The first word people connected with Draco Malfoy was loud. The second word was arrogant. As he stands in front his Transfiguration class for a presentation, those two words completely disappeared from anyone's mind.

Draco was terrified. He hated class presentations and was not happy to be giving this one alone. Usually, he had someone else with him doing all the talking while he made exaggerated hand motions at the visual part of their presentation. This time he was alone.

"So, ah, t-the theory behind turning a s-snuffbox to a rabbit is quite simple." Draco was stuttering and thoroughly embarrassed. Most of the Gryffindors in the room laughed. Some of his fellow Slytherins were failing to cover giggles with their hands. Draco's cheeks grew warm and he tried to continue. He pointed to the snuffbox with his wand.

"S-since the box and the rabbit are very soft, they have about the same texture." Draco whispered the spell to transfigure it and a very alive, white rabbit took its place. The rabbit twitched its nose and hopped off the desk. All of the class burst out in laughter, even Professor McGonagall was smiling slightly. The only person not laughing or smiling was Potter. He looked concerned and annoyed. Draco pursed his lips. He shut his eyes for a moment, trying to ignore the laughter. It did not work. He put his wand away and went back to his desk.

"N-nice one Malfoy!" Finnigan shouted, mocking him. Draco felt his ears warm and put his head down. Class was almost over anyway. He would be out of there soon.

Professor McGonagall walked to the front of the classroom and gave instructions for their homework. Draco did not hear any of it. Blood was pounding through his head, producing a rather irritating head-ache. He left the room as soon as he noticed the sounds of people leaving the room. He absentmindedly picked up his bag and wandered toward the lake. Lunch did not sound like a good idea from he way his stomach was turning.

Sitting down under a tree, he leaned against it.

He flinched as he felt somebody touch his shoulder. It was unexpected. He looked up to see Potter sitting next to him.

"Did you need something?" Draco asked.

"Are you... okay? You seemed a bit shaken up during your presentation." Potter was hesitant with his words. Draco blinked at him. Should he go with sarcasm or be honest? He decided on both.

"No, Potter. I am not okay. Presenting and being laughed off the metaphorical stage was wonderful. I yearn for it each time I present."

Potter winced, but snorted. He held his hands up, palms facing to toward Draco.

"Okay, okay. It was horrible. I didn't laugh though." Draco nodded.

"I know," he hesitated, "Thank you." Potter, no, Harry nodded. Harry was the only one who had not laughed and the only who had come to talk to him after. He deserved this.

"Are you ready to face the Great Hall for lunch?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded.

"Why not?"

Prompts: Draco Malfoy, a classroom, "Are you..okay?", Gryffindor