It has been over a year since our six young heroes saved the world. Squall and Rinoa are closer than ever, and Rinoa is now a full-fledged SeeD; Selphie remains in control of the Garden Festival (only a few weeks away); Irvine is going for his instructor's license after becoming a SeeD alongside Rinoa; Zell runs the Training Center after getting his instructor's licence, and he and the pig-tail girl from the library are practically inseparable; Quistis got her instructor's license back immediately after defeating the sorceress and is teaching better than ever; and as for Seifer and his posse, they have all been happily back at the Garden for quite some time, and are all three members of SeeD. They even patched things up with Squall and his posse.

With the sorceress defeated, SeeD in top condition, the world in utter harmony, and even old enemies becoming friends, what could possibly go wrong?

More than any of them could ever imagine.


Moonlight filtered in through Squall's dorm room window, shimmering across the still, beautiful face of his sleeping lioness. It was near three in the morning, but Squall was wide awake. He just couldn't tear his gaze away from Rinoa's peaceful form long enough to fall asleep.

One could often find them sleeping in each other's arms at night, if not at least sleeping in each other's rooms. Their intentions were completely innocent, however. Both felt very strongly about waiting to "further their relationship" until after they were married. They merely found more comfort in being together than in those unbearable moments apart.

At the moment, Squall was counting his blessings. Something he so seldom had been able to do in the past. (I must be dreaming to have found such breathtaking scenery.) Squall thought with a small smile. (All my life I pushed away any chances at sharing a real relationship with someone. Friends, those trying to be family, and especially love like this...)

"You melted a frozen heart, angel." Squall whispered, bending his head to kiss Rinoa softly. "I love you..."

Squall laid back upon the bed, satisfied and at peace as he closed his eyes. (I must be the luckiest man in the world...)


Sunlight had long ago begun to penetrate the cold, steel walls of Balamb Garden, but the shades were still drawn on many of the dorm room windows, especially in the darkened quarters of the SeeD Commander.

Squall awoke lazily, content to sleep at least a little of the day away. Unfortunately, as he curled up for an extra forty winks, he remembered that Dr. Kadowaki would be expecting him before 10am. Squall had taken his annual physical a few days before, and the results would be in today. Dr. Kadowaki always liked to go over things just in case there was anything wrong. As much as Squall hated the whole thing, he knew that Dr. Kadowaki would be hounding him all day if he didn't go, just like she always did when he tried to get out of things like this.

Squall sighed in defeat, mumbling to himself as he sat up and rubbed his blue-gray eyes groggily. He yawned and ran a hand through his tousled, brown hair, looking down at Rinoa while stretching to help wake himself more fully. To his surprise, she wasn't there. Instead, he found a small note lying on her pillow. Squall snatched it up and read:

Squall, gone shopping with the girls. Be back this afternoon.Love, Rinoa.

"Great," Squall grumbled, "Might as well get up and head over to the Infirmary."

He swung his legs out of bed and headed into the bathroom for a nice, cold shower. If he had to sit through another one of Dr. Kadowaki's lectures on how he needs to "watch his stress level" and "stop being so tense all the time", he was at least going to be awake to complain about it.


The Garden awoke slowly on a Saturday morning, even one as beautiful as this one. The sun was shining with a soft, heavenly glow, and the birds were singing like it was the first day of Spring. Even stoic, basic-black Squall Leonheart had to take notice of nature's magnificence on a day like this. It made him regret even more that he had to spend such a lovely morning stuck in an office discussing his health.

Squall entered the Infirmary with a kind smile, nonetheless. He may not enjoy dealing with things like this, but he had alot of respect for Dr. Kadowaki and would at least try to be courteous.

The doctor had her chair turned away from Squall as he entered, and hadn't noticed he had arrived. She seemed to be pondering over something, and it took Squall a minute to decide that he was going to have to interrupt her thoughts to get her attention.

"Umm...Dr. Kadowaki?" he said simply, "Squall Leonheart, here for my follow up on the physical I took Wednesday."

Her head jerked up at the sound of his voice. "'re here..." She appeared shaken about something, and looked rather pale as she turned towards him. "...sit down, would you? And for the last time, you don't have to be so formal with me."

Squall would have smiled at the comment--he did have trouble breaking old habits--but something was obviously bothering her and Squall didn't like it one bit. "Is there something wrong, Doctor?" he asked, ignoring her request for him to sit.

She didn't answer. She looked as if she was struggling for the right words, but couldn't decide on any that were acceptable.

"What is it?" Squall pressed. "Has something happened? Is everything alright?" He was just beginning to notice the red-rimmed eyes behind her glasses when he realized she must have been crying.

"Squall...please sit down." she repeated. It seemed like the only thing she could bring herself to say.

This time, Squall obeyed, concern washing away his recently light-hearted features. "What?" he asked hesitantly.

She couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes, but answered, "It's about the results of your physical."

"Oh," he replied, smiling again, "Let me guess; still so stressed I'll probably die of a heart-attack before I'm 40, right?"

Dr. Kadowaki didn't return his good humor, but seemed even more pained by the comment. "This is serious, Squall. Very serious."

Squall lost his smile in a second, "What do you mean?"

Lifting her gaze to look him straight in the face, despite how hard it was for her, she replied. "You're dying, Squall."

to be continued...