A/N: Part Six, second to last part! Yay! Disclaimer: I don't own a TARDIS or a Delorean, which probably means I don't own Doctor Who or Back to the Future. It's sad, but true. Also, who else was mad that the Delorean got destroyed? I was. It's like the Impala being obliterated from the Supernatural! Ehem. Sorry. Last thing, sorry! I'm spelling Doc Brown's name Emit instead of Emmet. I like Emit better because it's time spelled backwards.

Here Be Time Lords:

Part Six

The Scientist

Doctor Emit Brown had finally managed to create a time machine, without his pompous species help.

The Time Lords, bah. They had banished him and tore his TARDIS away from him. He could still feel the great gaping hole where she had been in his mind.

But now, that he had created a time machine- the Delorean- he could travel through time and take back the TARDIS. He shouted with glee and explained time travel as Marty McFly watched him.

Emit finally stopped but his thrill of victory was taken away as he saw them, the Libyans he'd stolen the plutonium from to make his time machine.

He was vaguely aware of his mouth running ahead of him again.

Well, the plutonium hadn't been the key key. He just needed to use it to spark a reaction within the dormant time energy causing a causal well, stuff. Usually the TARDIS didn't use plutonium, it wellllll... Complicated.

Anyway, oh boy, the Libyans were mad and they had a big gun and-




Time swelled and changed and he gasped awake, and events that had not been there before exploded into his mind and Marty was leaning over him looking happy, very relieved, and at least a week older.

The letter! Ah, the letter, he pulled it out with a elated look on his face, oh, that boy was brilliant and too kindhearted.

Emit Brown sat up and laughed again.