Chapter 1
Note: This is apart of the Mother Faunus Universe look at chapter 4 to see Alesa's back chapter is going to be kind of short but I hope you like it.
Alesa woke up this morning with a smile on her face. Her favorite cousin Storm was going to be coming over. She look at the calander and saw that not only will her cousin be over but her aunt Nora and uncle Ren will be visiting. With that Alesa went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before getting dressed in blue jeans, a brown tank top, and a dark blue jacket.
After she got dressed she went downstairs and saw her father Jaune cooking breakfast while her new mother Phyrra was sitting at the table.
"Morning mom morning dad" Alesa said while Jaune finished her plate of eggs, bacon and toast.
"Good morning Alesa are you excited that Storm is coming over?" asked Jaune who took his seat.
" is mom alright she just fell asleep in her eggs" Alesa said pointing to Phyrra who was using her eggs like a pillow.
"Yeah she is just tired, she just got back from a mission last night after you went to bed" Jaune said while he woke Phyrra up. When Jaune shook Phyrra her eyes snapped open and she threw Jaune to the floor.
"Huh wha oh Jaune I am so sorry" Phyrra said before helping Jaune up. Alesa started to laught gaining Phyrra's attention.
"Oh good morning Alesa are you ready for Storm and to make your weapon?" asked Phyrra.
"Yeah but about my weapon I was wondering if I can use Corcea Mors?" Alesa asked hopeful.
"You really want to use Corcea Mors. I though you would want a weapon like your mothers" Jaune said. However in his head he was cheering that his daughter wanted to use his weapon.
"Nope so can I use Corcea Mors?" Alesa asked.
"Of course you can let me go get it and after breakfast I will help you with the basics" Jaune said while putting his plate in the sink.
"All right I can't wait to show Storm Corcea Mors. We both agreed that we will go to Beacon when we are old enough" Alesa said eating has fast has she could.
"Well Alesa if you need any help and your dad is to busy I will help you" Phyrra said drinking some coffee.
"Thanks mom by the way is it true that dad snuck into Beacon and survived a deathstalker with no experience at all?" Alesa asked.
"Yep he wanted to protect everyone and was willing to go the limit to help anyone. Believe it or not your father had no idea I was a champion and he treated me like a normal person. That is actually what made me fall in love with him" Phyrra said with a smile.
"Wow by the way can you help me figure out my semblance so I can practice train using it?" Alesa asked.
"Sure also I have to tell you and your father something important so lets go find him" with that Phyrra and Alesa put their plates in the sink and found Jaune cleaning the sword and shield.
"Oh hey are you ready to practice Alesa?" Jaune asked.
"Momma says that she has something important to say" Alesa said.
"Oh really what is it?" Jaune asked.
"Well do you want the long story or the short story?" Phyrra asked
"Short please" said both Alesa and Jaune.
"Ok don't freak out but I am pregnant" Phyrra said. Before anyone could say anything Jaune fell to the ground out cold. Alesa however had the biggest smile on her face.
"I am going to be an older sister. YEEESSSS" Alesa said/yelled.
"That's right but we can't tell if it is a boy or a girls so we will have to see" Phyrra answered while trying to get Jaune up.
"Huh oh man I just had a crazy dream that you were pregnant" Jaune said rubbing his head.
"That was no dream I am pregnant" Phyrra said while Alesa was starring of into space thinking of what her baby sibling may look like.
"Well it looks like Alesa is happy. Alesa snap out of it you want to start your training today right?" Jaune said getting her attention.
"Oh right lets go dad" Alesa said while dragging Jaune.