Haunted Dreams

Chapter 1

It has been a year since Sweeney Todd and Nellie Lovett left Fleet Street. It goes back to that terrible night where Sweeney found out the truth, learned of the horrible secret Mrs. Lovett kept from him. And as he tried to kill her...he couldn't.

"Mr. T, please, please" she begged him. "I love you, please!"

"SHUT UP YOU BITCH, you're the one who ruined my life, you killed my wife!"

"No, I didn't... Please... I..."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" He yelled. He, for the third time, tried to shove her into the oven, and again she side-stepped out of the way.

"Sweeney, please... if you'll just let me explain..."

Sweeney gave a furious growl. He picked up a butcher knife sitting on the table in the bake house and threw it at her. The knife clattered against the spot on the wall right next to her face.

He missed. Why is he missing? Nellie could see he was about to give up, or he was getting tired. It's has been such a long, exhausting day.

He fell to his knees screaming. Nellie had never heard him scream before; she didn't like the sound, hearing it made her already broken heart shatter into a million pieces. She had tears rolling down her cheeks; she has never been more scared in her life. She wanted to find Toby in the sewers, and then run. This was her chance to run, he was sitting on the floor crying in agony over his dead Lucy, his razor laid on the floor next to him, and if she was going to escape it would be now. But yet her feet wouldn't budge. She was still in love with him, she still wanted to comfort him, to wipe his tears away, to hold him, to kiss him, but there was no way he would let her now.

"Mr. T..." she said, starting to slowly approach him. He lifted his head up to glance at her and gave her a look of absolute loathing. "I'm sorry..., Mr. Todd I am so sorry, I know... I know I shouldn't have lied to you, I know I should have told you the truth about Lucy, I just..."

"Don't say her name."

"I ... What?"

He stood up and advanced on her. Oh great, here we go again Nellie thought. He put his hand around her neck, slamming her into the wall. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY HER NAME… YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY HER NAME!" He yelled chocking her.

"Ok... ok ...I'm sorry... I ... Mr. T ... I ...can't ... breathe..." He threw her to the ground. Nellie fell to the floor coughing.

Sweeney picked up his razor, and then he turned towards the wall across from Nellie and kicked it, then punched the meat grinder.

"Mr. T..." He turned on her again, this time with his razor in his hand, he looked down on Nellie's tear stained face. She gave him a look of pleading; he gave her a look of disgust and jammed his foot in her ribs. Nellie screamed in pain, and rolled on her back holding her ribs. That certainly shut her up.

Toby was emerging from his hiding place in the grate in the bake house just in time to see Mr. Todd slash the razor across his mother.

Sweeney slashed his razor across Nellie's shoulder. Her throat was dry, and she had a lump in it from crying so much, she was also so exhausted that she didn't even scream. She just let her head bang against the stoned floor of the bakehouse.

To Toby this looked like murder. He ran at Sweeney screaming in rage. "NOOOOOO... YOU KILLED HER!" Sweeney Todd turned around, and slid his razor under Toby's throat.

"Sweeney No!" Nellie cried. She lied against the cold floor, and couldn't do anything but just watch through tears as her adopted son fell to the floor, blood spraying from his neck as he went. "How ... could... you…", and with that Nellie lost consciousness, not caring anymore if she lives or dies.