Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter. Self-beta'd

"…" = speaking

'…' = thoughts or quotes

Word translated below

Word is written word

"*…*" = Parseltounge

NOTE: For any readers NOT interested in sexual scenes please read the version of this chapter, you will not miss any plot related information. Otherwise enjoy the AO3 version.


"Harry, there's a bit of time before the dinner hour and I'm sure that Minato will let us have some space to cuddle in my rooms," Ryosuke whispered, trailing a hand down Harry's arm, as everyone started splitting off after exiting the Chamber.

"What do you have in mind?" Harry looked over his shoulder to Ryosuke as his mate pressed up closer to him.

"Some cuddling in my rooms in front of the fire and some fun if you're interested. All I need to do is have a quick talk to Minato on our way back. I'd love to hear some more of your language talent." Ryosuke interlocked his fingers with Harry's as he pressed his front up against Harry's back, sure that Harry could feel his excitement and understand what he alluded to by 'fun'. He knew the message got across when Harry's breath exhaled shakily.

"I'll… uh… let the Twins know that I'll see everyone at dinner," Harry responded, taking a calming breath as he stepped away to stop the Twins before they disappeared around the corner. A quick glance around showed that Blaise, Neville, and Luna had already dispersed from the area.

It didn't take Harry long to pass the message on to the Twins, who were more than happy to pass the message on to Ron and Hermione for him. Harry had a sneaking suspicion that they knew what he would be getting up to with Ryosuke by the way they grinned at him before they left. It didn't help that when Junpei and Koyo joined them, both Fred and George said something that had all four snickering with glance back at him.

"Ready Koi?" Ryosuke asked, grabbing Harry's attention from watching the Twins and their mates disappear. "Minato's promised us until just before dinner."

"*Yes*" Harry responded cheekily.

"If you start that now we'll never make it to my rooms. Let's go." Ryosuke tugged Harry down the corridor with one last glance and wave over his shoulder to Minato.

"I hope I don't end up regretting this decision," Minato mumbled to himself as he turned to go down to the dungeons to start looking for more clues behind what happened with Kazuma.

"Alright, folks..."

"It's that time again."

"The old folks..."

"Want to know..."

"Who is going home..."

"For the break."

"I really wish you would both stop that." Ron sighed as he settled in front of the fire with his siblings.

"Why, Ronnikins!"

"Why would you…?"

"Suggest such a thing?" Fred and George grinned at each other at Ron's annoyed sigh. Ginny just rolled her eyes from her place on the two seater to Ron's left. The Twins stood in front of them both, backs to the fire, as if they were surveying their kingdom.

"Well I am planning on going home. Mum mentioned in her last letter that Bill and Charlie will both be there this year. No way am I missing a chance to see them," Ginny stated, crossing her arms as she leaned back.

"Yah, Hermione's going to France with her parent's again this year and Harry mentioned that he'd be staying with Remus; so there's no point in staying here." Ron shrugged. "What about you two? Are you planning to stay here with Junpei and Koyo?"

"Good question..."

"Ronnikins. They do..."

"Have permission..."

"From Ryosuke to..."

"Come, but..."

"You haven't mentioned them to Mum or Dad yet," Ginny interrupted with a grin.

"Exactly smarter minion." Fred and George said at the same time.

"So just tell them you're bringing home your boyfriends to introduce to the family. At most there will be a reshuffle of rooms because I doubt Mum would let the four of you share a room," Ron said.

"This would be a good time," Ginny mused. "You'd be able to introduce them to everyone at once."

"If we do..."

"Are you going to..."

"Finally tell everyone about..."

"Your boyfriend?"

"Who are you talking about? I'm not seeing anyone," Ginny stated.

"Aren't you still with that Ravenclaw?" Ron asked, following up on what the Twins started.

"Michael? No, we split months ago." Ginny shook her head, amused that her brothers weren't aware of the latest gossip. "How do you not know that he started dating Katie in Hufflepuff?"

"We weren't..."

"Talking about him."

"We were talking..."

"About someone a little..."

"More… green." Fred grinned as George crept closer to Ginny's chair.

"Green?" Ron asked confused.

"Who do you think I'm dating in Slytherin?" Ginny asked, looking at her brothers as if they were insane, which many times was not far off the mark in her opinion.

"You tell us."

"After all, it's not..."

"Every day you hear that..."

"Your sister is seen..."

"Coming out of a locked..."

"Classroom with two..."

"Known 6th year..."


Ginny couldn't help but burst out laughing when Fred finished. Both Twins looked put out at her laughter while Ron stared at her in shock, trying to make his mind come together and find another reason that his sister would be in a locked room with two Slytherins.

"Please tell me they were threatening you or something. Anything but you dating a Slytherin!" Ron moaned in despair.

"Really, Ron, get over it." Ginny rolled her eyes. "Not all Slytherins are evil. No they didn't threaten me. We were simply working on a project that is likely to take a few months and needed some secrecy. Who told you I was in a locked room with them?" Ginny finished her talk with a narrowed-eyed look at the Twins.

"Just a..."

"Little gossip mole."

"Can't reveal..."

"Who we get..."

"Our information from." The Twins grinned.

"Well if we're done here, I'll go write the letter to Mum about us three and your two mates coming home for the break. Don't worry, I won't mention you're mated, just boyfriends," Ginny stated getting up from her seat.

"Be sure to..."

"Mention your own..."


"Whatever," Ginny replied.

Ron continued to sit on the couch, staring at where Ginny had been, in shock, even minutes after the Twins left to bug Lee Jordan.

"Please, please, please let Ginny not be dating a Slytherin," Ron mumbled. Minutes later Ron seemed to come back to himself and looked around the common room. Not seeing any of his siblings he finally gave up and settled back into the couch with his head in his hands. "Please let that rumor be untrue…"

AN: Wow! The end of 2016 went much faster than I expected and not quite as I had thought it would. I had planned on having this up by the end of November but obviously that didn't happen. I ended up on 2 work trips and tried to transfer to a different office 3 time and have had no luck. One of my resolutions this year is to get more written on this story and Shadow's Ward. Feel free to send me comments or PMs to remind me to write, sometimes I need those little nudges.

I hope you all enjoyed that scene between Harry and Ryosuke. That is my holiday (Christmas, Hanukkah, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Solstice, whatever you happen to celebrate) present to all of you. I hope all of you have a great 2017 and enjoy the new year. 良いよお年を!

So for the poll last chapter, Theodore won by quite a bit but there were some really good arguments for the 'no' vote. Therefore, she will be paired with Theo BUT it won't necessarily be very obvious like those with Joukriger mates. Most of her focus will be on the planning against Pansy and being her sassy self.

Poll results:

Ginny Pairing

No - 4

Draco - 5

Theodore - 12

Both - 5 (not originally an option but many people mentioned it)

Koi = love (as you should all know by now)

Kuso = shit, fuck, generally a curse word with many meanings depending on the situation.