A/N: First of all. I do not own any of these characters, they all belong to the extremely talented Stephenie Meyer.

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, I just want to make you aware of a few things before you continue reading. First of all, to make a long story short, I wrote my first fanfiction back in 2010. But haven't written anything since, before now. So what ive done is, I've taken the first chapter of my first Bree Tanner fanfiction, and renewed it a little (a lot), and corrected a few (many) horrible spelling mistakes. But after this chapter the story will most likely take a whole other turn than my previous one. For starters this one involves dear Seth.

That's all for now. Please feel free to give me feedback and reviews, both good and bad are much appreciated.

c u guys soon.


Chapter 1Fire

"How can you stand it?" She asked. Her throat burned so horribly. All she wanted to do was to get up and bite the poor human. But she knew that if she did that, her protectors would most likely return the favor.

"You have to tolerate the burning Bree," the blond guy warned her.
Bree surprisingly felt much calmer as she forced herself to look away from the humans pulsing, blood flowing, neck vein, and into his yellow eyes. Bree felt as if someone had poured a bucket of peace over her. Even though the burning sensation was still there, it was now bearable. Riley had warned them about the yellow-eyed, he said they would find their weaknesses through their minds, and use their weakness to kill them. But to Bree it didn't seem like they would do her any harm, for the moment at least.
Bree found herself not able to look away from him. She knew that all vampires in general do look flawless, but it was something about him, a peacefulness, that she had not yet experienced with bloodthirsty newborns before. To Bree this made him seem like the most extraordinary vampire in all of history. Now that she thought about it, all the yellow eyed seemed in full control of their lusts. Even with the blood-pumping human just a few inches away from them.
The yellow-eyed that had just spoken seemed like the leader. To Bree, him and the woman next to him seemed like the loving parents she never had. And she felt envy bubble up inside of her, she was so envious of the other yellowed-eyes that got to spend time with them, that got to be liked by them, and to be around them. She could feel a longing deep inside of her, the same longing she had, had so many times during her childhood. All she wanted to do was to run over to them, she could already imagine the brown haired woman opening her arms for Bree to run into.
Although the same could not be said about the bronze haired man standing closest to the human. Half of his body, protectively, in front of her. The human had a small, slightly nervous, hand around his upper arm.

"They are coming, I can hear their thoughts now" The bronze haired yellow-eyed said, he placed himself fully in front of the human. Making it impossible for Bree, lying on the ground next to the burning fire of newborns, to see her any longer.
That must be the mind reader guy, Bree thought to herself.
She replayed everything that had happened with Riley and the rest of the newborns in her mind. Hoping he would listen, aware of the fact that her life was still in danger, knowing she might soon face the same fate as the rest of the newborns shattered on the ground around them. Even though she didn't really know what she was trying to make him understand, she did her best.
Bree was confused to say at least, she didn't fully understand what they had done wrong, she just knew there was something terribly wrong with the event that had just taken place on this field.
She wondered to herself if Riley might have lied about the yellow-eyed vampires. Bree reminded herself that being naïve around vampires was a bad idea, even if they seemed friendly, or neutral to say at least, towards her, she shouldn't be too trusting. This applied to the yellow-eyed as well, but at least they hadn't killed her yet, she also highly doubted they were about to send her into a field to die fighting for them, so that must count for something she thought.

She could hear the biggest built of the yellowed-eyed mutter to himself "here we go" and they all focused on the outskirts of the meadow.
Three vampires came out of the woods, their eyes were firing red.
"I see we missed the entertainment," one of the red eyed vampires said.
"You missed the exciting part with approximately three minutes, how convenient" the bronze haired mind reader said.
Was that sarcasm is his voice?
"I think you missed one," the small, sweet faced, girl pointed out. Curiosity in her voice, maybe even a hint of satisfaction. "What's your name child" she continued as she took a step closer to Bree and the fire.
A pain unlike anything she had ever felt came over her, washing away the calming feeling she had just a few moments ago. Bree groaned out of the sudden, piercing pain in her whole body.

The pain unbearable, making it impossible to think of anything else. Bree had no idea how much time has passed before someone spoke again. It felt like hours.
"She'll tell you everything you want," the mind reader finally said.
"Oh, I know," the girl smiled, way too sweet, as if she couldn't see how much pain Bree was in, as if the world was at peace, as if it wasn't body parts of dead newborn vampires all around them.
The pain suddenly stopped, just as fast as it had come, as if it never happened the pain was completely gone. Bree, terrified of doing anything that would bring back the pain, lied there, completely still, not saying a word.
"Speak girl. I don't have time for games," her voice no longer sweet as her now-gone-smile, was harsh and her face deadly serious.
Bree glanced at the yellowed-eyed, the brown haired leader nodded at her in return. Bree cleared her throat, weirdly like her old-human-self used to do before speaking if she was in an unwanted situation.
"M-my name is Bree," she stuttered. Again, as a scared little human child, exactly what she felt like right now. She knew this feeling all too well from her human life.
"Who created you?" the girl asked.
"R-riley wouldn't tell us, he just called her her" Bree spoke fast. Not wanting to piss this girl off. Too scared to even get mad at herself for being such a little scared, stuttering baby.
The girl looked at her for a while, her eyes burning. Bree struggled not to look away, when she finally gave in and looked at the ground the girl spoke again.
" , we don't have any other choice than kill you I'm afraid," the girl concluded after almost a whole minute of silence.
Bree felt herself panicking. "No please! I will do whatever you say, please." Bree looked desperately at the yellow-eyeds leader. Knowing she looked terrified she silently begged for him to help her. To save her. The mind reader finally spoke up.
"She didn't know what she was doing Jane; Riley told them we were dangerous. She didn't know better."
The girl looked at him. Then at the leader. Smirking. "Maybe we could make an exception. I guess Bella could use some help when she turns into a new born. This one sure shows potential considering she's so closed to a human," the girl shifted between looking, fascinated, at the human and Bree
Bree slightly confused, felt relief wash over her.
"The date have been sat," The tiny yellow-eyed girl said.
"Very well. Then we give you the responsibility for this," the girl gestured towards Bree. Knowing she must be "this".
She gave Bree a last look. "Good bye" she said and the three of them returned to the woods.

As soon as the red eyed vampires were out of sight, Bree could hear the human sigh in relief. Her protector ran his fingers through his bronze hair.

They all approached her except the human. Her protector gesturing for the human to stand back when stepped forward with them.
"I'm Carlisle, and this is my family." The leader said. "This is my wife Esme," he put an arm around the kind-looking womans waist. "This is Emmet and his wife Rosalie" he continued. The big-built guy, and the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life, smiled at her. The guys smile more genuine than the woman, Rosalies smile.
"Im Edward, and this is my fiancé Bella," the mind reader smiled at her, the human half waving at her from the back. "And this is Alice and Jasper," the mindreader said.
The tiny yellow-eyed girl offered her a hand, and embraced her in a hug as she helped Bree up.
"Welcome to the family," she said.

A/N. I hope y'all enjoyed this first chapter as much as I enjoyed "rewriting" it. I will post again soon.
