Title: After the Visible Wounds Heal CH 3 Final Chapter
Slash/Mature. Don't like, don't read.
Summary: Gibbs visible wounds may have healed after Neverland, but he refuses to deal with the deeper more emotional wounds. What happens when Tony makes him face them?
This is the last chapter. Hopefully this will hold you till the premiere. Have a great week everyone. Thank you so much for all the reviews and the support!
He'd tried to go back to sleep but his mind and body was still reeling making it impossible. He'd finally just gotten up, gotten dressed and sat on the back patio for hours. He was now on his third pot of coffee and was standing in the kitchen staring at the basement door. The door seemed like a gateway to some other dimension, a world that was now foreign to him. He hadn't thought about the boat or working with wood since he'd been home. Taking the few steps, he opened the door and stepped onto the landing. He felt his knees wobble and he grabbed onto the wooden railing for stability. Taking a deep breath, he mentally head slapped himself for the fear that seemed to rush through his body. Glancing at the steps leading down, he steadied himself and took the first step, leading with his good leg. Tentatively, he took the first couple steps then rolled his eyes at his unwarranted fear. Taking the last few steps his feet touched the concrete floor and again he paused just staring at the partially completed boat frame.
Another deep breath and he took the few steps to the boat. Reaching out he ran a hand over the arch of one of the pieces of wood, he instantly felt his body relax. Slowly he walked around the boat his hand touching each piece of wood feeling the difference in the grain of spots he'd sanded and spots that still needed attention. As he reached the bow of the boat he stared at the blank wood. He hadn't even considered a name of the boat yet, he rarely did until he was done and the boat was nowhere near complete. This experience, the wounds, the emotional reaction, it would influence the name.
He dropped down on the nearby saw horse and let out a slow breath then rubbed his knee. It didn't hurt; it was just habit now, a constant reminder.
"Didn't expect to find you down here."
Gibbs looked up at the familiar voice.
"You must be feeling better."
Staring back at the boat, Gibbs didn't respond.
Reaching the bottom of the steps, Fornell paused, instantly sensing Gibbs mood. "You didn't come down here to end it did you?"
Gibbs glared over at him then rolled his eyes.
"Hey it's an honest concern with the mood you've been in the past few months."
"What the hell do you want Tobias?"
Fornell put up his hands in a show of surrender. "Just checking in."
Gibbs' eyes narrowed. Tobias stopping by wasn't unusual, he stopped by at least once a week since he'd gotten home, but in the middle of the day, that was odd. "Tony asked you to check up on me." It wasn't a question.
Fornell shrugged taking a few steps towards Gibbs. There was no sense in lying. "He's worried about you, so am I."
"I'm fine."
Fornell chuckled. "Sure."
"Go home Tobias." Gibbs said as he stood up and walked over to the bench pausing and glancing up at the bottle of Bourbon on the shelf above the bench.
Fornell saw the object Gibbs looked at and he glanced at his watch. "Little early for that isn't it?"
Gibbs glanced over his shoulder at his friend with an angry glare.
Again, Tobias put up his hands. "It's five o'clock somewhere right?"
Reaching for the bottle, Gibbs sat it on the work bench and started to unscrewed the lid.
"Am I going to have to take you to the cabin like you did with me when I lost Diane?" Fornell saw Gibbs' hand stop. He watched as both of Gibbs' hands went flat against the work bench. "What did he say to you?"
Gibbs turned around and leaned back against the work bench. He stared at Fornell.
"There's a fire back in your eyes, I haven't seen that since before you were shot. Something got you worked up and I only know one person that can put that look in your eyes." Fornell grabbed the saw horse and placed it a few feet from Gibbs. Sitting down, Fornell continued. "Did he finally call you out?"
Gibbs ran his hands down his face.
"He's worried, we all are and frankly I'm surprised it took him this long." Fornell folded his arms across his chest. "You've been pushing him and you can only push a man so far before he snaps." He paused when he saw Gibbs rub his hand over his mouth. "You're two stubborn men that know how to push each other's buttons, it was bound to happen."
"Yeah." Gibbs sighed.
Taking a deep breath, Fornell let his hands fall to the saw horse. "He wants your job Jethro, but in about 10-15 years when you're ready to retired."
Gibbs scoffed. "I don't think I have that many years in me."
"Well, whenever you're ready he's ready."
"He's been ready a long time."
Fornell nodded. "Yeah, but for him it's about more than the job." Fornell shook his head. "He's not like us Jethro; the job isn't his life he wants more."
"He deserves more." Gibbs' eyes suddenly fell to the floor.
"He's wanted more for a long time, you just never let yourself see it."
Gibbs' brow furrowed sensing the underlying context to Fornell's words.
Fornell rolled his eyes. "Wanting your job isn't the reason he stays or the reason he puts up with your shit."
Gibbs felt his chest tighten.
"No one questioned the fact that he would be the one to stay here, to take care of you, and we all knew when we saw how this affected you, that he would be the one to force you to face it." Fornell paused letting it sink in before continuing. "Facing the underlying feelings-" Fornell shrugged. "I'm not sure you'll ever face those."
"I'm too old for this." Gibbs groaned.
Fornell chucked. "You're never too old for that."
"Then I'm just too old for him."
"He doesn't seem to think so."
Unconsciously Gibbs rubbed his knee. He saw Fornell glance at his knee then back up and Gibbs pulled his hand away.
"But then age isn't what is bothering you." Fornell shook his head. "You're gonna die Jethro, eventually, but wouldn't you rather be happy, than spending the rest of your life denying your feelings and regretting what might have been."
Gibbs head fell back. "I'm not sure I can."
"Did you promise him you wouldn't leave?"
Jerking his head up, Gibbs looked at Fornell surprised. "Yeah."
Fornell shook his head and stood up. "Then get ready." He saw the questioning look in Gibbs' eyes. "Because if you can't do this." Fornell started walking towards the stairs. "You're going to spend the rest of your time at NCIS seeing and hearing about all the women he's with to fill the void." He started up the stairs. "If you're lucky, he won't look to another man for comfort, since he can't have you." He paused. "Can you imagine what it would be like hearing about that?" He saw Gibbs' jaw clench. "Maybe he'll just get married, settle down, have a few kids, and then you can smile and wish him well…all the time thinking about what might have been." Without looking back, Fornell walked through the door and disappeared.
Tony quietly pushed the door open, the darkness of the house making him think Gibbs might actually be sleeping. Walking into the living room, Tony was surprised by a faint gleam of light in the kitchen. Stepping into the kitchen, he was shocked to see the light was coming from the open basement door. Hesitantly, he stepped through the basement door and stood at the top of the steps looking down at the older man. Gibbs was sanding a beam of the boat with an intensity Tony hadn't seen from Gibbs in a very long time.
Suddenly sensing he was being watched, Gibbs looked up, his eyes locking on Tony's for a moment then dropping back to the task at hand.
Tony felt a vice like grip clutch at his heart. So that was how this was going to go. Starting down the steps, he forced himself to speak. "Didn't expect to find you down here, but I'm going to take this as a good sign."
"Figured Tobias would have filled you in."
If this had been the old Gibbs, Tony would have expected Gibbs to walk over and head slap him, but this was a completely different Gibbs and Tony had no idea how the older man would react.
Gibbs glanced at Tony. "You could have just called."
"Yeah." Tony nodded. "I could have."
Tony shrugged. "No, but. I wanted someone to check in on you, Fornell seemed like the best choice."
"Did you think I was gonna off myself too?"
"No." Tony took a step towards the boat and closer to Gibbs. "I did worry you might be over thinking what happened between us."
The sander paused and Gibbs looked over at Tony. Slowly, he shook his head.
Tony tried not to let his face show the emotion underneath. "Good, good." Tony chuckled. "Because it was just, I know you were just dealing with everything and I was just, I was there."
"Yeah, you were." Gibbs put the sander down on the boat.
"It was the heat of the moment, emotions running high, I was the closest outlet."
Gibbs brow furrowed slightly and he shrugged. "Right, because it could have been anyone, I mean if McGee had been here I would have kissed him…" He took a half step towards Tony. "Almost made love to him."
Tony's eyes went wide. "McGee!"
Gibbs looked at Tony questioning. "Yeah, it could have been anyone, closest available outlet right?"
Tony swallowed the lump in his throat.
"That's what you think?" Gibbs shrugged taking another half step towards the younger man. "That I was so overcome with emotion that I kissed you-" He touched the collar of Tony's sweater, pulling it down to expose the bluish purple bruises on Tony's neck. He stared at the bruise as his thumb gently brushed across it, then his eyes locked on Tony's. "That I left those marks on you, because you were just there."
"I-" Tony couldn't form a response, didn't even know what he would say if he could speak.
"You were just there." Gibbs searched the eyes before him. "That's why I was about to throw you down and make love to you? It was all about proximity." Gibbs watched Tony's Adam's apple bob up and down. He shrugged and took a step back. "I'm glad you explained that to me." He picked up the sander and ran it back and forth over the spot he had been working on a few minutes before. "Here I thought it was about the feelings we've both had for each other and we've both been too stubborn to admit. But if you-" The next word never left Gibbs' lips as his face was grabbed and his lips captured. He dropped the sander as his arms enveloped the younger man giving into the assault.
Only when his lungs demanded air, did Tony pull back.
"Am I just the closest available outlet?" Gibbs let out a huff of air as Tony punched him in the gut. Trying to catch his breath, Gibbs smirked at the sparkling green eyes that stared back at him. He tugged Tony closer. "I'm just making sure." His hands caressed up Tony's back. "Because I don't wanna start this again if you're not-"
"I love you." Tony spoke the words with conviction and all the emotion he'd hidden for so long. He saw the steel blue eyes soften and mirror his emotion.
"I love you too." Gibbs took a deep breath. "And nothing that happened was about you just being the closest outlet. I kissed you because I wanted to kiss you…and I wanted nothing more than to throw you down and make love to you."
"So McGee wouldn't have done it for you?" Tony smirked.
Gibbs glared at him and shook his head.
Wiggling his way out of Gibbs' arms, Tony took Gibbs' hand and started to pull him towards the stairs.
"Where we going?" Gibbs asked.
"Upstairs to the bed, so we can pick up where we left off." Tony led them up the basement steps.
"Okay." Gibbs agreed as they walked through the kitchen.
As they crossed the threshold into the living room, Tony was suddenly spun around and pushed against the living room wall. His wrists were pinned above his head by strong hands. He watched as Gibbs' eyes skimmed down his body and back up. Tony looked at his wrists pinned against the wall then looked at the older man.
"All I've been able to think about is you." Gibbs licked his lips. "Your scent…the taste of your lips, the feel of your body against mine." Gibbs' eyes closed and he inhaled deeply. Slowly his eyes opened. "I can feel you behind my eyes, it's like you're in my blood stream, pieces of you etched in my mind." His hands cascaded down Tony's arms, down his chest and stomach. He grabbed the bottom of the sweater and shoved it up Tony's body tugging it off and over the younger man's arms. He let it fall to the floor and his hands clawed at Tony's stomach then scratched their way up the sides of Tony's body feeling each rib under his fingertips. Dipping down his lips brush against Tony's throat licking a path to his chin then to his lips. Eyes locked, Gibbs hissed. "What have you done to me?" His hand clutched at the side of Tony's neck as he searched Tony's eyes for answer. "You see the sides of me that no one ever has…or ever will."
Tony's arms slid down the wall and he touched Gibbs face. "I've had you memorized for years, the way you walk, the way you talk, every minute expression you have ever made." He ran a finger over Gibbs' lips. "I memorized everything, because I wanted to be the one."
"You are the one." Gibbs whispered as his fingers popped the button on Tony's jeans. "The only one."
Again, Tony captured Gibbs' lips in a searing kiss, this time demanding more. He moaned as he felt the zipper glide down over his cock. He held his breath, waiting expecting Gibbs' touch. Instead Gibbs hands disappeared and the lips were suddenly ripped from his. Tony's eyes shot open at the loss of contact. Lifting his arms, Gibbs removed his sweatshirt and tossed it aside. Instinctively, Tony's hands tugged at Gibbs belt, unbuckling it and quickly undoing the jeans. He was about to force the jeans from Gibbs' body when his wrists were grabbed and Gibbs started pulling him towards the couch.
With a quick kick to the edge of the coffee table it slid out of their path. Stopping when they reached the edge of the couch, Gibbs paused. "Door?"
"I locked it when I came home."
Gibbs smirked.
"Always anticipate." Tony grinned as he pushed the jeans down over his hips and they pooled at his feet.
Licking his lips, Gibbs leered down Tony's naked body. All the wickedly depraved things he wanted to do to the younger man flashed through his mind in quick snippets of increasingly erotic fever. It would take years, a lifetime to do them all. He immediately cursed himself for having ignored the obvious signs of their attraction for so long. So much time wasted. He would make up for it every day for the rest of his life. He made a promise to himself. He would make sure Tony always knew he was loved, with words and with actions. They would build a life together, a home that was their sanctuary, filled with family and friends. They would make love every day; make love like it was the first time, and the last time every time. The tugging at his jeans pulled him from his thoughts and he felt the jeans fall at his feet.
"Fantasize later."
Gibbs dropped down on the couch and held out his hand. Tony's fingers touched his palm and Gibbs tugged the younger man down into his lap.
Straddling Gibbs' thighs, Tony felt the hard cock against his ass and he put his hands on Gibbs' chest. His fingers touched the scar and Tony's eyes fell to Gibbs' chest. His fingers traced a path over the length of the scar, his own heart breaking at the all too recent reminder of how close he came to losing the man. His eyes shot up and met blue. Laying his palm flat against the wound, he sighed.
"Tony, its-"
"I am going to personally put that damn vest on you every time you go into the field."
Gibbs' eyebrow went up as the corner of his lip curled into a smirk. "I like that idea."
"Oh you are so not going to like it." Tony scowled wanting Gibbs to take this seriously.
"My bare chest your hands all over it while you put the vest on me." Gibbs' hands caressed up Tony's back. "Me wanting nothing more than to take you, because even the slightest touch from you drives me wild."
Tony bit back a smile.
Gibbs tugged the man closer and took a deep breath. "Oh believe me; I plan to make sure I'm around for a very long time." He ogled Tony's naked body. "A very long time."
"You are a dirty old man." Tony grinned as he rocked his hips over Gibbs hard cock and heard the guttural groan.
"Guilty." Gibbs said just before attacking Tony's lips. The touch at his chest disappeared as Tony's arms wrapped around his neck drawing them closer. Gibbs' hands clutched at Tony's back, his fingers digging into the flesh. This was it, the endless need, the relentless desire, and the unfaltering love that Gibbs had craved for so long and he reveled in it. He wanted nothing more than to let it swallow him whole.
Jerking back, Tony panted for breath as he rested his forehead against Gibbs. "Hand." Tony panted.
Gibbs seemed puzzled.
Reaching back, Tony grabbed Gibbs' wrist ripping the hand from his back.
Still slightly puzzled, understanding hit when Tony sucked in two of his fingers and licked at the digits. Gibbs stared mesmerized by the action, part of him had expected more foreplay more exploration, but he knew that would come later. Right now this is what they both needed. The fingers slipped from Tony's lips and Gibbs still couldn't pull his eyes away. It wasn't until Tony rose up slightly on his knees, that the spell was broken and the wanton desire took over. His hand disappeared between them finding the tight muscle and slowly worked a finger into the younger man.
Tony moaned softly as the finger breeched him and slowly worked in and out, a few seconds later a second finger worked its way in. He purred as Gibbs' fingers scissored inside him then pumped in and out. It didn't take long and he was rocking his hips over the digits.
Gibbs was again mesmerized by the younger man. Tony's eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted as he moaned with pleasure. It was one of the most erotic and enticing images Gibbs had ever seen. Suddenly, he was staring into the dilated green pools and Tony's hand cupped his cheek.
"It feels so good." Tony groaned. "So good."
Gibbs had no idea what Tony's experience was, they hadn't talked about it and they probably never would. Honestly, he didn't care, all that mattered was them. Everything else was the past, forgotten the minute the words of love were spoken between them.
"I want more." Tony rose up removing himself from the fingers. He reached down and grabbed Gibbs cock by the base, then slowly lowered himself down. He took a deep breath and blew it out as the head of Gibbs' cock pressed against the opening, the head slipped in and Gibbs' hands suddenly latched onto his hips. "Breath." Tony sighed seeing Gibbs holding his breath.
Forcing himself to take a breath, Gibbs filled his lungs and blew it out as the head of his cock settled into the overwhelming warmth. He was about to take another breath when he felt more of his cock enveloped. His fingertips dug into Tony's hips halting any further downward motion.
"Your control is failing." Tony sighed as his lips swept against Gibbs. He felt the fingertips dig deeper into his hips. "You're trying every trick you know to hold onto it." The older man shuddered. Running his hands up Gibbs' arms, Tony pressed his lips to Gibbs' ear. "Let it go." Tony whispered. "Lose complete control with me." Tony braced his hands on Gibbs' shoulders and impaled himself on Gibbs' cock.
An animalistic cry filled the air as Gibbs' body convulsed and he crushed Tony in his arms the younger man completely seated in his lap. Before Gibbs could even comprehend the sensation and emotion coursing through him, Tony rose up slightly then slammed back down rocking his hips. Repeating the action, Gibbs' eyes closed and his head fell forward, his forehead touching Tony's. Instinctively, his hips thrust up.
"That's it." Tony groaned as Gibbs thrust up again. He trembled in Gibbs' arms as Gibbs made short deep thrusts inside him. "Oh god yes!" Tony gasped as his cocked twitched between them. "Make me come."
Reaching between them, Gibbs' hand enveloped Tony's cock stroking roughly over its length. He head shot up, his eyes open and he gazed into Tony's eyes. "Say it again." Gibbs growled.
Tony licked his dry lips. "Make me co-" The word lodged in his throat as Gibbs ran a thumb over the head of his cock and pressed into the slit. Throwing his head back, Tony started bouncing on Gibbs' cock as the calloused hand jerked him off hard and fast.
Gibbs gaze traveled the length of Tony's body, taking in the way their joined bodies worked in perfect rhythm with each other. His hand around Tony's cock tightened as his eyes focused back on Tony's face. The younger man's head thrown back in complete ecstasy, eyes closed, jaw clenched as he started to give in. The body against him started to tense, the muscle around his cock squeezing tighter as Tony suddenly opened his mouth and screamed as he came. The younger man slumped against him. "I'm not done with you yet." Gibbs hissed as he grabbed Tony by the hips and started raising the man up and down over his still hard cock. "Fuck yes." Gibbs howled as he thrust into Tony each time he slammed the man down into his lap. "So good, so fucking tight." He felt the arms gently slip around his neck and the fingers comb through the hair on the back of his head. Suddenly the fingers knotted into his hair and jerked his head back forcing him to stare into the still hungry eyes of his lover.
"Harder. Don't stop." Tony grunted as his body was roughly heaved up and down. His words caused the older man to thrust hard and fast, ramming his cock deep inside Tony. "That's it!" Tony gasped as the full force of an out of control Gibbs fucked him mercilessly. It seemed like hours had passed and Gibbs showed no sign of stopping. Tony's body was in this perpetual state of agony and ecstasy as Gibbs pistoned into him like a machine. Tony's own cock was hard again and desperate for release but it was as if Gibbs did everything possible to prolong it.
Gibbs no longer had a concept of space or time; he'd been completely consumed by his love and lust for the younger man. The only thing he understood was that this, their joined bodies, was all he ever wanted and he fought to never let the feeling end. Then somewhere in the recesses of his shattered mind he heard a voice, a voice begging and pleading for release.
"Jethro please."
The sound of his name, the desperation in the please captured a sliver of his subconscious mind.
"Come for me." Tony begged at Gibbs' ear. "Please Jethro, oh god please."
The words wormed their way into his brain and he wrapped his arms around the man he loved finally letting the body come to rest in his lap.
Tony groaned as his body settled into Gibbs' lap. Slowly, Tony started to rock his hips and the body under him matched his rhythm. "Just like that." Tony panted as the slow cadence of their movements built his own need, his cock rubbing back and forth against their stomachs.
Cheek to cheek, Gibbs breathing became shallow, his heart thumping in long hard beats against his chest. The excruciatingly slow pace had his body on edge and his body was starting to lose the fight. He felt the pressure building at the base of his spine, there was nothing more he could do, he had no defenses to stop it. Then the words spoken softly, words of passion, love and all that was still to come carried him over the edge. He buried his face in the crook of Tony's neck muffling the cry of his release, a second later he felt the warm liquid against his stomach as their bodies melted against each other.
He felt the warmth against him and drew it closer, the body fitting perfectly against him. The contentment washed over him and he snuggled deeper inhaling the scent that permeated every cell of his being. The body against him suddenly shuddered and he heard the faint hint of laughter. The foggy haze started to lift as his mind drew him from sleep. He was on the couch, curled against a body, Tony's body. He tugged the younger man even closer, crushing his arm around Tony's waist. Again the faint sound of laughter.
"Didn't you get enough earlier."
"No." Gibbs mumbled dropping a kiss to Tony's shoulder then raining kisses down onto the younger man's neck.
Twisting and turning in Gibbs vice like grip and struggling against the blanket covering them, Tony managed to turn over and face the other man.
Gibbs slowly let his eyes drift open and meet the sparkling green. Soft fingertips brushed across his cheek then traced a path down his jaw and to his lips.
Tony smiled as his fingertip traced Gibbs bottom lip. "God you're even sexier than I thought you'd be in the morning."
Gibbs chuckled. "You think a lot about how I would look in the morning?"
Tony nodded chewing at his bottom lip.
Capturing Tony's wrist, Gibbs pulled the hand to his chest. "How long?"
Tony shrugged then smirked. "I don't know, but I remember thinking you were pretty damn sexy when you patted my face that day at NCIS."
Gibbs scoffed as he let go of Tony's hand and wrapped his arm around the younger man again. "You in that black leather jacket." Gibbs sighed. "Now that's sexy."
"Is that why you brought me to NCIS, just to have a sexy piece of ass to look at all day?"
Shaking his head, Gibbs' eyes narrowed. "You were a good cop and you're an even better agent." There was a hint of mischief in the blue eyes. "Being a hot piece of ass doesn't hurt though."
Tony gasped in mock surprise. "Dirty old man!"
"But I knew." The seriousness returned to Gibbs' face. "You were going to be important to me, I just never realize how important."
"How important am I?" Tony asked sliding his hand around Gibbs' waist.
Gibbs smirked. "You're irreplaceable."
Tony rolled his eyes at the familiar statement.
Pulling the younger man closer, Gibbs sighed. "I don't ever want to know what a life without you is like."
"That's better."
Gibbs felt the kiss before Tony's lips ever touched his and he braced for it; braced for his bodies instant reaction, for the need to hold on to the kiss for as long as possible and for the endless desire for it to never end.
When Tony felt the hand cup his ass, he pulled back. "Did you really think I was sexy in that black jacket?"
"Yeah." Gibbs brow furrowed. "Why?"
"Did you have feelings for me then?"
Gibbs shook his head. "But I could still appreciate a sexy man."
"Are you asking when I started having feelings for you?"
Tony shrugged. "Maybe."
"The incident in Cuba kinda stirred up some emotions."
"Incident in Cuba?" Tony thought about it a moment then his eyes went wide. "Leroy Jethro Gibbs you see me naked and that stirs feelings in you!"
"You look damn good naked."
Tony's eyebrow went up. "Where you staring at my cock?"
"It was hard not to when it was standing at attention."
Tony smacked Gibbs ass. "I was not hard!"
"You were." Gibbs balked.
"Well if I was it was because you were staring at my cock."
Gibbs scoffed. "If you had any inkling that I was staring at your cock you would have made a move."
"If I had an inkling you were staring at my cock I would have dropped to my knees and begged you to let me suck yours."
Gibbs' eyebrows went up. "Is that so?"
Tony felt Gibbs' cock twitch between them. "Is that all it takes?" He squeezed Gibbs ass. "Me just talking about wanting to suck your cock and your hard?"
"Pretty much."
"Well then." Tony sighed. "I'd like to suck your hard cock right now…lick the head, taste you, then take every-" Tony's cell phone on the coffee table buzzed to life. He groaned as his head fell back. "I swear to god if that's McGee again I'm shipping him to Antarctica!" As Tony went to get up, Gibbs' arms held him tighter. Tony stared at him questioningly. "Are you going to let me answer the phone?"
Gibbs shook his head slowly.
Tony cocked his head. "Really, after all the weeks of you hounding me about how I run this team and you're going to prevent me from taking a call that might be from the team?"
A nod.
"And why is that?"
"Because you said, you wanna lead this team, but you don't want to be like me." Gibbs paused. "I let the job become more important than the people in my life."
Tony relaxed back into Gibbs' arms and the phone went silent again. "And are you going to take your own advice?"
Another nod. "Starting right now, nothing is more important than you." Gibbs heart skipped a beat as that beautiful DiNozzo smile beamed at him.
"I like the sound of that."
Gibbs' hands slid down to Tony's ass and squeezed. "Now where were we?"
"Just remember if that was McGee, he's gonna show up here in about twenty minutes."
"Oh I can accomplish a lot in twenty minutes." Gibbs wiggled his eyebrows.
"So can I." Tony suddenly slipped under the blanket.
Gibbs jumped when he felt the tongue lick at the head of his cock. "Shit." He groaned as warm lips sucked in the head. Oh it didn't matter if God himself knocked at that door with a case; nothing was moving them from this spot.