I wasn't going to post this, but it was too fun to keep to myself so here you go!

Emily vaguely remembered how it started. Thinking back, she realised that she wasn't sure about much at that moment after learning that Beca and Chloe had never actually been an item. Even the way she'd found out had confused the crap out of her. She'd been sitting on the couch, when Stacie had plonked herself down on Emily's lap with two cups of vodka.

"What is happening?"

Stacie grinned and pressed the cup into Emily's hand, "Aca-mom broke up with the Treble…" Emily's confusion must have shown clearly, "Jesse dumped Beca. She's not even sad! We're getting drunk. Get with the program, Legacy!"

"Beca? Jesse?"

Stacie nodded slowly, "Wait… Did you not… You didn't know about B and Jesse?"

Emily shook her head and sipped the drink that Stacie had handed her. She coughed slightly. It was strong. "So where are the other Bella's then?"

"Well, Chloe and Beca have just returned from their coffee not-date… Amy, CR, Lilly and Flo are in class until four and I last saw Jessley upstairs…"

"Both Jessley's?"

Stacie wriggled her eyebrows, "Both Jessley's…"

"Oh god… Don't do that," Emily said, "I want to be able to look them in the eye without picturing them… Nope… You've done it… God…"

Stacie snorted into her cup before sliding off Emily's lap, "You're welcome!"

"So you still haven't told me why I'm drinking vodka at three in the afternoon when I should be reading my advanced Chem textbook."

"It's five o'clock somewhere and here in the Bella house, we have a break up tradition to uphold." Stacie's statement was backed up by Chloe and Beca dropping to the carpet with a bottle of tequila and a carton of juice. "Drink up, Legacy!"

By the time the other Bella's turned up, the four girls in the lounge room had enough to drink to be sufficiently giggly. Cynthia Rose shook her head, "Damn B. You couldn't wait until a reasonable hour to break the news?"

Beca grinned up at them, "It's five o'clock somewhere, CR! Why am I not sad about this? Is this normal?"

Fat Amy rolled her eyes, "Probably because you haven't actually been in a relationship with Jesse for over a year. He was basically your booty call, short stuff."

Chloe laughed raucously beside Beca, "That's what he said!"

Beca pushed Chloe's shoulder and grabbed the yellow cup in her hand as Chloe fell sideways, still giggling like mad. "Nice catch, Becs!"

"Yes, as sad as it is, that was exactly what Jesse the douchebag Treblemaker said when he broke my heart… Well, clearly he didn't break my heart because… I'm fine. Like, really fine…"

"Yeah you are!" Stacie called from her reclaimed perch on Emily's lap. She bounced up and down a few times, causing Emily to squeal painfully, "Oh my god! You need to relearn how to pick up…!"

"Yes! I am the queen of pick-up lines!" Chloe giggled, finally returning to a sitting position.

Beca glanced sideways at Chloe, "Aca-scuse me? I think you're mistaken… As are you Stacie. I am the pick-up line queen."

So that was basically the moment that Chloe and Beca's flirt-off began. The Bella's had thought it was hilarious at first. And it was. It really was.

Emily chuckled as she remembered the first time sober Chloe had challenged Beca. Emily had been sitting at the breakfast bar before classes started and Beca had entered the kitchen to find Chloe slaving over the stove. She sniffed a couple of times and started to grab a cereal box from the cupboard. Chloe slammed the cupboard shut, almost nipping Beca's fingers as it slammed shut, "Don't!"

"Dude, I'm starving…"

Chloe smirked, "I'm cooking you a Dr Seuss special…"

Beca glance at Emily, who had completely ignored her own breakfast to watch the interaction, "A what?"

"Green eggs and damn, because you are looking hot this morning… Is that a new sweater?"

Beca smirked, "Oh! Smooth! And yes, I bought it yesterday, feel it…"

Chloe's smug grin dropped for a moment as she touched the fabric, "What's so special about it?"

"It's girlfriend material," Beca deadpanned. Chloe rolled her eyes at Beca's cocky stance and continued cooking.

"Whoa!" Emily said, she picked up her bowl and high fived Beca on the way to the sink. Beca had definitely won that round. "Sorry, Chloe, but you walked right into that one…"

It soon became a game, one would initiate and try to throw the other off, but fortunately they were fairly evenly matched, causing more than a few moments of utter hilarity throughout the Bella house.

The next time Emily was present for a challenge, Beca had arrived home late for dinner and walked straight up to Chloe, "Sorry, I'm late. I was gonna send you something sexy but the mailman told me to get out of the post box…"

Chloe chuckled slightly before slapping her forehead, "Ugh… Thanks for the reminder…"

"Huh?" By this stage, the Bella's had all ceased eating and were staring at their two captains.

"I have a Russian Lit paper due."

Beca scratched her head, "How did I remind you of your paper?"

Chloe smirked, "Because it's something else that I'm not doing that I definitely should be…"

Beca nodded as the room erupted in cheers, "All right, you got me there."

After a while, Beca and Chloe began keeping score. After three months, it was getting to the stage where the sexual tension in the house was at an all-time high. Emily was sure that one of them would crack soon. Sure enough, it happened. Emily and Stacie had ordered in, most of the other Bella's were out and about at various events, meaning that pizza was actually a cost effective option. Beca had wandered into the dining room, just as Chloe had placed the pizza on the table.

"Awesome, did you know pizza is my second favourite thing to eat?"

Chloe frowned, "Don't…"

Emily, being the naïve little thing that she was, regretted her next words, "Really? What's the first?"

Beca smirked and turned to Chloe, "Wanna come upstairs and find out?"

"Oh god."

Chloe flipped her hair and cocked an eyebrow, "Well considering you were on my list of things to do tonight, sure."

There was a moment of silence before Chloe grabbed Beca's hand and dragged her up the stairs, leaving Emily and Stacie staring open mouthed at the hallway. There was a loud slam and a thud from somewhere in the vicinity of Chloe's bedroom.

"Did she just…"

"I think so," Stacie said, she started to reach for the pizza when a moan drifted down from the hallway. "On second thoughts, let's eat this somewhere else."