Game of Thrones: An Unexpected Bundle of Joy

Chapter 10 of my Game of Thrones story, just a short epilogue to round things off, enjoy.


Marina Ka-Fai: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it; yeah, it was sweet, yeah, poor Selyse; she can't help but feel guilty.
wazzup11: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)
Veridissima: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it, glad you liked him :)
Boris Yeltsin: Thanks :)
canonman89: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it; yeah, it's pretty hard on her actually, but she has admitted the truth. Well, wait and see.
CadeTheSlowpoke1: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it all :)
Wolfgirl2013: Thank you :)

Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: Game of Thrones belongs to George R.R. Martin.

Chapter 10

Shireen smiled as she sat cradling her son; little Rickard snoozed peacefully in his mother's arms. It had been at least a week since the birth of her son and she was gradually adjusting to the changes. She was grateful for all the practice she had been able to get with Nymeria. As she sat cradling Rickard she heard the door open and looked up. She smiled as Rickon entered, although her smile dropped slightly as she noticed Rickon's confused expression.

"Rickon, what's wrong?" She asked concerned.

He looked up at her and she noticed what he was holding, a letter and a stuffed wolf plush toy.

"A plush toy and…a letter, a letter from your mother."

Shireen gasped and listened as Rickon read out the letter. She smiled as he finished, realizing what it was; it was a peace offering; her mother had changed her mind. She smiled, hopeful that this was the beginning of a hopeful change; that things would finally improve, that her mother could hopefully still be part of her life.

End of chapter and of story, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.