A/N: This was written for a prompt given by corazons on tumblr. I sincerely hope you like it!

They wanted a SasuNaruSasu with some KibaNaruSasu and this is what came out of the very descriptive prompt I've been given ;P I've been wanting to write a threesome fic with them for a while, so I got a little too carried away and ended up writing more than expected.

So, this is Part I of this simple fic. Part II will be the last one.

I sincerely hope you guys like it!

Not betaed.

Benefits of a Three Way

Part I: The Best Friend and the Lover

The words had left his mouth before he could even think them over properly, but the second he blurt them out, he knew there was no taking them back anymore.

He had no idea what had made him say it, all he knew was that he was exhausted already and that he needed to find a solution for this issue between him and his two most important people and fast.

Well, it wasn't like that was exactly the most sensible one, but it was worth a shot.

Inuzuka Kiba had been Naruto's best friend since childhood. He was like family, someone essential that he trusted in with a blind hope and who knew him better than he knew himself. Uchiha Sasuke was Naruto's lover and, truth be told, the love of his fucking life.

He had been in love with Sasuke for so long, not knowing the other felt the same, and now that they were finally together, things were looking more than bright for their future as a couple. They had been together for three years already, and if everything went as well as it was going, they'd never part ways.

If he had to choose between Sasuke and Kiba, though, he wouldn't be able to because he loved them both with an equal intensity, but in different ways.

But those two… they didn't get along. Or, well, been close at some point in the past, but as soon as Sasuke and Naruto had started dating, things had become very strained because they were no longer a 'group' of friends who hung out whenever. Sasuke and Naruto were now an item and involved in ways Kiba had no place in. From then on, Naruto and Sasuke needed time alone and Kiba always felt like a third wheel whenever the three of them were together. So Kiba had wanted to hang out with Naruto alone, but so did Sasuke, and this had made them clash from the very beginning.

The thing was, Naruto didn't have time for the two of them individually like they both wanted because he was in college and still worked two part-time jobs to afford tuition and to pay for his small apartment, so he was more than at loss for what to do. The other two also had their own schedules to keep up with, so it was all very messy.

It wasn't like those two didn't try to go back to the way they had once been. They did indulge in forced socializing with each other, but Kiba always felt uncomfortable if Sasuke and Naruto so much as touched in front of him, and Sasuke got this idea that Kiba had repressed feelings for Naruto. They were always fighting for the stupidest things and arguing over who would spend time with Naruto in which days of the week, and it was getting out of hand.

Naruto wanted to finally ask Sasuke to move in with him, and while this would make it easier for the two of them as a couple, it would still bring issues between Kiba and the Uchiha.

So… somehow, after a particular nasty argument in Naruto's kitchen between the three of them, Naruto had made that rather crazy suggestion.

Kiba was sitting at the small round table, while Naruto and Sasuke were leaning against the counter side by side. Naruto felt himself blushing heavily as both men looked at him with equal expressions of shock.

"You're not serious," Sasuke retorted, his tone chilling, his handsome features scrunched up in disgust. "A threesome, Naruto? With this creature? You want someone else in the middle of our relationship? Are you out of your fucking mind?"

"Hey, don't think I'd ever be interested in fucking some prissy assed queen like you!" Kiba growled viciously, glaring at Sasuke and merely receiving an equally angry look. "Fuck you, Uchiha, I'm so done with your fucking attitude!"

"Look, guys, I know it sounds crazy," Naruto intervened, quickly moving to stand between the two just in case they decided to engage in some serious fist fighting (it had never happened before, but one couldn't be too sure). "But it can't go on like this. You both are important to me! You're my family and we all have to get along, otherwise we'll never get past this. I'm not giving up on either of you, so we either fix it to find a way so the two of you don't feel resentful in any way, or I don't know what might happen. We should be family!"

"So you suggest fixing it by the three of us being fuck buddies," Sasuke snapped, his eyes narrowing dangerously at Naruto, who couldn't help but shiver at the murderous expression in them. "That's really smart, you idiot, no doubt about it."

"At least no-one would be left out or feel uncomfortable!" Naruto defended heatedly. The idea had been sudden, but the more he thought about it the more sense it made. "Then, the three of us could hang out easily with neither of you being resentful of the other, plus Kiba would get laid more times a week than he currently does in an entire month and that would stop him from being so bothered by our sexual tension all the time."

"What?!" Kiba screeched, horrified. "I do not need to get laid! I don't feel bothered by your sexual tension at all, it's not about that! I just don't like that fucking bastard, he's selfish and is constantly trying to steal your attention and your time!"

By the superior, knowing way Sasuke quirked his eyebrow upwards at Kiba, Naruto knew his boyfriend had noticed it as well in spite of Kiba's denial. Not liking someone didn't make them suddenly immune to their own sexual needs, and Sasuke was a very attractive man, not to mention very oblivious to his own sex appeal.

"Why are you even suggesting that I have any interest in either of you?!" Kiba yelled, noticing the way the couple was looking at him and getting up at once, defensively. "For fuck's sake, Naruto, you're like a brother to me! Fucking either you or your boyfriend is the last thing on my mind!"

Naruto bit on his lower lip, simply looking from his best friend to his lover anxiously.

There had been a time before Sasuke had ever existed when he had had a small crush on Kiba that he was sure had been reciprocated. It hadn't exactly been romantic, more like a sexual thing caused by their mutual trust as teenagers, but that curiosity hadn't really been erased with time, at least not on Naruto's part. Maybe it never would. Some feelings and yearnings are impossible to let go if they have never had a proper closure, but some people just let these things go and never think of them again. If Sasuke and Kiba didn't behave like two peacocks in heat, Naruto would've never had thought about this again. Also, if Kiba didn't look at them the way he often did, with such an obvious jealousy, anger and longing, Naruto wouldn't have been sure that he was right about him.

It wasn't like he wished to be in a romantic relationship with his best friend, but the thought of making one of his teenage fantasies come true was very appealing. Add his gorgeous lover to the mix and it was just heaven on earth.

"You are completely out of your mind," Kiba said, clenching his fists at his sides. The look he threw at Naruto was one of fear and simultaneous hurt. "I'm done. This conversation didn't happen at all."

Kiba turned on his heels and left the kitchen. Naruto had half a mind to call him back and tell him to not be mad, but he supposed that the suggestion he had just made might've come as a shock, and if Kiba was in denial of his own feelings, dealing with him right now would get them nowhere.

But Kiba would think this over, no doubt about it, and would come to his own conclusions on his own.

The apartment door slammed shut, alerting them that Kiba had left. Naruto sighed and turned to his boyfriend, who was frowning heavily at him, his eyes so disapproving that, for a moment, Naruto feared that he had done some real damage to their bond and to Sasuke's trust in him, and this made a sense of panic fill him.

Kiba and Sasuke were the only two people in the world that he just knew wouldn't leave his side no matter what, least of all for such a thing, and yet, maybe he had taken things too far this time. Those two would definitely be angry at him for a while.

"Get that stupid idea out of your head," Sasuke hissed threateningly, poking his chest with unnecessary force. "He's important to you, and I have always respected that in spite of my personal feelings. But we're not fucking dog boy just so he doesn't feel left out, and that's the end of it."

Sasuke eyed him coolly as he walked past him and out of the kitchen.

"Sasuke, come on!" Naruto called out, rubbing at his chest over the spot Sasuke had poked him.

But Sasuke was already leaving the apartment without another word, much like Kiba had done, leaving Naruto alone.

Naruto could all but sigh. Well, that hadn't gone as well as it could've, but truth was, it hadn't been half as bad as it could've been either considering Kiba's and Sasuke's personalities. At least they had joined forces to agree that it was a bad idea, he mused, with a small chuckle.

But Naruto didn't think it was a bad idea at all. It was definitely worth a shot if it meant that the three of them could find some sort of balance and a solution for their issues.

Sasuke was a wonderful lover, and Naruto was sure that the two of them would definitely be able to have a good time with Kiba. Even if it was a one-time thing, he seriously doubted that any of them would have regrets in the end, and neither of them were the type of people who would make a big deal out of something good. If they had fun, it wasn't like they would feel uncomfortable afterwards, and it might even lighten up Kiba's and Sasuke's relationship.

He just wanted them to be family and for things to be alright once and for all.

Also… Naruto would lie if he said that the thought of Sasuke and his best friend getting it on wasn't slightly arousing. Okay, so it was definitely more arousing than it probably should be. In fact, he was too much of a possessive guy to ever even enjoy fantasizing about his lovers with other people, but… Kiba was Kiba. And even if he didn't like Sasuke now, they had been god friends in the past and he had always respected his feelings for Naruto and had remained a friend to him when necessary. Those two had always been there for each other for Naruto's sake. Sasuke had helped Kiba many times, and Kiba was never against doing favours for Sasuke if required. They never turned their backs on each other in spite of everything, so while there was resentment and annoyance because of their individual relationships with Naruto, they had mutual respect for each other as well.

And this was why Naruto thought that they could work things out. But if them being friends wasn't enough at this point, then they would need to be somewhat on the same level in Naruto's life for the resentment and jealousy to stop.

Yes, it could work out.

And Naruto found that he wanted to see it happening more than anything.


Kiba had spent the morning running errands for his mom, who was a down with a cold, and even though he still had to go to work and was on a tight schedule, he had no intention of bailing on the little time Naruto had for them to go out for a quick coffee, even though the blond also had to work later. He wouldn't be seeing Sasuke that day since his boyfriend was busy with some essay he was working on, so Kiba tried not to feel too smug in having his best friend's attention exclusively that day, even if only for a little while.

It was a feeling he could quite place, but he always felt happy in days when he got to see Naruto and Sasuke didn't.

He didn't dislike the Uchiha per say. Sasuke made Naruto happy, and more importantly, he loved him unconditionally.

Kiba and Naruto had met Sasuke while in high school. The Uchiha had transferred from another school and wasn't even in their class, but his classroom was right next to theirs. Sasuke's looks and mysterious behaviour gave him instant popularity, and the fact that he was an excellent student only fuelled it. He and Naruto had clashed at first, but it had been love for Naruto from the very start, and it was obvious that the blond affected Sasuke in many ways. Naruto had slowly lured Sasuke to their group and before they knew it, the three of them were always together.

While Sasuke wasn't exactly his type of person, Kiba had liked him and was okay to admit that he was smart and his presence made Naruto happy. They didn't always see eye to eye, but sometimes it was fun joining forces with Sasuke to make fun of Naruto. Back then Kiba had, in fact, had a crush on his best friend, but too scared to do anything about it, especially because Naruto liked someone else.

Still, while it was clear that Sasuke was fond of Naruto, the two seemed to fight and bicker so much that the possibility of them ever being in a relationship seemed to rate below zero. Besides, Sasuke was always surrounded by gorgeous girls, surely he had to be straight.

This to say that Sasuke had never been a threat. Until the day came when Kiba had been busy and thus unable to join the other two to the movies during the summer before college had started. Just a few hours alone had been enough, and next thing Kiba knew, Naruto and Sasuke were a couple. Apparently, Naruto's feelings had been reciprocated all along.

It had been like a stab to Kiba's ego in a way, but he had smiled and accepted it. Naruto had loved Sasuke for far too long in silence, suffering in fear of confessing his feelings only to have Sasuke abandoning him, so having Sasuke was probably the best thing that ever happened to him.

No, Kiba was sure that it was so. As Naruto's boyfriend, Sasuke's demeanour changed completely, and while he wasn't different personality-wise, the way he interacted with Naruto, cared for him, looked at him and constantly reach out to him told Kiba that Sasuke was the real deal. They had been made for each other, and fate itself had made it so they could be in each other's arms.

They fit together in ways Kiba could not even begin to try to understand, and yet, somehow, he had thought that the bond he and Naruto had could never be replicated. But it had been.

Sure, the dynamics were different. Naruto and Sasuke were lovers, and Kiba and Naruto were friends. Those two things didn't have anything to do with each other, and he knew that he and Sasuke were equal in importance in Naruto's eyes.


He denied it, but he was jealous of Sasuke; if for having forced Naruto to divide his time or for having been able to have a chunk of what he and Kiba had, he didn't know. They were happy together and Kiba was still single. Naruto had always been there for him, and yet, now he had to check his agenda to see if he could fit Kiba in his day. These things were upsetting.

He was happy for Naruto's happiness, but he hated to see the love in Naruto's eyes, and he felt empty every time those two so much as touched. Three years had passed and he still wasn't used to it.

Naruto's proposal had, indeed, come as a shock. He had never thought that his best friend would ever make such a suggestion, so he hadn't known what to do with himself.

Yes, he had thought about himself and Naruto many times. He couldn't quite place his feelings for Naruto, but he certainly had always been drawn to him in more ways than one, but had been too scared to try anything so as to not ruin their friendship. He had always had the feeling that Naruto had been curious about them, as well, but he had never tried knowing the truth.

And Sasuke… well, there was no denying that the bastard was, hands down, one of the most gorgeous people he had ever met in his life. Fit, handsome and with a very alluring demeanour (if one didn't hear him talk and being an ass), he was sex on legs and completely disregardful of it, which added to the appeal, no doubt about it. He and Naruto made quite the sight for sore eyes when they were side by side, which was one of the main reasons why it made Kiba so uncomfortable.

But he had never thought about fucking Sasuke, nor had the desire ever arisen inside him.

That was, until Naruto had suggested it and it became an actual possibility. The doors that had been opened for him had also opened many doors inside his mind that he had no idea had been closed before.

And he didn't know what to do about it.

Naruto was already waiting for him outside of the coffee shop when he got there, sunglasses on and two plastic take-away cups of coffee in hand. Kiba smiled a little crookedly at his best friend and accepted the coffee before they shared a small hug. They hadn't seen each other in a week. Then, in instant silent agreement, the two started walking down the street, side by side with no destination in mind.

"So, have you thought it over?" Naruto asked casually, before taking a small sip on his coffee. "What I talked to you about the other day, I mean."

Kiba tensed, knowing exactly what his friends was referring to.

"I did think about it, but I just…" he mumbled, feeling his cheeks warming up slightly. "I mean, I don't get it. Do you really want to do this? With me? You and I never… you know."

"What, you can't tell me you were never curious about us," Naruto said with a small chuckle.

Looking at Naruto from the corner of his eyes, Kiba asked, a little surprised "Were you?"

Naruto's chuckle turned into a laugh. "Come on, dude, we had something going on there for a while, you know it!" He said, good-naturedly, before shrugging. "But, I don't know. I was in love with Sasuke and I cherished my friendship with you. I didn't want to ruin anything around me, you know? I was scared of losing either of you if I made the wrong move. I didn't want either of you to have the wrong idea."

In spite of himself, Kiba sighed and used his free hand to rub the back of his head embarrassingly. He couldn't believe that his best friend had just openly acknowledged that, at some point, they had had a bit of chemistry going on. It was frustrating. He could understand Naruto's feelings, though – after all, being in love with someone and at the same time being curious about your best friend can be confusing. If he had acted upon his curiosity towards Kiba, he could've compromised his future relationship with Sasuke and/or the way Sasuke saw him. Even if they had only been friends back then, it wouldn't be okay for Sasuke to think that they had something going on.

"Don't make that face," Naruto said, elbowing him playfully.

"Ah, I didn't think we'd ever talk about this, man," Kiba admitted, awkwardly.

"Am I wrong in assuming we had something?"

Taking a few sips on his coffee – it was pretty hot still – Kiba hesitated about whether it would be wise to be honest. But he had never lied to Naruto, and somehow, he wanted Naruto to know because… in a certain sense, it was important to him. "No, not really," he muttered. "Still, that was before. Now, you have Sasuke."

Naruto made a small noise with the back of his throat, but his smile was still firmly in place.

"Yeah, I do. I'm not going to lie and say that I'm over it, though," he replied, a bit sheepishly. "I'm not… in love with you, Kiba, so Sasuke's a different issue. But… if you're still interested in being with me, then I don't see why not."

Well, interested wasn't exactly right word, Kiba concluded, but it wasn't like he could find a better one to describe how he felt.

"Naruto…" he whispered, unable to stop feeling tense in spite of his friend's relaxed demeanour. "We're friends. I don't think us fucking would be right."

Naruto's head turned towards him and his blond eyebrows rose above his sunglasses. "Why not? You know I love you. It's different from what I feel for Sasuke, sure, but it's not less meaningful. It's sex. It's you being involved in my personal life and being somewhat on the same level as Sasuke. This would bring you and Sasuke closer together, and you could be around us without feeling awkward because you'd be a part of it."

It was difficult not to feel excited by the things Naruto said. Kiba liked knowing that he was still just as important to Naruto as Sasuke, and truth be told, he had wished many times that he could feel at ease when around those two.

Still, while he longed for it – longed to be the 'family' Naruto wanted so much for them to be – it seemed like a distant prospect.

They found an empty street bench in the middle of the sidewalk, conveniently placed underneath a leafy tree that protected them from the hot sun, and wasted no time in sitting down.

They were close enough that their arms and legs touched. It wasn't an unusual proximity for them, and yet, Kiba was strangely self-conscious of it.

For a while, they both drank their coffees in silence, watching the cars drive by and the commotion of the city bursting with life around them.

"How can you be sure that Sasuke and I would become closer if we fucked?" Kiba ended up asking after a while, making a face at his best friends. "Are you serious? What if it makes things worse? We don't get along, and sex isn't going to change that."

"It might," Naruto pressed on, somehow confidently. "Sex is sex. You don't need to get along with someone to fuck them if you know you're going to have a good time. If there's chemistry..."

"How can you talk like this," Kiba interrupted, frowning in annoyance. "You, who's always been such a holy Mary about sex and faithfulness in relationships. You're just going to let me fuck your boyfriend?"

Even though he appreciated Naruto's eagerness, it upset him that he'd just talk about Kiba fucking his lover just like that, because… Naruto had loved Sasuke for so long, was possessive of him, and cherished him in ways Kiba could only dream of ever being cherished by a lover. He'd fucking kill someone before he ever let another man or woman touch his lover, and yet, he was allowing Kiba to do it, and he didn't know whether to feel flattered or just scared.

Did Naruto even know what he was suggesting? Had he really thought this through or was he assuming that it was all that simple only to realize his mistake in the end?

That was what Kiba feared, most of all.

But… Naruto knew his own feelings very well, and when it came to Sasuke, they had always been consistent and unchanging.

Which was, in truth, what confused Kiba the most when thinking about all of this.

"It's not about that," Naruto admitted, cradling the cup in both hands and lowering his head to look at it. "We all trust each other, Kiba. That's the key. You may not get along with him, but you trust him, and you trust me. Same for me, and for Sasuke towards you. So, it's sex, but it's not just sex. It will never be just sex because we all have feeling towards each other, even if they are different. That's why I believe that we'll all get along if we have sex and have something to bring the three of us together every time."

"I'm not even attracted to Sasuke, and he's not attracted to me, either," Kiba said, looking at the blond with uncertainty. Naruto looked up at him as well, and slowly, lifted his sunglasses up so they were stuck at the top of his head, revealing bright, and very serious blue eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked, in a surprisingly grave tone. "We both know Sasuke's every person's wet dream material. I know you never thought of him like that in respect to me, but now I'm allowing you to. Think about him as man, Kiba, and not as your best friend's lover. Are you seriously going to tell me that you wouldn't like to have a taste of that?"

Kiba almost gasped in shock, but somehow managed to hold it in. He didn't like Naruto's serious face, and he didn't like the way those words made his heart beat go just the slightest bit faster.

Him… looking at Sasuke as a man? Being allowed to fantasise about him and picture him in another light?

It was a terrifying, yet surprisingly exciting thought.


"He's pretty good in the bedroom, you know." For some reason, Naruto's voiced lowered to an almost teasing, seductive tone that never in a million years Kiba would've thought that he'd be able to use, and it made his breath catch a bit. Naruto's eyes were stuck to him, intense and meaningful. "And in the living room, and in the kitchen. Whether it's standing or lying down, or against a wall… Sasuke is a great fuck. He's also reversible, so whether he's on top or bottom, he's fucking perfect."

Kiba had no idea why Naruto was telling him this, and phrasing it in such a way of all things, but he didn't like it. Or maybe he did, because his brain immediately came up with several images of not only his best friend and his lover fucking in said various positions, but also of images of what Sasuke could do to him. "I… I'm sure you're right, but…"

"He can also be very gentle in spite of his attitude," Naruto pressed on, actually licking at his lips as if some sort of lewd memory had assaulted his mind and pleased him. "He can read what you need like it's written all over your face. And he looks so fucking sexy when he cums. You should see his face. Just thinking about it makes me feel hot."


Naruto knew what he was doing, Kiba concluded, surprised at his friend's cunning words. Kiba had already fantasised about Naruto many times, so the two of them being together would never be an issue, but Naruto wanted Kiba to see Sasuke the same way and lure him in so he could find the same attraction for the Uchiha. He wanted Kiba to want to fuck Sasuke, and it was rather disturbing, yet arousing and gratifying.

The fact that Naruto wanted him to want Sasuke made all sorts of strange, irrational things cross his mind and happen to his body.

Wasn't Naruto afraid that this might all backfire? And yet, he was definitely playing his cards right.

"He goes crazy if you play with his neck." This time, Naruto smirked the tiniest bit, his eyes lowering seductively to Kiba slightly parted lips, making him shiver involuntarily. "That's the best foreplay for him. You start with his neck, then his ears. He likes to be teased before being kissed properly. He's always very in control, but gets impatient rather quickly, so if you tease him and touch him slowly, he'll lose it faster and turn you over to own you completely."

Kiba didn't know what turned him on the most – the things Naruto said, the way he said or… the way he was looking at him.

Naruto's leg pressed itself more against Kiba's. In spite of himself, Kiba swallowed hard. "He loves kissing, too. Kiss him and rub up against him and he'll want nothing more than to shower with you pleasure and affection. He loves being in charge of what happens to you. He loves making you cum as many times as he possibly can. That's who he is. He takes his pleasure but makes sure you have everything you need. He's such a fierce, passionate lover, Kiba…"

What the hell was he supposed to make out of such a conversation? Wasn't this supposed to go for all three of them? Then why did it feel like Naruto was using his boyfriend to personally get under his skin?

He felt a hand gently being placed on his thigh and jumped slightly to find Naruto looking at him with a very dirty, mischievous smile.

"Stop it," Kiba demanded, grabbing for Naruto's wrist warningly, only to feel the hand slowly and teasingly sliding up his thigh, probably aiming for his groin. "Naruto, I'm serious…"

"He can be very dominant, too," Naruto proceeded [D1] lewdly, ignoring him, but with the same easiness as one who talks about the weather, eyes never leaving Kiba's as he stilled his hand and squeezed slightly at the covered flesh there. Kiba could only look back at him helplessly because, while he wanted to, he knew that, if Naruto were to try and make a move on him, he wouldn't be able to stop him. So he prayed fervently that Naruto wouldn't test his boundaries further.

Still, Naruto would never cheat on Sasuke, and this made Kiba's mind race with confusion and fear. What was Naruto doing?

He didn't want his best friend cheating on Sasuke, not even with him. That was not something the blond did, and it was one thing the three of them potentially getting involved with mutual agreement, and another thing to do stuff with each other behind Sasuke's back.

"Naruto," he warned again, but his friends only feigned innocence, hand moving once more upwards, carefully, making Kiba realize that he was being tested. Maybe Kiba's attraction to Naruto was being tested, or maybe his respect for Naruto's and Sasuke's relationship was the thing being tested. Either way, Naruto was cunning in ways Kiba hadn't expected him to be, and he had to threat it carefully or he might be cast away for good if he didn't have the right reaction to it.

Use your fucking brain and not your dick, Kiba.

"Sasuke will be all over you and torture you so much you'll be left begging for him to fuck you until you pass out," Naruto said now, that sneaky hand moving again upwards, and this time, Kiba's grip on his wrist intensified, and Naruto smirked more, but his breath was also a little raged, probably from the things he was saying about his lover that clearly pleased him very much.

Kiba had the sudden urge to kiss him, to alleviate the desire he felt and to give in to the pull Naruto created, but held himself back with effort. And still, Naruto kept talking.

"If you want to own him instead, you're gonna have to fight him and prove that you can handle him. He may pretend that it upsets him and act angry, but he loves power games. If you wrestle him and beat him around, he'll behave like wild animal and fight you, but he'll love it. If you pull at his hair and shove your fingers inside him… he'll lose it and give in completely. Fuck him without asking for permission and he can cum without you even touching his cock."

Fuck, where had Naruto learned how to smirk like that, and sound like that, it was fucking mind blowing, Kiba thought, feeling his breath a little uneven and his mind fuzzy. Sasuke must've taught him that.

Or maybe Naruto had always been like this towards people he fucked. Either way, Kiba's mind was filled with unwanted, but very hot images of Sasuke (thanks to those ridiculously explicit descriptions of Sasuke during sexual activities). And Naruto. And Naruto and Sasuke together. And… well, of him and Sasuke doing the nasty. And… of Naruto being all over Kiba and seducing him until he begged to be fucked.

If Naruto spoke to him dirty like that with that voice and with such a hungry, vivid look in his eyes, Kiba would be at his mercy without effort.

Thinking about it all made him feel hot and dizzy with lust.

Naruto and Sasuke seemed to have such great chemistry in the sack. Kiba could tell from the lust in his friend's voice while he talked about his boyfriend.

He had not expected that thinking about his best friend and his lover in such a sensuous way would ever make him feel like this. It was both shocking and devastating, but also very exciting, as if some sort of repressed fantasy had just been unleashed – which was probably not far from the truth.

But… Naruto might simply be evaluating Kiba's friendship and his reaction to being seduced by Naruto alone, even if not as directly as one might think.

But he couldn't have that. He couldn't' risk Naruto's trust in him being broken out of horniness

Taking a deep breath, Kiba forced his voice to come out steady. "I get your point, okay?" he said, summoning all his willpower and effectively removing Naruto's hand away from his thigh. "He's hot and a good fuck, great. Just stop talking about him like that, it's not right."

"So Sasuke does affect you, too," Naruto commented, his hand slipping from Kiba's grasp carefully to be placed on his own knee securely. He eyed Kiba's annoyed face for a while, eyes filled with curiosity, interest and fondness, but they had lost that intensity from before, which was relieving.

Still, Kiba didn't reply. What was he supposed to say, that he had just discovered that his body reacted to the thought of Sasuke in sexual situations? That he could picture himself fucking his best friend's lover?

That he… felt like he wanted to be in the middle of them?

Naruto leaned back on the bench and smiled simply. "I'm not lying, you know. He doesn't disappoint. I can give you more tips depending on what you want from him."

Kiba leaned back as well and groaned, rubbing at his face with his hand. He didn't think he could have any more coffee, his stomach was a mess. "Fuck…"

"Are you turned on?" Naruto asked playfully, but not in a way that was meant to be mocking. "Me talking about him made you hard, didn't it?"

"Shut up," Kiba snapped, frowning at him. "I can't help it if you two are hot together! You're the one putting stuff in my head and seducing me just after we have settled that he had something going on between us! And besides, that all sounds fucking amazing, but it still doesn't mean Sasuke will want to have anything to do with me."

Naruto all but shrugged, not worried at all.

"Just tell me you're in, Kiba, and leave all the rest to me," he said, flashing him a confident grin. "It might take a while, but I'll turn his head around with thoughts of you. He's very open-minded with sex, we just haven't explored a third party yet, so he hasn't considered it before. He doesn't hate you, he's just jealous of you. He respects you and knows how much you mean to me, just like you know how much he means to me. But he has the wrong idea about you, and we should definitely change that."

Kiba threw him a pleading look, his annoyance dissipating a bit even though he still felt on edge, but Naruto's words gave him a small sense of hope that he never thought he'd appreciate so much.

"For you I'd do anything," he muttered, speaking from his heart, wanting Naruto to understand, somehow, what he felt and how much he valued him. "I don't hate him either, I just… I also want for things to be okay, Naruto. I don't… I don't want to come in between you guys. I know he loves you, and for that, I'll always cherish him. But I don't want to be cast aside either after all these years. I don't know how to be different with you because of him, and I don't think I ever will."

"I know," Naruto said, understandingly. "I don't want that either; I like how you and I are, Kiba. I just want us all to get along and be how we should be. I don't want anyone to feel left out or threatened. This is why we need this, Kiba. We're family. The two of you are my family. Sasuke wants to fix it as much as we do, trust me. He just doesn't know how to. But this could work."

"What if it doesn't?" Kiba asked stubbornly. "What if it makes things worse?"

"I seriously doubt it," Naruto said, with yet another relaxed shrug. "Trust me on this. It's not just the two of you or the two of us, so no one's cheating. I know I can trust you like that. You know how not to step the line, you understand what I want with this, and I know that now. This is for the three of us."

"So you seducing me with all that talk about Sasuke was a test?" Kiba asked, dejectedly.

"Well, I did want you to picture him differently," Naruto confessed, with a guilty smile. "But, yeah. If there's still something going on between us, this could be dangerous. But as I said, I'm not in love with you, and we're not supposed to be together if Sasuke's not around and okay with this. I just wanted to see if you would take the chance or if you'd be disrespectful. I trusted that you'd keep your cool, and I wasn't disappointed."

Kiba snorted with irony, but inside he felt a bit hurt. "I told you I didn't want to come in between you two. I'd never do anything to tear you two apart, not even to fulfil a whim, Naruto."

"I know, man, I just had to make sure things wouldn't get side tracked if we're to do this," Naruto said, smiling apologetically at him. "It's just sex Kiba. You and I settling our things, and you and Sasuke finding some sort of empathy so we can all get unnecessary stuff out of the way. That's all this is."

"Yeah, I know." Looking away from Naruto, Kiba stared at the show window of a store across the street, thinking hard.

He and Naruto had some unresolved chemistry to work on. Kiba had, apparently, repressed desires for Sasuke. This wasn't about 'love', this was just about getting some things out of their systems and finding a way to make sure he and Sasuke could co-exist without any further conflicts. It could all go immensely well or terribly wrong. There were so many pros and cons that Kiba didn't even know where to begin, but the prospect was enticing. And he did want to stop feeling so fucking left out all the time. He didn't like the resentment he felt, the loneliness.

"Okay," he ended up saying, resignedly. "I'll give it a try. But we need to convince Sasuke, too. I want… I need him to be completely okay with this."

"Well, he's not ever going to openly say 'yes', you know," Naruto pointed out, but he was grinning happily. "But I'm sure we can work him well enough for him to give in, eventually!"

"Alright," Kiba agreed, with a sigh. "I'm going to trust you on this."

"You won't regret it, Kiba," Naruto assured him, bumping arms with him. "You're going to love every second of it."

Well, Kiba definitely hoped so. He wasn't in a relationship, and his life was too busy to even try and find a steady girlfriend or boyfriend. He hadn't gotten laid in ages. If this worked, at least he'd be able to go back into having a good relationship with Sasuke, and he'd always have company and sexual relief for as long as it lasted, and with two people he knew he could trust in spite of everything. Seriously, what more could a guy want?

But getting to Sasuke would be a challenge, or so Kiba thought. Surprisingly enough… this only made it all the more interesting.


Kiba swallowed hard as he peeked through a gap between two books on a shelf at the university library. From there, he could see Sasuke sitting by himself at a table next to a window, deeply focused on reading a thick old-looking book as he took notes. For some reason, Kiba found his heart beating faster at the sight of his best friend's lover serious and concentrated expression.

He had to admit that Sasuke looked particularly handsome that day, his auburn hair a meticulous dishevelled spiky mess at the back while silky strands framed his perfect features. He was wearing stylish black trousers that had a bit of a shine to them with a dark blue short-sleeved shirt. As he wrote on his notebook, Kiba could see the silvery commitment adornment on his right ring finger – Naruto had one just like that one, a gift for their three year anniversary.

Taking a deep breath, Kiba tried to calm himself down. Naruto had spoken to Shikamaru, one of Sasuke's closest friends, for tips on how to begin warming Sasuke up to the thought of a threesome. Of course, he hadn't told Shikamaru this, he just asked him how to get Sasuke to do something he didn't want to initially but that Naruto was sure that he'd appreciate once he was doing it.

Shikamaru's answer was 'don't force him, but make him believe that he also wants to do it. Help him embrace the idea. If he warms up to it on his own without realizing it should be okay'.

Naruto had thought long and hard about how to do it. They couldn't just push the issue again, it would only piss Sasuke off. Even if Naruto were to tell him that he openly wanted to do it, this would, most likely, hurt Sasuke's feelings and that was something Naruto didn't want.

So the best chance was to not make Sasuke warm up to the threesome idea, but maybe warm up to the idea of 'Kiba'. If he could start looking at Kiba from a different perspective, as more than a nuisance and more than another dude, maybe he could actually find him worthy of attention.

And what better way to achieve this than to create some empathy between them?

Thus the reason why Kiba was currently hiding behind a bookshelf like a stalker for the first phase of his and Naruto's not-so-brilliant plan.

All Kiba had to do was make a phone call. That was all there was to it. He didn't need to be here for that, but something inside of him made Kiba terribly curious towards Sasuke's reaction to said phone call. He wanted to see Sasuke's expression as they spoke so he could actually see how the other felt about him.

Sasuke was at a safe enough distance, so Kiba fished out his mobile phone and looked around to make sure that there was no-one close by that he could be bothering by speaking aloud considering it was a library, but his spot was considerably secluded.

Summoning up all his courage, he looked for Sasuke's number on his cell phone and made the call. Licking at his dry lips, he brought the phone to his ear and peeked from between the books again as he pushed one more to the side for a better view.

Sasuke jumped slightly and shoved his hand inside his pocket, taking his own mobile out – it was on vibration mode. With anticipation filling him, Kiba watched as Sasuke's eyebrows rose slightly in surprise before picking up the call.

"Kiba, I'm in the library." The greeting was in a low tone since there was a considerably amount of people around Sasuke, but lacking any sort of animosity or irritation. "Is this urgent?"

"Ah, hello to you, too," Kiba said evenly, careful not to whisper but trying not to be unnecessarily loud either so as to not draw attention. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were busy."

"I'm doing research for a project," Sasuke replied curtly, leaning back on his seat and twirling the pen between his fingers. He didn't look angry or anything as he stared absently at the book in front of him. "Is there anything you need? It's unusual for you to call unless you need something from me."

Well, that wasn't exactly a lie and Kiba was torn between feeling a little riled up and amused. "Yeah, well… I don't really need anything, I just wanted to check up on you."

The surprised look made another appearance on Sasuke's face. "I'm fine," he said casually, even if a bit sarcastically. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Kiba replied. He bit on his lower lip, mustering up the courage to keep the conversation going, his eyes fixed on Sasuke's figure. "Look, I just… I guess I just wanted to tell you that, in spite of our… differences and disagreements, I don't really hate you or anything. I'm your friend."

Sasuke was silent for a while, staring down at the pen between his fingers with an inscrutable expression. "I know that, Kiba," he said plainly. "I'm your friend, too. I just don't like having to compete against you to spend time with my boyfriend."

"Well, he is my best mate," Kiba countered, apologetically. He didn't know why he sounded that way, but he guessed that he felt strangely guilty for making Sasuke feel like they had to compete against each other, especially because he felt the same way more often than not. "I like spending time with him, and no matter what you say, there are things that I can only tell him. You understand that, don't you?"

"To a certain extent," Sasuke admitted, tapping the pen gently against the surface of the table. He was silent for a few seconds before speaking again. "Can you be honest with me?"

Kiba was startled by request, but somehow, excitement bubbled up inside of him – his conversation with Sasuke was lasting a lot longer than he had expected, and it felt… good. "Yeah, of course."

"Do you, or do you not have an interest in Naruto that goes beyond friendship?"

If he had been surprised before, now he just found himself plainly shocked at Sasuke's blatant question. "Well, I…"

"Don't lie," Sasuke said firmly, before forcing his tone to soften. "Please, Kiba."

Kiba had no idea why he felt this sudden sense of humility, but he supposed that he owed Sasuke the truth because it concerned his lover. Besides… he needed Sasuke's trust if he wanted to go through with Naruto's crazy plan.

No, he… wanted Sasuke's trust.

"Look, Sasuke, Naruto and I go a long way back," he said, with a long sigh, leaning on the shelves as he kept watching Sasuke, who was frowning slightly but thankfully didn't look upset or angry. "There might've been something between us at some point, but nothing ever happened, okay? I love him, he's very important to me. But he's been in love with you for a long time, and having you is the best thing that ever happened to him."

Sasuke closed his eyes and didn't reply. Then, he bit on his lower lip and Kiba felt his throat running dry for some reason. He didn't want Sasuke to be mad at him, not now. Although, in a not so distant past, he would love to see him riled up and pissed off.

"He loves you like crazy man, and if you doubt it, then you're an asshole and you don't deserve him," Kiba pressed on, gently, not wanting to break the delicate balance they had achieved.

Opening his eyes, Sasuke ran a hand through his hair and the action, while simple, looked incredibly elegant and sexy and it fascinated Kiba unexpectedly.

"I don't doubt it, I just… I don't like having this feeling that I'm missing something. And then he goes and makes that suggestion that the three of us had sex, and I…"

"I wouldn't do anything to pull you two apart," Kiba interjected quickly, wanting to make sure Sasuke was aware of it. Regardless of his feelings, he didn't want to ruin Naruto's and Sasuke's relationship. "I swear on my life. You make him happy and that makes me happy."

Sasuke's frown deepened and he looked frustrated. "The thing is, I don't want to see him sad, Kiba," he said. "But I feel like there are things he needs to probably let go of when it comes to you. And I don't know how I feel about it, but I don't like it."

"And you're in your right," Kiba replied, honestly, pleasantly stunned at Sasuke's maturity considering the conversation, and at how much he was exposing of his feelings towards their situation for the first time. He felt compelled to express his own feelings in return. "I'm sorry for being an ass all the time. I am jealous of you, and I don't really know how to deal with it, but you're a nice guy and, as I said, you're everything to Naruto. And for that, I like you. I just wanted to let you know. It's nothing personal, it's just the way it is."

Okay, did he just tell Sasuke he liked him? Why would he say something like that? It wasn't as if it was a lie, but still…

Oh, wait…

He… liked Sasuke, didn't he? Even in spite of their mutual annoyance, Sasuke was a nice guy. He was being very nice right now, and even though their conversation was supposed to be an awkward one, it was going well and Kiba was actually enjoying it.

"I have nothing against you either," Sasuke admitted, and to Kiba's excitement, a small blush appeared on the handsome features. "And I admit that I am jealous as well. I don't think I can really handle not being the only important thing in Naruto's life, but that's the only issue, really. I know it's just me being selfish."

Wow, Kiba thought, feeling his heart beating a little faster as he watched Sasuke chewing on his lower lip again, dark grey eyes softening.

"Heh," Kiba muttered with a small chuckle, even though it sounded a bit out of breath. "Let's just accept that we're both assholes, alright?"

Sasuke's tiny lopsided smirk was… alluring. He looked oddly beautiful in Kiba's eyes and he couldn't look away if he tried. It was daunting to think abou, but Sasuke really was gorgeous in every sense of the word.

"Sure," Sasuke said, softly. "Hey, Kiba?"

The brunet swallowed hard and brought a hand to his chest, feeling it tight, but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling at all. What the actual fuck? "Yes?"

"What did you think, honestly, about Naruto's suggestion?"

"In all honesty, I'm not exactly sure," Kiba said, feeling his heart beating even faster. He hadn't expected the other man to ask him about it. His thoughts ran frantically inside his head, but he had already decided that he should be honest with his best friend's lover, so he would. "But… I wouldn't exactly be opposed to it, I guess. If I knew that both of you were interested, I mean."

Sasuke quirked an eyebrow upwards, his head turning to the side so he could look out the window. "Really? And you'd be able to do it with me?"

Running his eyes quickly over Sasuke's elegant figure, Kiba recalled Naruto's words and the things he had very purposefully fantasised about in these last couple of days involving both his best friend and the man sitting not too far from where he stood.

There was no doubt in his mind.

"Well… you are fucking hot," Kiba admitted, unable to hold himself back. Sasuke released an unexpected laughter that could be heard even from there. A few people around him shushed him and he immediately stifled his laughter.

Kiba couldn't help the huge grin that his own mouth formed. He had forgotten how much Sasuke's face changed when he laughed – it was almost as if he became someone different, more open and approachable. Another very attractive feature of his that Kiba had pushed to the side when he had started dating Naruto. "Holy shit, I made you laugh! I should open a bottle of Champaign and celebrate."

"Shut up," Sasuke hissed between small chortles, shaking his head from side to side but still smiling. Not even in a million years would Kiba ever think that he'd be able to make him smile like that. "Look, I have to go. People are already throwing weird looks at me."

"Okay, then, sorry to bother you," Kiba mumbled, feeling a bit disappointed that they would have to hang up. But maybe they could… would Sasuke even accept it? "Wait, huh… when are you free for coffee? I feel like we've never really… you know… talked or hung out without Naruto before. Strange huh? We've been friends for years. We should do that."

Sasuke's smile didn't falter. "If you're free in about an hour, we can go to that place we went to with Naruto a few months ago? Near that gas station close to your place, remember?"


"Ah, yeah, okay. I'll be there, then!" His voice sounded a lot more excited than he had anticipated, but he couldn't care less since it made Sasuke laugh gently again.

"See ya in a bit, mutt."


They hung up at the same time, but Kiba remained where he was, watching as Sasuke stared at his cell phone with that unusual soft smile still on his well-defined lips.

Still clutching at his t-shirt over his heart, Kiba forced himself to calm the fuck down. That had gone… a lot better than he had expected. A lot better. He felt so excited he couldn't stop grinning.

In fact… he had really enjoyed their conversation. For once, they had been completely honest, civilized and nice to each other. The gods help him, but he had to admit that Sasuke could be a very captivating person. Why had he forgotten about it? Why did he forget how much of a good time they used to have as teenagers? To realize that he had allowed himself to forget it was sad for him to realize.

But… if things went well, they could fix things between them. And it never sounded as promising.

His heart was beating so fast, still, and he found it hard to look away from his friend's lover as Sasuke resumed his studies. He really… wanted to be okay with Sasuke. He wanted to make him smile like this more often. He wanted to see that genuine, beautiful smile directed at him.

He… really wanted to be okay with him and Naruto. Sex or no sex… that was what he wanted.

And for the first ever, he really looked forward to being in Sasuke's presence.

Taking a deep breath and running an excited hand through his hair, he quickly texted Naruto to let him know how things were progressing.

The first step had been accomplished.


So, how did you like it? I'd love to know your thoughts on it! I hope you're all excited to see how Kiba will manage to warm his way down Sasuke's pants ;P I know I am.

Next part will be the conclusion of this fic, so it might or might not be huge like this one. Well see about how much I get carried away this time ;)

Lots of love!