Writers block on the story meant to help with writers block... siiiiiiigh.

The story is close to finished though. There's only a few chapters left after this. This story has been a lot of fun so far so I'm hoping to keep it going for the rest. Thanks to everyone who has been reading so far! And I hope you like this chapter. We've got some serious crap goin down now. X3 Enjoy!

Stella spun the pencil around and around her fingers, the constant movement almost hypnotizing her. But not quite. Her mind was still functioning. Or processors… whatever.

She was worried that the guys would come down to confront her about all those things she said, which was really stupid of her in the first place. And no doubt Axl told them what he heard at Gravity HQ.

But they didn't. They must've figured that she wasn't in much of a mood to talk. Or at least X did. He seemed to be the most adapt at reading people's emotions.

Eventually though, they would ask. And she would have to give them an answer. But what was she supposed to tell them? The truth would probably be best but… The truth was difficult. And unbelievable. And painful.

She sighed. When had her life gotten so complicated? Or I guess technically-

There was a knock at the door. Stella jumped a few feet in the air and stared at it. Guess the guys had finally come. Another knock sounded through the room and she got up to answer it.

But it wasn't any of the guys. It was Alia.

"Um, hi?"

She seemed a bit panicked. Her grip on the doorframe was almost breaking the wood and she was fidgeting around. "Stella, when was that attack you mentioned planned to start?"

"4 days now… Why?"

"You're off by 4 days."

Suddenly Stella had issues feeling her legs. "I'm guessing you're not going to say it's 4 days further are you?" Alia shook her head sadly. "Right now?" A nod. "I'll meet you down there."

Closing the door she quickly shoved on her armor as well as she could with her shaking hands. There's no way. There couldn't be. But Alia wouldn't lie. Not about this. So how? How?


The three S rank hunters rushed in to the clicking of the navigators filling the room as people ran around the room. The whole place was on high alert.

"Where's Alia?" X asked upon noticing the blonde's absence.

"She went to see Stella," Layer informed him.

"And she's on her way," Alia's voice piped up behind them. She walked down to her computer and joined in the chorus of typing, "They've definitely moved it up. She looked like she was going to explode when I told her."

Speaking of the spy, "I'm here! I'm here!" She almost skid past the door in her hurry, having to badly back pedal to make it in the room. "How long have they been there?"

"They arrived at the elevator 10 minutes ago."

"Okay. Then we've got a little bit of time," Stella bounced from foot to foot, full of anxious energy, "They've got to get to the correct floor to get maximum damage."

"Then let's go," Axl said as he headed to the transport pad.

"You sure you're up to this?" Zero asked as he followed.

The red head huffed at the older reploid, "I'm fine Z. Life Savor gave me the all clear. Besides there's no way I'm missing this."

X turned to Stella, "And you?"

"To be honest-" her hands were shaking. It seemed to take all her energy to be able to stand there. She shook her head. "I'll survive. I know the most about their plan anyhow. I need to go."

X looked concerned, but didn't say anything as they made their way to the other two waiting. He'd keep an eye on her during the mission.

"Alright, you're being sent directly to their location," Alia typed in the commands, "Good luck."


This was a terrible idea. This was a terrible awful thing to do and she knew it. But she was still doing it. She was still doing it because she was idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.


She looked over at X. How long had she been out of it? "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

No. No she was not. She knew these symptoms. She didn't think it could still happen. "I'll be fine." After a few hours.

X didn't seem to believe her, but he didn't say anything. They were on a mission after all. She was glad.

But only for a second.

"Of course it's you."

But- this wasn't the correct floor.


She really didn't want to be there.

The looming repliod was looking directly at her. There was no surprise. No disappointment. No amount of caring in his eyes. So she had been right. She was just their tool. They didn't care about her one bit.

It took too much effort to face him back. To look directly into those eyes. Something that she had barely cared about. She never liked his eyes. And now was no exception.

"You are quite a sneaky one," he drawled. She felt a shiver run down her spine. Since when had he been so creepy? "To think you've been playing us from the beginning." He sounded intrigued. This was like a game to him. "We found you, forgotten by the world, and you repay us like this."

She knew he would bring it up. She knew but at the same time she had hoped. Hoped beyond belief that he'd have some small strand of decency in him.

"Shut up." She growled. Or at least she hoped it sounded like a growl. She didn't exactly feel in control of her voice at the moment.

He turned to the boys. "You don't know do you?"

They didn't say anything. But they didn't need to. He was going to say it. He was going to say it and she definitely didn't want to hear it.

"You're working with a dead girl."


"Where did Nathan go?"

Ian looked around before pointing, "He's on the other side of the store."

"How does he manage to sneak off so stealthily?"

"He is small."

A snicker was muffled before they reach the boy who was immediately poked by his friend, "What'ch ya lookin at?"

He pointed to the wall in front of him, "They have Fallout stuff."

"And Zelda," Ian added as he picked up a bracelet adorned with a sword.

A loud squee came from the third and they both looked over to see the sqeeer hugging a small brown plush and jumping up and down in glee.

"What? I love Eevees. You guys know that."

They laughed, shaking their heads and rolling their eyes.

"Madelyn." They teasingly sighed.

Her only response was to smile and stick her tongue out at her two friends