the things under the rules are what they sidekicks wrote after the rule was posted. the rules are written by a members of league mostly superman and man-hunter ,not batman. if batman wants them to stop doing something they will stop doing it. this is before rocket and are added on over time with that being said me brokie no ownie on with the fan-fic

- 1) do not say you work in the bat cave. you do not work in the bat cave.

zatanna. I didn't say I work into the bat cave, I just hinted at it

robin. I do work in the bat cave

2) boys are not aloud in the girls locker room

wally. I swear I was just looking for a towel. there wasn't even anyone in there

robin. not for lack of trying

wally. shut up

3) GIRLS are not aloud in the BOYS locker room

Artemis. I am surrendered by boys with six packs I must know

wally. what did you think?

Artemis. short

Megan. you knew everyone can see this, right

4)no girls in a boys room and no boys in a girls room

robin. fine with me

wally. seem fair

superboy. why

aqualad. we will tell you when you are older

5)we have given fake ID's to fight crime, not to go clubbing. if you use the like that we will take the away.

zatanna. this isn't fair.

6) do not play "see what kid flash will eat if you put it in a cookie"

wally. is that you keep giving me cookies!

superboy. you ate one that was just wet flour and paper clips

7) don't ride wolf.

superboy. yeah. robin

robin. you would too if you were small enough.

* 8) . . .SUGAR.

robin. I wonder what they strike out

9)due to recent realization, no one of any gender is aloud in other's room after 7 pm

wally. HEY

robin. COME ON

Artemis. gee how long did it take you

aqualad. it was rather see-able

10) do not tell the tourist that batman is chuck Norris

robin. who was telling them his secret identity?

11)do not give superboy "the talk" unless it is biologically correct.

superboy. wait how do human reproduces?

wally. they eat a large amount of Chinese food and split in two.

Artemis. that's just you

12) do not run away screaming from sphere in front of the tourist.

robin. great now I have to be creative.


superboy. that was fast

14) I should not have to say this the pool is meant to be water. not jello

aqualad. thank you

robin. it would have been ok if wally ate it

wally. dude. pool water. deadly

Artemis. you ate a cookie made of with glue instead of eggs

wally. WHAT!

Megan. I was out and I thought you wouldn't mind

* they got rid of the word cross out thingies

this is based of a x-men evolution fan-ficion "what not to do a Xavier" if you have seen half of one episode go read you haven't go watch and episode and the read it. I don't update much so more will come out when i care to.