Pain was the first thing that registered in Satoshi's mind followed by the feeling of bone chilling wind blowing over his body. His vison was bleared as he struggled to make sense of everything around him. What just happened? His brain throbbed as he tried to recall the prior events. That's right…he fell. And if the pain in his entire body was anything to go by, it was for quite a distance. Luckily, it appeared that he landed in some soft, but icy snow. Small mercies, it definitely could've been a lot worse. But man, did that landing hurt.
After slowly sitting up he clenched his eyes shut as a wave of pain and nausea washed over him, forcing him to lie back down. The snow that surrounded him helped a little with the pain and it wasn't long before he was pushing himself up again.
Geez, how in the world did he fall from a cliff? Now that he thought about it he and Iris and Dento weren't near any cliffs when they set up camp for the night. So how did he…?
'…Aaugh…! Why did it hurt to remember?'
He brought up his hand to massage his throbbing head in hopes of the pain diminishing enough for him to think straight. When he finally had enough strength to open his eyes he jerked back in surprise at what he saw. Right in front of his face was a tiny, yellow, fuzzy paw. He stared at it blankly, not comprehending it at first, but slowly as he began opening and closing it, moving it this way and that did began to realize that it was his own hand…err…paw his was staring at.
'Oh…oh Arceus…'
Satoshi brought his other hand up and saw it was a complete match to the first yellow paw. Quickly looking down he also saw two tiny, yellow feet. And looking behind him, he saw a long, lightning bolt shaped tail.
'Oh no…not again…please not again!'
Shuffling quickly through the snow, the boy stumbled across a frozen lake. As he gazed in the reflection his worst fears were confirmed.
He was a Pikachu…again.
Sinking into the snow, the boy now turned Pikachu began to rack his brain on how this might have happened. The first time it happened was when a witch named Lily had casted the wrong spell on him which resulted in him transforming into his favorite electric type pokémon. But he hadn't seen the witch in training in so long, so there was no way she was responsible.
Maybe…maybe he was sleeping?
Possible, but if he was why was he in so much pain? If anything, the pain should have woken him up by now. An illusion, perhaps? Again very possible. With a sigh the boy stood up on his two tiny feet and began wandering around the snow covered area. From the looks of things, he appeared to be on a mountain somewhere. But how did he get here in the first place? He shuddered slightly and pulled his now too large hat further over his head when the wind blew against him again. The air was getting colder and snowflakes were falling from the sky. Wherever he was he would need to find some shelter soon. And then afterwards he needed to find his Pikachu, Iris, and Dento. Surely, they could help him with this predicament. He sure hoped they were okay…
'Hm? What was that?'
Cocking his head to the side Satoshi felt his ears perk up to the sound that rose above the howling wind. It sounded like wings flapping in the distance. Turning his head to the sound Satoshi spotted something flying through the air and coming straight for him.
'Is that a Golbat?'
His question was answered when the flying blue and purple pokémon was close enough to attack him. He jumped back quickly, barely dodging its sharpened wings as they sliced through the air near his head. He dodged again when the giant bat came at him again. Not wanting to make the flying pokémon more agitated than it already was Satoshi decided it was best to flee for now. But as he struggled to get across the snow covered ground the Golbat began launching attack after attack in his direction.
'Geez what did I do to get this thing so angry at me?' Satoshi thought as he ducked his head to avoid getting hit by poison sting. The bat pokémon was gaining on him and Satoshi feared that he would soon have no place to run. As he dodged yet another attack he saw in the corner of his eye a small cave that just large enough for him to slip inside. In a last ditch effort the boy made a hard left and ducked into the tiny tunnel. He could hear the angry screeches of the Golbat at the entrance as he crawled deeper and deeper into the cave, but he didn't stop until all he could hear was his own labored breathing.
'Whew, that was close. If only Pikachu or any of my other Pokémon were here…'
When the young boy finally caught his breath he proceeded deeper into the tiny tunnel. The space was so narrow that he had to crawl on all fours just to get through. After about two minutes of crawling, the space finally led to an enormous area with a large waterfall cascading down the wall and large, powerful looking pokémon roamed the area. Satoshi felt himself freeze up as he waited for any of them to attack him, just like the Golbat did. But surprisingly none of them did.
Moving cautiously through the area, he surveyed everything he could while trying to get his bearings straight. Large boulders and cracked rocks littered the cave. And the passageways made it like it was easy to get lost in a place like this. Sighing, Satoshi wondered if there was a chance that a traveler could be somewhere in here. Then maybe they could help him get out of this mess.
Satoshi's head snapped around quickly towards the source of the new noise. A well of hope spread in his chest as he dashed up the rocky stairs. There was no doubt who made that cry. But when he was almost to the top of the stairs another noise made it into his ears. And this time it wasn't alone.
'Holy Arceus, why is this happening?!'
It appeared that the Golbat had returned and with it its entire flock. The sound of flapping wings and high-pitch screeches were unbearable due to his now sensitive ears. There was no way to escape this time. Just facing one was hard enough already.
'What do I do? What do I do?'
As if in unison, the Golbat swarm dive-bombed on him. Their sharpened wings slashed at him left and right and their heavier bodies slammed him into the ground. Despite the beating he took the boy still continued up the craggy stairs. If he could just make it to the source of that sound then he could…
A sudden hard hit to his back had Satoshi sprawled out on the stairs. Groaning in pain he turned over to see a large purple bat before him, large fangs gleaming in the dark cave as it used its heavier body weight to pin him down.
'A-A Crobat?! Oh no…oh no…oh…urk…!'
Satoshi's tiny mouth opened wide, letting out a silent scream as twin fangs pierced through the fur and skin of his small body. The feeling of both fire and acid was the only thing he felt as the large pokémon injected him with venom. A second later he felt all his energy drain from his body while everything around him started to fade.
'I guess this is it. I wonder what happens now…'
As the young boy slipped deeper and deeper into the dark void of unconsciousness the last he remembered was a sudden bright light and the sound of pained screeches echoing through the cave.
Chestnut brown eyes slowly peeled opened, but his vison was blurry. A headache was raging in the space behind his eyes and his stomach ached as if he had ache something that really didn't agree with. Like Kasumi's cooking. He shuddered at that memory. Something cool and damp was gently rested on his burning forehead while something small pressed against his mouth. He turned his head slightly away but the pressure remained on his lips persistently. Eventually the something slipped past his lips and a cool liquid spread over his tongue.
'…Sweet…something tastes sweet…in my mouth…'
Slowly, but surely the human turned Pikachu's vison began to clear and the aches and pains began to fade away. A warm, gentle hand placed itself between his long ears, scratching softly. Satoshi felt himself relax. Exhaustion was settling in again and his eyes started to drift close against his will. But this time he felt safe enough to drop off to the world of unconsciousness.
'T-Thank you…whoever you are,' he thought as he strained to keep his eyes open to catch a glimpse at his savior. His brown eyes followed up the arm that was attached to the hand gently scratching at his ears to see an older boy's face with a small smile and piercing red eyes.
This was inspired by a picture I saw on Pixiv.
First chapter. So…what do think? Should I continue?