A/N So this is the last chapter of Clean Break, thank you to all those who have followed this story, I hope you liked it

For those who asked about the Originals, I am writing a sequel, The Return which will be posted soon, and then the real fun will begin :)

I don't own TVD or TO

Chapter 23

The next morning Marcel is the first one to wake up.

And he can feel the warm body pressed against his.

They'd moved in the night and her back was pressed against his chest his arm wrapped around her waist.

As he thinks back to the nights activities he feels himself wanting to enjoy it all over again.

He moves her hair and aside and starts to kiss her neck, before he gets to her shoulder and continues to kiss it.

He feels her stir and her sigh of content.

She tilts her neck even more to give him better access and he knows she's awake.

"Morning" he purrs in her ear.

"Morning, I could get used to being woken up like that" she smiles turning to face him.

"And I could get used to waking up to this" he smiles.

She leans over and kisses him, rolling them so she was on top, her chest resting against his, one of his hands in her hair, the other on her back while hers cup his face and neck.

They enjoy a slow a leisurely love making before heading into the shower together, where yet again they lose themselves in each other again.

They eventually drag themselves out and walk out into the morning sunshine of the courtyard.

Thierry and Diego along with some of the others are cleaning up.

As they see the two of them Thierry turns to Diego.

"Hand it over, I was closer in my time" he says.

"Damn it" sighs Diego as he hands over the $100 bill.

"So was last night a success then?" asks Marcel.

"Oh yeah, everyone cleared out around two, Elena you're friend Cami said that she'd call you later" says Thierry.

"Great, I owe her details" smiles Elena turning to Marcel who just wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck.

"Anyhow yeah seems last night was a success all around, for everyone" smiles Thierry with a knowing smirk.

"Yes I think it was" agrees Marcel.

They clean up the rest of the mess made by the party and Elena's phone rings.

"Hey Cami" smiles Elena.

"So did it happen, how was it, was it epic, it seemed like it was going to be, he looks like he'd be good was he good, tell me everything?" pleads Cami."
"I'll meet you in town Cami" smiles Elijah as she sees Marcel, Diego, Thierry and few others looking at her.

"Okay, hurry up I want details" repeats Cami hanging up.

"Sorry, friendship calls" smiles Elena as she kisses Marcel before walking out of the courtyard.

She meets Cami at one of the little café's.

"So?" demands Cami as she sits down.

"Excited much" laughs Elena.

"Well this isn't usually me, but I guess it is now, its been a while since I had a close girlfriend" smiles Cami.

"It was epic, it was perfect and hot and passionate and good, and that was just last night, this morning was slow and sensual and then in the shower it was a mix, its like we just clicked and got each other, and it was so damn hot" smiles Elena.

"Oh I am so happy for you, this is so great" smiles Cami.

"It is it really is" smiles Elena.

They discuss everything in detail and spend the next few hours just chatting away happily about Marcel before Cami's shift starts and Elena heads back to the compound.

Upon her arrival she finds Marcel playing cards with Thierry and few other day walkers.

"Ah your back, good, I have a proposition for you, since we're a couple and well we need use of a bed, I was wondering, how would you feel about moving into my room with me?" he asks.

Elena thinks about it for a moment, she was already living with the guy, why not make it complete.

"I'd love too" she smiles.

"Great" he replies.

They transfer everything to his room and Elena steps out onto the balcony overlooking the city.

Marcel walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.

"So are you happy?" asks Marcel.

"I am, I am very happy Marcel" smiles Elena.

"Good, because so am I my queen" smiles Marcel.

"Then we both are my king" she replies before kissing him, and they turn and survey their city, it was perfect and Elena felt like this was where she was meant to be, because she was happy.

She had her fresh start and she wouldn't change a thing.

A/N So here we go, I hope you enjoyed, like I said look for the Sequel, I'm still tweaking it deciding how much of the Originals to use from the actual show, however a few spoilers, Kol, Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus return to the quarter, there will be no Hayley and no baby, but that doesn't mean there won't be drama :D