Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters I only own the laptop that I wrote on. Whenever you see the "*" that means an outside sound mainly when Lao's claws shoot out. Lao is a wolverine based OC in the Avatar Legend of Korra universe this takes place during the first season

Chapter one: amnesia

Who am I, I...and why can't I remember. It was only a few days ago that I woke up in torn clothes and coated in mud in the middle of a destroyed little town. The stench of blood was strong in the air while the houses were destroyed and unknown bodies lay still…lifeless. The only clue I have to all of this are these two tags around my neck one that says "Lao" and another that says "Wolverine" whatever the hell that means. And why can't I remember what happened to me or this little town.

I've been wondering the woods for days heading north. Why north I have no clue it just feels like there is a large city over them mountains, almost as if I can smell civilization. The closer I get the stronger the smells of the intoxicating food vendors in the air were almost getting too much to bear. While wiping the drool out of the corner of my mouth the smells of succulent food was swiftly over powered by a strong odor of fancy perfumes mixed with strong over bearing colognes "Hmph" I Grunted and spitted at the ground with disgust just by judging by smells of their "fancy" or "top of the line" fragrances I could just tell that they're stuck up.

At last overcoming the finale mountain I could finally see the massive city jam-packed with buildings swarming with men dressed in sharp suits, woman in beautiful dresses strutting down the street like a feline on the prowl, while orphaned children ran barefooted across the city sneakily pickpocketing those who are less aware. But the biggest eye catcher was a colossus statue of a bald boy on a little island surrounded by water holding a staff dressed in monk clothing. But the most distinctive feature was that he had and arrow that seemed to begin on his forehead that continued to the top of his skull and looked as if it continued down his neck… maybe even down his back. Lao cautiously walked down the congested city streets taking in the atmosphere of the vast industries and the beautiful bridge in the city's park that hovered over the crystal clean pond. "ARE YOU TIRED LIVING UNDER THE TRYANNY OF BENDERS? THEN JOIN THE EQUILIST" Lao cringed at the abrupt loud noise "whoever is ranting sure does sound whiny and annoying" Lao said to himself. He begin to searched for the source of the ear shattering noise and found a tiny little man in a dark grey man dress and thick choppy sideburns, standing on a podium behind a poster of a man in an intimidating white mask with a red circle on the middle of his forehead. The little man continued to project his voice through the already loud megaphone bashing the "society of Benders" and "Down with the Oppression". As Lao walked closer to the already growing crowd the skinny man looked over to Lao's direction "YOU THERE, YOUNG MAN. JUDGING BY YOUR ROUGH EXTERIOR YOU HAVE JUST HAD AN ALTERCATION WITH A BENDER AM I RIGHT" "wha-"Lao tried to answer however the tiny man interrupted him "OF COURSE YOU DID. DON'T YOU WANT TO BRING DOWN THE BENDING ASTABLISHMENT" Lao was getting irritated whenever he was asked a question the tiny man child answered him and shoved words and beliefs in his mouth that Lao didn't agree with. Lao pushed his way towards the front of the crowed the tiny man noticed and smiled gleefully thinking that he had won Lao over with his "Persuasive" conversation "YES YOUNG MAN STEP UP AND JOIN AMON AND HIS CONQ-"Lao smacked the megaphone out of the discriminating man and grabbed him by his collar and lifted him off of his soap box then pulled him face to face glaring while also growling "GRRRR. First off quit putting words in my mouth. Secondly I don't know who these benders are but I haven't seen any "Bender" do me or anyone else wrong." "YOU " Lao looked behind him to see an out of shaped man in a light grey security uniform running towards him. The megaphone man smiled and spooked to Lao in a smug tone "Welcome to Republic city… Bender lover" Lao trusted his knee into the man's groin "I'll be back for you later" Lao growled and tossed the man to the ground and sprinted towards oncoming traffic and disappeared into the crowd.

Lao spent the rest of the day looking for something to eat however he had no money so he wasn't eating anytime soon, he even an old lady chased him out of her food stand screaming " you have no yuan's then what good are you to me!". Lao spent the night looking for a place to crash, however his ears perked up when he heard a muffled scream for help. He sprinted down the street listening for the source of the scream when he came to an alley. He leaned his body against the wall of a sonography phone shop he peeked over to see three men all dressed in torn pants and silk jackets of different colors holding a pregnant woman dressed in orange monk clothing at knife point. "Listen lady you give us all your money and we tell the equalist to look the other way if not you will not be walking out of here tonight" the leader of the group threatened while pressing the blade against the woman's throat. The sight of this made Lao's blood boil he sped walk toward the gang members "GRR, HEY BUB LET THE LADY GO OR YOU ANSWER TO ME" as soon as the smallest one of the gang members turned around to see where the voice was coming from Lao's fist connected to the bridge of the small members nose instantly shattering it on impact. "WAS THAT ALL YOU GOT LITTLE MAN" Lao taunted as he watched the gang member cover his face and roll around wailing in pain. The largest member quickly tackled Lao and got him in a full nelson lifting him off the ground and bringing him toward the leader who completely forgot about the pregnant woman and swaggered his way towards Lao "what do you think you're doing. Huh! PUNK!?" the man shouted while pressing the blade against Lao's throat "let me guess your some kind of Bender lover huh? Well let me show you what happens to people who get in Amon's way bender or not" with that said he plunge the full length of the blade into the stomach of Lao repeatedly. The pregnant woman shrieked while they drop Lao to the ground and turned their attention towards their intended target. "Your nothing but cowards, all of you" the pregnant woman said in a shaky voice while the remaining gang members walked over to the woman leaving Lao to die. Lao laid their waiting to feel death's cold embrace, but it never came in fact he felt ok. Lao looked up to see the leader of the gang member backhand the woman then an unexplainable rage over came Lao's body followed by the sensation of the skin between his knuckles tearing. Lao slowly began to rise and in a croaky voice he growled "you like picking on people smaller then you? Well I'm smaller…SO PICK ON ME" *SHINK* "AAAARRRRGGHHH" Lao howled in pain when three pairs of razor sharp blades protruded out between Lao's knuckles. Lao lunged towards the man second in charge and impaled the gang member while lifting him above his head and with bone shattering power slammed him back down to the earth. After prying his new found claws out of the large gang member he begin to stalk towards the man with the knife " n-no s…s-tay back I warn you" he pleaded while cowering behind the woman. Lao gently moved aside the pregnant woman and grabbed the man who stabbed him and slammed him against the wall and in a calm voice he stated "now let me show you. What I do. to people who cross me" he raised his fist and slowly his three claws slide out stopping just inches from his throat. He sniffed the air the smell of urine was strong even without his enhanced senses. He smirked and let his claws slide back into his knuckles dropping the man letting him wallow in his filth. He walked over to the pregnant woman and in a calm soothing voice "excuse me ma'am are you ok? Do you need to sit?" the pregnant woman snapped out of her traumatized state and addressed the young man in a rather surprising calm and friendly tone "I'm fine thank you…umm what exactly is your name young man ?" Lao chuckled to himself to be honest he didn't know what his real name was then he glanced down at his tags around his neck and read it aloud "Lao… my name is Lao". The pregnant woman raised an eyebrow at the young man's queer behavior "well my name is Pema and me, my husband, and my other three children live at air Temple Island next to the huge statue of Aang" " oh you mean the bald kid with the staff and the arrow running down his back right?" Lao interrupted Pema in which she gave him a strange look as if he grew another head and begin talking "uhhh yeeaah that one" Pema chuckled "judging by your appearance I'd say you don't have a place to stay do you" Lao looked down his clothes and realized his slightly torn dirty white t- shirt and stained muddy light blue jean pants with scuffed old brown boots" now taking his apparel in consideration he realized how much he looked like a common bum" uhhh ha yeah I'd guess you'd say that" "well come with me back to air temple island my husband would like to reward you" the reward didn't really intrigue Lao but in good conscience he couldn't let Pema walk home alone not after what just happened" Ok Pema lets go to air temple island"

During the whole ferry ride to Air Temple Island Lao observed his hands studying his new found abilities. He rubbed his fingers over where he was recently stabbed expecting to feel stab wounds when he only felt his bare skin. Lao tried helping Pema up the steps only to have her deny him "I appreciate the help but I'm not an old woman I'm just pregnant" she said while taking the lead up the steps. Finally reaching the front door of the temple a tall bald man with a beard dressed in the same orange monk clothes even having the similar blue arrows running down the back of his head was waiting at the top of the hill looking agitated and anxious. As soon as he saw Pema he zoomed down the steps almost as if he was gliding through the air and took Pema in a strong embrace. "Oh thank the spirits you're ok. I was so worried. Are you hurt?" the bald man sputtered while Pema returned his embrace "I'm fine Tenzin". Lao smiled seeing the compassion the old man named "Tenzin" had towards his obvious wife " well I wouldn't be fine but thanks to this young man he saved me from three equalist gang members" Pema stated breaking the silence. After Tenzin was informed what happened his face turned a shade of white as if he had seen a ghost " THIS IS WHY I TELL YOU NOT TO LEAVE THE ISLAND WITH OUT AN ESCORT WOMAN" Tenzin blurted. Lao couldn't help but chuckle he knew he wasn't mad at Pema he was just worried. Tenzin looked aside from his wife and laid eyes on Lao and noticed his dingy cloths and rather rough exterior, while walking towards Lao Pema pulled him aside and whispered something in his ears Lao studied his facial expression but couldn't guess what he was thinking. Tenzin walked toward the young man stopping just a few feet in front of him " so my wife informs me that you helped her in her time of need" Lao nodded his head in agreement something about this man was intimidating either from his tall stature or his stern facial features " your wife said something about a reward but look I'm not interested in it, I only came here to make sure she got home safe ok so don't worry about it alright bub" Tenzin raised an eyebrow to say he was shocked was an understatement. He placed his hand on Lao shoulder "young man you have saved my wife and went out of your way to make sure she got back home safely. Then you refuse any type of reward" Tenzin pulls the young man into a bear hug practically lifting him off the ground. Dropping him back down to earth "my wife also informed me that you have no place to stay am I right?" Lao complied in agreement "Then please stay with us as long as you like it's the least we can do to repay you" Lao stood there and weighed the options "I don't know Tenzin I don't want to be a burden to your family"" please you'd be no burden at all" inserted Tenzin. With that Lao smiled "well if you say so bub I'll try and not be an inconvenience "Lao bowed and gave his thanks "splendid please follow me I'll show you to your room and tomorrow I'll introduce you to my children… You should get some rest you'll need all your strength if you're going to meet them" Tenzin said in a rather soul sucking voice "come on Tenzin how bad can they be they're just kids" chimed Lao. Pema and Tenzin shared a look and began laughing hysterically in which Lao ignored. After whipping a tear from her eye Pema looked at Lao's clothes "you do have more clothes then that right?" Emma questioned. Lao looked at his attire and completely forgot how ridiculous he looked "no ma'am I don't" "Then tomorrow I'll send you and Tenzin to get you some new clothes think of it as a thank you for saving my life" Lao couldn't argue with that he was practically wearing a ripped shirt and mud stained jeans "yes ma'am" Lao said in a defeated tone. Tenzin looked over his shoulder and smiled thanking the spirits that there was some one goodhearted enough to step out of their way to help someone in need "welcome to Air temple island Lao"

Living on Air Temple Island was interesting for Lao to say the least. Lao has stayed at the island for four weeks and noticed that Tenzin was really serious practically all the time. Pema for a pregnant woman worked to the bone taking care of the house and the kids and actually enjoyed it. The three children on the other hand they're a different story, Jinora was always reading and actually kind of pleasant to be around. She loved talking about her recent discoveries from her archive of books however Lao didn't mind but at times it was an inconvenience but he mustard through it especially when she lit up with a bright smile when she had someone with her to discuss her books. Meelo was strange to say the least. For the first week He would always catch Meelo staring at him with a mischievous grin it was until the middle of the second week of his stay that Meelo took his plan to action. As soon as Lao let his guard down and was resting underneath a tree Meelo summand an air scooter and silently hovered towards Lao. When he was a few feet from him he sneakily tiptoed to Lao and when he was inches away from Lao's face he summand all of his air bending strength to the center of his chest and release what he had built up in Lao's face "BBRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUP" the sheer strength and force of Meelo's burp blew Lao threw the tree and had him rolling down the hill. Lao covered his nose for dear life his enhanced senses made Meelo's burp smell a thousand times worse than normal. Lao rolled around the ground while Meelo was holding his stomach laughing so loud that he didn't notice that Lao had already got up and was after Meelo "IM GONNA GET YOU YOU LITTLE SHRIMP" Lao screamed while chasing Meelo all over the Air Temple Island never able to catch him. Ikki was a hyper individual. Her mouth can out run the fastest Sato mobile out there. Ikki always had a question for Lao "what's it like not knowing who you are? What's it like being able to heal? How does it feel having claws in your hands? Do they hurt when they pop out? Huh do they? Do they? Do they? DO THEY? Lao was always bombarded with questions like these when he was around Ikki. To most people they may come off as annoying at times and Lao would agree however he didn't have the heart to say no to them. Whenever he would see there smiles he couldn't help but feel this warmth in his chest no matter how hard he tried to hide his feelings Pema and Tenzin started to notice this and begin discussing this with each other.

During the end of the fifth week Tenzin asked to speak to Lao outside of the house in the middle of the training ground at the end of breakfast. After everyone finished their breakfast Lao helped Pema with the dishes and went to change out of his nightwear to his regular clothes that Tenzin bought for Lao. Stepping outside of the house he took in the sea air something that he always looked forward to in the morning it was the perk of living on an island. Looking down at his new attire he smiled at his new clothes which consist of dark brown work boots, dark blue jeans with a black leather belt, and a plain black t-shirt. Lao pulled out his metal tags that were hidden by his shirt and walked towards the training ground wondering what was so important that he needed to talk to him in private. Once he met Tenzin they both took a seat on the ground looking towards the city "how long have you stayed with us Lao?" Tenzin questioned which caught Lao off guard. Expecting that he had overstayed his welcome Lao prepared himself for the worse and answered his question after taking a deep breathe " five weeks Tenzin. Why do you ask?" Tenzin then stood up "I've notice how much you have fit in with our little family Meelo, Ikki, and Jinora enjoy your company and said that they enjoy having a "big brother" around the house" Lao was shocked at what he said "did they really say that?" Lao questioned "of course, that is why Pema and I have been discussing about a proposal we want to ask you" Lao raised an eyebrow "you're not gonna get on one knee now are you Tenzin? I mean I'm flattered but I don't go that way you know" Tenzin placed his hand on his face and shook his head "…noo. Me and Pema wanted to make your stay more permanent" Lao stood up to face him "we want you to permanently join our family Lao" Lao tried to hide his emotions but a small smile across his lips betrayed him "I am honored Tenzin. I thought you were gonna kick me out for overstaying my welcome or something" Tenzin looked almost insulated at the suggestion "no of course not Lao. In fact we were all hoping you'd say yes" Lao tilted his head "We? It's only us two out here" Tenzin turned Lao around to face Pema and all three children looking at him smiling ear to ear. Pema walked towards Lao and gave him a motherly hug "I am so happy that you decided to stay with us Lao" Lao didn't care what people said right now his tough demeanor went right out the window as he returned her embrace. Pema wiped a tear from her eye while Tenzin put his hand both on Lao's and Pema's shoulder "Meelo, Ikki, Jinora isn't there something you wanted to give Lao" Tenzin mentioned to his children. Meelo ran up to Lao and gave him a card that said thank you for being our big brother while Ikki and Jinora gave Lao a box "you little ankle bitters y'all didn't have to get me a present you know" Jinora laughed at their new nickname "we know but we think you'll like it Lao or wolverine" Lao raised an eyebrow and looked at the box "OPEN IT OPEN IT OPEN IT LAO" Ikki said jumping higher than the last. *Shink* Lao popped out his claws and cut through the gift paper and pop the lid of the box open and pulled out a full length body suit which mainly consisted of the colors of black and orange. The top piece was all black except his chest and shoulders that were orange that ran and slimmed down to his belt forming a V. the pants were all black that came with orange shin guards and matching boots. The gift also came with orange gloves that had metal slots where his claws can easily slide in and out, but the main part of the gift that caught his attention was the mask. The mask only covered the top half revealing the wearers mouth and chin and had white mesh that blocked out the users eyes and had what looked like to be large black fins running along the side of his head almost as if forming horns. "Look guys I appreciate the gift but what is it?" Lao said while raising an eyebrow "it's a superhero costume. Look out bad guys here comes…the Wolverine" Meelo answered "a what? Why did y'all make me a superhero costume?" Lao questioned "Because Lao or wolverine" Pema said while trying to hold in a laugh "when the kids found out that you saved me they started calling you a hero so when we wanted to get you a gift Meelo made an interesting point on how can you be a superhero and don't have a super hero suit so the kids all agreed to make you one, we hope it fits" Lao smirked "I love it guys thank y'all very much. Really" Jinora and Pema smiled while Ikki and Meelo jumped up and down around Lao and Tenzin stroking his beard with a smile across his face. While Pema and the kids walked back inside Lao grabbed his gift and smiled as soon as he was about to walk back inside Tenzin stopped him "there's one more matter I wish to discuss with you Lao" Lao gave him a serious look "what's up" "you said that you don't have any memory of who you were and have been suffering from amnesia" Lao nodded his head confirming Tenzin's information was correct "well my mother is the best water bender healer in all the land if there is anyone that can help you it's her" Lao's interest was immediately peeked " are you serious Tenzin that would be amazing when can we go" Lao said with anticipation in his voice " Pema and the kids and I are actually going tomorrow to visit my mother and to see the new Avatar and her progress at the southern water tribe" Tenzin informed Lao "The Avatar? Like your father Aang right? Able to control all the elements, bring peace and harmony?" Lao questioned. Lao has learned a lot about Benders and the Avatar in the span of five weeks "That's the one Lao if you want you can come along with us to the southern water tribe and maybe my mother can help-"" yes of course I'll start packing immediately" Lao interrupted Tenzin eagerly shaking his hand. "Then its settled you leave with us tomorrow morning" Tenzin proclaimed with that Lao eagerly took off and begin packing up his duffle bag Pema bought for him. The next morning the entire family was up early in the morning Tenzin and Lao carried the sleeping children on to the flying bison next to the sleeping Pema. After getting the remaining bags on to the flying bison they took of heading to the southern water tribe "You may want to take this advantage to get some rest Lao it's a long flight" Tenzin yelled over the rushing winds. Lao nodded his head in agreement and headed towards the back were all the bags were tied down. Leaning against the luggage for support and crossing his arms he slowly started to drift off into sleep.

Lao started to see a dark laboratory with needles and surgical equipment laying on a stand next to an operation table he was strapped into. He begins struggling to break the harness that was restraining him to the table. The more he struggled the more he began panicking, especially when a voice over the intercom frightened the life out of him "you may begin Doctor" the dark sinister voice commanded. Then a doctor dressed in an all-white robe slipped on some latex gloves and with an equal sinister voice he complied "with pleasure" while sticking a needle in his arm injecting him with some drug making him pass out in a few moments. Lao's body jumped looking pale in the face, he saw that he was back on the flying bison with Tenzin and his family. Breathing rather heavy he placed his hand over his chest feeling his heart pounding out of his chest "what the hell was that. Was that supposed to be me in the lab table" Lao thought to himself while placing his hand on his throbbing head. Pema noticed this and quietly scooted towards Lao "must have been a crazy dream huh?" Pema asked Lao "you have no idea Pema" Lao stated while rubbing his head "want to talk about it?" Lao appreciated Pema's kindness but he didn't even truly understand what happened in his dream he was filled with too much fear to think straight. "Maybe another time Pema but not right now… Thank you though" Pema shrugged her shoulders and reached into one of the bags and pulled out a small box "here I want you to use this for tonight when we meet with Tenzin's mother and the Avatar" Lao raised his eyebrow while opening a box to see a facial hair trimmer. "Umm is there something you want to tell me Pema?" Lao joked "well you look a little bit scruffy" Pema quipped. With that Lao ran his hand through the rough beard that started to form. Lao began to laugh "yeah but why tonight were just having dinner with Tenzin's mom and the Avatar nothing special or high class" Pema crossed her arms "look you're going to be eating with the young Avatar and she's single and you're obviously single" "HEY" Lao interrupted "And you're not gonna make a good impression when you look scruffy and rough around the edges. And besides, who knows maybe both you and the Avatar will hit it off good" Pema said winking and nudging Lao with her elbow. Lao immediately went red in the face. "WH-what the. ARE YOU TRYING TO SET ME UP PEMA" Lao stated while flushed in the face. "Well duh. I think you'll really like the young Avatar" Pema argued while crossing her arms "so as soon as we land I want you to rush to the restroom and take care of your beard." Lao just looked off into the distance hopping she would drop it however when her hand connected with the back of his skull he was poorly mistaken "OWW, DAMNIT WHAT THE HELL" "DON'T YOU WHAT THE HELL ME LAO. As soon as we land you will make yourself look proper to Tenzin's mom and especially to the young avatar. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME LAO" Pema ordered with her finger in Lao's face "OWW DAMN OK YOU WIN" Lao said while rubbing the back of his head. Pema smiled with her victory "good because we're almost there so get ready" Pema stated while scooting back to the front. Lao remained behind leaning against their luggage thinking how crazy Pema is to do something like this.

Finally reaching their destination Tenzin landed the flying bison in front of what looked like to be a prison or military compound. Watchtowers surround every corner of the compound and two guarding each side of the entrance gate. There were dozens of guards guarding the entire perimeter of the compound. In one word to sum up the entire compound it was intimidating. They circled around the compound "ARE WE THERE WE THERE WE THERE YET. IT LOOKS LIKE WERE THERE. THIS PLACE LOOKS VERY FAMILIAR. ARE WE ARE WE" restated Ikki jumping up in her seat. "Yes Ikki, as I've been telling you for the last fifteen minutes, we are… FINALLY here. Tenzin deflated in an exhausted tone while Meelo chewed on top of his head. The kids jumped of the resting bison summoning their air scooters following Tenzin to meet their grandmother. While Lao watched Tenzin greet his mother he noticed a young woman standing behind Tenzin's mother. She wore a dark blue parka jacket with some kind of animal pelt around her waist with matching dark snow pants and light brown fur boots. She had beautiful almond skin with flowing brown hair that was put in a ponytail. Lao was lost in her cyan blue eyes it felt as if he was looking in the ocean its self he was absolutely speechless. Pema smirked when she caught Lao's expression "I knew that you would like her. Now hurry up rush inside and shave before she sees you" she said while patting Lao on the shoulder and moving to slide down to join her husband. Lao regained his composure and went to grab his bags. "But you were supposed to teach me air bending" Korra pouted "I'm sorry Korra somethings come up" Korra looked at the bison when a young man caught her attention. He wore light brown worker boots with light blue jeans and a white T-shirt underneath a button up flannel. To top off his attire he wore a dark brown leather jacket with dark orange trim around the bottom of his jacket and three of the same dark orange perpendicular stripes across his arms. There was a manly look to him especially with his rough looking beard and mid-length dark brown hair. Lao tossed his duffel bag over his shoulder and vault off the sleeping bison Korra's gazed instantly changed to a death glare towards the young man. She shifted her attention toward Tenzin now frowning "it's because of HIM isn't it. What is he your new student or something?" Korra assumed with frustration behind her tone. "ILL SHOW YOU THAT IM BETTER THEN HIM. WATCH ME" Bellowed Korra as she water bend a boulder size snow ball towards Lao connecting dead center of his chest sending Lao flying fifteen ft. across the field. Lao tumbled and rolled for what felt like five minutes standing back up in a daze all he saw was the obviously pissed Avatar sprinting towards him shooting her fist in front of her blasting a what would be devastating fire ball. "What the hell did I do to piss her off? I didn't even say anything" Lao thought to himself as he dodges the incoming fire projectile. While rolling out of the way Lao simultaneously grabs a handful of snow and chucks it in the Avatar's face blinding and immobilizing her. While Korra wiped the snow out of her face Lao took the advantage of the opportunity and pinned her arms against the sleeping bison "GRRR, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. I HAVENT EVEN SAID HELLO OR ANYTHING" Growled Lao to which Korra replied by biting down on his neck as hard as she could. "ARRGHGRRR" Lao howled in pain and he did what first came to mind. Lao also bit down on her neck not letting go of his grip or his bite and neither was Korra, Pema rushed to cover the kids eyes while Tenzin grew red in the face and flew towards both of them and air blasted Lao ten feet away from Korra. "THATS ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU. KORRA ILL EXPLAIN WHY I CAN'T TRAIN YOU TONIGHT. AND LAO…. I expected better out of you." Tenzin scorned both of them. Lao sat there in the snow dumbfounded "HOW THE HELL IS THIS MY FAULT. SHE ATTACKED ME" Lao sprang up from the ground defending himself. Tenzin ignored his bickering and walked his mother and children inside the compound Korra followed behind Tenzin giving Lao a furious gaze. "GRR THAT BIT-"Pema cut of Lao giving him a glare of her own "WHAT. You know I didn't do nothin" Lao defended himself "NOTHING!? Look I knew you like her and I wanted you to make a good impression but I didn't think you were gonna pin her and already try making out with her…that's pretty bold of you" scolded Pema. Lao immediately felt his face heat up "MAKE OUT!? AS IF. SHE WAS THE ONE WHO TOOK A CHOMP OUT OF ME" Lao argued pointing to where the Avatar bit him. Pema raised an eyebrow "really? So you're telling me you weren't gawking over her when we landed? Or you weren't imagining kissing her when your lips were just inches away when you pinned her?" Pema Teased watching Lao growing redder in the face with each accusation. "Grr, I don't need to take this" Lao growled in defeat he quickly started walking away, however he stopped after a few paces and turned around to look at Pema "I don't even know the girl's name" Lao said trying to hide his curiosity to the Avatar. Pema smirked knowing full well he was interested in the young Avatar "Korra. Her name is Korra" Pema stated while folding her arms "I still say you should shave before tonight" Pema joked "I'll think about it Pema"

Lao looked at himself in the mirror rinsing off his face. He shaved his upper lip and trimmed down the facial hair on his cheeks and shaved his chin however he left some facial hair running from his sideburns down to the side of his cheeks and to the corners of his chin leaving a gap so they didn't touch or connect. "Damn. I sure do look good" Lao mused to himself. He had a meeting with Tenzin's mother. Maybe. Just maybe. He might get some answers to who he is and where he came from. Walking through the compound he meet Tenzin's mother at the medical bay in the compound. "Hello young man my name is katara. And my son has told me all about you and your issue with amnesia" greeted Katara. Lao bowed in front of the old woman "Hello master Katara my name is Lao… at least that's what I think it is" Lao greeted while showing her his tags. "Greetings Lao, please lie down and relax while I do my best to unlock your memories" Katara motioned him to lie down so she can attempt to heal his mind using water bending. "Do you think this would work Katara? Can you really restore my memories?" uttered Lao. he was anxious and excited thinking that he was finally going to get some answers. "It's hard to say young man. everyone's mind is different it's a fifty-fifty shot and if press to hard I could damage your brain" Katara stated while concentrating her water bending while her palms rested on the temples of Lao's head. It felt forever to Lao waiting to hear something anything he wanted answers, Katara exhaled "I'm sorry Lao I tried. If I pushed any further I would completely shatter your mind overwhelming your psyche" Lao sat up feeling defeated as if he was out of options to figure out his past. Katara placed a comforting hand on his shoulder "give it time Lao, I believe your memories will start coming back. you just need to be patient and give your mind time to recollect the lost memories" Lao nodded in agreement however as soon as he sat up Katara stop him with a serious look in her eyes "There is a favor I must ask of you Lao please hear me out" Lao raised an eyebrow "sure go ahead shoot. What's the favor" questioned Lao " I know at the dinner they're gonna tell Korra that she can't continue her avatar training and I raised her since she was a little girl so I know she isn't gonna take no for an answer and most likely she is going to find a way to sneak her way to start her training… Please Lao I'm begging you talk my son Tenzin into letting her stay so he could teach her and also for you to look after her. She is going to be in a new environment with no one to connect with and you're around her age so please try to connect with her and watch out for her." Lao was shocked "that's….one hellava big request Katara…I can talk to Tenzin and talk him into letting her stay however connecting with Korra on the other hand… it's just…she's a pain in the ass. I wasn't even here for five minute and she already attacked me" Katara smiled at Lao's childish behavior it almost reminded her of her brother Sokka but also saw the seriousness in him like fire lord Zuko. "Pema told me that you… have an attraction to Korra. Am I Right?" Lao felt his face went red at the accusation Katara stated and immediately looked in the other direction. Katara chuckled at his behavior "because from what I saw in Korra's eyes when she saw you… she is also attracted to you" with that said Katara left him in his shocked state silently laughing to herself instantly bringing back memories of her and Aang.

Lao walked down the halls of the compound heading for the dinner when he finally found his way the only people attending the dinner were Tenzin, Korra, and three members of the white lotus. As soon as he walked inside the dining hall everyone's eyes went directly on him and especially Korra's signature death stare "ha-ha, am I late to the party?" Lao chuckled nervously. Tenzin sighed "take a seat over by the other table Lao" Tenzin commanded while pointing to the table adjacent to their own. Growling at the humiliation of being treated like a child he plopped down at the designated table and rested his chin in the palm of his hand waiting for their conversation to be over. However he felt Korra's murderous gaze burning holes in his skull and when he finally looked up in her direction she stuck out her tongue making fun at his expense. Lao began growling but decided to be more mature so he smiled towards her witch caught her off guard and then very politely gave Korra the middle finger. The look of disgust ran over her face and she immediately started ignoring him "Hmph… that worked out nicely"

Lao tried to ignore their conversation but sure enough to Katara's prediction Korra proposed that she travel and stay with Tenzin on Air Temple Island "Absolutely not" Proclaimed one of the White lotus members while simultaneously slamming his hand down against the table making everyone's plates jump "the city is far too dangerous with random thugs and gang members running around you would be at risk living at air temple Island. So no we won't allow it" continued the slightly overweight man "Whoa whoa take it easy there stumpy. Air Temple Island ain't all that bad ok" Stated Lao which caused everyone to immediately stare at the young man "and why should I even bother listening to a feeble young man like you" slurred the white lotus member. Lao raised an eyebrow "Because I just so happen to be a resident at Air Temple Island and its nothing but safe there" "I'm sorry but the words from a sheltered immature brat who doesn't know his place doesn't have the right to state their opinion in this matter. So please be a good little boy and sit at the kids table like Tenzin instructed you" everyone watch in shocked at how the white lotus member seemed to put Lao in his place. Lao stood up and slowly walked towards the white lotus member "Listen here baldy when you talked about how dangerous republic city is that's true and you're looking at the most dangerous man who lives there" Korra snickered when she heard Lao call himself a dangerous man "Pssh, yeah ri-" *SHINK* Korra thought was immediately lost when she witnessed three razor sharp claws spring out of Lao's knuckles. Lao kept walking towards the white lotus member amused by the fear in the grown man's eyes "And you're lucky I'm on your side because I would've gutted you by now" Lao smiled as he watched the sweat run down the white lotus member's head. Now leaning over the table Lao placed his claws underneath the now shaking man's chin poking at his soft tissue "I can vouch for Tenzin and Air Temple Island. Korra. Will. Be .SAFE." growled Lao as he slammed his claws through the table piercing the White lotus member's dumplings on his plate. Lao grinned when he saw the old man flinch he pulled out his claws from the table taking three of his dumplings and gave the man a disgusted look "WHAT!? It looks like you could lose the weight". While Lao leaned back munching on the dumplings Korra starred in amazement "How did he do that? Is he some kind of metal bender? And most importantly did he just stand up for… me?" While Lao finished the last dumpling the White lotus member shoot up out of his seat furious "MASTER TENZIN YOU MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR…THING UNDER CONTROL OR ON A LEASH" Commanded the white lotus member and just when Tenzin was about to Trash out at him for his disrespect Lao beat him to it "GRRRR, Up yours fatty" Lao spat while two of his claws shot back in his knuckles leaving the middle claw to send a message to the old man. Walking towards the door to exit the dinner hall Tenzin shot up "where are you going Lao" questioned Tenzin "LET HIM GO. MAYBE IF WERE LUCKY HE'LL GET MAULED BY A WILD POLAR BEAR DOG" bellowed the frightened white lotus member. Korra was outraged by how this man treated Lao. First he insulted him in front of everyone then he tries to belittle him by calling Lao a "Thing" now to top it all off he just wished that he would get mauled by a Polar Bear Dog. Korra sprang out of her seat ready to tell this man off, However before Tenzin or Korra could retort Lao responded to Tenzin's question "I'm going out for a smoke" Lao stated while pulling out a cigar from his jacket pocket leaving everyone inside as he stepped into the harsh cold winds of the night outside. Stepping outside he walked towards what looked like to be stables for animal though they were completely empty. Leaning his back against a pillar Lao reached in his pocket to pull out a lighter. It wasn't anything fancy just a plain old bronze generic lighter with a few dents and scrapes. Placing the cigar in his mouth he cupped his hands in order to shield the lighter from the harsh winds while trying to ignite a flame. After a few tries he cursed to himself and mumbled "Damn thing, Piece of crap never works when I want it to" Just as soon as he was about to give up and go back inside a scorching fireball flew just inches from his face and landing in the snow. Looking to where the fireball landed he shifted his eyes to the now lit cigar "there you go tough guy" Lao turned his head to his left and saw the Avatar leaning her shoulder against one of the stables facing him with her hand placed on her hip. Lao frowned "oh great what is it now, I already have enough to think about and now she has to come and say something" Lao thought to himself. That is until the unthinkable happened before his eyes "Look I'm sorry for what I did this morning" Apologized Korra. Lao was shocked that he heard her apologize "Look it's alright ok" sighed Lao, Korra continued "and I wanted to thank you for standing up for me. It means a-""stop right there" Hushed Lao while blowing smoke rings while taking the cigar out of his mouth and holding it between two fingers. "I didn't stand up for YOU. I didn't like it when that fat bastard talked down about Air Temple Island in front of Tenzin something had to be said. So no I didn't stand up for you ok" argued Lao putting the cigar back in his mouth sucking in smoke. Korra glared her signature death stare at Lao burning holes into the side of his skull. "YOU'RE SUCH AN ASS. I SHOULDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZED TO YOU" screamed Korra as she stormed off then with a flick of her wrist the snow on the ground in front of Lao jumped up and collided with his face instantly putting out his cigar. Lao growled and whipped the snow off of his face and watched Korra storm inside back to the compound. Shaking his head he took the now soaked cigar and flicked it towards the snow "….Damn…That was my last cigar" complained Lao as he kicked a pile of snow and walked towards the compound himself.

As soon as Lao walked inside the compound he felt a small feminine hand collide to the back of his skull. "OWW" yelled Lao while simultaneously turning around to face the offender ready to deal them a world of hurt however when all he saw was a very pissed off Pema he cursed himself and thought what did he do wrong now. "Lao... do you mind telling me...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" Scorned Pema like she would to a toddler "WHAT WAS WHAT?" "YOU PRACTILLY HAD KORRA WHERE YOU WANTED HER…And you just blew it" Pema angrily explained while poking Lao in the chest. "HEY! YOU WEREN'T THERE…wait a minute…how do you-WHERE YOU SPYING ON US" Lao yelled at the top of his lungs "DON'T YOU YELL AT ME LAO, and I had to. After I heard you get in the argument with the White Lotus and stormed off Korra had a look of concern and when she got up to leave I cut her off by the door to ask where she was going. And she told me" "I need to apologize and thank him I just don't know his name. I mean they've mentioned it but I wasn't really paying attention" admitted Korra slightly embarrassed." I told her your name and pointed her to your direction only to have her storming back a few minutes later telling me how much of a jerk you were…and jerk is putting it mildly compared to how she explained it" After Pema explained the entire situation to Lao he just stood there feeling awful. "she went out of her way to apologize to me but I was to pissed off by that fat ass and I acted…well…like an ass" Lao gently placed his hands on Pema shoulders "Pema please. Tell me. Where did Korra go?" Pema with a confused looked questioned Lao "…down to the stables on the other side of the compound…why do you ask?" "Because as much as it pains me to say it…I need to make this right and apologize" Lao admitted in a defeated sigh. Pema gleamed with joy "Finally your making sense… well don't waste your time talking to me go do what you got to do…oh and this time try not to make out with her like you did this morning" "I WASN'T…GRR whatever" Defended Lao walking past Pema while slightly blushing. "The fact that you're mad means it's true" teased Pema as she watch Lao walk off growling in defeat.

Hiking through the shin high snow Lao muscled his way to the stables on the opposite side of the compound thinking to himself "why is she so stubborn. I didn't even do anything and she attacks me the first time I see her…that crazy woman…that crazy…beautiful woman with her flowing silky hair and stunning cyan eyes," Lao had only met her and yet she had such an impact on him. She was strong and passionate and for her to admit that she was wrong made him respect her that much more. Lao immediately chase those thoughts out of his mind when he finally reached the stables. He looked into each stable to find nothing until he reached the middle stall and saw that there were stairs that led down to a secret kennel he instantly caught the enticing scent of Korra. She smelled of sweet lavender that instantly put him at ease. Shaking his head as he slowly descended down the stairs "stop thinking about her like this. Yes she is beautiful but she is so-""HE IS SO STUBBORN NAGA" Lao was instantly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Korra arguing with someone named naga. He stealthy tiptoed down the stairs his body hugging the wall. He stopped when he got to the last step, poking his head slightly pass the wall he caught a glimpse of a giant polar bear dog "YOU WOULDN'T BELIVE THIS GUY NAGA HE IS SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS" Korra complained to the giant white polar bear dog "ME! She's calling me an ass she is the one who is being difficult" Lao complained to himself while he remain eavesdropping on Korra's conversation with herself "he just so rude and a smartass…well the smartass isn't that bad…when he told off that white lotus member his face went so red I thought he was going to bust a blood vessel or something" laughed Korra to herself and even Lao chuckled silently to himself "it was fun putting that fat jerk in his place especially when I showed him my claws and scared the piss out of him". Korra sits down against the body Naga still thinking aloud "well to be perfectly honest he is kind of…handsome" Korra uttered to Naga while twirling her hair with her finger. Lao felt his face slightly heat up while smiling to himself "your damn right I'm handsome" Lao's hand shot over his mouth as the words unintentionally slipped from his lips. Fear shot up spine "oh please for the love of… tell me she didn't hear me" Lao thought to himself "WHO'S THERE" Korra spat "Crap" Lao cursed at himself. Lao stepped out from around the corner revealing himself. Korra slightly blushed also frowning at him "what are you doing and where you spying on me?" questioned Korra while crossing her arms studying Lao "he sure does look good-STOP IT KORRA…get a hold of yourself" Lao snapped Korra out of her thought when he began to speak "Look… I wanted to apologize"-"WHAT" Korra's jaw dropped she wasn't expecting him to apologize Lao didn't seem like the type to admit he was wrong from what she has seen he just growls and walks away "what I did was wrong…you went out of your way to apologize to me and I acted" "Like an ass" Korra interrupted placing her hands on her hips and giving him a smug look. Lao slowly began Growling but he reminded himself why he was here "Yeah…like an ass. I was still upset from that fat ass and I took it out on you unfortunately" Lao stepped closer which made Naga slightly territorial and he began growling "is that what I sound like?" Lao thought to himself "its ok Naga" Korra cooed easing Naga's nerves Lao continued walking towards Korra then he stopped a few feet in front of her. Korra couldn't look away from his facial features his facial hair and stone cold look that made him look intimidating, however it was his soft brown eyes that betrayed him it was as if they gave Korra a sense of security and warmth. He was rugged, rude and even acted a bit like an animal but something drew Korra in she wanted to know more about this young man there was a mystery to him and maybe just maybe even an overlooked soft side. Lao drew her attention when he extended his hand "What do you say Avatar. Water under the Bridge?" Korra tried to give a stern look but she couldn't help but chuckle and playfully roll her eyes "sure thing" she smiled reaching for his hand. Lao noticed how soft her hand felt while simultaneously Korra felt his rough and calloused hand. "We never really got to properly introduce each other my name is Lao" Lao informed while letting go of her hand. Korra couldn't help but smile she knew that they both new each other's name even though they didn't tell each other "My names Korra" "Korra huh? That's a pretty name" Lao charmingly complimented Korra felt a slight blush come across her face "Thanks. Oh and this lovable fur ball is named Naga. Say hi girl" Naga raised her head and got up from laying on her bed made of pelts and walked towards Lao sniffing him up and down for any threats as soon as Naga was comfortable she gave him a wet sloppy lick up his face "ackh. urghh. It got in my mouth" Lao spitted in disgust while Korra held her stomach crying in laughter "that means she likes you" Korra giggled while wiping a tear from her eye. Looking at Lao's saliva covered face made her realize that maybe he wasn't that bad. "Come on lets go get you a wet towel so you can clean up your face" Korra giggled as she grabbed his arm to lead him back outside "wow. He has some muscle" Korra thought to himself. They both walked side by side to the outside walking back to the compound.

As soon as they walked back into the compound Korra left to snatch a wet towel and tossed it towards Lao wiping his face clean of saliva. After Lao finish wiping his face he looked at Korra knowing she was thinking of something "what seems to be on your mind" asked Lao. Korra looked up and debated whether or not she should tell him "I'm just…thinking how I can get Tenzin to train me. The white Lotus won't let me leave this prison and Tenzin can't stay" Lao could practically see the wheels turning in her head. He shook his head thinking to himself "that old hag was right she is gonna somehow sneak her way to republic city" Lao gently placed his hand on Korra's making her stiffen just a bit then she eventually loosen up also feeling a blush creep up on her "look I know you'll find a way so get some rest and you'll come up with an idea" Lao suggested standing up. Korra also stood up both of them standing there in awkward silence wondering what to do next they both secretly didn't want to leave Korra decided to break the silence "so… your leaving with Tenzin tomorrow right?" "Yeah, so I'd better go get some rest to wake up early to take off with them" Lao answered. They both slowly started walking away until Lao turned around and uttered "goodnight darlin" then left to his guest room while Korra remained in place feeling her face burn bright red. A large smile came across her face as she walked back to her room not being able to stop thinking about the young man. While Lao walked back to his room he also couldn't help but think of the young Avatar until he bumped into Pema. "So how did it go?" Pema questioned smiling ear to ear. "uhhh. It went good. I apologized she accepted and that was it" deadpanned Lao hoping not to reveal too much to Pema "ohh really?...well make sure to tell Korra goodbye when we leave tomorrow ok…darlin" Pema wink as she teased Lao walking past him "GRR C'MON. ARE YOU SERIOUS PEMA" shouted Lao as she ignored him.

Early in the morning Lao was helping Tenzin pack up there bags while Pema rested with the children on top of the flying bison while katara stood by them. As soon as Lao placed the last bag on the flying Bison he noticed a feminine figure ridding a giant white Polar Bear dog towards them. Lao smiled secretly he wanted her to say goodbye before they left and he was going to tell her goodbye but noticed she was fast asleep. "Looks like you have a visitor" Pema whispered making Lao jump slightly he turned around to see a smiling Pema she motioned him towards Korra in which he nodded to comply. Jumping off the bison he walked towards Katara giving Tenzin a motherly hug after breaking his mother's embrace he walked towards Lao placing his hand on his shoulder slightly smiling and giving him a pat on the shoulder and walked towards the bison. Katara smiled and gave him a hug "remember take care of her. Please" reminded Katara "I will ma'am" she smiled placing a soft hand on his cheek and stepping back watching Korra rush towards them on her Polar Bear dog. Coming to a sudden halt stopping a few feet from Lao and Katara jumping off of Naga Lao noticed she looked a little pissed "ahh crap, what did I do now" Lao thought to himself. Korra stomped towards him angrily pouting her lips "where you gonna leave without saying goodbye to m-naga" Korra spat while correcting herself in the nic of time. Lao smiled to himself and walked over and scratch behind Naga's ear watching her leg start shaking "of course not. I actually went to say goodbye to you first but I saw you were fast asleep. I didn't want to wake you" Lao said softly looking at Korra and he could have sworn he thought he saw her smile for a second. "Sure you did" Korra joked as she walked towards Lao "I guess this is the last time we're going to see each other" Korra said sounding slightly sad. Lao chuckled "I think we're going to see each other real soon. Sooner than you think darlin" Korra couldn't help but smile. Lao turned his back towards her and walked to the flying bison "try not to do anything stupid ok" shouted Lao over his shoulder "and there he goes ruining the moment" Korra thought to herself as she water bend a snowball hurling it towards his head making full contact to the back of his head "and quit being an ass" Korra yelled towards him. Lao wiped the back of his head and smiled "I can't promise that Korra" chuckled Lao "then I can't promise not to do anything "Stupid"" Korra shouted while crossing her arms. Hoping back on the flying bison Lao sat towards the luggage getting a clear view of Korra and Katara. right before the flying bison was about to take off Korra stuck out her tongue making Lao slightly smile so he showed her the same kindness *SHINK*Lao's middle claw popped out sending Korra a clear message as the flying bison took off in the wind "YOUR SUCH AN ASS" Shouted Korra as she watch them disappear and as soon as she was sure that they were gone a small smile came across her lips.

Still looking out towards the now barely visible compound Lao stroked his facial hair smiling and secretly hoping that Katara is right and that she will do something stupid and somehow end up at Republic city. As soon as he turned around he saw both a smirking Pema and Tenzin "ah crap…they're not gonna let this go now" Lao thought to himself as he ignored their stares and whispers. Lao noticed the sleeping children he agreed he should get some rest before they wake up. Lao leaned against the luggage and closed his eyes getting ready for dome rest "BBRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUP" Lao's eyes immediately shot open while the noise woke him up and the excruciating smell assaulted his already enhance senses "IM GONNA GET YOU YOU LITTLE SHRIMP" roared Lao while covering his nose rolling around feeling queasy

HELLO EVERYBODY this is my first story I hope y'all like it and I welcome all criticisms please it really helps and tell me what you would like to hear in the future this is a very unique crossover and in my story wolverine is named Lao instead of Logan just so he could fit in a little more and he is around 19 and Korra is 17. I'm gonna try to go through all of season one and mainly fallow Lao and Korra.

Just in case y'all are interested I'm from San Antonio TX and the reason why I mention it is because it's hard to write a story when you have a southern accent ill be in the middle of writing and realize what I wrote wouldn't make that much sense so I go "AH SHIT" then I have to re-write my southern tone out of the story so I tried my best and I hope I didn't make any slip ups the only time I use my southern accent in this story is when Lao would speak I thought it would fit in helping him seem rugged. I am currently working on chapter two and three and I will post chapter two next week which will most likely be on Friday 9/18 but if I finish early ill post it early and please if I get something wrong or miss a major detail let me know or if you have an interesting idea tell me ill love to hear it and I might put it in the story well I gots to go I really hope y'all like my first story and if you have any questions be free to ask thank y'all :D Oh before I forget if anyone is interested in this story let me know if y'all want to see any other mutants in this story like a special appearance from a certain "merc with a mouth" someone give me ideas I'll give y'all shoutouts in the next chapter thanks for your help Peace out XD