"Hahhh…. Hah…" a long black haired man with tan skin panted, holding a huge scroll to help him standing. He looked tired. Really tired. Several cuts, bruises, burn injuries and blood could be seen on his skin, even underneath his red armor-like battle cloth.
He breathed heavily, staring at his surroundings, which dead bodies lying everywhere, like that's everything that could be seen.
'I hope this would end this unnecessary war', he thought as he fell on his knees.
"Anija!" yelled a short white haired man who wore an almost-alike battle armor, with a different blue colored battle armor, and white fur collar. He quickly went to his big brother's side, catching the said man's body before reaching the ground
"Anija" called the snowy head man again, to the dark haired one.
"Tobirama… you have to end this war, bring back… the peace we have always wished for, and…" the older one said between his final breath, "Protect the village and everyone in it for me. I trust the rest to you", he finished, releasing his last breath.
Tobirama, his beloved little brother, only stared at his now not-moving body.
"No, it can't be…", Tobirama murmured as the rain fell, covering his face from his rarely-seen tears. He hugged his elder brother's dead body, then put it back onto the ground slowly.
When he realized his subordinates have come, he stood up, still gazing at once-his-brother's-living body, he announced a thing that made the whole ninja world shocked.
"The First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, who titled as 'God of Shinobi', has fallen in the battle"
'I think I can see you guys now, Kawarama, Itama", Hashirama closed his eyes slowly, after entrusting the title pf hokage to his little brother,
But right when he was about to be brought to the afterlife, he saw something shined so brightly, which made him covered his eyes. "What is that?" he asked before the brightness became too bright and he lost his consciousness
*Time Skip*
'I hope, Saru, Danzo, and the others succeeded in running away', the snowy white haired man thought. His fair-skinned body looked rather dark because of the darkness of the night. E used his last strength to do one of his sensory skills. He touched the ground with his finger,
"They are all dead. Good", he thought with a smirk before looking at 20 dead bodies of the enemies.
He and his subordinates were surrounded by 20 elite force of Kumogakure. And he decided to be the bait,, for letting the others to run away, after he passed the title of Hokage to Hiruzen Sarutobi, one of his trusted pupils. He also said some important things to his subordinates, especially Danzo and Hiruzen. He believed they would be a good pair if they wanted to try, even though they always competing with each other.
"Looks like my time is over now. I would better trust the rest to them" he thought out loud as his body fell onto the hard ground. 'maybe it will be fun to be seeing you again, brothers' he muttered with a little smile, referring to his dead little brothers, Kawarama and Itama, and of course his annoying dead-also older brother, Hashirama.
Tobirama was the last one to be alive out of the 4. He had lived a hard life, but thanks to his students and friends, he managed to to feel some happiness before he died.
He huffed several times as he felt his body didn't able to move anymore. He quietly apologized to his elder brother for being unable to end the war, but at least he protected his subordinates, and he did do his best.
"The Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, the one who created so many Jutsus and laws for Shinobi, died honorably in the battle"
When the sun started to appear from one side of the earth, Tobirama Senju died a honorable and prideful death.
"I hope I will not see the Uchiha that I hated here" he mumbled as he walked in the all-white place. He didn't have any idea what that place was, but he had an instinct to just walking ahead
After several short minutes, he stopped, staring at nothing in front of him. Then, a light came from whatever might be there
"What's that light?" he asked to no one in particular, since no one was there, except himself. After several seconds, the light became worst and worse. And Tobirama felt as if his head bumped into something hard, and he blackened out.
*Time Skip*
Hiruzen Sarutobi used a death god jutsu to seal his student's arms, so that he won't attacked Konoha ever again. But he is losing his own life for doing so. His ex-student, Orochimaru, had attacked Konoha, and was planning on killing him. And sure he did. Hiruzen was in the edge of dying.
In his last breath, he remembered the first time he got the title of Hokage from his sensei, as well as the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. Even though he couldn't do anything that time, he was trusted by hi superior, and he was really grateful of that.
He also remembered when he became the leader of his own team. Still with Orochimaru, and his two other students, Tsunade and Jiraiya, who were out from the village. He also remembered when he gave the title of Hokage to the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, who already died because of the Kyuubi attack.
He remembered every good and bad things. He regret some things, but he didn't really regret everything, knowing he was dying for his village.
While hearing some yells from his ex-student, he closed his eyes with a warm smile.
"The Third Hokage, the person who got the title of God of Shinobi in his time and a professor, has died for the sake of his village"
Hiruzen stared at nothingness in front of him. He didn't know what to do, but he still remembered what happened before his death. He thought of it once more 'did I do the right choice? What will happen to the others? They don't have a candidate of Hokage yet, do they?' he asked himself with so many questions.
He just stood there, thinking
"Hahirama-sama.. Tobirama-sensei.. Minato.." he began to speak, quietly. He clenched his fists before continuing "… what I did….. was it right?..", he gritted his teeth, "If you guys were in my place, what would you do?"
His head was full of things he couldn't stand, but a light came. He was too late to realized it, and the light brought him unconscious.
*Time Skip*
A blond haired man smiled weakly behind his beloved wife. In front of them was their newborn baby, Naruto. That blond kid smiled while listening to his red haired mother who was talking to him with all of her heart and energy left.
The blond man tried his best not to cry, and he succeeded. But eyes never lie. His clear sky blue eyes looked like he was in a great pain of leaving his child alone, but he can't abandon the village whatever the reason is.
He waited several minutes until his wife was done, and he gave the child his last word, which was just the same as his wife, Kushina. He smiled the kindest smile he had ever does, and he sealed Kyuubi, the nine-tailed beast plus his and his wife's chakra inside the kid.
'good bye, Naruto. I will see you soon', Minato thought as his life shortened because of the seal, which causing him to die. He felt the Kyuubi behind him disappeared as he and Kushina fell backward. The kekkai that he made to protect the village from the beast slowly vanished, as his fellow shiobi and the Third Hokage came, looking at them with sad and shock, yet proud eyes.
Minato quietly wished for their luck for the future, nd for Naruto to be the hero of Konoha. Then, his eyelids became heavy, and he closed it slowly, after he saw the last thing he could see from that world. The night sky. He hoped he would see the stars with all of his family and friends just once before he leave that world.
"The Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, who was titled as 'Yellow Flash of Konoha', has died to protect the village"
'Where is this?' Minato asked himself as he stood at a blank space, after his heroic yet sad death. He was sure his soul would be the death god's meal or whatever it was to pay the oh-so-strong seal.
"I wonder if I can meet Kushina here", he asked himself again. He took the first step forward, then the second step, the third, and he stopped at the fourth, when he saw a strange light. He put his hands in front of his face, but he still tried to see the light.
"wha—" not given a chance to finish his sentence, he felt a great headache and he fell immediately.