WARNING: This is rated M for a reason. Explicit content.

Written for the 335 Pairing Bonanza Challenge (TheodoreGeorge)

Written for the It's So Wrong, But It Feels So Right Competition (smut, slash)

In an Abandoned Classroom

George Weasley hadn't moaned so loud in all the times he had bedded a female counterpart, but as he was down on all fours with Theodore Nott pounding into him, the noises he was making could have brought the Hogwarts castle down.

The tall Slytherin moved in a smooth fashion, every inch of him reaching George. His long fingers slinked around to George's front, gripping around him and rubbing. In all of his past encounters, never had such foul language escaped him. His head was thrown back against his partner's chest, eyes in the back of his head and a long, stretched-out moan as he reached his climax.

His whole body quivered with pleasure as the young man behind him continued. He pressed down on his back, ensuring he reached the deepest parts of George. His feelings went unheard as he thrusted, gaining speed with every movement until, finally, he finished as well. He collapsed onto the cold floor of the abandoned classroom, panting with exertion.

George rolled onto his back, falling into the arms of the younger man. His lips trailed down the warm neck of his partner. Already, he wanted more from this boy.

His eyes rolled over the slim, naked figure, settling on the large, long part between his legs. Who would have thought that such a fine thing belonged to a Slytherin.

"I mean, I thought I was large, but this man…."

Theodore's eyes turned on George, grinning wickedly. "You like what you see, do you?" His fingers traced George's chest teasingly.

"I hadn't realised my thoughts had been out loud." George straddled the Slytherin, pressing eager lips hard against the other's. The slightest meeting their sensitive areas had was enough to set George's body on fire. With every inch that he grew, the harder he pressed down against his friend.

"Oh, you are eager," Theodore teased.

George's only response was to smash his lips against Theodore, uttering instructions and using words he would never say in front of his mother.

Roughly, he turned Theodore around, so now that he was behind the slinky Slytherin, and with a loud groan of pleasure, he entered.

Once again, it was only him who made a sound. Nott remained deathly silent as they moved roughly against the stone, cold floor.

The second time George didn't last as long. When he was finished, Theodore rolled over and sat up. With another wicked grin, he got dressed, making sure to show every inch of his body as he did so.

George remained on the floor, naked and craving more from the boy.

"Until next time, Weasley." He bent down so his lips were less than an inch from George's.

George quivered as Nott moved even closer, his lips against his ear. "Next time," he teased, "I may use my mouth just a little bit more."

George groaned, watching the Slytherin leave the classroom with a satisfied smile. Next time, he was going to make that boy cry so loud that they really would bring down the castle.

You probably won't catch me writing this kind of stuff often, but I consider myself mildly capable when the situation calls for it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a review if you read it.

Also, if you're interested in doing writing challenges for HP, please feel free to follow any of the links on my profile. The more the merrier, I say!