Things you should know: The Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff boys are 18 years of age. Hope you enjoy! R&R!

Buttercup's POV


Ugh.. What time is it... I turned my head towards the clock.

I moaned...

8:00 in the morning! Really! She could have just woken me up at 9!


"hmm.. Just five more minutes..."


Sundays, I hate Sundays.. It's the "scan the city" day. Hooray. I mean, seriously, I don't get why we need to do that! We could just wait for the villains to attack the city! Besides, I doubt that villains even attack on Saturdays. They never do!




As I started to get up, a nauseous feeling came over to my stomach and I started to get really dizzy.

"Ugh.." I held my stomach. I sat back down on my bed and laid down. I felt terrible.

Blossom's POV

What's taking Buttercup so long! It's Sunday!


You know, the only reason why we do "Scan the City" day is because I need to get Bubbles and Buttercup to get used to waking up early. They need to be regiment. Bubbles is doing well, but Buttercup, not so much.


Fine. I'll just come get her myself. Don't want to get up, I'll make her get up.

I went upstairs and swung her door open. "Buttercup, come on it's Sunday!" She was turned to her side.

As I approached her, I saw her face. She looked pale. As in, really pale. I stared to get worried.

"Buttercup, are you ok. You don't look so good." She replied with a moan. I put my hand on her forehead. It felt hot. "I think you have a fever." I sat down on her bed. "Do you feel ok?"

She shook her head.

I got a thermometer from her drawer and took her temperature. It read 117 Degrees. "Wow, you do have a fever." I said with worry. "I'll call Bubbles Wait here."

I stood up and went downstairs. "Bubbles."

"Yea?" she replied in her usual, cheery voice.

"Buttercup has a fever, can you watch her for now? I'm going to the pharmacy to get some medicine."

"Sure" she replied. "Where's the Professor?"

My eyes dulled. "Remember, he's at the science seminar at New York. He won't be back until Thursday."

"Oh yea! He did go to a seminar! Wait, Buttercup's sick? Really? Is she ok?" she said with worry.

"I don't think so."

"Oh, that's terrible! Ok, I'll watch her." she said. "Ok, thanks Bubbles!" I said as I went outside.

Bubble's POV

Oh no! Buttercup's sick! I bet that feels terrible! I've never gotten sick before, neither did Blossom. You see, people with chemical X hardly ever get sick, but if they do, the chemical X in our bodies react to it and boosts it up. In other words, people with chemical X makes your sickness ten times worse than the average human, but we heal in about 2 - 3 days. Not that bad, but still, side effects can really be extreme!

At least, that's what the professor told me.

I rushed up to her room and saw Buttercup sat up on her bed, clutching her stomach, a pained expression painted on her face. Oh, poor thing.

"Hi Buttercup, are you ok?"

"No, I don't feel so good." She said as she looked at me, eyes dull.

"Well, Blossom is going to the pharmacy to get you some medicine. She'll be back soon"

"I'm back!"

"or now.."

Wow, Blossom's fast!

Blossom went in Buttercup's room, holding a white paper bag. I think it's the medicine.

"Hey Buttercup! I got you some medicine to help you with the flu." she pulled out two bottles of liquid.

"This one," she held up the purple one, "Is for nausea, and this one," she held up the red bottle, "is for coughs, runny nose, and pain."

Then suddenly the phone rang. "I'll get it!" Blossom said as she put down the medicine and ran for the phone.

"Hello?.. Oh, Hi Ms. Emert! What can I do for you?... No, he's not here, why?... Hmm... Hmm... What? But we can't! Buttercup's sick, please Ms. Emert? Just let... By how much?... Fine then, I'll talk to them.. Ok, Bye."

Blossom put down the phone, worry filling her eyes. "What is it Blossom?"

"We have a problem.." she paused. "You see, Ms. Emert was asking for the professor, but he's not here. He was supposed to go to Hawaii for the other Science Seminar, but he's in New York, so now she's asking all three of us to go to Hawaii for him. I told her that Buttercup's sick, so she said only me and you need to go."

"What? Why can't one of us just go?"

"I don't know, but if only one of us goes, she will drop all of our grades in Science Class, including Buttercups'."

"Oh, by how much? I sure it's just by 10%"

"No, 50% will be gone."

My eyes widened. "That's an F, right?" she nodded.

"Isn't that a little extreme?"

"Well, that's how important the seminar is. We have no choice, or else." she replied.

"When do we leave?"

"She says we need to be in the classroom by 5:00 pm today, and we come back at Wednesday."

"But that's like 5 hours from now. Who would take care of Buttercup?"

Blossom bit her lip. "I'll see if I can call up some sitters."

4 hours later...

"Are you sure miss? We'll pay you double... Ok, I understand. Bye."

"Well, did u find one?"

She shook her head. "I called every sitter Townsville. I even called all the doctors. They all said no."

"Well, then what do we do?"

"guys, it's fine, I can take care of myself." Buttercup said.

Buttercup's POV

I felt terrible. Absolutely terrible, but I have to be strong. I have to. Honestly, I don't really care about my grade, but I care about theirs, Especially Blossom's. I can't let them stay and risk their grades. Be strong

"guys, it's fine, I can take care of myself."

They stopped talking and stared at me.

"But Buttercup, look at you! You have a 117* Degree fever. You need to be taken care of!" Bubbles said.

"Yes Buttercup, you need care!" Blossom said.

"Well, what other choice do we have?" I protested. "You can't just bring down all our grades! Face it, there's no one to take care of me. NO ONE! Remember, you only have 1 more hour until you guys need to leave. You still need to pack!"

"She makes a point Blossom." Bubbles said. "What other choice do we have?"

Blossom bit her lip.

"Buttercup." she started. "We can't just leave you here. You know that." Her eyes were full of emotions. Worry, wonder, hesitation, anger, sadness.

"But, you also know that you have no sitters to take care of me." I said. "Professor is not here, and you guys need to go to Hawaii for the seminar. What other choice do you guys have?"

She paused for a moment, then spoke.

"How sure are you that you can take care of yourself?"


Suddenly, a surge of pain shot up my back all the way to my head. I cringed a bit, but I don't think Blossom and Bubbles noticed. I wanted to scream right then and there, but I had to hide it. I need to be strong, I need to be strong, I need to be strong. For their grades.

"Ok, then. We'll..." she hesitated.

"We'll leave you here, to take care of yourself."

I gave her a reassuring smile, despite the pain. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Wait, what time is it?" Bubbles asked.

I looked at the clock. "It's 4:30." I answered

"AHH!" Blossom shrieked. "We still need to pack! Bubbles, meet me here in Buttercup's room at 4:45."

"Okie, Dokie!" They both left the room.


I held my head and leaned it against the wall. I have a REALLY big back ache, and my headache wasn't helping. "Augh."

'Just a few more minutes Buttercup' I chanted to myself. 'Then you could let it all out'

'Just a few more minutes.'

6:45 pm

'6:45 Buttercup. Look strong.' I tided myself up.


"I'm Here!" Blossom and Bubbles said at the same time. They looked at each other, then Blossom spoke.

"Well, Buttercup, we'll be going now. Are you sure you'll be ok? We could postpone this if you want. I could coax Ms. Emert if you want. I'll just.."

I stopped her. Gosh, she worries so much, even though I needed it at the moment, but I need to hide it, or they won't leave.

"I'll be fine Blossom. Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure Buttercup. We could always stay." Bubbles said. "I'll be fine."

I smiled. "You guys should get going, you'll be late."

Blossom vacillated, but continued.

"Ok then, Buttercup." Blossom said, defeated. "If you ever have any problems, ANYTHING, just give me a call."

"AND ME!" Bubbles shrieked. And loudly I might add. The whole house shook. "Bubbles! I think you broke my eardrum." I said while rubbing my ear. Even without her sonic scream, she was still pretty loud.

"Well, we need to get going. Take care Buttercup. Don't forget to call us anytime you have any problems." Blossom said.

"I will. Go on ahead. I'll be fine. Promise." She went out the door. "Bye Buttercup! Se ya Tuesday!" Bubbles yelled.

"Bye guys! Take care." I waited until I saw a pink and bright blue streak outside.

There it is. Going, going, going, going, gone.

Their gone. Let it all out Buttercup. No one's here to stop you. I clutched my head in pain.

"Ahh!" I shouted

Well, you better enjoy yourself, Buttercup, because it's way too far from Wednesday.

Well, I hope you like what you have so far! The next chapter will be updated soon! Till then!