AN: Hi! Wow, three years of writing but no posting, but oh well, here we go. This is a somewhat intrest check, and I'll only he posting the first couple of chapters 'cause I want to be able to do major rewrites.

Disclaimer: I don't own Captain America.


Diligence walked into Empathy's clinic without knocking, Loyalty on her heels. Diligence glanced back at her younger sister for a minute, who gave her a small smile. Satisfied that her sister was fine despite the close call they had with the lion in Africa, she let the lilac breasted roller that her sister had picked up land on her head.

Dil let Empathy's magic roll over her as she walked inside, and enter the area between worlds that the clinic was located in. Empathy looked up from the form that she filling out and smiled at them.

"Thanks for coming so quickly. Endurance was just here and even he's not sure what it is. I was hoping that you could identify it. If not Faith has volunteered to take it apart." Empathy's smile grew slightly wry, "She has experience pulling apart unknown machines apparently."

Loyalty looked slightly startled and asked quietly, "End was here?"

Em gave her a sad look, "Here and gone again. He didn't tell me where he was going."

Ty nodded in understanding, and Dil cracked a smile when Em jumped as Ty's shirt twisted and her cobra, Cora, stuck her head out of Ty's collar. She hissed at her, He's avoiding you for some reason. The next time I see him, he gets the teeth.

"My brother is not avoiding me," she said, but then looked between her two older sister, "He isn't, right?"

"Of course not," Em said standing up from her desk, "He's just used to spending time on his own, you know how Endurance gets, better than anyone else."

Ty's face lightened slightly at that and she gave a small nod.

The three of them headed further into the clinic heading downstairs into the basement, rather than upstairs to the house there.

"You're keeping it in storage?" Dil asked.

"I thought it would be safer than keeping it where I sleep," Empathy replied promptly.

Diligence shrugged, "I was just thinking of how I would want to know if it did anything, rather than leave it where I can't see it."

"And that is what you would do," Empathy said back, "What I did is what I would do. You can't expect everyone to act the way you do."

Dil frowned but nodded, "The other question I had was why you bothered to ask us. You'd have more chance of identifying it than we would."

"Age isn't everything," Empathy said gently, "You actually have more experience than I do since I spend all of my time in my clinic."

Dil's frown deepened, but she didn't say any more.

Empathy opened a door and waved them both inside. The machine wasn't anything Loyalty had seen before. It was shaped a lot like a door, but an unearthly power rolled off of it that reminded her of death. Power rolled off of it, and it had an unearthly blue glow to it. Despite looking like a door, there was no door knob, and it was almost pitch black.

"I don't know what it is," Loyalty said quietly from behind Diligence, "But it looks like some kind of portal."

Dil looked at it again and before shaking her head, "I don't know what it is either."

"It's no problem," Empathy reassured them, "I'll just have to contact Faith. I would recommend not touching it if you want to look closer at it, but I am heading back upstairs. Would either of you like something to eat?"

"Do you have any cream puffs?" Loyalty asked.

"Of course, I do," Empathy said with a smile at her little sister, "I'll get them ready in the kitchen alright?"

Loyalty nodded and looked back at the machine while her sister went upstairs. She shivered slightly and moved closer to Diligence. "It feels off," she whispered.

She felt more than saw Dil frown. Loyalty felt her sister's magic focus to a point that brushed against the machine. It had taken Dil years to get that focus, training at the Monastery. Her older sister shivered as she felt the same thing Loyalty had sensed.

It's so shiny! I want to see it up close! Her new bird chirped. She frowned, "No I wouldn't-"

But it hopped off of Diligence head, and flapped toward the machine. "W-wait!" Loyalty cried out and went after it.

"Ty!" Dil said and reached for her sister. She was just a second too late though, and watched in horror as she sister grabbed the bird, ran into the machine and just… vanished.

Loyalty choked as she felt a power pressing down on her as then the world dropped away from her, into spiraling colors of magic. She held tight onto her bird, feeling Cora tighten her hold around her waist. Then there was light and sound, and Loyalty collapsed in on herself.