Chapter 39 – What takes long will end up good

Only three seconds after Izaya drew their lips together they parted again, leaving them staring into each others eyes while still being near enough to feel the other's breath. Surprise shone in Shizuo's eyes as they studied Izaya's.

"That…" he started whispering. "…Was easy." Izaya unwound one hand from his brute's neck to punch his fist into the other's side. Not even barely hurting the strong-man.

"Shut up, you protozoan. I'm just tired." he said placing his hand over the blonde's heart, feeling the excited thrum underneath the skin. It felt just like his own.

The gap was closed again, this time by Shizu-chan. It was only a short kiss, one second at the most.

"Tired from me chasing you around?" Shizuo mumbled against his Flea's lips. Soft lips pressed back. "Never." the raven confirmed before kissing his beast a bit longer before pushing him away for a few inches.

"If you want this relationship to work you'll have to continue chasing me." Shizuo was about to argue when Izaya's hand shifted from where it was placed on the other's chest to press a finger on Shizuo's lips. "Sure, I'll go easy on you, most of the times, but in return you have to let me do my work when I kindly ask you too." the informant made clear while his finger slid from Shizuo's lips to the side, curling a lock of wild bleached hair around.

The debt-collector kissed his apparently now boyfriend on the tip of his nose, earning himself a view of the little devil trapped underneath him, a nice shade of red. "If this 'kindly asking' of yours doesn't mean my shirt is being shredded by one of your knives and bloody all over, then you have a deal." "No promises." A laugh escaped the Heiwajima since he kinda expected such an answer. After all, he fell in love with Izaya being the little shit he is and he wouldn't want to change him.

The hand playing with his hair tugged on it, as if telling him to kiss Izaya once again, and that he did. This time though he tried moving his lips against the Flea's.

Kissing Shizuo was weird. At first it felt more awkward than anything else. It sent strange sparks through him with every touch of lips and even more with their lips moving against each other. The blonde wasn't a good kisser, which didn't mean he was bad either. Just… clumsy and totally unfamiliar with the act. Well, not like Izaya was any better. Sure there had been this story with Shiki once, but it had never gotten too far and the fiasco from back then was all the experience in that area he had. He also never felt the need to learn anything about it first hand, since he never had thought that his first crush would return his feelings… or was it Izaya returning the brute's feelings?

Anyway, it was an unfamiliar feeling, one that still felt great despite everything and made him feel content for once in his life, even though Izaya would probably never admit it. Compared to Shiki, who was an experienced kisser, those inexperienced kisses he shared with Shizuo now felt way better.

Did that thought sound weird? And was it normal to think about such things while kissing someone you once had romantic interest in, thought you had successfully given up those feelings only to have them confess their love to you years later to realize you were only kidding yourself into believing you got over your crush on them?

Lost inside the kiss they shared and his racing mind Izaya realized too late Shizu-chan's tongue gliding over his lips. Impatient and maybe also a little bit angry from being denied entrance the brute bit down on his bottom lip, only barely avoiding drawing out blood. The info-broker hadn't noticed he had closed his eyes before they shot open together with his mouth gasping in surprise. The blonde's tongue wasted no time before dipping inside, soon after finding the informant's.

A shiver ran down Izaya's spine, he arched against Shizu-chan as the weirdness intensified, but still it felt so good. Thinking back to his first French kiss he just thought it was gross. Touching someone else's tongue with your own, spit running down the corners of your mouth… Back then, when it was over he swore to never want to experience something disgusting like that, it went as far as him denying it ever happened. But this… experiencing this with someone you lo- feel strongly about, was indescribable, and saying Orihara Izaya was at a loss for words was something that should let others fear the world may end tomorrow. Same with Heiwajima Shizuo and Orihara Izaya, well known as enemies, kissing or dating.

Maybe the idea of showing off his relationship wasn't such a bad one. It could be fun watching all the different reactions to it, and it also may open up new doors in his information business, with the fear his boyfriend would inflict on others just by knowing the informant from Shinjuku is dating the fortissimo of Ikebukuro now. Izaya wouldn't have to be scared about Shizu-chan being in danger because of him either. None would even dare threatening him, they'd become air-born as soon as they try.

They both parted from each other, gasping for air. Rusty eyes locked with honey orbs before leaving them to marvel over kiss swollen lips, still connected with his by only a thread of their mixed spit. He huffed out a laugh after realizing he still wasn't grossed out by it just for the fact that it was Shizu-chan's.

The blonde who studied him with a hungry look swallowed, drawing the raven's attention to his throat, where his eyes soon wandered downwards.

More blood shot into Izaya's head at the sight of the now complete shirtless man hovering over him.

"Where is your shirt?!" he demanded. Shizuo chuckled, the sound of it sending more heat down his stomach. "You don't remember how you stripped me off it while we made out?"

The fake blonde didn't even wait for an answer before he latched onto his lover's throat, sucking on it. A moan escaped the usually sly man, making Shizuo hum happily while he kissed his way down to the neckline of Izaya's shirt. His hands had found their way under the fabric, mapping out every inch of the delicate white skin underneath. Oh how he wanted to just ravish that shitty louse here and now…

"Wait! Shizu-chan, Stop!" said louse hit his fist against his back. "Bad dog! Bad!"

Shizuo sighed against that delicious skin; he left a kiss before he looked up into Izaya's face. "Too soon?" he asked making puppy eyes.

"Too soon?!" the flea repeated his question mockingly while rolling his eyes. "I just agreed to date you and you already went into a rut wanting to mate me like a dog!" Flea had a point there.

"I love you." Shizuo declared while wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waste gently squeezing him.

"Well, that doesn't change anything. You can wait a little longer." the raven huffed averting his eyes.

The brute let go of him and got up from the couch, but before Izaya could ask where he was going, he was already lifted up and thrown over Shizuo's shoulder once again.

"What the… What is it with you carrying me around like a sack of potatoes?!" he exclaimed while pounding his fists against the back he was facing. He was carried around the couch.

"Want me to carry you bridal style like some princess, my love?" It was a shame Shizuo couldn't see his face now. The red surely rivaled the color of his eyes now.

"Sure, if you want to end up with a knife between your eyes?" Izaya noticed where they were going now, not too long after he was thrown down on the blonde's bed, followed by its owner soon after.

As Shizuo's arms wrapped around his waste once again he pushed against the beast's shoulders with all his might.

"Shizu-chan! I already told you no-" he got cut off with short kiss. As soon as they parted again he was pressed against the bodyguard's still very naked chest.

"Calm down, Flea." the blonde whispered softly against his forehead, leaving a kiss after. "You have a concussion; I'll wait until you're better. Heck I'll wait as long as you want! I love you. Just wanna cuddle and sleep here with you."

At that the info-broker snaked his arms around his boyfriend's torso, squeezing him back gratefully. He didn't want to speak out the thought, but maybe this relationship could really work out and turn into something good, just like Shizu-chan had meant earlier. He may not be ready to freely say back those three words that came so easily to the strong-man, but he had the feeling that Shizuo knew he just needed time.

"Stupid, amoeba." he mumbled into the other's chest listening to his excited heartbeat. Shizuo groaned. "What did I do now?"

"You left my otoro at Shinra's" A laugh escaped the blonde.

"I'll buy you as much as you want from now on." This made Izaya scoff. "From what money?" "The money I save up from now on since I don't have to pay for damaging the city so much anymore." Shizu-chan nuzzled his Flea's hair, deeply inhaling the scent he secretly loved. Izaya barked out a laugh. "Yeah. Dream on."


All the same, every last one of them.

"A deal's a deal. You'd promised you'd have the cash to pay back your debts last month, so just hand it over before things become unpleasant for you." Tom spoke losing his patience for the man lazily leaning against the door frame. If only ten percent of the debtors Shizuo and him were visiting a day would pay up without throwing a fuss, Tom would count it a good day. But today it seemed as if every single one of their appointments were set out to make this day harder as it should be. Today was their first day at work after the two weeks he had to take off and even though they were only half through their day, he already couldn't wait for it to end. He was only glad they would have lunch break after finishing up this guy. He couldn't wait, because Shizuo had told him after meeting up this morning that he was in a relationship now. The blonde hadn't told him who the lucky girl was, only telling him that his lover will meet them before lunch break so they could go together.

Tom was happy for Shizuo. His friend deserved to love someone from the bottom of his heart and be loved back just as much.

"Oh, come on." the scumbag's words caught the dread-locked man's attention. "A lot happened so I don't have the cash. Not everyone has a cash loaded whore that pays their debts, like blondy here."

"Wrong sentence." was all Tom thought before his bodyguard snapped. It looks like a week ago all of Ikebukuro, except him of course, already learned of whom Shizuo's lover was. From the comments he heard some debtors make today he got that she was loaded and apparently not well liked around here. Why that is he would know soon enough.

Tom was already about to interfere the furious man killing the stupid bastard, when a voice he well knew and dreaded spoke up just behind him. "Oh my! Shizu-chan, my knight in shining armor."

Turning around there was Orihara Izaya. The informant's words made no sense for the debt-collector. He feared Shizuo would end up snapping the already beat up debtor's neck after hearing his enemies voice, but to his surprise Shizuo just let go of him and turned around to face Orihara-san. What made even less sense then the words the raven haired man had said was the fact that Shizuo didn't snap at him, shout or threw out a fist. No, he looked, dare he say it… Happy, excited to see the other man.

"Izaya! I'm still working here." the blonde said, almost looking like a puppy. A smug smile formed on the smaller man's lips. "Oh, to me it looks like you're done." Now he turned the smile towards Tom. "Tanaka-san, it is, right?" As if the info-broker didn't know his name.

"Can I borrow my boyfriend, please? He promised to buy me otoro for lunch today."

The debt-collector swallowed on his own spit. "WHAT?!"

All the informant did was singing a happy "Thank you!" to him before lacing his fingers with his enemy's.

"Sorry Tom-san. But I think I'll do more damage if I stay here. We'll be in Russian Sushi." Shizuo waved at him before getting out a cigarette with his free hand.

As the two former enemies walked away from the scene, the debt-collector noticed the fond look each had in their eyes while looking at the other while talking about whatever was on their mind. And while he still wondered how he could have missed the true nature of Shizuo's and his lover's obsession about each other before now, he saw his friend snap his cigarette in half before throwing it down, stepping on it.

The informant's laugh was carried back to him, same with the all too familiar: "I~ZA~YA~KUUUUUN!"

But knowing and working with Shizuo as long as he did, Tom didn't miss the happiness that came with the angry tone.

"Well… As long as they're happy." he said to no one particular before turning back to the quivering crying mess covering on the floor.