Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Ect.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, but if you don't know that by now, it's too late.

Note: In reply to the lovely commenters from the previous chapter…

YellowAngela - Sorry for the shortness, I had to chunk up the remaining chapters so that it would fit and that's sort of how it ended up.(:P)

P – Thank you, and I hope to do so!

Guest – Yeah! Thanks for the cheer! P^P)b~

Generator Rex : Loss – Part 18

The night's silence was interrupted by a crash as Rex jumped through the ceiling and into the air, sharp shards of concrete cutting into his arms. The ground shook again as either an explosion went off or the evo had head-butted a wall in place of Rex. The emptiness and serene surroundings showed no sign of the chaos that he had just escaped from. Glancing around, Rex frowned; Providence was nowhere to be seen.

Setting Twon down, Rex's hand went to his earpiece.

"How about now?"

"ETA is 3."

Rex squinted, but the inky blackness swallowed any sign of the ships arrival. He rested his palms on his knees, chest heaving, and looked down into the hole he had just created.

A black pit greeted his eyes and he jerked his head back, narrowly missing the liquid projectile the evo launched his way.

"Woah!" The ground shook and there was a roar from below his feet. The evo rammed into the wall again. Rex quirked an eyebrow as the evo repeated struck the walls like a wild beast. What was it doing? The edges of the hole started to crumble inwards and chunks started to fall, jarred by the shaking of the walls.

It was trying to get out.

"Oh no you don't!" Rex clenched his fists then took a deep breath. This evo could not escape at any cost. There would be carnage if it was let loose. It was a deceptively easy choice that spoke nothing of the consequences; he had to go back in.

Building his Blast Caster, Rex turned to Twon. "Stay here, okay? I'll be right back…"Hopefully.

Not waiting for the boy's response, he leapt down the hole.

"Over here you big, fat, ugly –"As Rex yelled out all the insults he could conjure, he lashed out an arm, the whip coiling around the evo's midsection. It paused and Rex jerked his arm back, sending a charge through.

However, at that moment, the monster charged forward in the opposite direction to hit the wall again, seemingly unaffected by the barrage of electricity. Rex felt an unnatural pressure on his joint and with a sickening pop, pain flared throughout his elbow and shoulder.

"Arrgh!" Stumbling backwards, Rex tried to move his arm but it hung there limply, unresponsive. A white mass barged into him and Rex hit the opposite wall.

It was like getting smacked with a wrecking ball and Rex groaned, sliding to the floor. His breath came in even shorter gasps - one of his ribs was probably cracked - yet he clambered up to his feet and grit his teeth.

"Rex, we're here. Where are you?" Six's voice spoke into Rex's ear, but he could barely hear. He could barely even stand, but this evo was not getting past him.

"I said, over here!" Rex kicked a stone from the floor and it smacked the evo's fleshy side. It laboriously swiveled around and faced Rex, drooling small puddles of black acid.

"Rex, wherever you are, get out now!" Holiday saw his adrenalin was up, but he wasn't thinking coherently and was running on an empty tank. Most men would have fallen in his place, but he stood on.

"Sorry Doc… No can do." Weakly, Rex raised his remaining functional arm. "I'm going to try and cure it."

"What, Rex?! No! Are you facing one of Kager's evos? If you try, you might not survive!"

"I can't let it get out. People… even more people will die, Doc." He mustered up a grin even though Holiday couldn't see him. "You know me, I never listen to orders."

The evo tilted its head, warily gazing at Rex's outstretched hand. He narrowed his eyes. "Come on! It just you, and me big guy, right here you overgrown albino toad!"

With a gurgle, the evo's legs twitched and it appeared in front of Rex who slammed his hand into its forehead, deaf to Holiday's and Six's voices. They both froze and, like before, a blue glow spread from Rex's arm with a countering red glow from the evo.

Holiday griped the edge of her desk, cold metal biting into the skin of her palm, staring at Rex's bios on the screen of her monitor. Again, not again! What had any of them done to deserve this?

The red glow invaded the blue and unlike the last time, there was no one to stop it. Slowly, it made its way to his hand and up his arm like a parasitic vine. Rex's eyes, which were shut in concentration, slowly opened and revealed a red tinge. He groaned, and the light faded as he slumped to the ground, not moving, not breathing.

Holiday's heart seemed to drop along with Rex's readings. Never had she thought this day would come. A crackling came from her ear piece.

"Holiday, what's going on?"

"S-Six, he- Rex, He's-!" She choked, unable to speak the word, as if that would make the information in front of her eyes a reality.

Rex lay on the cold concrete ground with the evo hovering over him. With a shake of its head, it gurgled softly then separated its jaws into a gaping pit of black and scooped the limp figure up into its mouth, the acidic black goo eating away at his clothes and skin. The evo tilted its head up to swallow then gagged. Something was wrong.

The evo's white, bumpy body seemed to boil and it screeched trying to dislodge the body stuck in its throat, but to no avail. Its skin bulged, and a red light spread from its throat to the rest of its body. As it spread, the color changed from red to blue, and with a final scream, it exploded.

Six threw out his hands to steady his body as the ground shook. He was about to communicate to the rest of the agents when the ground seemed to erupt underneath him, various areas collapsing into the earth. He leapt away and landed on a stable patch watching as, seemingly out of nowhere, chunks of grey and white concrete, studded with wires, revealed itself in the rubble. After that huge eruption, the quiet that swept in was unsettling. He looked around the area then pressed a button on his communicator.

"Have the agents scan the area. I want everything of importance to be found and brought back to Providence for inspection." Six scowled and grit his teeth, remembering Holiday's outburst. "But first, find Rex and bring him back to the jet. I want an emergency medic bay on standby."

. . .

"Sir, I think we found him!"

Thirty minutes later, there was a shout from one of the grunts and Six dashed towards his location. Several agents were lifting large blocks of rubble away and shining a light through the cracks. He skidded to a stop and whipped out his blades, cutting the piece of concrete they were trying to move cleanly in half.

There lay a familiar figure, face down with tattered clothing and bloody burns all over his skin. Sucking in a subconscious breath at the sight of the battered teen, Six's fingers curled into a fist and he glanced around. Where was the monster that had done this? He was just itching to land a couple of good stabs and hits on the creature, something to relieve the acidic anger that boiled in the pit of his stomach.


Six turned his glare onto the agent who had interrupted his train-wreck of a thought and the agent squeaked, stepping back. Even with the sunglasses on, the intensity of Six's death stare could still be felt.


"W-well, shouldn't we get him to the medic bay? He's going to die soon if we don't administer treatment…"

Six leapt to Rex's still figure on the ground and put his ear to Rex's face. It was faint, but a breath rasped in and out of his mouth. Letting out a lungful of air he didn't know he was holding, Six removed his jacket and wrapped it around Rex's body so as not to touch the weeping wounds.

At the movement, Rex let out a groan and his eyelids twitched before finally cracking open.

"Six…? The evo… where…?"

Six glanced around at the fine powder dusting the ground and looked back up.

"Don't worry about it, it's been neutralized."

"…Twon? Is he… here?"

"…Twon? There was no one at this site when we arrived."

"Nothing… It's nothing. Six… I-I just want to go home…"

"We will. Soon. Let's get you back to headquarters."

Rex's eyes shut and Six beeped Holiday, who looked up warily at the interruption, her eyes rimmed with red.

"Holiday, I'm coming back. Prep the medical bay."


"We're coming back. He's alive. Rex is still alive."

Rex woke up to see a white ceiling and dimmed lights. He turned his head and a small grunt escaped his mouth at the pain that flared throughout his body. Holiday was sitting with her back to him at one of her desks; her head nodding as she lightly dozed. He tried to get up without alerting her, but he nudged something off the bed and it clattered to the floor. Her head jerked up and she spun around, chair scraping against the floor in her haste.

"Rex…! How are you feeling?" Immediately, Holiday began running tests and reading information off the monitors. He grimaced.

"Like I've been run over by a steamroller and tossed into a volcano."

The corner of her mouth quirked up for a second and she stooped down to pick up the object he had knocked onto the floor.

"Here. I've never been happier at an equipment malfunction. I- we thought we had lost you for a second there." Holiday had seen the monitor that had been sending in Rex's bios and wasn't surprised that it had stopped working, cutting off all flow of information. "That must have been some fight." She handed him his goggles and gently helped him sit up as he took them. Then she took a deep breath and looked at Rex.

"Rex, I need to tell you something. I- I wanted to tell you, before but… I know this isn't the best time but I think I shouldn't put it off any longer. I-"

"I know she's gone, Doc."

"Yes she's… you- what?"

Rex exhaled and leaned gingerly back against the wall behind him. He regarded the ceiling in resigned reproach, as if all the answers to the world's miseries lay there, hidden in the lines of the panels.

"Kager… showed me."

Holiday took another breath and let it out.

"Rex, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to find out like that."

He looked at her and then looked away.

"I get why you did it, but I'm not a kid anymore. Don't… I don't want you to lie to me like that ever again. Not you Doc."

"I won't, I'm- I'm sorry. I thought it was for the best…"

Rex struggled to get up and she reached out to help him but he jerked away and she slowly retracted her hand, letting it fall to her side. He stared at the door.

"Sorry, I just want to be alone right now." With that parting remark, he staggered out of the room and Holiday heavily sat down, putting her head in her hands. Yep, it hurt a lot more than she thought it would, but Rex was probably in more pain than she was. She deserved this.

Rex walked through the hallways, glad that they were devoid of people for once. He made his way up a familiar route and climbed up onto the roof, shutting the door behind him. For a while, he stared at the open blue sky, so contradictory to how he was feeling inside then sat down at the edge of the roof, remembering the last time he had been there with a small figure seated next to him, looking at him as if he was the best person in the whole world.

He couldn't even protect such a small girl who held so much trust in him, who he had sworn to protect from the horrors in her past. It was only now, after seeing the facility that he realized how powerless he really was. All those children, dead. Gone.

A while passed and the door behind him swung open, footsteps clicking against the floor of the concrete to join him in his solitude. Rex didn't turn to acknowledge the green clad figure that stood next to him.

Six silently stared at the sky as well before opening his mouth.

"Did Holiday tell you?"

"No. Kager beat her to it."

There was a long silence before Six reached into his coat jacket and pulled out a well worn object.

"I have no right to say this, but I think she would have wanted you to have this." Six laid down the sketch book next to Rex and turned, walking away. Halfway to the door, he paused. "Rex, don't beat yourself up to much over this. You're not a god, you can't save everyone. There will always be casualties in war, and you can't prevent that." He left and Rex continued to gaze at the fluffy clouds that crawled across the sky.

It wasn't until an hour later that he picked up the sketch book, curious despite the pain that racked his heart.

He flipped through the pages slowly, absorbing each image as it appeared; each carefully crafted line, each image she had chosen to embed in her heart. A drop splattered onto a page, and Rex roughly wiped at his eyes, looking up at the sky again. Her message was conveyed in every page, even the dark ones of the cruel experiments, especially in the ones of him.

Thank you. Her heartfelt thanks was shown in every page. "Thank you for rescuing me from the dark. Thank you for letting me laugh. Thank you, even if it was just for a short time, for being my family. Thank you, Rex. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

How could a girl, who had suffered so much, been able to smile and care and not been warped by her hellish environment? Rex closed his eyes and saw her grin, her laugh, and a million other moments that he had shared with the little sister he never had.

His eyes opened after a time and they shone with new resolve. He wouldn't disgrace her memory by moping and regretting, but would look forward, to the future. Yes, he couldn't save everyone, but he would save as many as he could, and he would smile while doing so. Maybe, maybe then she would look down, wherever she was, and see him smiling and be happy. It was what he owed her, to be happy.

There was still so much to face for tomorrow, and the pain that came with the memory of the past many days would not fade for a long time, perhaps it never would, but for now, he gazed at the endless blue sky and said goodbye to the little girl with the courage to keep standing up no matter what.

\(QAQ)/Aaaaaand, that's a wrap! Wow, this is my first ever extended piece that I've finished, and I hope to have many more in the future. This turned from something cute and fluffy, to something dark and sad pretty quickly, but I hope I left some sort of hopeful message with you all. Thank you to all past and future readers, and especially YellowAngela for providing me support as I wrote this. Wow, I've been working on this for so long, I'm kind of sad to see it end… but stay tuned for my next Generator Rex Fanfic! (Which will not come to light for the next month probably because of an extended school project... ) Please vote, and feedback would be apreciated. Cheers ~ (P^P)b