want, Roza…anything you want."

Crossing her arms over her chest, Rose returned my smirk. "No. I told you that you weren't going to distract me with sex and I meant it. Besides, the kids are asleep and I don't feel like getting those knowing looks from you family again at breakfast."

"Are you sure?" I teased with a softly wicked drawl, sliding my hands from beneath my head and resting them lightly on her hips. "It didn't stop us last night." Massaging her curves, I grinned up at her. "We'll be very, very quiet."

Arching a brow, I chuckled beneath my breath at her expression, but my mirth soon died off as I once again saw the scheming gleam in her eyes. This one was different from the other, but it worried me all the same…like I had issued an ultimatum that I was going to regret.

"You think that you can keep quiet, Comrade." Rose asked very softly as her fingers twisted around the buttons running along the shoulders and collar of her sweater. "We'll have to see about that, now won't we?" Leaving the soft wool gaping open at her clavicle, Rose slide more buttons loose from their moorings at her wrists and pulled the jumper over her head.

Swallowing roughly at the sight of her silk-encased breasts, my fingers clenched on Rose's hips, but the involuntary movement wasn't just in reaction to her luscious curves. Just to the left of her sternum lay a faint mark. It had healed completely, but would forever leave a barely discernible scar as a reminder…a reminder of how close I had come to losing her.

"Cat got your tongue, Comrade?" Rose teased as she assumed my silence was caused by the lust I could barely control around her. Normally she was right, but for the moment, my need was slightly tempered by the memories that haunted me almost as much as my own nightmares.

I could still hear the echo of exploding gunpowder in the barrel as the hammer struck it after the trigger had been squeezed…of the smell of that same gunpowder burning in the air…of the sound of the bullet tearing through her flesh…of the hot, sticky smell of her blood as it pooled beneath her faster than anyone could stop.

Sitting up suddenly, I fit Rose more comfortably on my lap as I bent over her slightly and nuzzled at the mark with the tip of my nose before placing a gentle kiss over it. Feeling her fingers sink into my hair, I knew that she knew where my thoughts lay and was trying to comfort me…to remind me that she was still alive and in my arms.

Unhooking the clasp at her back, I peeled the pale mauve lingerie out of my way as her full breasts bounced free. Cupping them gently together, I kissed over the smooth flesh as I moved from one nipple to the other; sucking first softly, then roughly on them in turn as she arched to my touch and dug her fingers into my scalp.

I wanted her with me always…tied to me in every way that she could be. It was the only way I could hold the panic at bay.

"Marry me." I whispered wetly around her left nipple before my teeth sank gently into the turgid nub.

"No." she answered, whimpering at my touch as she arched over my head and pulled me closer. "Besides," she panted. "I really don't think you need any more wives right now. What am I, like wife number eleven or twelve?"

Releasing her nipple reluctantly with one final tug, I frowned up at her through my own lust-addled confusion. "What are you talking about, Roza? Wife number eleven or twelve…what?"

Laughing softly at my dumbfounded expression, Rose smoothed my hair away from my forehead before she explained. "Viktoria told me that when you were little and wanted to play with Karolina and her friends that they would make you dress up and marry their dolls before they would let you."

Kissing my nose, Rose whispered against it as I remained speechless. "You should have told me before that you were a polygamist, Dimitri."

Closing my eyes as I exhaled huffily and shook my head in annoyance, Rose continued to laugh at me; her breasts pressing tightly to my chest with every movement of her lungs as her amusement at my discomfort increased. My sister and I were going to have words over this.

Rolling Rose beneath me whilst she was still laughing, I pinned her to the bed and caged her in. "You think that's funny, do you?" I growled lightly, nipping lightly at her throat as I kissed my way down to her collar bone.

"Yes…very," Rose almost spluttered. "I kept trying to imagine six-year old Dimitri being married off to a doll. You probably took it very seriously and repeated your vows as though they were the most important thing in the world."

"Of course I did" I answered solemnly before my tongue traced over the patterning of bone between the arch of her neck and her shoulder. "You should know by now that I don't take any vow lightly, Roza. You however, seem to think they're interchangeable."

Wiping away the moisture from the corners of her eyes, Rose scowled at me as I raised my head to view the reaction that I already knew was coming; her mirth now replaced with irritation. "I do not!" she protested, pushing at my head as she tried to wiggle out of my grasp. "I have never said that they're interchangeable, Dimitri, only that some of them are more important than others."

Trapping her beneath the full weight of my body, I grinned at her. "It's not nice to tease others, now is it, Rose?"

Glaring up at me as she realised I wasn't questioning her loyalty, just making a point, Rose opened her mouth to blast me, but I had other ideas for her lush lips.

Covering them quickly, I slipped my tongue into her mouth as she moaned around it. Feeling whatever resistance she might have once had fade away as her limbs twined around my body, I ground my aching cock against her hip as desire swept over both of us.

Breaking the kiss with a groan, I sprung up again and quickly pulled off her boots, socks and jeans. Standing over her as I dropped her clothing to the floor, Rose grinned at me as her legs curled up and she ran her hands over her inner thighs.

Shuddering, my fingers trembled slightly as I finished unzipping my jeans. Rising to her knees, Rose walked towards me over the bed; her full breasts swaying slightly from the movements as she stopped at the edge of the bed.

Running her hands over my chest as I stood rigid and shivering with arousal, I groaned and twitched beneath her touch as the short edge of her nails caught at the points of my nipples. Gliding them downwards over the abdominal muscles hardened by years of training, Rose traced her forefingers over the vaulting of my hips as her meandering fingers moved inwards and further south.

Parting the jeans, Rose hooked her thumbs into them and the boxers beneath, peeling them slowly down past the jut of my hard cock as it bobbed for her touch and slowly down my thighs until I was able to kick them off as they slide towards my ankles.

Desperate for her touch, I angled my thick cock towards the hands that were still on my hips with short thrusts, but Rose had other ideas. Climbing off the bed, she gave me a look that should have scared me, but it only further inflamed my lust.

Walking around me to the left, her hand forged a fiery path over first my chest, my shoulder and then my back as she moved out of my view. Curling her arms around my midriff, Rose stood on her toes and pressed her full breasts to my back; her stiff nipples grinding into the muscles on either side of my spinal column.

"Uh-uh," she admonished as my hands moved to cover hers. "Keep them at your sides, please."

Groaning harshly in the back of my throat, I complied with reluctance. She was going to torture me over the comment about teasing people…I could hear it in her voice.

Placing soft, open-mouthed kisses over the expanse of my tense shoulders, I shivered as the drag of her nipples followed the path of her mouth. Sliding her hands from their light clasp against my ribs, her slender fingers pinched lightly against my skin as she moved downwards and found the source of my pain.

Cupping my throbbing testicles with one hand as the other wrapped around the length of my pulsating cock, Rose closed her fingers into a fist so tight I could feel the blood forcibly pounding through the bursting veins as she slowly stroked over the length from root to tip whilst I groaned pleadingly.

Biting gently into the fleshy lobe of my right ear, Rose whispered seductively into it. "Still think it's nice to tease people? Still think we can be quiet, Comrade?"

Swallowing thickly, I tried to speak, but my throat was dry and tight. Taking that as a provocation, Rose murmured huskily. "Fine…challenge accepted."

Sinking her teeth delicately into the muscles of my shoulder, my neck arched back as I felt her hold on my cock tighten to the point of physical pain, but I remained still. Gliding only once from the base as she lingered for a moment on the swollen head, her grip immediately loosened on the return stroke.

So lightly that it almost felt as though there was no hold at all, my hips bucked forward as her grip on my testicles was released and she scored her short nails from my pubic bone to my collar bone, plucking at my nipple again as she continued to drive me slowly mad.

Returning to her soft grip, Rose once again stroked along the pulsing length. Thumbing the pooling slit, she rubbed along it with teasing, flickering touches before completely abandoned my cock, instead running her other hand up my torso.

"Rose," I growled warningly in a low, guttural tone.

"Quiet, Comrade…or are you going to forfeit and beg me?"

"Never!" I gritted.

Laughing softly up at me, Rose scrapped her nails lightly along the rigid veins running the length of my penis as I ground my teeth together, yearning for a stronger, rougher touch, but she was intent on pushing me…or punishing me. I was sure it was a bit of both.

Fleeting touches and light caresses followed for another minute as I began to sweat and shake from the rising lust I only barely had a leash on. I would only be able to last so long before I broke down and begged. Gritting my teeth, I focused on my fraying control and closed my eyes.

Gliding her hands downwards as I prepared myself for the torture that would follow, Rose's hands slide along my hips and then off my body entirely. Frowning at the loss, I heard the almost silent swish of silk being lowered over flesh that was just as smooth and soft, opening my eyes, I watched the matching mauve panties fly onto the floor, leaving Rose naked.

Clenching my fists, I sucked in a deep breath as I felt Rose laugh softly against my back. Once again resuming her soft grip, Rose daubed her thumb against my slit again, gathering the pearly streams of semen dribbling down my heated penis. Spreading the lubricant, she masturbated me with slow, gliding movements that provided barely enough friction and kept me teetering painfully on the edge.

Knowing I was fighting a losing battle, I finally conceded, almost panting as I pleaded softly. "Please, Roza…harder. It's not enough, moye serdtse."

"Never didn't turn out to be as long as you thought it would be now was it, Dimitri?" Rose taunted in a voice that knew she held all the power.

Losing my hold on the leash that bound me; I spun around and bent over her swiftly, clamping my mouth over hers as I slide my hands over her buttocks, sliding her thighs apart as I lifted her where I stood. Curling her legs around my waist, her ankles locked at the small of my back as I cradled her by the buttocks and devoured her mouth.

Ploughing her fingers through my hair to greedily cradle my head, Rose whimpered into my mouth; grinding her slick vagina against my lower abdomen as she searched for what she wanted as desperately as I did.

Adjusting my grip on her buttocks, I rubbed the head of my cock against the slickness of her vagina just once before ploughing roughly into her wet heat. Feeling the strangle hold of her walls grip and torment my aching flesh, I plunged deeply as I kept her in place; my buttocks tightening and contracting with every thrust as I locked my knees in place to keep my legs from buckling beneath me.

Crying out around my tongue, Rose keened as I felt her wet depths drench my cock as her orgasm built violently. Feeling my own testicles tightened and pull, I bucked wildly into her, panting and groaning harshly into her mouth as I felt my own climax rise.

Wanting to prologue, but knowing it was pointless as I felt the ecstasy tingle in the base of my spine, I ground roughly upwards, piercing deeply with every lunging upstroke as I felt Rose convulse around me. Gasping into my mouth, she shivered in my arms as her orgasm drained away and triggered my own.

Thrusting to the hilt as our pelvic bones ground together, I pumped my semen deep into her body with a strangled groan. Breaking our kiss as I threw back my head, my hips jerked repeatedly into her long after I had spent. Panting as I fought against blacking out from the pleasure, I took a staggering step towards the bed and fell backwards onto to it with Rose still wrapped tightly around me.

Shaking from the drain of ecstasy, I felt Rose slowly slide her legs from around my waist and out from beneath me. Pulling her tightly to my chest, I slumped back against the mattress and tried to slow my breathing and my rapid heart rate.

"I told you we could keep quiet, Roza." I breathed hoarsely when I was able to speak again.

Chuckling weakly against my neck, she pressed a small kiss to my sweat-dampened skin. "And I told you I could make you beg, so it seems we were both right, Comrade."

Kissing her damp forehead, I breathed deeply as our scent mingled in the cool, Siberian air. Propping herself up on her elbow, I felt rather than saw that she was looking down at me. Brushing aside the strands of sweat-damped hair from my forehead, I opened my eyes to watch her as she watched me.

"You're sure that we should be doing this?"

It took me a few seconds to clear the fog of sexual satisfaction from my brain before I realised what she was talking about. "Going after the Blood King?"

At her nod, I stroked over the arch of her brow and down her cheekbone as my thumb traced over her lower lip. "Yes. If we left without dealing with it, you would happier knowing that there was no danger for any of us, but the farther away from Baia we travelled, the more you would regret not staying to deal with it."

Sighing, Rose slumped down on my chest again as she realised I was right or more accurately, she realised that she couldn't argue against me. "Damn you and you're logic…you're just as annoying as Yeva."

"Yes," I conceded with hidden amusement, "but you love me more, right?"

"Sometimes," she muttered quietly. Looping her arms around my neck, Rose settled in against me as I bodies began to cool as she pressed her lips to my damp cheek.

"Thank you, Roza." I murmured in lazy contentment.

"For what? Loving you?" She asked with amusement in her own voice.

"Yes…but also for forcing me to come home. For knowing that it was the right thing to do even when I couldn't."

"You're welcome. I'm sure you would have figured it out yourself eventually – you are a very smart man…you chose me, so you'd have to be. How was it for you today? Was I right?" Rose asked quietly as I heard the drowsiness in her voice. It wouldn't be long before she was asleep.

Thinking back to the conversations we had had leading up to my decision to return home, one where Rose had convinced me that it was the right thing to do…that my family and those I had known since childhood would welcome me back unequivocally, I knew what she was talking about.

"Yes," I murmured against her forehead as her hair tickled my nose and I drew her closer. "You're not always right, Rosemarie Hathaway…but when you are, you're very rarely wrong."