Steven Universe

"Peridot, you awake?" She heard a voice. After her talk with Pearl, she passed out. This new body is gonna need some getting used to. She opened her eyes. "St-Steven?" She saw him sitting next to her. "So, what will happen to me?" She asked him. "Well, I don't know what the gems want for you, but I think you should-" "Steven, how'd you get in here?" Lapis asked when she entered the room. Steven turned around. "Uhh… Same way you got in," He answered with narrowed eyes. "Steven, I need to talk to Peridot," Lapis said. He sat there. "Alone," She added. "Aww, fine," Steven said when he got up and exited through the temple.

"Peridot, why were you chasing Steven?" Lapis asked her. "To get my foot back," Peridot answered straight-forwardly. "They… Took your foot? By the way, you look and sound nothing like yourself, Peridot," "Well, I think the others took my gem out of my suit," She answered. "Umm, okay, I guess," Lapis said, still confused. "So, what will you do now?" She asked. Peridot looked down. "I don't know. Now that they're not controlling my thoughts, I need to rethink… Everything," She answered. Lapis looked at her. "Well, if you're not going back, I'm sure the gems will-" "They won't be as open to me as they were to you, Lapis. I am their enemy. You actually sacrificed your freedom just for Steven. They don't trust me," They both looked down. Lapis didn't know what to say. She wasn't sure about what was worse; That Peridot won't join her and her friends because she thinks they don't trust her, or that she's right.

"Well, I trust you," Lapis said as she looked up at her. "And I know they will trust you too. I stole their ocean, remember? If they can still trust me after that, then what's stopping them from trusting you?" Peridot looked at her. A tear went down her cheek as she started weeping. "It'll be okay," Lapis said. She hugged her, and Peridot hugged back. Neither of them are sure of what will happen.

Things just got emotional! Peridot is taking way longer than I thought; I was planning on this chapter being a long but final one. But hey, you just have to go with it. I promise (Not really though) That the next chapter will be Peridot's last one. And hey, we might see some *Ahem* uhh, next time! See ya!