Snow's servants had brought in a comfortable array of furniture – including the chaise upon which Belle sat – for them to wait. The chairs around the council table were quite unforgiving if forced to sit in them overlong. Rumpelstiltskin hadn't been able to sit still for more than a moment at a time and his nervous irritation was beginning to bleed over onto his true love. At least they had the room to themselves for the time being. Charming and his bride had gone to mingle for a while and cut the three-tiered wedding cake the guests had been drooling over for the better part of the evening. Thankfully, Anna and her queenly sister had joined them.

"Rumpel, darling … please, won't you come sit with me?" she asked, her voice sweet and pleading.

"It's taking too long. Why is it taking so long?!"

"It's been ten minutes," she replied drolly. "You have to give him time. We don't even know what the situation is on Neverland. I surely don't, having never been there before. And what was he talking about … Baelfire's grandfather?"

He tapped his long nails together, the sound echoing loudly in the cavernous room. "Can we please not discuss my father right now, Belle? I doubt the princeling has enough whiskey stashed away in the palace to make that conversation pleasant."

Belle regarded him steadily, biting thoughtfully at her full lower lip. She could practically feel the tension radiating from his wiry frame. She held out her hand to him, stubbornly squaring her shoulders. "Come here to me, Rumpelstiltskin … Now!"

His shoulders slumped. It didn't even occur to him to deny her. She patted the space on the chaise beside her and he sat, giving her his back per her instruction. Her hands eased the crimson jacket from his shoulders and laid it to the side, giving her access to his shoulders without so many layers. He allowed a small moan to pass his thin lips as her talented little fingers went to work on his weary muscles.

"Isn't that better?" she cooed. "Now talk to me. Unburden yourself so it isn't weighing on you so heavily when Bae arrives."

The Dark One shuddered. He'd rather eat a handful of fiery coals than talk about his father. Why did she have to be so persistent? Then again … this was his beloved. He could tell her anything. "My father was a cheat and a swindler when I was a lad. He ran a con in the village, a sleight of hand called 'follow the lady'. More than once, he was caught and had the stuffing beat out of him." He relaxed into her touch, and he could almost convince himself they were back home at the Dark Castle resting before the hearth. "He grew tired of dragging me along with him, instead he brought me to live with my aunties with the excuse he was going to try to find himself a respectable job."

Belle pressed a kiss below his ear as she continued with her gentle massage. "It was good you had somewhere to go, darling. Were they good to you?"

"They were lovely. Dirt poor, but two of the kindest souls you'd ever want to meet. They gave me a magic bean. Told me it would give me a fresh start if I wished. I was so excited, Belle," he murmured, leaning back into her with a small smile. "I thought surely if I went to my papa and convinced him to go with me, we could start over where no one knew of us or his sordid reputation."

"Where did you go?"

Her sorcerer sighed and shook his head. "He brought us to Neverland, but it wasn't what he thought it would be. Neverland was a place for children to escape to in their dreams. No one was supposed to actually live there. He couldn't understand why the island's magic wouldn't work for him." He scooted up beside her, drawing Belle into his arms so he could see her face now as he shared his tale. She listened with rapt fascination as she usually did when he told her a new story. "He was near manic, but I knew better than to try to dissuade him. Malcolm was the type who had to learn his lessons the hard way. Finally, he got it into his head to climb to the tops of the tallest trees in search of Pixie dust to enable him to fly."

Belle's eyes widened as she curled closer to his chest. "Did he find it? Pixie dust is purported to be extremely rare and quite valuable."

"Yes, my love, he did. However, he also encountered the spirit of the island during his quest. The spirit told him … well, basically, he told him he couldn't cling to fatherhood if he wanted to be a youth again. If he wanted to remain on Neverland he'd have to give up –"

"You," she cried softly. "Oh, Rumpel."

He nodded sadly, mustering up a small smile for her. The bitterness he'd so long suffered from the memory not so great in the face of her compassion. "The shadow brought me back to my aunties. I never saw Malcolm again … or Peter Pan as he became known. There is evil in that man, Belle. It grieves me to think of what my son might have gone through while on that island with him."

Belle leaned in and kissed him softly, offering her comfort. "But there is one blessing to come out of this. On Neverland, the island's magic will have kept him from aging. He will still be your boy, Rumpel."

He peered at her from beneath his lashes, knowing she could see the fear in his eyes. "What if he's still angry with me, Belle? What if he doesn't want to come home with us? After searching so long what if he wants nothing to do with me?" His chest ached with sadness. "I broke my deal with him because I was a coward, scared to let go of the power. He must hate me!"

Belle cradled his face in her warm palms and made him focus on her instead of his self-loathing and regrets. "Stop! Right now. I'll not have you do this to yourself. Baelfire will return, you will sit down with him and explain your actions. You will be completely honest with him and ask his forgiveness. Do you understand me?" He nodded fervently. "You will show him you are not that same man who let the darkness control him. You control your curse; the curse does not control you. Show him, darling. If his heart is anywhere near as gentle as yours, he will understand, and he will forgive you."

Rumpelstiltskin buried his face against her throat, trying to hide the moisture he felt building at the corner of his eyes. "I don't understand how a monster such as myself could ever be blessed with your love."

She carded her fingers through his hair and pressed a tender kiss to his brow. "You came when I called to save a kingdom, and then you made a deal for a princess instead of a sack of gold. It was all that was needed, my Rumpel. You just needed to find me."


Two hours later, Belle was a nervous wreck, evidenced by the way her tea cup shook in her delicate hand. Snow and Charming had returned to the council room with tea and wedding cake to share with their friends. Rumpelstiltskin's sweet tooth had been appeased for all of five minutes before he was up once more pacing before the bright blue door, which only seemed to increase everyone's anxiety.

Charming had finally talked him into a game of Canasta. Belle clucked her tongue in sympathy for the princeling, who was now down four favors. And her poor darling … his heart wasn't in it. He was only humoring the prince to have something to do with his hands. What he really needed was his spinning wheel. Her heart swelled with pride for him, however. At least he was trying.

Snow White smiled at her friend, curled up next to her on the chaise as they kept an eye on their men. "How much longer do you think it'll be Belle?"

Belle shook her head. "I can't even begin to guess. I'm so sorry you had to delay your honeymoon trip."

Snow set her tea cup back on the tray and waved a dismissive hand. "We're just going to the summer palace for a few weeks to get away. We can leave anytime. Belle, you and Rumpelstiltskin came to us with a real solution to Regina's revenge. Charming and I weren't going to just leave you to wait alone. What kind of friends would we be?" She returned Belle's warm smile and squeezed her hand. "Rumpelstiltskin has changed so much since I first met him … all for the better … because of you."

"You called upon him for a deal, I take it?"

Snow blushed. "You could say that. Charming was slated to marry Princess Abigail, and I was despairing of a broken heart. I wanted to forget him … and how much I loved him."

"Oh, Snow, you didn't!"

The princess nodded. "I did. He terrified me, too," she chuckled. "He gave me this speech about how love was the greatest sickness of all and how it had killed more than any plague."

Belle snorted. "Yes, that sounds like him. When I first made my deal with him to be his caretaker, he wasn't a fan of love at all."

"I can hear you, dearie!" the Dark One called from across the room.

The lady of the Dark Castle shot him a loving smile. "So, what if you can? I speak the truth and have nothing to hide."

Rumpelstiltskin rose from his chair, tossing his cards to the side, and approaching his lady. Charming grumbled. "Hey, I was finally winning!"

Belle and snow laughed.

The mage pulled Belle into his arms and pressed a kiss to her brow. "We all have the wherewithal to change our minds, even the Dark One."

Magic pulsed in the cavernous room, and both Belle and Rumpelstiltskin stiffened, turning towards the door with bated breath. His heart thundered against his ribs as the door swung open, the apprentice stepping through, and for the first time in centuries, his amber eyes settled upon the visage of his beloved Baelfire.

"Breathe, darling," Belle crooned gently at his side.

His limbs were frozen, his chest tight with the need to draw breath, tears beginning to course unheeded over his swarthy golden cheeks. "Bae," he whispered brokenly. It was the most he could get out past the lump of emotion lodged in his throat.

Baelfire seemed equally stunned, his dark eyes taking in his father's still cursed form. And then he was running, closing the distance between them to be enveloped in his papa's embrace. "Papa!" he wailed.

The apprentice took Belle aside, giving the Dark One time with his child. "I hope you can forgive our lateness. Pan had collected quite a few children over the centuries. Young master Baelfire insisted they be returned to their families … or what was left of them. He won't be kidnapping any more children. I've sealed the island for good, leaving him to his fate."

"Thank you," she said. "I'm sure Rumpel will be happy to know his father can't harm anyone else."

"Be steadfast always, my dear. Rumpelstiltskin is going to need you."

Snow hugged her friend and breathed a sigh of relief to see the mage reunited with his son. "I'm so happy for them, Belle."

Belle brushed a tear from her eye. "As am I. I don't know how to thank you all for your help."

Charming snorted. "I think we've all found a new stepping stone for the hope of our realm. And you're our friend, Belle. We just want you to be happy."

"Seeing them reunited with a second chance makes me incredibly happy."

Snow and Charming led the apprentice out of the council room, showing him where he could rest before being escorted home in the morning. They too would finally be able to leave on their honeymoon trip. Elsa and her meddlesome sister had retired hours ago – to Belle's great relief – so they wouldn't be seeing them again before returning to the Dark Castle. She settled once more on the chaise, a discreet enough distance away, so her beloved could speak privately with his son.


The Dark One cradled his son's precious face in his hands, unable to look away. "I'm so sorry, Bae. The moment you fell, I felt my heart shatter. You were right … I was a coward. I didn't want to be that man again, unable to protect my child, but I realized I would have given it all up if I could just be with you again." He drew in a deep breath as he pulled his son closer. "I've been looking for you for so long, son. I can hardly believe you're here."

"Papa," the boy sobbed, burying his face against Rumpelstiltskin's shoulder. "I missed you so much. I was angry you didn't come with me, but in the end … I just wanted you to find me."

"I know we've much to discuss … but won't you allow me to take you home? Please, son? There's so much I want to know of your experiences, and I don't even know where to begin with my own. But, please, Bae … will you come home with us?" the mage pleaded.


Rumpelstiltskin glanced at his true love over his shoulder, his lips curling into a half moon grin as he watched her waiting so patiently for them. "My Belle. There's much to tell you, son."

Baelfire blushed as he watched the love alight behind his father's eyes as he looked on the woman. "She's pretty. And … she likes you, too? Like this?"

"Yes. She saw through it all, Bae," he whispered reverently. "True love if you can believe it."

"So, she's my stepmother?"

"Er … no … I haven't … it's complicated," the Dark One stammered.

Baelfire shook his head. His father, despite his curse, was still the same man at heart. The same man who blushed and stuttered in barely comprehensible monotones around a fair maiden. "Seems like I came home just in time then."

Rumpelstiltskin giggled, beckoning his beloved to join them. His arm slid gently about her waist. "Belle, dearest, may I present my son, Baelfire. Bae, this is Princess Belle, formerly of the Marshlands, and current lady of the Dark Castle."

"Current?" Belle teased. "You're planning to replace me, are you?"

"What? Of course, not! How absurd!"

Bae's face was wreathed in smiles as he looked from the charming young beauty to his father. "Oh, I like her!" He held out his hand to shake hers. "You're not afraid of him at all, are you?"

"No, not at all, Bae." She leaned over to whisper into his ear. "He's really a lot of hot air and bluster, darling, and a big softie if you look closely enough."

Rumpelstiltskin gathered her close to his side and took his son's hand, grumbling about snarky wenches beneath his breath as his magic carried them home.


Rumpelstiltskin listened avidly as his boy spun an unbelievable tale for them where they sat around the table in Belle's kitchen. Of how he'd been taken in by a lovely family not long after he'd arrived in the land with no magic and then his encounter with Pan's shadow who'd whisked him off to Neverland.

Bae had been stunned to learn the sinister warlord of the enchanted island was none other than his own grandfather. Rumpel had then opened up to his son and told him how Malcolm had become Peter Pan. And once he told him that tale, the stories continued. Of how he'd journeyed down so many dark paths searching for a way to find his son, how he'd built the Dark Curse and created the monster to cast it.

Baelfire had been horrified and spent a good deal of time scolding his father. The mage had remained silent through it all, feeling he deserved no less.

"Stop it! His methods aside, Baelfire, he did it all for you! Can't you see how much you mean to him?" Belle had quickly come to her beloved's defense. "He's changed."

The boy had hung his head in shame, sorry he'd let his temper get the better of him. He'd even apologized for speaking to his father in such an ill manner, and asked for more of his story. Rumpelstiltskin had been happy to oblige, telling him of a deal which had turned him on his head and changed him forever. Baelfire had been equal parts awestruck and horrified at the tale of heartbreak he'd spun.

"You sent her away!?" he'd croaked. "Papa! How could you?"

It was near dawn when he finished, and the lad was more than pleased with how everything had come full circle. He was ecstatic his father had found true love … not a feat one would expect for the Dark One.

Belle was ready to collapse by the time Rumpelstiltskin had finally tucked his son into bed. She clasped his hand tightly in hers and dragged him upstairs to his chamber, relieved when he used his magic to help her change into her night rail. "I'm so exhausted, I could sleep for a week!" she groaned as she buried her face against her pillow. "But it was worth it."

"Indeed, my love," he agreed, pulling her close.

"Now you just have to break the news to Regina."

The sorcerer's lips pulled up into a menacing smile, a giggle trilling through the room. "That should be the most fun I've had in a century."

"Rumpel …"

"Just a quip, dearest … Not serious!"


Light magic was – for want of a better word – odd. It made Rumpelstiltskin giddy – but even better – it sent the voices which had plagued him for centuries scattering like autumn leaves in a stiff breeze. It had been much easier to acclimate himself than he'd originally thought. No longer did he simply go to what he knew best. Now, he focused on the love he shared with Belle – true love at its finest – and with his son. It grounded him, and gave him more control than he'd ever dreamed possible. The last month hadn't been without its share of calamities, but he'd never been happier. Rarely did he find the need to turn to the darker side of his power, and Baelfire was there at his side, proud of his papa.

He sighed as he looked out of the window overlooking the courtyard where it stretched out to the front gates. The queen's carriage wound its way up the long winding drive, and he knew it was time. He'd sent the message by dove only yesterday, ready to be done with the last detail of the bargain he'd made with the apprentice. Everything was in place, and there was no longer reason to delay. An end of an age. No longer would the realms be plagued with her petty revenge or her tyrannical rule. Peace – harmony for his precious family – would reign.

The Dark One called forth his magic, forcing back a giggle of pure delight as he felt the light tickle along his nerve endings, and transported himself to the Great Hall. Belle and Baelfire were out in the vast gardens, entertaining Snow and Charming who'd come for a visit. The White princess wasn't even aware of her condition yet, though he'd picked up on it immediately. Another few weeks would clue her in, he was sure. Bae was learning archery from her and sword skill from Charming, much to Belle's delight.

The boy needed training if he were to become a knight when he was older. He didn't like the thought of Bae leaving to undertake such a career, but he wouldn't allow his fears to hold his son back. Whether he liked it or not, Baelfire would grow up and leave the nest. Just not without a bevy of protection spells he'd place upon the boy.

He was distracted from his reverie as the double doors opened wide to admit his prey … er … his guest. "Ah, dearie … how lovely of you to accept my invitation," he drawled, smiling his crocodile smile. "Would you care for a cup of tea?"

Regina sneered blackly, arching one raven's wing brow. "I didn't come for tea, Rumpel. The curse … where is it?"

"The curse?"

"Don't play games with me, imp! The Dark Curse! You promised we'd discuss it today. What's wrong with you? Are you ill?" she asked, discomfited by his wide smile. "There's something off about you today."

"I've no idea what you mean, dearie. Dark One's are immortal … we don't fall ill."

She moved closer, still wary of his manic demeanor. He sipped his tea as if it were just another late afternoon call instead of one of the biggest days of her life. "Rumpel, I'm impatient … and you know it's never a good thing for me to lose my patience."

"Yes, well, things are about to get a bit more complicated."

Her dark eyes narrowed with menace. "What do you mean … 'complicated'?"

The sorcerer's grin widened as he set his cup down on the table and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm afraid I no longer need you to cast my curse, your majesty. Oh, wait! You're no longer the queen, are you, dearie? There's no need for such lofty titles tacked to your name."

Her nostrils flared as she breathed in heavily through her nose, consumed with rage. "How dare you! Of course, I am still queen! I-"

"Papa, they're here. Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt," Baelfire said from the doorway, shuffling his feet as he tried not to look directly at Regina. "Should I show them to the garden?"

Rumpelstiltskin watched Regina's face morph into a mask of bewilderment, and tried to keep his merriment to a minimum. He was about to start liking her a whole lot more, so it didn't matter how he felt just then about her downfall. "Yes, son, that would be grand. And ask Belle to see to their comfort if you would? Regina and I will join you shortly."

Baelfire beat a hasty retreat, leaving Rumpelstiltskin alone with the queen once more. Her hands balled into fists at her side, and he knew she was near the end of herself, ready to unleash her magic. Too bad she no longer possessed any.

"Son? You never told me you had a son?"

"And why would I, dearie? So you could find some way to use him against me?" he asked, that crocodile grin back in place. "My Baelfire. He was the whole reason I created the Dark Curse. So I could find him." His voice lowered, became softer in pitch, not so much what she was accustomed to at all. "Due to a fortuitous deal, I now have him back and no longer require your services."

"You think to deny me my vengeance?" she shrieked in outrage, her pale features flushing bright red beneath the abundance of cosmetics she wore. Her hand rose, her chest heaving, summoning her power to aim a fireball at his head and … nothing. Regina stared down at her hand, vexed. "What've you done to me? Why can't I access my magic?"

Rumpelstiltskin giggled impishly. "Just a simple spell, dearie. A binding spell to be exact, cast upon you as you crossed my threshold. If you hadn't been so preoccupied with the curse you'd come to collect, you would have noticed."

"WHY?!" she cried, baring her teeth as she snarled at him.

"You were part of my deal. In order to get my son back, it was left to me to reform you … since it was I who made you into such a monster. The Dark Curse has been destroyed, dearie." The smile finally left his face when he saw the first twinges of fear light behind her sable eyes. "No more revenge, Regina," he said softly, cupping her chin in his hand. "No more terrorizing the populace. You will be that sweet girl once more. The one who called on me so desperately to help her. Do you remember her, dear?"

"Rumpel … why are you doing this to me? Because of Belle? I didn't kill the girl!" she breathed in a panicked whisper. "Don't take my magic or my title. It's who I am. It's all I have left."

His stomach roiled with grief for what he'd done to her. It had taken accepting his love for Belle to make him see it. "I wronged you so terribly, Regina. I have to make it right. What you did to my beloved just proves that. She's forgiven you, y'know. My Belle has quite the compassionate heart."

"No!" the queen cried, jerking away from him. "I don't want your help."

"I would assume not, but have it you shall. You'll be that girl again, dear, but this time you won't have Cora to interfere with your life. You'll have a chance to decide, make your own choices, be a part of a family … my family."

He pressed a hand to his heart to show his sincerity. He could feel it frantically beating in his chest. The new strides he'd taken to embrace the entire spectrum of both light and dark still caused him to lose control of his emotions. He felt more than he'd ever thought possible, and he didn't want the queen to suffer more than she already had. Belle had taught him how to forgive … how extraordinary.

Regina brushed away angry tears. "You want to keep me a prisoner here," she spat.

"No, dearie. I won't have to. No one in the realm aside from Belle and myself will even remember you as the Evil Queen. They will only remember you as we wish,"

"Not even you have that kind of power," she sneered.

"Perhaps not," he said, "but I have friends who do. Say yes, Regina. Say yes and embark upon a new life, one with endless possibilities. Be happy, dearie. All you have to do is say yes."


The brunette muffled a startled yelp as her nephew pulled her down to crouch behind the hedge. "Bae!" she scolded in an urgent whisper. "What are we doing down here? Your papa is going to be furious to know we're spying on him, and my sister isn't going to be pleased either."

Baelfire snorted. "Oh, please, Gina. Do you really want to miss this?"

"Miss what?"

"Watch!" he whispered back, excited and unable to hide it from the world.

She turned her sable gaze to the couple on the other side of the hedge, her ears perking at the Dark One's low pitched tone. One he only ever used with her sister. She gripped Baelfire's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as Belle's beloved dropped to his knee and pledged his undying love and devotion to her before promptly stuttering out a proposal of marriage.

The revelry of the ball in full swing, one to celebrate Baelfire's sixteenth birthday, went unnoticed to the pair of spies as Belle threw her arms around the imp's neck and shouted her response.

"Whoo-hoo!" Baelfire crowed, giving away their position in the bushes.

"Some spy you are, Bae," Gina snarked.

"Alright, you two. You might as well come on out," Rumpelstiltskin admonished as Belle giggled at his side. "Can't get a moment's peace around here."

The former queen blushed prettily as she hugged her sister. "It's about time he proposed." She embraced her future brother-in-law, admonishing, "Finally! I thought you were going to make her an old spinster!"

"Pfft," he scoffed. "And what of you, dearie? Dangling that outlaw along at your whim? When are you going to allow him to make an honest woman of you, hmm?"

She pursed her lips, fighting back a smile. "Perhaps when he asks?"

Speaking of … her beau appeared at the entrance of the garden, making his way towards her. "There you are, Lady Gina. I believe you owe me a dance if I'm not mistaken?"

Gina bit her lip coyly and nodded. "Yes," she said a little breathlessly as she placed her hand in his. "I'm almost positive this is your name on my dance card."

Baelfire moved to follow, wanting more cake.

Rumpelstiltskin leaned down and brushed his lips to his betrothed's petal soft mouth. Now they were alone in the garden, he could indulge in his fondest desires.

So much had happened over the last six months since Anna and her husband had escorted Grand Pabi to the Dark Castle to put his plans in motion. The queen had a whole new set of memories as did the entire realm. There had been no Evil Queen, no hint of vengeance against Snow White, no Cora to beat her daughter's will into submission with her mental abuse. No. Gina, sister to Belle, had come to live at the Dark Castle after Rumpelstiltskin had been reunited with his son. She couldn't, after all, allow Belle to live with a man … alone … whom she wasn't married to. So, a chaperone she would be, a part of their little family.

Belle sighed against his lips, wishing they could slip off to celebrate in private. "She's happy, Rumpel. I never thought I would see the day she was truly happy."

He snorted. "Everyone in the kingdom is happy, Belle. The realm is one big ball of fluff!"

"Which is as it should be. I wouldn't be surprised if Robin proposed soon. She was instrumental in helping him get over his wife's tragic death, and she loves little Roland to distraction."

Her sorcerer plucked a rose from one of the bushes and trailed its silken petals over her cheek. "I could do with a little happiness right now."

"Oh, yes?" she teased. She gasped as his warm breath ghosted over the sensitive whorls of her ear.

"Mhmm … I'm feeling rather neglected at the moment. I gave you a shiny new bauble and you've yet to thank me properly," he purred, his arm slipping about her waist to draw her fully into his body.

Her fingers curled into his hair, tugging gently as she knew he preferred. "I suppose we could slip off upstairs and I could endeavor to show you my appreciation … for the bauble." Her lips pressed hotly to the corner of his mouth. "For your heart and never-ending love?"

The mage shivered. "You don't think anyone would notice our absence, do you?"

Belle wrapped her arms about his neck and nipped lightly at his lower lip, earning a beastly growl rumbling in his chest. "Who cares?"


A/N: So comes the end of another tale. It felt so good to write this pairing again. Did you like it? I hope no one was disappointed with the ending. I think I rather surprised myself :D I look forward to hearing what you think, dearies! I've got more in the works for a new story which will be published Christmas Eve, so don't think I'll be gone for long. Thank you all for reading! *hugs and buckets of love*