A/N: Thank you so, so much for all the positive responses guys. It really means a lot, and motivates me to keep this going. So keep up the reviews!

Chapter 3 The Reunion
Bree's mind started wandering as soon as she lied down on the bed. She hadn't had much time to let herself get lost in her thoughts the past few days, which was probably for the best. But now that the Cullen's were gone and she was all alone in this big house, there were no longer any distractions to keep her mind off things. The first thing she thought about was Diego.
Diego grinned at her, his face beautiful with light, and suddenly, with a deep lurch in her stomach, She realized that the whole BFF thing was way off the mark. It was just that fast... But even though Diego looked like his normal self again - not made of blazing light anyway - She knew he would never look the same to her. That tingly sensation in the pit of her stomach was still there. She had a feeling it would be there permanently.
This was her clearest memory of him. It was shortly after he had given her the woman to drink from. He was the first ever vampire that had actually been nice to her, after Riley gave her that burger. She knew the empty space in her heart would be there permanently, she would always love him. He was forever a part of her heart. It wasn't even the sun that shone on his beautiful sparkling body she had fallen in love with. It was his loving personality, kind and playful. How he looked after her, how he kept talking to her throughout the next few days after that. Even her held-back personality didn't make him give up on her. He was the opposite of her, he was fearless. No boys, or men, had ever been like that towards her. Her past with men had been horrible, filled with bullying and abuse. She had never gotten any attention from boys at school, other than the bad kind. No one liked her in her previous life. When she came home, it was just as bad. An alcoholic father, who couldn't care less about what she did, or how she was doing.
Bree had gotten used to it though. Living in her own little bubble. Alone, but not really ever lonely. She didn't know any better then, this was how her life had always been. She had never had people that cared about her like Diego did, or how the Cullen's do. Her life had changed so much the past months.
The hate she now had towards Riley was so strong, she could feel herself fill with hate as she was lying there on her bed. If it wasn't for the fact that he was already dead, she would have gone hunting for him right now after all the pain he had caused Diego, the Cullen's, and herself. She even felt bad for the aggressive, violent newborns. After all, just as Bree and Diego they had been blindsided by Victoria and Riley. But most of all Bree was angry at herself, the guilt she felt inside of her for Diego's death no words could describe. She should never had let him confront Riley about the sunlight thing, they were both so naïve, and it had gotten Diego killed. Riley of course couldn't have any of the newborns know they could be out in daylight, she saw that now. It would have created chaos; Riley could only control them to a certain degree.

She then found herself thinking about Fred. She wondered where he was right now. If he had left after a day of waiting, in that case he would be on the run right now, alone, god knows where.
Jasper and Alice had gone looking for him the night after the fight, but as we all concluded, finding him would be tricky. He didn't know them, and he was most likely using his gift. The Cullen's didn't know her too well then, so they asked her to stay in the house, scared she'd do something crazy like sucking the blood out of a human. And to be fair, Bree didn't really trust herself either. Bree then made the decision of going to the park, she knew the chances of him still being there were slim, but she had to know for sure.

The park was quiet at this time, in the cold, snowy Seattle weather most people chose to stay inside. After exploring the area in the park, and around it, Bree sat down at a bench. She was feeling hopeless and sad, knowing she would never see Fred again.
"I thought you'd never show up"
Out of nowhere, he was standing there, right in front of her. Bree immediately flashed her fangs. Scared at the sudden interruption of her thoughts.
"Put those away Bree, we're all friends here," Fred said as he sat down next to her.
Bree just stared at him. "Have you waited here for over a week?" she asked him.
"I couldn't just leave you. Not knowing whether you were dead or alive. So I figured I would stick around for a few weeks, just in case you came back," he looked at her. "I found shelter in one of the old houses a few minutes away from here,"
Bree hugged him. She could feel him tense up at the touch, but she couldn't help herself. She was so relieved to see him. At last, a familiar face.
"I've missed you so, so much Fred," she mumbled into his shoulder. Refusing to let go.
She could feel him relax. He put one arm around her. "I've missed you too, kiddo,"

A/N: Okay, so I know this was a super short chapter, please don't hate me. But I couldn't wait to share it with you guys. Don't forget to favorite, follow and review
