A/N: Last chapter. Thank you all for sticking with this! I hope you enjoy the ending.

Content warnings: Sex

Draco paced. He was trying to work up the courage to Apparate to Harry's flat and apologise, but every time he was sure he was ready, he changed his mind. He'd spent so much time hiding behind Ginny that he wasn't sure how to begin. Just when he'd taken another deep breath and prepared himself to go, there was a knock on his door. The surprise set his heart beating guiltily; he was sure either Ginny or Pansy had shown up to hex him for his stalling.

Hesitantly, he opened the door, remaining partially behind it so as to protect himself. When he poked his head around, he saw it wasn't either of the women.

"Hi," Harry said.

"Er, hello," Draco replied.

"Can I come in?"

Draco opened the door wider and gestured for Harry to enter. He had to swallow firmly against the sudden tension in his throat. As usual, Harry looked fantastic, and it was all Draco could do to stop himself from apologising by launching himself at Harry's lips.

It appeared Harry had no such hesitation. The moment the door was shut, he grabbed Draco and yanked him close. There was absolutely nothing shy or gentle about the kiss. It was heated and aggressive and a little angry. Draco gave himself over to it and kissed back with everything he had.

Eventually, Harry broke away and put a hand on Draco's chest to keep him back. He was breathing heavily, and there was a glint in his green eyes.

"I wanted it to be you," he said after a long pause.


Harry dropped his hand and sighed. "I knew those letters weren't from Ginny, of course." He glared at Draco. "She and I met up the night before I left. I'd been expecting to meet the person behind the love poetry, and I was very much surprised to see Ginny instead. She couldn't tell me who was writing the letters, but she confirmed she hadn't written them. When they continued after I left, she told me to write back. I could kill you for making her take an Unbreakable Vow, you know."

"I—what? I didn't make her take an Unbreakable Vow, you prat! I know better than that." Draco's jaw dropped. The sneaky little—Terrible actress my arse.

"You didn't?" Harry sounded genuinely puzzled.

"Of course not." He scowled. "If I had, she would be dead, seeing as she clearly told you I wrote them so you could show up at my flat and harass me about it."

"Er…true." Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "I just assumed you'd released her from it."

"You and I both know that's not possible, though I'm flattered you think so highly of my skills that I could invent a new method of dissolving an Unbreakable Vow. Aside from that, apparently I'm not the only one who fell for her evil schemes. She's the one who asked me to send the letters in the first place, claiming she can't write worth a damn."

Harry laughed. "She's right. Have you seen her poetry? It's awful. The fresh pickled toad wasn't the worst of it. I knew from the beginning she wasn't behind it, nor would I ever have suspected her."

"Why not?" Draco demanded. "She seemed quite happy to see you."

"First of all, the lack of dreadful verse. Second, she's been secretly seeing Oliver Wood and hasn't told anyone else about him yet because he's rather famous himself. Third, and most importantly, she's fully aware that I'm gay. Surely even a snooty bastard like you knows what that means?"

"You-you are?"

"I just snogged the hell out of you, and you're still wondering?" Harry's eyebrows went up.

"I—no. Just making sure." He scowled. "Besides, bisexual is a thing."

Harry laughed. "Yes, it is, but my poor attempts at courting women were woefully lacking for a very good reason." A wicked, predatory grin spread over his face. "I'm certain I could think of something else that would convince you if you like."

Draco's first thought was, Yes, please. His second thought was…"Wait a moment. You said you wanted it to be me. What did you mean?"

Harry's smile faded. "Only that when Ginny told me she was working with you, my old need to know everything you were doing came back full-force. And when I saw you at the party, it took everything I had to keep from staring at you all night. Gods, Draco, do you have any idea how fucking good you look all the time? And when you opened your snotty mouth and you were pushy and snide and everything I remembered about you only without the loathing and the hexes, I suddenly wanted to know the real you. I wanted to know the man who was brilliant enough to rid my house of all those spells but who could also hold his own against me. When those letters started arriving, so sensual and so erotic but also sharp and full of wit, I fell hard for the person writing them. I kept hoping—imagining you were sending them." Harry touched his cheek.

When Draco looked up to meet Harry's eyes, he was stunned to see not only lust but love written in his expression. The combination made him lightheaded. He paused, temporarily immobile. He found his voice and blurted, "I love you." He sucked in his breath. "I mean—that is—"

Harry shut him up with a kiss that went on for a very long time and left Draco warm from head to toe with desire and longing. They pressed together, and Draco felt their mutual need. He gasped, and Harry backed off.

Between light kisses, Harry answered Draco's declaration. "I love you too," he said. He leaned forwards grinding slowly against Draco and h'mming softly. "Gods, you feel good. Would you like me to tell you what I did whilst I read your letters?"

"Ah…" Draco's heart rate increased, and his breath caught in his throat. "Ah, yes."

Harry stepped closer, pressed his mouth to Draco's ear, and whispered, "I wanked. In every way I could think of, in every corner of that Muggle hotel suite, picturing everything I wanted to do with you." He slid a hand between them and cupped Draco, rubbing him through his trousers. "I fucked myself with my fingers and thought about what it would feel like if you buried yourself balls-deep inside me." He increased the pressure on Draco's erection, causing him to squirm and squeeze his eyes shut. "Then I wrapped my hand around my dick and imagined sliding inside your tight, hot hole. I made myself come, over and over, so hard I saw stars." Harry was panting a little. "Shall I go on?" His warm breath tickled Draco's skin.

The combination of the filthy words, Harry's hand on him, and his lack of a proper shag for far too long were all too much. When Draco opened his mouth to answer, all he could manage was a breathless grunt. His whole body shuddered as he came forcefully, arching into Harry's hand. He slumped against the door, gasping as he tried to regain equilibrium.

Surprised, Harry moved his hand and stepped back. "Shit…I'm sorry. I honestly didn't know you were so close to the edge."

Draco chuckled a little. "Neither did I. It's sort of been a while."

Relief passed over Harry's face, and he grinned. "Nice to see I have the same effect on you that you have on me."

He leaned in and kissed Draco softly. Tenderness soon gave way to exploration; Draco parted his lips to let Harry slide his tongue inside. He ran his hands up Harry's back, drawing him closer. It didn't even matter that he had come cooling in his pants. All he wanted was to touch and taste. There was no possible way he could ever get enough. It didn't take long before hot arousal bloomed again.

Harry kissed his way back up to Draco's ear and murmured, "Do you want me to continue where I left off earlier? I could tell you about—"

"No." Draco turned his head slightly to meet Harry's gaze.

"No?" Harry pulled back a little.

"No," Draco repeated and moved so he could whisper in Harry's ear. "It's my turn. I want to show you how much I want you." He flicked his tongue against the shell of Harry's ear.

"Fuck," Harry said softly.

"Yes." Then, "You do have the dirtiest mouth."

"Oh, I think I can put it to good use," Harry murmured against Draco's cheek. He slid his tongue along Draco's jaw and down his neck to his collarbone. He nibbled slightly, making Draco shiver.

Draco flipped them so it was Harry's back to the wall. Remembering the words Harry had used in his letter, Draco took the musings seriously. First he kissed Harry, long and sensual, putting out his tongue to lick across the seam of Harry's lips until he parted them. Draco lapped at him, flicking his tongue against Harry's and running it around inside his mouth to gather the taste. When he'd had his fill, he trailed his lips down Harry's jaw and neck, unbuttoning his shirt as he descended to the flat plane of his chest. When Draco reached his nipples, he took time to lavish attention on each until Harry bucked against him and moaned his name, tangling his fingers in Draco's hair.

Draco continued his downward path, pausing to lick into Harry's navel and make him squirm. At last he reached his destination, unfastening his trousers and dragging them down as he dropped to his knees. Once Harry's prick was free, Draco took him in hand, swiping a drop of precome and licking it from his thumb. He looked up to meet Harry's gaze.

"Let me suck you," he begged.

"Fuck, yes."

Without another word he took Harry into his mouth. His reward was a steady flow of nonsense syllables and breathy moans along with the desperate motion of someone who's been on the brink far too long. It took very little to pull Harry over the edge, crying out as he emptied himself. Draco continued his ministrations until the last of Harry's fully-body shudders died away and he rested back against the door, quiet and still, his chest rising and falling heavily and his fingers carding through Draco's hair.

Before he pulled back, Draco took a moment to nuzzle the juncture of Harry's hip, inhaling the scent of his sex and allowing it to fill his senses. He was partially hard again now, enough to feel good but not enough to need relief. He stood and leaned in for a series of gentle, exploratory kisses.

"Even better than I'd imagined," Harry said, running a finger down Draco's cheek.

Draco closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. "Mm."

Harry's hand wandered down until he slipped it between Draco's legs. "Did you want another—?" he asked.

"It's all right," Draco said. "We have time, and I don't believe I want to do this here." He kissed Harry again. "Might I interest you in moving to the bedroom?"

"Hm," Harry replied. "You might." He chuckled. "We both have some commitments to keep, after all."

"And what would those be?"

Leaning in, Harry murmured, "Oh, all the filthy, sexy, beautiful things we said in those letters, and everything I said when I made you come up against your door."

Draco withdrew and took Harry's hand then all but dragged him into the bedroom. Inside, he hesitated, and Harry tilted his head in question.

"Everything all right?" he asked.

"Yes," Draco answered. "Trying to decide if we do this slowly or if I let you strip me down and throw me on the bed."

Harry laughed, his eyes dancing. "How about a bit of both," he suggested.

He leaned in for a kiss, taking it from tender to scorching as he worked the buttons on Draco's shirt. They didn't move so fast as to tear clothing, but they made short work of all the fabric. It was a relief for Draco to be rid of his trousers and pants. When they were through, Harry gave Draco a wicked grin and with one swift movement hauled them both down onto the bed. He rolled onto his back, taking Draco with him to nestle between his legs.

"How do you want me?" Harry asked. He rotated his hips to indicate he was ready for something, whatever that might be. "Would you like to fuck me? Or ride me? Or—"

"Yes," Draco answered. "Yes to all of that and more. But let's start with…" He leaned in to whisper in Harry's ear, no longer ashamed of how much he wanted what Harry had offered.

He wasted no more time on conversation, leaning down to press kiss after kiss to Harry's lips until they were both oblivious to anything but each other. They wrapped themselves in one another, heat and pleasure building between them again until Draco's need was almost unbearable. He turned on his side, and Harry entered him from behind, an arm wrapped around him and a hand on his cock. When at last they were joined, Draco's whole body sang with the raw, fierce joy of the connection. He reached behind him to grip Harry's hair as he ground back against him.

Unable to hold on any longer, Draco cried out as he came all over Harry's hand. A desperate moment later, Harry gasped and shook against Draco's back, grunting as he let out the breath he'd held. Boneless and still shivering with their shared climax, they collapsed against each other, panting hard.

Harry pulled out and curled around Draco, holding him as their breathing slowly returned to normal and their muscles relaxed. He sighed, the sound full of contentment. Draco hummed softly and turned in Harry's arms. He had no way to explain the breadth and depth of what he was feeling. Instead he explored Harry's skin, running his fingers over every part of him. Harry did the same, and the light touch felt exactly right. He knew if he kept it up long enough they would both be ready to go again, but for the moment he was content with what they were doing. He chuckled as a thought occurred to him.

Harry stilled his hand. "What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking it's a good thing we don't have anywhere to be."

"Oh? Why's that?"

Draco offered Harry a devilish smile. " Because I promised you we could stay in bed all day."

"Hm. Then it's a very good thing indeed," Harry replied as he rolled over so he was on top.

Draco met Harry's gaze, reflecting on how glad he was to have taken so many chances in the previous few months for where they had led him. When Harry leaned down to kiss him, he gave himself over to it with his whole being. They had all the time in the world, and this was only the beginning. If anyone had asked him to put the moment into words, he never would have been able to—not even in a letter.